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Wicked Weekend

Page 6

by Gillian Archer

  “Take a deep breath, Lauren. Remember your safe word?”

  She nodded stiffly.

  “You wanted to know more about the lifestyle. Well, if you want to play at the Cave you gotta get used to an audience. To people watching you at your most vulnerable. For the moment, Sawyer’s going to quietly sit and play voyeur. You have any problem with that, you know what you can do.”

  He watched as she took a shuddering breath. “When you’re ready, put your hands back into the loops and we’ll continue.”

  A small part of him hoped she would safe-word out and leave. Calling him every type of name in the book as she walked out the door. But it was a very small part of him. Every bit of him throbbed when she was in the room. And when she was sprawled naked in front of him… He closed his eyes and waited in tense silence for her decision.

  Chapter Seven

  After what seemed like an eternity, he heard a rustling and opened his eyes to find her small hands had crept up the headboard and into the leather loops. He breathed a silent sigh in relief, shook out the tension in his shoulders and went back to work.

  “Ah, kitten, you have no idea how happy you’ve made me. Us!” Christ, this is going to be a difficult charade to keep up. He bent down and covered her lips with his and took them in a deep, punishing kiss. Whether he was punishing her for being so willing or himself for not being able to maintain his usual distance, he wasn’t sure. Their tongues tangled and warred with each other, pressuring the other for dominance. This wasn’t the kiss of a slave and her master but of two equals who were desperate to have just a little taste of the other.

  He drew back and pulled his shirt off over his head then threw it across the room.

  She jumped at the plop sound the shirt made as it landed. He’d have to give her something to take her mind off the imaginary elephant in the room. Luckily, he had just such a distraction ready. Reaching into his front jeans pocket, he pulled out a pack of breath strips. The kind of thing people would usually put on their tongue, and the stamplike glue would melt and give them the freshest of breath. But he had a far more devious place to put them. He would be the one to benefit from the cinnamon flavor.

  Placing the packet next to him, he bent down and entertained himself with her breasts. He loved nothing more in this world than a pair of breasts and Lauren’s were especially gorgeous. He ran his thumb over the beaded tips, enjoying the way her skin prickled in response. Lauren moaned at the contact. After delightfully torturing her and reacquainting himself with her lovely body for several minutes, he picked up the packet and ripped it open.

  Lauren tensed at the sound.

  Chuckling wickedly, he withdrew a few strips and pressed them on top of her wetted nipples. Lauren’s brow crinkled at the unexpected sensation. No doubt she had expected the sharp bite of a clamp. He knew for the moment, she wouldn’t feel the intense sensation of the strips. He smiled in anticipation of her reaction.

  After a few seconds, she gasped. “What is that? What did you put on me?”

  “Nothing that can’t be removed—I mean sucked off—when the moment’s right.”

  She groaned. “Is the moment right yet?”

  “Let me think about it…” He shuffled down the bed to push her legs farther apart. Nestling between them, he knelt up and spread her pussy open with his thumbs. “Mmm, what a beautiful lovely little pussy. I’m sorry, I’m not blocking your view am I, Sawyer?”

  Jamie saw Lauren’s hands convulsively grip the loops and her mouth grew tense, but she didn’t say a word.

  He sighed. “Looks like someone’s a little jealous. Ah, Lauren, baby, you should see him. His face is tense and he’s doing everything he can to keep his hands on the chair and off your very luscious body.” He bent forward and lightly traced the seam of her pussy with his tongue.

  She relaxed a bit and shivered at the contact.

  “How are your nipples doing, kitten?” He ran the flat of his tongue along her pussy lips.

  “They, uh. Oh God. They’re, um, tingling. I think.” She gasped as he continued to tease and caress her with his tongue.

  He tsked in disappointment. “You think? I guess they’re losing their intensity. Maybe I should add a few more.” He pulled away as if he planned to move back to her breasts.

  “No!” She groaned. “Uh, no. Please. They’re tingling now. I can feel it. I swear.”

  “I dunno. You might need a few more there to get the full experience.”

  She shook her head vehemently. “No, I can feel it. I was just distracted by you uh, you know…down there.” Another delightful wave of color swept over her face.

  “Down there? You mean when I had my face in your pussy?”

  “Uh, yeah. That.”

  He tsked again. “No, I need to hear you say it.”

  “Why?” she whined. “You know what I meant. Come on, let’s get back to the good stuff.”

  “Uh-uh. We’re not getting back to anything until you say it.”

  She huffed. “Fine. I was distracted by you…eating-my-pussy.” She finished in a blur.

  His lips quirked. God, she was cute.

  Fuck. He wasn’t going there. Not again. “Ah, she’s a cute one isn’t she, Sawyer?” he asked his imaginary friend. He needed the emotional distance the pretend conversation gave him.

  A wave of goose bumps rose over her body.

  Plus he enjoyed the mind fuck it gave Lauren.

  “Hmm, I think she likes the idea of an audience.”

  “No. No, I don’t.” She shook her head vigorously.

  “Liar. Hey, Sawyer, why don’t you come over here for a little closer look?”

  She gasped as Jamie jostled the bed as if someone had also knelt on the bed.

  “Isn’t she just the most gorgeous thing you’ve ever seen?”

  He groaned in reply to his own question.

  “J-J-Jay? I don’t know about this…”

  “Take deep breaths, kitten. You’re all right.”

  Air wheezed in and out of her.

  Even though she sounded panicked, her pussy dripped with her obvious need.

  “You see what I see, Sawyer? Her pink cunt is dripping.” He sighed heavily. “You’re getting it all over the comforter. What’s housekeeping going to think when they see it? Probably that I’ve had a naughty little slut in my room.”

  Lauren shivered and groaned.

  “Maybe I need a little help cleaning up after you, kitten. Sawyer here is a world renowned cunnilinguist—at least in his own mind. Think he could help us out?”

  Lauren sucked in a heaving breath as her hands fisted on the restraints.

  “What’s the matter, darling? A little two on one action might be fun.” He dropped into a whisper. “That’s the fantasy, isn’t it? Two men worshipping you? After all, a girl like you couldn’t be satisfied with just one man.”

  He shifted restlessly on the bed, his emotions tumbling. He had to get control of this scene. Taking deep breaths, he took a moment to compose himself.

  Lauren’s bottom lip trembled. “M-maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

  “But the party’s just getting started. Sawyer here has a whole lot of things he’d love to do to a body like yours. How about we give him a few minutes to explore?” He shifted on the bed again as though he were changing positions with his imaginary friend.

  “I—I, uh, oh God. I don’t know, Jay. Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Her entire body trembled.

  He bit his tongue to keep back his automatic response of hell no. Pigs would fly before he’d ever let Sawyer enjoy his girl. But this wasn’t about him. He wanted Lauren to enjoy her second D&S session. And apparently she really liked the idea of him and Sawyer alone with her.

  “Of course, kitten,” he muttered through clenched teeth. “Wouldn’t be doing this otherwise. And neither would Sawyer.”

  Her arms relaxed a fraction. She took a deep breath before nodding tightly.

  Jay closed his eyes against the wave
of anger he felt at her acquiescence. She wanted Sawyer. Apparently he was right. She couldn’t be satisfied with just one man. He was a fool to think she was different.

  He shook off his disappointment and bent his head to the task at hand. He might not have a future with Lauren but that didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy the moment. Flicking his tongue out, he ran it up and down the seam of her pussy, teasing her with a light caress.

  She gasped and convulsively gripped the restraints.

  Smiling smugly, he held open her outer lips with his thumbs and continued to stroke with his tongue. Every once in a while, he caught the tip of her clitoris and raked it with his teeth. He kept her guessing. One minute he would softly caress her, the next he would be rougher, grasping with his fingers and letting her feel the bite of his teeth. He didn’t want her building to her climax. He had her right where he wanted her, hovering in limbo, unable to go over the peak.

  “Oh, please. Oh God. Sir! Pleeeease. Please let me come.” She wiggled as much as her restraints would allow, trying to guide his tongue to the place she needed it the most. “Oh. Sawyer!”

  He growled at the reminder. She wasn’t going crazy over him and his tongue. She was wet for Sawyer, gasping for Sawyer to let her come. Christ, why’d he ever start this farce in the first place?

  “Sawyer? Can I come? Please, can I come?”

  The sound of his name on her lips again made him see red. “I don’t think so,” he rumbled against her thigh. “Little brats like you don’t get the privilege of coming until we’ve both been satisfied.”

  He pushed away from the bed and her and began to pace as he tried to get his emotions under control. He was such a fool. Christ, he had been tricked by her hesitant smile and big eyes. She wasn’t any different than the rest of them.

  “J-Jay? What’s going on?” Her tremulous question swung his attention back to her.

  “Did I say you could talk?” he bit out.

  She shrank back against the bed.

  Emotions swirled through him at the sight. Anger, pity, disgust. He couldn’t formulate a coherent thought let alone an articulate sentence. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

  The air pulsed with tension. He swung away from the bed and began pacing again, concentrating on breathing deeply. He couldn’t deal with her just yet. Not when he was like this.

  Just as he got his emotions in check and started to formulate a plan to repair the disastrous scene, a harsh sob slashed through the room.


  Chapter Eight

  Lauren curled into a ball and ripped the blindfold off her head. She couldn’t even look at Jay because she didn’t want to see the disgusted expression on his face. She was pathetic, couldn’t hack it as a submissive. The minute the mood turned ominous, she safe-worded out like a frightened little girl. The sudden change in emotion in the room made her feel overexposed in her nakedness. She grabbed the edges of the comforter and wrapped it around her body as best as she could. To be honest, the exhibition part hadn’t bothered her. Well, okay, it bothered her a little bit. More than a little bit. But it was an exciting rush of oh my God, I can’t believe I’m doing this. Until that last part. The part that made her feel like he wasn’t into it at all. That he had been extremely turned off by it. And turned off of her, as well.

  She shivered at the chill that swept her body. Clamping her arms around the comforter, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and sat up. She had a sudden overwhelming urge to get dressed and duck out. Her gaze swept the floor looking for any hint of her clothes. Hell, at this point, she’d happily settle for one of his shirts and nothing else. She wasn’t sure what was going to be more embarrassing, the upcoming rejection from Jamie or the walk of shame to her room.

  Tears blurred her vision. “Damn it, where are my clothes?”

  “Looking for these?” he asked in a husky voice.

  She gasped and looked up at Jamie standing just a few feet away, holding her clothes in one hand. Her bra dangled from one fingertip, mocking her.

  She snatched her clothes out of his hand without looking at him. Grappling with her makeshift toga, she stood and started for the bathroom to change and get the hell out of there. Unfortunately she didn’t make it very far.

  “Wait, Lauren.” Jamie’s hand brushed her arm as she attempted to make her hasty exit. He didn’t grab her. He wasn’t even touching her anymore. His hand was now hooked into his belt loop. Even without the contact, Lauren could feel the imprint of his touch on her arm. Could feel the heat of his body next to her. Her body swayed into him before she caught herself.

  “I don’t—I thought… Just let me go back to my room, Jamie. I don’t want to talk about it.” She really didn’t want to hear his kind-hearted rejection. She just wanted to go back to her room, curl up into a ball and forget this night, this weekend ever happened.

  He cupped her jaw in the palm of his hand. “I’m sorry, kitten. I wasn’t—I didn’t—” He growled in frustration. “I’m not saying it right.”

  She shook her head. It wasn’t his fault she’d safe-worded out. “No, it’s okay. I think this was a mistake,” she whispered. “I should probably—”

  “Wait. Before you finish that sentence, I think we need to talk about what just happened.”

  “What just happened is that I freaked out over nothing. I don’t think I’m really cut out for this. I mean, a submissive should be able to handle—” she waved her arm vaguely, “—a scene as simple as that. It’s not like you had a single tail out or a fifteen-gauge needle.” She swallowed hard and looked away. “Maybe I’m not cut out for this. Maybe Crystal’s right.”

  “I have no idea what Crystal said but I can tell you unequivocally she’s wrong. Whatever she said about you, she’s wrong. What happened here tonight is my fault.”

  Lauren opened her mouth to protest.

  He gave her a firm look. “My fault. Sometimes scenes can trigger a buried fear or the memory of a physical trauma. It usually happens to the bottom, but tonight… Tonight sparked one of mine. I’m sorry. I lost control there for a moment. I lost sight of the scene and you. I should have been able to read your body language better than that. There’s no excuse really, but I hope you won’t let this color your acceptance of the lifestyle. I think you make a fantastic bottom. Any dominant would be proud to have you at their feet.”

  Her lips quirked at his turn of phrase. She couldn’t help falling in love with him just a little. A guy who apologized while complimenting you? Whoa, baby. More please.

  “Besides that’s what safe words are for. I’m just glad you were smart enough to use yours. Lots of people wouldn’t. Some stupid hang-up about true submission. Bunch of bullshit make-believe. Our scenes are whatever we make of them. At least now we know I should put ‘pretend threesomes’ on my hard list too.”


  “But… What… He was—” Lauren looked around the room. No one but her and Jamie occupied the space. She had been so sure Sawyer was there with them in the room, kneeling on the bed between her legs.

  “Never here. Just you, me and your imagination.” Jamie’s head drooped and he closed his eyes. The muscle in his cheek flexed. “I-I, uh—” He cleared his throat before starting again. “I’m sorry. Christ. I’m so sorry.”

  Lauren watched as he paced across the room like a caged animal.

  “I know I don’t deserve your time. But I just—I wanted to tell you… Damn it, see this is why I don’t do this. I don’t do emotions or relationships. I suck at them. But with you…” He shrugged helplessly. “You’re different. And I forgot that for a moment there.”

  Lauren stared through damp eyes at the floor. She couldn’t look at him. She didn’t want him to see her confusion. Or her need. She couldn’t fall for him. No matter how charming or witty he was, at the end of the day this was just a fling. Crystal was right. There were no happily-ever-afters. She had to remember that. Why was she such a putz when it came to the man-woman thing? She
shrugged her shoulders at whatever Jamie was rambling about. When could she duck out without losing any more of her dignity?

  “…so maybe we can put this all behind us?”

  Lauren was torn out of her moping at the tone in Jamie’s voice. He sounded so forlorn. Why was he upset? She brushed her hair out of her eyes and risked a glance up at him. He looked…lost. Now she felt like a jerk. He’d apparently been pouring his heart out to her while she was busy berating herself.

  “Jamie, I, uh…I don’t really know what to say.”

  He looked away. “No it’s all right. I get it. Really I do.” He took a deep, shuddering breath. “I’ll just go into the other room while you—”

  “No, wait.” God, how did she get into these kinds of situations? Oh yeah, that’s right. By spending too much time thinking about what she was going to say, instead of listening to the people around her. Crap, she had done it again.

  “—don’t want you to let this experience scare you from exploring your kinky side. Not all Doms are assholes like me.”

  “You’re not an asshole.”

  “Uh, yeah I am. I should really start wearing a sign. Warning: Contains One Asshole. Do you think they make one in my size?”

  Lauren bit her lip. He was a ridiculously charming guy. “I think they might come in one size fits all.”

  “Ah, good to know.”

  They both stood in suspended silence. Lauren had no idea what to say. She wanted to reach out to him, gather him into her arms and tell him it’d be all right. That she could make it all right. But she was a little bit afraid of making herself vulnerable again. Having done that before—countless times in the past as well as tonight—it never ended well for her.

  Maybe that was her problem. She was too damaged for relationships. Maybe she should only do one-night stands or no-strings bang buddies. She sucked at relationships.

  “I suck at relationships.”

  She flinched at the echo of her own thoughts.


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