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Billionaire's Cinderella: A Standalone Novel (A Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (Billionaires Book 3)

Page 88

by Claire Adams

  It was hot on that roof. Probably ten degrees hotter than it was on the ground. It made the perfect place to dry clothing, but not really the best place for two men to hide out for the day. We tried to stay under the shade of the sheets and other clothing items that were on the clothing lines, but the sun still seemed to find its way to us and beat down on our heads.

  We hadn’t been prepared and neither of us had water; we were going to need some if we planned to make it through the day. I climbed into the main building and made my way down the small hallway. I was looking for an apartment where no one was home. There were two apartments on each floor and none of them had noises coming from them, but that wasn’t a guarantee that people were away.

  It was a war zone; anyone that was home was probably hiding and that meant they weren’t going to be making a ton of noise at all.

  I knocked on a door and waited to see if anyone came to answer. After a few moments of no one answering I used my knife to get into the apartment. Quickly, I pillaged through the kitchen and found a large container I could fill up with water and got out of the apartment and back up to the roof without leaving a trace. If the family did return home, it wasn’t likely that they would realize their container was gone for a while, and by that time we would be long gone.

  When I reached the roof again, Roane had spread the sheets out over the clothing lines to give us better shade. It wasn’t perfect, but it would keep us a few degrees cooler as we waited out the day.

  “You have a wife and children with the other group?” I asked Roane.

  I hadn’t really thought about all the men and how upset they must have been about their wives and children. It was probably pretty difficult on them to not know if they were safe or not. But if it was at all possible to keep them safe, I was going to do it.

  “Yes. My wife, Marini, and my daughter, Danita, are both in that group. I have two smaller children that are safe at the airport now.”

  “I’m sorry, Roane, I’ll do what I can to keep them safe. My girlfriend, Ana, is with them; I trust she is also doing what she can to keep them safe.”

  I wasn’t about to explain to him that Ana had zero experience in a war zone. It certainly wouldn’t have made him feel better. Although Ana didn’t have experience, she had been doing everything almost exactly as I would have done if I was with the women. Except for covering her tracks, but that was something you learned with time. I was impressed with her skills so far, but I still wasn’t going to have her working in my profession for a living; it was too dangerous.

  “Your girlfriend is very skilled. You must be proud of her.”

  It seemed an odd statement coming from a man like Roane. In his country, they didn’t let women do very many things outside of the house and women weren’t seen as equals. But he could see that Ana was different. She was a powerful woman and I was happy to see her overcoming her intense fear.

  “Yes, she’s tougher than most women I know.”

  “I can see that; and very smart.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Most women wouldn’t be able to come to a place like this and help others like she is. It’s a brave thing.”

  “Yes, I think I’m lucky to have her.”

  Roane and I spent the rest of the day talking about his family and mine. We talked about what life might be like for him and his family after they left Syria and if they would ever see an end to the war that was going on. It was sad to see how his entire life had to be left behind all because of a war that had continued on without an end. But I had a feeling we were going to be able to get him out alive, as well as his family; so that was good.

  As sun moved across the sky and started to dip down into a sunset I kept my eyes peeled on the streets around us. I hoped that the women wouldn’t take off for the airport just yet, but I didn’t want to miss them if they started early.

  We both drank the last of the water and prepared to head out after the women. It was going to be tricky to track them down and catch their attention without the rebels finding us or them. But once we caught up to them, then we could help get everyone to the airport before morning.

  The next ten hours were going to be intense; we were going to have to keep our wits about us if we were going to get through it without having any more injuries or deaths. The death of Rake still didn’t seem real at all and probably wouldn’t until we were safe and on our way home with his body. I dreaded the thought of talking to his family. It wasn’t a conversation I ever wanted to have.

  “Look,” Roane said as we saw a building a few blocks away. “Do you think that’s them?”

  There was movement in the windows; we could see the curtains moving and they hadn’t moved at all during the entire day. The curtains weren’t just moving a little bit, they were being bumped into and jolted around like people weren’t paying attention at all to the fact that someone could be watching them.

  If it was Ana, I wanted to yell out to her that they needed to knock it off. In a town full of rebels, a simple thing like moving curtains was enough to get a rocket through the house. The tricky thing was, we hadn’t seen any rebels throughout the day, either. I would have expected to see them coming or going a little bit, but the streets had been relatively quiet except for a few military convoys that had rolled through.

  The military were our friends and if needed, we could call on a local group for help, but they couldn’t officially be our allies. The military had long hated that private contractors were in their war zones and doing business right under their noses. We sometimes caused the rebels to get worked up and then left them to be dealt with by the military. It was an unfortunate side effect of our job and we tried to prevent it as much as possible.

  Whenever we could avoid contacting them or using the military as a resource, we tried to avoid it. There were too many political side effects of getting into bed with them during an ongoing war.

  The only person I wanted in my bed was Ana. I had fantasized about her for months while she was in the rehab facility and then worried about her at my house in Atlanta. But after seeing here there in Damascus, I realized she wasn’t that fragile woman that I had thought she was. Not that I thought she would always need me, but she had needed me in Atlanta and she had needed me when I rescued her from Stephano. It was a much different dynamic in Syria between the two of us. Ana clearly didn’t need me at all. She was a strong woman and had some pretty big plans for her life. I only hoped that we could continue with our life and see where things went between us.

  There was also the pesky task of dealing with Stephano. His goons had been stalking us and I knew it. Even if I tried to pretend like it could have been anyone, I knew in my gut it was Stephano and I wasn’t about to let him get away with it. When both Ana and I got home safely, I was going to make sure Stephano paid for all that he had put Ana and the other women through.

  “There,” I said as I looked through my night vision glasses. “Look, they are leaving that building.”

  I handed my glasses to Roane so he could see what the women were doing. From our vantage point on the roof, we could see a clear path to the airport. It was at least seven miles away, but totally possible if everyone was healthy and able to run.

  “Let’s catch up to them,” Roane said.

  “Yes, let’s get out ladies to safety.”

  Chapter 23


  “Okay, let’s get this furniture moved and get everyone packed up and ready to go. Everyone drink some water before we go too; we need to stay hydrated,” I said to the group.

  I felt like I knew what I was doing, but deep down I really had no idea at all. The day had been long and hot, but luckily we all caught some sleep. We rotated with a few people staying awake at a time while the others slept.

  Most of the women and teenagers were very well behaved. There were a couple of boys that got bored earlier in the day and were wresting each other in one of the rooms, but overall, it had been relatively uneventful.

we all got ready to leave, I took a moment to myself to think about the best plan of attack to get us to the airport. If the rebels knew we were on the loose, they also knew that a group of younger children had made it the airport and hopefully the group of men as well. That meant that the rebels were going to try and head us off. I couldn’t describe my logic beyond feeling like there was something in my gut that told me we needed to move north and then cut over to the airport.

  If we went north instead of directly west, it was going to be a much longer route, but once we got about five or six miles north, the rest of the area had very minimal rebel activity in it. It felt like a better option to me and I called Danita over to talk to her about it.

  “I know the most direct route to the airport is if we go in a diagonal northwest route, but I think the rebels know we are out here and will be watching for us. I’d like to go straight north until we get into the safe area outside of the city, and then cut back west to the airport. What do you think?”

  Danita paused for a moment as she contemplated what I was saying. It seemed odd that I was talking to a teenager about our escape plan, but she was the only one who spoke English and I needed to talk the plan out to see if it sounded reasonable.

  “I’m going to get my mother. She will know.”

  I waited as Danita explained the plan to her mother and watched her facial expressions to see if she agreed with me. It appeared that she did and she smiled at me, then waited for Danita to talk.

  “She says yes, that’s a very intelligent plan. She will tell the others.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. I thought it was a really good plan too and it was good to know that another adult in our group agreed.

  It was barely dark outside when we finished removing the furniture from the front door area and lined up to get started on our journey. We didn’t have enough weapon power to keep us safe if we were ambushed, but we could ward off the occasional rebel if alone.

  I was nervous, but surprisingly I wasn’t shaking at all. The ability to harness my scared feelings into something meaningful had helped me a lot since arriving in Damascus. Before, I was in my head all the time, constantly second-guessing everything. But in a war zone, there wasn’t time for second-guessing, I had to act fast and I loved it. The adrenaline rushed through my veins like it belonged there and I couldn’t wait to complete our mission and feel the rush of a job well done.

  Well, except for what happened to Rake. My gut hurt just thinking about the bullet that he had taken for us. He had tried to get us out of the combat area. We were lucky he had been there and I would never forget that he sacrificed his life for ours.

  When we got back to the states safely, I hoped I would get a chance to talk with his family and tell them how brave he was and how much he had done. I didn’t know if it would help at all, but hopefully it would give them a little peace, knowing that he had helped so many people in the last moments of his life.

  “Okay, I want everyone to pair up. Stay with your partner and stay with the group. We are going to be moving fast; if you need us to slow down, let me know and we will. It’s more important that we stay all together than it is for us to get there quickly. We have all night; let’s be safe,” I said as I waited for Danita to translate and watched for everyone to pair up.

  When the last bit of daylight had faded away, I opened the door and we headed out on our path to the airport. The moon was full that night, which gave us just enough light to illuminate our path to where we were going. Unfortunately, it would also give the rebels the light they needed to watch for us if they were anywhere near our area.

  We had to move quickly and not stop, if at all possible, until we were out of the dangerous area where the majority of the rebels were. I knew we couldn’t just sprint out of the city; it was obvious that many of the women and teenagers weren’t in any condition to be running.

  They had spent weeks hardly getting enough nourishment to live on; running wasn’t a task their body was willing to take on with that little amount of nutrients. We moved along at a fast walk, which did require some people to jog a little, but I continually looked back to keep an eye on the group and sent Danita to count our numbers periodically.

  I watched the minute hand on my watch and stopped for a break every fifteen minutes to give everyone a chance to catch their breaths. It was certainly an exhausting proposition to bring such a large group of malnourished people along a hike the length of what we needed to do that evening. The human spirit is an amazing thing though; those women and children knew that their life was on the line and they continued to keep moving forward.

  There wasn’t one complaint about wanting to stop or needing to go slower. It was impressive to see how truly dedicated they were to rescuing themselves. As we moved north, about an hour away from the house we had started at, I began getting a feeling like someone was behind us.

  “Danita, do you see anything or anyone back there?” I asked as the feeling hit me.

  “No; should we move faster?”

  “I’m not sure, I don’t know if it would help or not. They could just be walking through the streets or something. Let’s just keep moving at our pace.”

  I let Danita lead the group and I moved to the back where I walked backwards and kept my eyes peeled on the street behind us. When Danita brought the group to a stop, I saw two figures off in the distance behind us. They were probably six blocks away, but I could see them as they distinctly moved from one side of the street to the next.

  I also saw, what I thought looked like an assault rifle hanging off from one of the men’s body. We couldn’t fight against an assault rifle, that was for sure. And it wasn’t likely that we could outrun two rebels.

  The rebels were notorious for stealing food and water from anyone and everyone. It was highly likely that they had been well fed over the previous weeks and had plenty of water. As compared to my group of women who hadn’t eaten much of anything for weeks, well ...

  “Danita, I see two men about a half of kilometer behind us. I need you to keep the group moving and I’m going to distract them. No matter what, stick to our plan and keep going north. Get everyone out of here and to the airport.”

  “We can help you. We can hide with you and distract them.”

  “No, I’ve got this; now get going. I will catch up. If I catch them off guard, I can kill them both without them getting any shots off.”

  “Okay, we will go,” Danita reluctantly agreed.

  I knew she didn’t like the idea of leaving me behind, but I had to think about what I thought Nate would do, and he wouldn’t let the women and children be put into danger. It was much better if I stayed back and engaged the enemy and gave them a head start on getting out of the area. Even if I ended up getting killed, at least I would have wasted the rebels’ time and everyone would have been a few miles down the road by them.

  I ducked into an alley and waited for the two figures to get closer. I wasn’t going to let them get a shot off at all. If I waited for just the right moment, the moonlight would hit their shadows and I could take a shot or two at them. With the ammunition I had on me, I certainly could take two men out, I was confident of it.

  My heart pounded as they got closer, and I felt like it was actually going to explode. But the fear I felt there in that moment wasn’t anything like the fear I had felt at the hands of Stephano. In Damascus, I felt in control of myself and the fear I had. Adrenaline rushed through my body like a drug and I wasn’t ready to give it up.

  The two men were only a block away when I took my first shot at them. They hadn’t been expecting it and scurried out of the street. Unfortunately, I didn’t hit either one of them. I hadn’t spent nearly enough time practicing shooting, and when I got out of Syria, it would be one of the first things I’d have Nate teach me.

  I couldn’t wait to work with Nate more on my skills and get better and better. I knew he didn’t like the idea of me working with him, it probably scared him as much as it scared me that
he did the job. But I finally understood the draw to his profession, and for a women like me, it was pretty amazing to feel powerful again.

  “Rebels at three o’clock,” I heard a man say in English.

  They were across the street from me and off to the side a bit, and I ducked back further into the alley so they didn’t have a direct sight on me. But the fact that they spoke English made me think it wasn’t, in fact the, rebels that were behind me at all.

  “If you don’t identify yourself, I’m going to put this bullet right through your head,” I said calmly from where I was hiding.

  “Ana?” I heard a voice say.

  “Shit, who is it?”

  “It’s Nate and Roane,. Can we talk later, we need to keep moving.”

  I couldn’t believe it was Nate. I had secretly been praying that he would find us, but I didn’t want to count on it. Oh, how happy I was that he was there to help us get safely back to the airport.

  “Keep up boys, I’m going to catch up with the ladies,” I said as Nate and Roane got close enough to me that I could see their faces.

  There was no time for reunions; we needed to get out of there. The ladies had made really good time and were about a mile ahead of us when Nate, Roane, and I caught up with them.

  “Look who I found,” I said as I arrived with the men.

  Roane instantly hugged Danita and his wife and Nate stood near me so we could talk without being overheard. It was so nice to have him there. I felt like I could finally relax and let him take the reins on the rescue mission.

  As much as I wanted to get into the profession, I certainly wasn’t well trained and couldn’t pretend like I knew more than Nate did in the area of keeping people safe. Nate had spent years in his field and years before that with the military; it was no wonder that he wanted to start his own company. Nate really understood the business and was going to make a great boss.


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