Book Read Free

Rated: X-mas

Page 4

by Rachel Bo, Stephanie Vaughan

  Jenny nodded mutely. “You’d better get dressed,” he reminded her. “We’re almost there.”

  As she pulled herself together physically, she tried to regain her wits mentally. What was it about these two? How could they make her want to do things so desperately, and not care who saw or what they thought of her? The questions were pushed aside as Damien pulled into the parking lot.

  Once inside, Damien chose a table in a quiet corner, and the waiter took their drink orders. After he left, Damien leaned forward. “Tell us about yourself, Jenny.”

  Jenny shrugged. “There’s nothing much to tell.”

  “What do you do?” Devlin asked.

  “I’m a designer and seamstress for a company that produces historically accurate costumes for different time periods.”

  “You mean, for movies, that sort of thing?”

  “Well, up until last week, it was for other things. Plays. People who are into the Society for Creative Anachronism. Do you know what that is?” Devlin and Damien both nodded. “And we have a couple of restaurants and hotels for clients. They’re theme-oriented places, using period costumes as uniforms for their personnel.”

  Her escorts shared a glance. “So, what happened last week?”

  Jenny smiled. “We finally got a movie contract. Well, a contract to do the costumes for a production company that’s filming a movie. It’s actually a pretty big deal. Not an indie filmmaker or anything. B&B Productions.” Jenny felt silly, but she couldn’t contain her excitement. She, Carol, and Becca had been working toward this goal from the beginning, and it was fantastic to finally feel like they were going to make it.

  “That’s great!” There was an underlying amusement in Devlin’s tone that made Jenny wonder, but the waiter returned with their drinks, and they shifted their attention to the menu so they could place their orders.

  After the waiter left, Damien asked, “Tell us about your life, say ... seven years ago.” He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.

  Jenny blushed. “I want you to know, that whole thing was an accident.”

  “There are no accidents,” Damien said, seeming quite serious.

  “No, really. It was hot, and my bra was sticking to me like a second skin. You guys were far enough back that I knew you couldn’t see what I was doing, so I pulled it off. But then the wind caught it, and ... well, you know.”

  Devlin grinned, raising his glass of tea for a mock toast. “Here’s to accidents.” Jenny smiled as she and Damien touched their glasses to his, but she noticed another odd glance passing between them. What was going on here?

  Damien changed the subject, talking about his and Devlin’s summers on their grandfather’s land in Wyoming. Jenny found herself relaxing as she got to know them. Devlin was definitely a joker, relating raucous tales of teenage hijinks, quick to smile and always with a good-natured air about him. Damien was more serious, but not as though he were disturbed or sad. He simply looked at everything very deeply, refusing to dismiss anything as trivial. He was most passionate about his family’s generations-long commitment to the environment. Jenny found herself liking them both more and more as they continued to talk over dinner, over dessert, and then over coffee, as they all seemed reluctant to bring the day to a close.

  Finally, she sighed. “I hate to say this; I’ve had such a great time, but I have to get back. We’re having dinner with one of my mother’s friends tonight, and I’m afraid it’s not something I can get out of.”

  “Of course.” Damien motioned for the waiter and took care of the check.

  Nestled between the two of them in the truck, Jenny felt warm and secure. The sleepless night caught up with her, and she fought to keep her eyes open.

  Damien put his arm around her. “It’s all right. Go ahead and close your eyes for a minute.”

  She stifled a yawn and leaned against him, meaning to rest her head on his shoulder for just a second. The next thing she knew, he and Devlin were shaking her gently awake.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, then smiled. “But it’s your fault, you know.”

  Devlin laughed as he helped her out of the truck. “I’ll tell you a secret. We didn’t sleep last night, either.”

  Jenny shook her head, but Damien’s expression convinced her it was true. Her breath caught in her throat as he bent his head, planting a brief, intensely passionate kiss on her lips. He stepped back, and Jenny looked at Devlin. He hesitated, glancing up and down the street. She realized that he was uncomfortable for her sake, thinking that she might be worried about the neighbors. She stepped up to him and kissed him long and lingeringly. When she finally pulled away, he held her, hands on her waist. “You’re something else, Jenny Dalton.”

  She looked at them both. “There’s something different about the two of you. Something special.” She gave them both long, searching glances. “I hope ... I hope this isn’t a game.” She didn’t give either one of them the chance to respond, pushing past them to hurry up the stairs, waving goodbye from the porch before she disappeared inside.


  Jenny woke abruptly. She was burning up. Feverish. She’d been dreaming, but she couldn’t remember what the dream was about, only that something had frightened her terribly. She sat up in bed. The heater was on, blowing hot air against her already heated skin. Slipping out of the bed, she walked over to the window. It had snowed heavily during their visit, and her mother’s friend Wendy had insisted that Jenny and her parents bed down here for the night. The place was in the country, and the new-fallen snow glittered in the light of a bright moon floating in the now-cloudless, starlit sky. A flash of movement in the shadows beneath the trees caught her eye, then was gone.

  Jenny picked up her slacks from the top of the dresser and stepped into them, then tugged on her sweater. She opened the bedroom door quietly and made her way to the kitchen. Stepping out onto the porch, she again glimpsed a flutter of movement from the corner of her eye. Oblivious to the cold, she stepped out into the yard, jogging quickly to the verge of a wooded hill behind the house.

  A shaft of moonlight outlined a silvery tail as it disappeared between two trees. Though Jenny knew she should turn around and go back, she gave in to the compulsion to follow the grey shadow a little further. She’d gone only a few feet, finding it much darker beneath the trees than she’d expected, when a twig cracked behind her. She whirled around.

  A massive silver wolf sat on its haunches, watching her with intelligent blue eyes. As she backed away, it stood yawning, baring fangs she would have sworn were the size of her hand. Then its muscles tensed, and Jenny’s legs started moving even before her mind registered the fact that the wolf was going to attack.

  She ran for her life, flowing in and out between the trees with a grace and speed she had never suspected she possessed. For a fleeting instant, she actually imagined she was going to be able to outrun the beast, and then she burst into a clearing, and there was another wolf.

  Not quite as big as the one behind, but no less formidable to someone like her. She froze with fear. A crashing sound in the brush at her back warned her that the other wolf was getting close, but she couldn’t move. She braced herself for the impact she knew was coming.

  Leaves rustled behind her. Hot breath raised the hair on the back of her neck, and Jenny’s legs buckled. The wolf before her stepped forward tentatively as she dropped to her knees. Stiff fur pricked through her pants as the wolf behind nudged her rear with a huge muzzle. Jenny clenched her fists, gasping as the beast in front of her also stepped forward and buried his snout in her crotch. Even more shocking was the heat that flooded her groin at their touch. What was wrong with her?

  The smaller wolf sat back on his haunches, uttering a low growl that was almost like speech.

  The animal behind quit nuzzling her rear and stepped around her, settling back on its haunches, as well. The two wolves stared at her, beautiful and terrible, moonlight reflecting from their brilliant blue eyes. Eyes that Jenny recognized, with dark dept
hs that threatened to drown her.

  And that’s when she figured out what … no, who they were. She held out a hand, reaching for the larger wolf’s chest, but hesitating just before she touched that glowing, silver-grey fur. “Damien?”

  The wolf huffed and lowered its head. The beast licked her hand, its tongue rough and nearly as wide as her palm. Jenny shook her head, but she knew deep in her heart that she was right. She looked at the other wolf. “Devlin?”

  The wolf cocked its head, baring its fangs in a frightening grin, tongue lolling from the side of its mouth. Jenny shook her head again. “What … what do you want from me?”

  Damien huffed again, then opened his mouth and caught the edge of one fang in the sleeve of her sweater, pulling on it. Jenny’s heart began to beat so fast and strong that she could almost hear it. Dev stood, nudging her cheek with a damp muzzle. Then they both sat back again. Waiting. The clearing was so silent, so still, that it seemed as though time itself had stopped.

  Her brain whirled with impressions of the last two days. The almost supernatural way she had known where they were in a room, the times they seemed to be reading her mind, the size of certain parts of their anatomy, the way they always felt feverish to her. The fact that when they were around, the cold didn’t affect her the way that it should. Even now. She looked down at herself, kneeling in a half-foot of snow, not even feeling it. Things that hadn’t quite seemed right, but also weren’t so wrong that she had worried that much about them. Could she accept this?

  Hands shaking, she grasped the hem of her sweater and pulled it up over her head. She could feel their joy, a physical heat that washed over her in a palpable wave. Taking a deep breath, she pushed her slacks down past her hips and stepped out of them.

  Jenny stood, letting their tongues bathe her -- licking, exploring, touching every part of her body save for the place she wanted it most. Finally, trembling with need, she grasped the ruffs of their necks, whispered in their ears. “Please. Take me.” She threw her arms around Damien’s neck. “You promised. Tonight.”

  His fur bristled, his nose quivering as he scented her arousal in the air. Jenny lay back in the snow, parting her legs, offering herself to him. He brought his head down, watching her with those incongruously human eyes as he lapped up her juices with his broad tongue. She spread her legs further, held them wide while Damien’s tongue drank of her essence.

  Devlin settled in the snow next to her, his breath hot on her chest. He opened his huge muzzle and covered her, kneading one captured breast between his tongue and the roof of his mouth. His eyes gleamed knowingly as Jenny sighed and arched into him. He flicked his tongue across her sensitive nipple, drawing out a cry of delight. The wuffling growl in the back of his throat was the echo of a dozen chuckles they’d had together in the short time she’d known him.

  Damien’s fur caressed her thighs, soft and silky as the golden strands she had run her fingers through earlier that day. Jenny moaned. She was on fire, burning with need. “Please, Damien.”

  He backed away, moving with exquisite grace and power to lie on one haunch beside her. He ducked his head and ran his tongue between his legs, and Jenny saw his huge erection and groaned in frustration.

  She would have been hard-pressed to accommodate the cock he sported as a human. In his wolf form, it would be impossible.

  Devlin left off his erotic torture of her breasts, nudging her shoulder. She raised up on her elbows, casting him a questioning glance. He nudged her again, more forcefully, and she sat up. “I don’t understand.” She glanced at Damien, who was still licking his cock.

  Devlin nudged Jenny’s shoulder again, then pressed his nose up against her butt. “You want me to … oh!” She swallowed. “But … he’s too big. I can’t.”

  Devlin huffed, baring his teeth, and nudged her again.

  She turned, knowing now what they wanted, but scared. She pressed her hands into the hollow left by her shoulders, then paused, afraid to take the next step. There was no way she could take him. No way.

  The sudden touch of Devlin’s tongue on her lower back made her jump. He drew it down between the cheeks of her butt.

  Her pussy throbbed in response, and she raised her ass just a little. Devlin’s tongue probed eagerly, searching. Jenny’s anus tingled, anticipating his touch, and she crossed her arms, dropping her shoulders down so that she could rest her head on her forearms. She spread her legs a bit, thrusting her ass high.

  Devlin’s thick tongue flexed, working its way between her cheeks. She cried out in delight as the rough, damp surface finally rasped against her tight opening.

  Her face was turned toward Damien, and he raised his head. His gaze met hers -- intelligent blue eyes dark with lust. Jenny’s pulse quickened. She glanced again at his massive, fur-covered cock.

  Damien raised his head, and his howl reverberated through the night, so loud and deep a sound that Jenny felt the vibration in her teeth and bones. But her eyes were glued to his cock, and as she watched, it twitched, the furry sheath beginning to retract.

  She gasped. A glistening red protrusion was revealed, lengthening rapidly until it was longer and thicker than his human cock, dripping with pre-ejaculate. Despite her concerns, Jenny felt herself overtaken by a wave of desire so powerful that she no longer thought of denying him.

  Some deep part of her brain whispered that this was sick -- that she should run and never look back. But those were Damien’s eyes. Watching her. Waiting.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Please. Yes.”

  Devlin’s tongue withdrew, and in one fluid movement, Damien straddled her, his great paws to either side of her elbows. His soft, furry underbelly tickled her back, and then he thrust.

  She pushed herself up, arching as her pussy stretched, gasping at the searing heat of him. But then the pain faded, and she became aware of a deep throbbing that was unlike anything she had ever felt before. It took her a moment to realize that it wasn’t her pussy throbbing. It was him. That long, thick member pulsed and undulated inside her. Flexing. Caressing her in a way no human cock ever could.

  She wrapped her hands around Damien’s forelegs, holding on as the first orgasm slammed through her. When it had passed, she waited for Damien to move, but he didn’t. Her pussy responded to his cock’s gentle pulsing, another climax building, but Jenny wanted more. Sobbing, she bucked against him. “Not this way,” she choked out. “Fuck me, Damien. Take me.”

  Damien growled, and Jenny sensed that the fragile thread of his control had broken. He nipped her shoulder between two fangs as he withdrew, then plunged into her fiercely. “Yes!” She screamed as pleasure ripped through her yet again. “Oh, God, yes!”

  Damien nipped her again, drawing blood, and Jenny gasped in sheer pleasure as his tongue lapped up her dark essence. Wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over her, and still she begged for more.

  His thrusts became desperate, each one harder and quicker than the one before. She clenched her pussy around him and felt a ring of hot flesh swelling around the base of his cock, locking them together. “Yes,” Jenny sobbed. She wanted him. Needed his hot seed loose inside her. Filling her. Quenching the fire in her belly.

  Damien raised his head. Jenny’s limbs quivered as her body spasmed in delight, her lover’s fiery seed pouring into her like molten lava as a piercing howl rent the night.

  * * * * *

  Jenny woke in the guest bedroom. Her first thought was that it had all been a dream, but then she moved, and the soreness in her thighs and between her legs convinced her otherwise. When she tossed back the covers, she discovered that she was wearing her slacks and sweater. She had no idea how Devlin and Damien had managed to get her dressed and back in her room without being noticed. She didn’t remember anything beyond that last, mind-shattering climax. Had she passed out? Or had one of them done something to make her sleep?

  She walked stiffly to the bathroom and shucked her clothes. She still felt feverish, and she started a shower, keeping the temp
erature on the cool side. As she bathed, her hands began to shake. Abruptly, she sat down in the tub, tears spilling over.

  What had she been thinking? Strangely enough, she could accept that Damien and Devlin were some kind of shape-shifters. Okay, fine. Admit it. Werewolves. What she couldn’t accept was what she had allowed Damien to do to her in that form.

  What would she say when she saw them again? How could the three of them have a normal conversation after that?

  Then the pragmatist inside her kicked in, and she stood, washing the tears from her face. It was already done, and the only question remaining, really, was whether or not she would continue to see them.

  And the reality was that she couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing them again. Which seemed incredible, since she’d known them a sum total of about thirty-six hours. Was the mind-blowing sex that important to her?

  But it wasn’t just the sex. The twins were both incredibly easy to talk to, and the three of them shared many common interests. And already they seemed to cherish her, in a way no man had ever done before.

  So. She definitely wanted to see them again. But they were going to have to talk about some things. Keep it strictly platonic for a little while.

  Telling herself she was satisfied, she nodded and shut off the water. Stepping out of the tub, she dried off and searched out her underwear and bra, dressing again, quickly.

  But for all that she told herself she was satisfied, there was a little voice inside Jenny’s head reminding her that she didn’t have much time. Only three and a half weeks before she went back to California. What would she do then? How could she allow herself to be in a situation where she might fall in love with someone -- two someones -- who lived on the other side of the continent?

  Actually, that thought helped, because it put things into an entirely different perspective. There wasn’t any reason why she had to take this whole thing so seriously. It wasn’t like any of them had made any promises. She could continue to see these incredible brothers, enjoying both the friendship and the physical relationship while it lasted. She just wouldn’t let herself fall in love with them.


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