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His Lordship's Downfall: Part One

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by Josie Litton

  When he returned, his pet had regained her feet. He took her by the arm and led her over to a mossy patch of ground. It did not escape his attention that she looked longingly at the pool, no doubt wishing to wash away the sweat dewing her skin. But he rather liked her in such a state and intended to enjoy it.

  Even so, a few adjustments were called for. Having freed her bound arms, to her obvious relief, he directed her to remove the hooved boots.

  Seated on a broad rock, he watched her do so then gestured for her to kneel in front of him. For several pleasant minutes, he played with her breasts, tugging on the gold rings and twisting her nipples. Although she pressed her lips tightly together, she couldn’t contain her soft moans. Reaching down, he felt the strap tight between her legs. Moisture oozed out to either side of it.

  “You are such a delightfully wanton creature,” he said. “Truly made to be fucked.”

  With some difficulty, accentuated by the extreme bulge of his erection, he managed to undo his tight riding pants and freed his cock. Lifting her onto his lap, he leaned her back, squeezed her slick, toned thighs around his cock and proceeded to fuck her between them. When he felt that he was very close, he pushed her onto the ground, directed her mouth onto him and came down her throat.


  Having restored his attire, Lord Adrian mounted Xerxes again and held out a hand to his pet. “Come,” he said. “As pleasant as this has been, I do have to get some work done.”

  Swinging her up onto the front of the saddle, he positioned her so that her legs were stretched out to either side of him and her arms were around his waist.

  Spurring Xerxes into a gallop, he set out across the meadows. His pretty pet gasped as the pounding pace thrust her up and down repeatedly against the hard leather saddle, jarring the plug in her ass and pummeling her spread labia.

  By the time they reached the stables, she was groaning in desperate, pained arousal, her cunt juices running down the sides of the saddle.

  Turning the stallion over to a groom, Lord Adrian led his little pet to a concrete slab with a drain in the center of it. He removed her harness and collar, then secured her arms and legs to cuffs attached to leads and positioned her so that she was standing spread eagle.

  Taking a hose, he released a spray of water that hit her full on, instantly soaking her. Despite the warmth of the day, the water coming from a deep well was chilled. Instantly, goosebumps broke out all over her body and her nipples, already perpetually erect, clenched to what had to be a painful degree of tightness

  She yelped and tried to shy away but the leads held her firmly. Enjoying himself, he wet her down thoroughly before setting the hose aside and taking up a bucket filled with warm soapy water. Using a large, rough sponge, he washed her all over, paying particular attention to her genitals and ass. Removing the butt plug, he eased a soapy finger into her anus, noting as he did that she was accepting him more readily there.

  He further observed that her cunt lips, after being held apart by the leather strap and pounded against the saddle were puffy and red. Similarly, her clit appeared particularly sensitive. When he took up the hose again and turned a narrow, steady stream of water on the sensitive little nub, she cried out, straining against the leads, her back arching. Standing in the bright light of his stable yard, tethered and helpless, she was a most stirring sight.

  Although she continued to squirm, he persisted until she was thoroughly cleaned and rubbed down. Finished, he observed her in her delightfully rosy state, her skin sporting an all-over blush and her cunt tenderly swollen.

  A smile curved his chiseled mouth. Truly, he could not remember a more enjoyable day’s ride.

  Chapter Seven

  On Wednesday it rained, necessitating that they stay indoors. As a man who prided himself on his foresight, Lord Adrian had prepared for that eventuality. In the library, he directed his pet to get down on all fours with her ass toward the raised wooden cabinet that held the flogging implements.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she froze when she noticed the object that had been attached near the cabinet’s base. The large dildo was a good ten inches in length but more flexible than those on the bench. He had selected it precisely for that reason.

  Reaching down, he carefully inspected her cunt. The activities of the previous day appeared to have done her no lasting harm. She was wet as always, glistening pink and smooth, thanks to his insistence on keeping up her masturbation regimen. Once he had properly deflowered her, he would have other means of keeping her in a perpetual state of arousal. But for now, having her edge herself a dozen times a day would do.

  He spent a pleasant few minutes teasing her engorged clit, during which she wiggled and tried futilely to draw her legs together, before applying lube to a finger and thrusting it into her anus. Working her open, he added another finger and more lube before he was convinced that she was adequately prepared.

  “Your task,” he explained as he straightened and wiped his hand off on an ecru linen towel embroidered with his family crest, “is to take that temporary and if I may say, poor substitute for my own prick into your ass and thrust yourself back and forth on it until I tell you that you can stop.”

  He had to help her get started but once the dildo was inserted, she tried moving on it tentatively, rocking back and forth on her hands and knees.

  “Faster,” he ordered. “Take it all the way in. On every inward thrust, your bottom should touch the cabinet. When you pull away, clench your ass to make sure this little toy doesn’t fall out of you. If it does I shall be most displeased.”

  After observing her efforts for several moments, he returned to his desk and began the tedious process of going through the papers sent down from London. It would have been far easier to access them digitally but men of sense such as himself preferred to avoid the indignity of being hacked.

  He was making his way through a report on the commercial situation in Vancouver when he glanced up to check her progress. Her breasts were bobbing energetically and her adorable face was screwed up in an expression of mingled concentration and discomfort. But he could see the copious fluid flowing from her cunt, down her spread thighs and onto the floor, evidence that she was aroused by having her ass filled in such a manner.

  Adjusting his trousers, he attempted to return to his duty but concentration eluded him. The sight of the dildo disappearing into her rosy anus and reappearing had an oddly entrancing effect. Rain slashed the windows and gusts of wind rattled the panes but he scarcely noticed, so caught up was he in his pet’s antics.

  Finally, he tossed the report aside and resolved simply to enjoy her.

  “You’re doing quite well,” he said. “But now I want you to lean on just one hand, or your forearm if you must, and use the other hand to play with your clit.”

  With some difficulty, she managed. As he observed the matching rhythms of her body thrusting her ass on and off the dildo and her fingers rubbing her clit, his erection grew prodigiously. When a knock sounded at the library doors, he was glad to still be seated behind his desk.


  Jameson stepped inside, carrying a silver tray. He inclined his head respectfully. “Luncheon, sir. You did indicate that you would be eating in here?”

  Lord Adrian waved his hand absently. Food was the furthest thing from his mind but he was no more inclined to explain that than he was anything else.

  “Yes, fine. Just put it over there.”

  The butler complied, then cleared his throat and asked, “Will there be anything else, sir?”

  “What? Oh, no, nothing.”

  Unaccountably, Jameson did not immediately take his leave. Instead, he prompted, “For the young lady, perhaps, sir?”

  His lordship did not catch his meaning. “The who?”

  Slanting his gaze discretely toward the cabinet, Jameson cleared his throat again.

  Belatedly, Lord Adrian realized what his butler was asking. His little pet had ceased her endeavors and was crouch
ed once again on all fours, the dildo protruding from her pert ass. Her eyes were downcast and her face beet red. If he hadn't known better, he might have thought that she looked mortified. But that couldn't possibly be the case, could it?

  “No, thank you, Jameson,” his lordship said. “That won’t be necessary. You may go.”

  The butler inclined his head respectfully and withdrew, shutting the library doors behind him.

  A moment passed before Lord Adrian said, “I can’t imagine what’s gotten into the fellow. He should know that you’re fed and watered on a regular basis. At any rate, it doesn’t matter. Back to it. I want you on that for another hour at least.”

  She obeyed but her motions had become mechanical, her expression blank as she thrust back and forth on the training cock. She looked like nothing more than one of the automatons in the show windows of Piccadilly, soulless caricatures of living, breathing human beings. He didn’t care for that at all.

  Getting up from behind the desk, he walked over to her and studied the smooth motion of her lovely body, taking the full length of the dildo up her ass again and again. Quickly enough, the bulge in his pants became too much. He lowered himself in front of her, freed his cock, and said huskily, “You go right on filling your ass, pet, while I fill your mouth.”

  He couldn’t fault the diligence with which she sucked him off but by the time he allowed her to get up, he had the distinct impression that he had somehow lost. What or how he couldn’t have said but the sensation was not at all pleasant.


  On Thursday, the rain continued. Lord Adrian kept his pet with him again in the library as he worked. For most of the morning, she stood as he ordered in a corner with her face to the wall, the customary position for a pet who has been reprimanded and is awaiting correction. The end of the large plug he had put up her ass as soon as she arrived was visible between her pert cheeks. She stood with her head lowered, downcast and dejected, as well as plainly anxious about what he intended.

  When he caught her glancing over her shoulder at him, he was secretly pleased but responded firmly all the same. “Every time you do that adds another hour in the corner.”

  She huffed a little but turned her face back to the wall and kept it there.

  The morning wore on. He went through the papers from London methodically but still caught himself thinking of her. She had displeased him; there was no getting around that. Not in her actions, which were always properly compliant. No, it was her manner that irked him, the way she had managed to absent herself mentally and emotionally after being embarrassed by the butler’s presence.

  What right did she have to be embarrassed? She was his possession. So long as she was what he wanted her to be, she had no reason whatsoever to feel ashamed or self-conscious.

  He deliberated how to make that clear to her and finally thought that he had come up with a solution, as unlikely as it might seem. He decided to talk to her. She appeared to be intelligent enough in her own way. Perhaps she could be made to understand.

  Setting down his pen, he said, “Come.”

  She complied at once, kneeling before him. Her eagerness almost wrung a smile from him but he forced a stern demeanor. Quietly, he said, “We all have a purpose in life, pet. Mine is to help guide the Empire, Jameson’s is to see to the smooth running of this manor, and yours…well, yours is simply to please me. That isn’t so hard to understand, is it?”

  Mutely, she shook her head.

  Encouraged, he went on. “There is nothing I could do in service to Britain that could ever embarrass me in the least. Similarly, I cannot imagine Jameson ever being self-conscious about his duties as butler.”

  The man had looked a bit ill-at-ease the day before but never mind about that.

  “As for you…there is no reason for you to ever be embarrassed. True, your function is carnal; you are a receptacle for my desires. There are some whose prurient natures dispose them to disapprove of that. But I assure you, no one in my employ would ever dare to think less of you because you exist to be fucked by me. Do you understand?”

  Her eyes flashed up at him. For a moment, he thought she was about to say something other than “Yes” or more elaborately, “Yes, master.”

  But she held her tongue and merely nodded.

  He thought the matter was resolved…yet he couldn’t be entirely sure. Moreover, he had that unsettling feeling once again that he had not distinguished himself.


  On Friday, the sun returned and brought with it an improvement in his lordship's mood. Directly after breakfast, he summoned his pet once again to the library and ordered her to resume training on the dildo bench. To his delight, she managed to get the second member entirely up her ass with only a minimum of fuss. They were definitely making progress. For the briefest moment, he thought of rewarding her endeavors by allowing her to come. But he dismissed the notion at once. When he did finally permit her to do so, he wanted to make an occasion of it.

  He had intended to take as much time as was necessary to train her ass but his impatience in this instance proved stronger even than his resolve. As much as he enjoyed fucking her mouth and throat, her breasts and thighs, none of that was enough. Accordingly, he decided to accelerate her regimen.

  Having strapped her into the stirrup chair with her legs raised and spread so that her entire bottom was on display--and after applying a significant amount of lube to her nether passage--he made judicious use of an instrument taken from the nearby teak-and-ivory cabinet. The less said about this device, the better save that it was ideally suited to its purpose. Its effect, while deeply disconcerting, was not strictly speaking painful.

  Observing his pet, he felt the lure of undeniably dark pleasure. Her skin glowed and her breasts rose and fell with the force of her panting. Drops of pearly cunt juice oozed from her. So wantonly exposed, vulnerable, utterly helpless, he thought her to be female sexuality personified.

  When the instrument had done its work and mindful of how quickly her tender rosebud contracted even after being penetrated for a considerable length of time, he withdrew it and hastened her back onto the training bench.

  "The third one," he ordered. "Don't think, just do it."

  Truthfully, he wasn't entirely sure that she could manage even after his exertions but with her lips pressed tightly together, she pulled her bottom cheeks apart and lowered herself onto the hard plastic phallus.

  Her eyes squeezed shut and she moaned but she held the position, descending slowly inch by inch until her bottom touched the surface of the bench. His lordship could not conceal his elation at the sight of her fully impaled on what, though still smaller than his own endowment, was at least a decently sized prick. He felt rather absurdly proud of having taken her so far so quickly.

  He let her catch her breath, then directed her to raise and lower herself several more times, encouraging her on each thrust before finally, after she had done a full dozen of both, allowing her to stop.

  As she stood before him, red cheeked of face and bottom, he applied a soothing balm to her abused lower parts. Doing so, he observed the swift contraction of her rosebud and considered how often and vigorously he would be able to use her without any loss of tightness. There and then he made the decision to forego training her with the fourth and largest dildo. He would give her a chance to recover from her first experience with the expander but that couldn’t be for very long; the state of his balls forbade it. Very soon, he would be buried up to them in her ass, free at last to introduce her to Sodom’s pleasures.

  Or not. For as has been often noted, the best planned lays of men are apt to go awry. Thanks to the privileged circumstances of his life, Lord Adrian’s reckoning with that cosmic truth was overdue. But that was about to change.

  Chapter Eight

  On Saturday, his lordship attended a garden party given by Lord and Lady Monkton. He had considered bringing his pet along but in the end decided against it. She was still too new and he had
seen how shy she could be. Besides, while he had no concern about the servants seeing her-- or the two of them together for that matter--he was disinclined to share her even visually with anyone of his own class.

  Instead, he went alone and by so doing, left his pet to her own devices. That was a mistake for while he was away, the little darling got into mischief. To be fair, it wasn’t entirely her fault. Someone foolishly left her cage door unlatched.

  His first indication that anything was wrong came when he returned home and found the servants engaged in a frantic search. By then, it was getting on for dusk, the party having run overly long as such events have a habit of doing. All the lights were on in the house and beyond throughout the gardens and lawns.

  “I am terribly sorry, sir,” Jameson said. “We were about to inform you. Our search has been fruitless thus far. There is no sign of her.”

  Ordinarily, such an occurrence would have angered his lordship. But he was in a jaunty mood, not in the least because conversation at the garden party had made him think that Annabelle might really be planning to go off to India with Tony and Tata Monkton. That seemed almost too much to hope for yet he clung to the possibility all the same. Not that India was so far away by air. But people who went out there had a tendency to stay, which would suit his lordship very well indeed.

  Accordingly, he responded much more kindly than he would have otherwise. “Not to worry. I had her chipped.”

  Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew his mobile and called up the appropriate app. Within moments, he knew his pet’s exact location. It came as a considerable surprise.

  What on earth was she doing in his quarters? Granted, she’d been there her first day, which would explain how she found her way back, but there had been no occasion for her return since. She had her pretty cage; he had the master suite. If he’d wanted an indoor pet, he would have gotten one.


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