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Finding Me (Love's Not Easy Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Rickman, Nicole

  “Did she go there on a date?”


  “Betsy’s Hamburger Dive.”

  “Really, that is one of the places we had narrowed it to.”

  “It was the happening place for dates.”

  Alice told Aimee stories of how teens spent their days and evenings at Mystique Paradise Beach. They would stop at Betsy’s and eat before cruising to the beach. She showed her some pictures of some of the kids that hung out at the hut during the late 80’s or early 90’s. None looked like her mom, but it was still nice to see. They talked to Alice for about thirty minutes before leaving.

  Alice called for Aimee just as she walked off. “This Lillian Townsend may not be from Paradise City. The month of May began the time of year families from northern cities came down to spend the weekends. When school was out, they spent the summer here.”

  “Was there a specific place they stayed when here?”

  “Yeah, they had summer homes in Orchid Bay and Beacon Bay.”


  “Good luck, honey.”

  Aimee and Aiden walked toward the Northern part of the beach. That was where Betsy’s Hamburger Dive was located. They were meeting the others to eat there and then drive to Orchid Bay and Beacon Bay.

  “Are you ok?” Aiden hugged her.

  “Yeah, I am just thinking of the stories Alice told. These Radical men were bad, and I think…” she paused.

  “That M.A.L. was one?”


  “Me too. I have for a few days. I called around to see if anyone knew of someone in that group with the initials M.A.L.”


  “They used fake names in their records. There was no way to know.”

  “Of course. That would be too easy.”

  Lexi and Colin already had a table when Aimee and Aiden walked in, James and Piper was right behind them. Aimee and Aiden told them everything Alice told them. A waitress came and took their order and then left. The place was real busy.

  “Everything in here looks new.” Aimee looked around.

  “Because it is. Betsy sold out four months ago; the new owners stripped it down to the studs and remodeled the entire place.” Colin frowned.

  “Four months ago. Let me guess, they destroyed everything.”

  Lexi frowned. “I am sorry, but yeah, they did.”

  “Did you find out anything else?”


  The waitress sat down the drinks and left.

  “What about you two?” Aimee looked at James.

  “We talked to a lady who opened her dress shop on the boardwalk in the summer of 1986. So, we think it is the one she mentioned. But, the lady doesn’t remember anyone named Lillian Townsend.”

  Aimee laid down her head on the table. “I am so sorry I had you guys come all the way down here. It has been such a bust.”

  “Hey, it was not a bust. Alice gave you an insight of how life was here in 1986. We know this is where she at least spent the summers.” Piper hugged her friend.

  “I guess. All I want is to get to know more about her, so I can find myself.”

  James looked at Aimee. “You did know your mom. Maybe not about her life during her years here. But, think of how great a mom she was. The times she took us to church events, the zoo, and she hated going bowling, but you loved it, so we went.”


  “The way she held you when a storm scared you. The lazy days in the pool. The bedtime stories she made up.”

  Aimee laughed. “She was horrible at telling bedtime stories.”

  Aiden put an arm around her. “Aimee, knowing your parents’ past isn’t what makes you the terrific person you are. I am all for helping you with finding more about your mom, but just know, you can find yourself without knowing everything about her.”

  Lexi grinned. “My turn. We are all different, Aimee. You can’t find yourself by looking at someone else’s life. You find yourself by living your own life.”

  Colin moved over and let the waitress serve the food. “So, I say we eat. Go drive through these bay places. Then, come back and have a little fun. I saw an awesome bowling alley next to our hotel. Tonight we see how well Aimee can bowl.”

  Beacon Bay was a ten minute drive from the beach. The houses were all like mini mansions. Aiden saw a sign for Orchid Bay Orchard. “Aimee, did your mom mention OBO in her diary?”

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “I just saw a sign for Orchid Bay Orchard.”

  “You’re kidding.”


  Colin turned around at the next driveway and they headed to Orchid Bay Orchard. The second they pulled into the Orchard, Aimee felt like she was in the Orchard at the Plantation in Savannah. Actually, so much of this place reminded her of the plantation.

  A petite elderly lady greeted them when they got out of the car. “Welcome to Orchid Bay Orchard. My name is Ella. Are you interested in a tour?”

  “Yes.” Aimee answered a little too excited.

  Aiden took her arm and grinned. “We would love to tour the Orchard. It looks so beautiful.”

  “Great, you are in luck. We can get started now.”

  Ella began the tour, discussing how the orchard had been around for over a hundred years. They produce the best tasting oranges and apples in this area. They have several agriculture specialist on staff who are always looking for ways to increase the taste of their fruit.

  She showed them around the orchards. Aimee knew instantly this was the place her mom lived. Her mom mentioned a swing in the yard she would sit on to write in her diaries. Aimee saw it under a large oak tree.

  Ella took them to a huge building. “This is our Orchid Bay Orchard Grocery. We have lots of samples of treats made with the fruit from our orchards. Please, take a few minutes to look around and enjoy some treats.”

  Aimee looked at old pictures hanging on the wall. The pictures showed how the orchards had changed in the past hundred years. Ella came over and joined her.

  “Ella, has the same family owned the orchard?”

  “No, it was sold to the current family about nineteen years ago?”

  “Who did they buy it from?”

  “I am not sure, sweetie.”

  “Oh, ok.”

  Aiden walked over and handed Aimee a piece of toast with orange marmalade on it. “You have to try this.”

  She took a bite and instantly her taste buds sent her back to her Gran’s kitchen, eating her homemade marmalade. “Ella one more question.”

  “Yes, dear.”

  “Did the new owner buy the previous owners recipes as well?”

  “Yes, dear.”

  “Can we buy a bushel of your best oranges?”

  “Yes, dear.”

  Aimee walked over and joined the others after she purchased a bushel of oranges and a jar of orange marmalade. They walked back to car. The tour was nice, but Aimee left there more confused than she was when they got there. She explained to everyone that the marmalade was her Gran’s special recipe. She had helped her make it hundreds of times. When they returned to the flat, she and Sophia had some marmalade to make.

  That evening, they went bowling. Aimee decided to leave her disappointment behind her and live for the moment tonight. It was one of the funnest evenings the group had spent together.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Aiden took Aimee to the airport to pick up her dad, Deandre, and the kids. Tessa let them borrow her six passenger SUV. The flight was on a thirty minute delay, so they took a seat in the back of the main lobby. Aiden had on a baseball hat and dark shades. He bought a magazine and opened it.

  “You look ridiculous.” Aimee laughed.

  “I know.”

  “Is it hard to hide in public?”

  “I am use to it. It has been nice though, to go around campus and not have to worry. Most days it is ok, but sometimes, I would love to be able to go somewhere on the spur of the moment and not take months to plan it. I would
love to get up and say hey, I want to go and go.”

  “I have the perfect spot. My Savannah Plantation. It is very secluded.”

  “Sounds great maybe someday, when you are at the plantation, I will just show up and visit.”

  “I’d like that. But, no planning, just show up.”

  They announced the arrival of the plane. Aiden lead Aimee to the gates to greet them. When she saw her family, Maddie came running at her full force. She wrapped her little arms around Aimee’s neck. “I thought we would never get here.”

  “I know, this has been the longest day.” Aimee took Maddie’s little hand.

  Aiden grinned when he saw how Aimee interacted with her sister. He could not imagine Ava being able to bond with a child.

  Once they were done in baggage claims, Aimee and Aiden took them to the hotel. Maddie came back to the flat with them. Sophia was spending the weekend with her culinary friends at some sort of workshop, so Piper offered to room with Lexi and let Maddie stay with Aimee.

  The car lot was packed with lots of awesome vehicles. Aimee knew the one she wanted. She and Colin had done a lot of research. She spotted it as soon as they entered the lot. Her dad insisted on trying several vehicles, to be sure; but, by the end of the visit, she pulled off the lot in her choice. She followed Colin off the lot in her new deep crystal blue Mazda6 Grand Touring.

  When she got back to the flat, she took Maddie, along with Lexi and Piper, to Huffington Square. She spent the afternoon treating her little sister to a manicure and a shopping spree. That night, her dad took everyone to dinner. Aimee wanted to talk to him alone, so when Deandre went to put the kids in bed, and Maddie went to get her Sunday dress, she took the opportunity.

  “Dad, can you tell me what places you and mom visited here in Neahovia?”

  “Aimee, we have been through this before. I can’t talk about my work when I was here.”

  “I am not asking about work. I am asking about you and mom.”

  “Aimee, if not for my work, I would have never met her and you know that. What I can tell you is this. She captured my heart at the very first sight of her. We didn’t do a lot of dating stuff because I was here on a mission. What we did do, was a lot of talking.”

  “Can you even tell me what city you met her in?”


  Maddie came running in, ready to go to Aimee’s. She loved hanging out there already and Aimee loved having her. Her roommates had been great. She even had the guys eating out of the palms of her hands. When they got back, she gave Aimee a present she made for her. It was a DVD she had her mom make for Aimee. It was a combination of each of their dance competitions.

  They watched the DVD. Afterwards, they taught some dance moves to everyone before going to bed.

  The next morning, Aimee got up early for church. She fixed Maddie breakfast and a pot of coffee. She took a shower, while Aiden sat and watched cartoons with Maddie. Her little sister has really taken to Aiden. When she dressed, she came and got Maddie ready. Piper had awakened and came in to get ready by then. Lexi was going too and was getting dressed in her room.

  The youth sang at church that morning. Lexi sat with Aimee’s parents during Sunday School and Maddie went to class with Aimee and Piper. When Sunday School ended, Aimee joined her dad for worship service and Maddie went to kid’s church with the twins. Lexi was sitting next to Aimee.

  Reverend Mark read the entire Chapter of Revelations 21 before he began preaching. And though he read the whole chapter, his sermon focused on verse eight. Revelations 21:8: But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

  He preached on sinning and the second death in fire and brimstone. He preached on the horrible acts of the devil. The way he lies and convinces us all into thinking that God would not throw us into fire and brimstone. He picked up his Bible and shouted. “His word says He will, folks. If we don’t repent from our sins and believe in the fact that of what Jesus did for us. We were all doomed to the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. To live where the fire never burns out. But we don’t have to go there. We can enjoy our lives in heaven, walking the streets of Gold alongside Jesus himself.”

  “John 3:16 says it all, folks: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. So, first we believe, then what’s next you ask?” He opened his Bible to Acts: 2-28: “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

  He ended the sermon discussing how we have always needed a sacrifice to wash our sins away. Jesus stepped up and became that sacrifice for us. He came. He lived on earth. He preached. He died when He did nothing wrong. He was buried and then came back alive three days later. He did that, so we can join Him in Heaven; all we have to say is, Father forgive me for my sins. I believe in the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  When it came time for the altar call, Lexi stood holding onto the pew in front of her. Her knuckles were white because she was gripping so tight. Tears rolling down her cheeks, her heart was beating out of her chest. She reached her hand over and touched Aimee. That was all it took. Aimee knew what Lexi needed. Aimee took her friend’s hand and walked down the aisle with her. The second Piper and Tessa noticed that Lexi was walking to the altar to pray, they followed her and the four ladies knelt down to pray next to their newest sister in Christ.

  Lexi was praying for forgiveness of her sins and crying out to the Lord. The others praying for her as well. They knew she would now need God's guidance and strength more than ever. Mark motioned for one of the other preachers to come and take over the altar call. He kneeled down beside Lexi and prayed and talked with her.

  When he rose, he announced that our new sister wanted to be baptized today. She didn’t want to wait. It didn’t take long to have the Baptism pool ready. Aimee and Piper stood front row and watched their best friend go under the water and come out praising God. She knew, like all of them, the water is not what saved her. It was a symbol, that she was washing her sins away and coming out new and clean from all sin.

  Dinner at the Anderson’s took on such a new meaning. Aimee’s father commented on how he came to see his daughter, but God allowed him to see so much more than how she was physically doing. His little girl was finding her own way in this big world. He was proud of the responsible young lady she had become. When Colin and Aiden finally arrived, Lexi was so excited to tell them she was a born again Christian. Instead of them making smart comments, like she had expected, they hugged and congratulated her.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Easter Break had finally arrived for the group. The guys left Friday night for a two week Caribbean cruise. The girls thought of going, but the thought of being on a ship with Ava did not seem appealing to them. Sophia had finally admitted that all her trips to NCS was because she had met a new guy. She broke up with the guy she had dated here in Ancaster before Valentine’s Day. She was spending Easter Break with her new guy.

  So that left Aimee, Lexi, and Piper. The three girls loaded Aimee’s car after church on Sunday and headed to an ocean side spa and resort that Lexi picked out. It was so beautiful and calming at the Premium Spa and Resort. The girls spent the first two days tanning in the sun and relaxing in the pool. The resort even had a dietician who taught them things to eat to help with their complexion. Aimee loved the personal trainers who taught them simple exercises to keep their bodies tone and fit.

  They went to the spa every day for some type of treatment, but the Friday before going home, they went to the Beauty Parlor inside the spa. Aimee was looking at hair magazines, while Lexi was instructed what she wanted done with her hair. The night before, they had talked about trying new things.

p; “Hey girls, will you look at this picture and tell me what you think?” Lexi and Piper came over and looked at it the girl in the magazine’s hair. It was the same length as Aimee’s but layered more and had blonde and red highlights. They loved it and that was Aimee's first new thing. She added more layers and red highlights to her normal blonde highlights. It turned out to be a very good choice, Aimee loved the look on her.

  Their last Saturday at the resort was here, and after brunch, the girls had to check out and head back to Ancaster. They were eating at the pool side cafe. The waiter brought their order and they sat chatting about the fun vacation they had and the new things they wanted to start doing. Aimee looked to her right. A very odd middle aged gentleman kept looking at them.

  ♥ ♥

  She looked familiar, but not like he knew her directly, but maybe someone in her family. It was truly impossible because that family tree had ended. Maybe she is a very distant relation to the family. She sure had the features of the family though. He paid a young guy to get her name earlier; she only gave him her first name, Aimee. Such a plain name. She is attending Ancaster University and has an American accent. He was certain that he was wrong, but he would go to Ancaster and see who he can hire and trust to get more information on her. He didn’t want to worry his boss, not if he didn’t have to. He tended to be very upset when anyone mentioned the name of that family. He could only imagine his reaction if there was still a living heir.

  ♥ ♥

  Aimee was certain he was looking at her now. She put down her fork. “I have lost my appetite.”

  “Why?” Piper took a bite of her omelet.

  “Don’t let him know you are looking, but there is a very odd looking middle age man in an ugly green shirt that has been staring at us for some time. He is giving me the creeps.”

  Lexi was sitting where she didn’t need to turn to look at him; when she looked up, she realized she had saw this guy a lot the past few days. He always seemed to be looking at them. “Your right, Aimee, I didn’t think much of it earlier, but I have seen him the past few days.”


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