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No Silent Christmas

Page 20

by Barbara Goodwin

  Violet jumped up from the sofa. “That overbearing bully! I wonder why I married him all those years ago.” She went to the closed bedroom door and raised her hand to knock.

  “I’d give her some time alone,” Scott said. “Maggie needs to process what happened.”

  Violet sighed. “You’re right. I want to comfort her, you know. I didn’t do much of that when she was growing up and I feel desperate to make up for lost time.”

  “Just being here, supporting her will go a long way, Mrs. Ingram.”

  “Scott, please call me Violet.”

  “I’d love to.”

  * * * * *

  Once again Maggie stared at the ceiling. She wondered how her father could be so cold, so harsh. She thought back to her early years and realized she’d never seen her father smile, laugh or show kindness. It came to her that she didn’t know much about the man. Now she wondered what kind of parents he’d had when he grew up. Was his life happy? Sad? How did he come by his fortune? Inheritance or did he earn it?

  Maggie turned onto her side and curled into a fetal position. She’d never know the answer to those questions now. Maggie knew she’d been banned forever by her unforgiving father. She pulled the bedspread over her and prayed for oblivion. While a few more tears trickled down her cheek she fell into a fitful sleep.

  * * * * *

  Two days had passed since the confrontation in the commissary. Selma Benning had called to tell Scott and Maggie that they’d be filming the last two scenes today. She assured them that Carey Chambers would be there sober. Neither one believed her but they made their way to the studio anyway.

  Maggie had to spend a little extra time in makeup so they could hide her cuts and bruises. Even though the bruises had faded to a light green and yellow and her cuts had begun to heal they needed her skin to look flawless. “Thank goodness for Max Factor,” Maggie said to Jean, the makeup woman.

  “You’re right about that, Miss Ingram. This pancake foundation will cover any kind of distortion on the skin and make it as smooth as silk.” The woman dabbed the thick goop on Maggie’s face with a light touch. She leaned back and gave Maggie a long scrutiny. “You’re ready, ma’am.”

  “Thank you, Jean,” Maggie said. She studied her skin in the harsh mirror lights. No sign of the marks could be seen. “You’re a miracle worker. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.”

  Jean blushed. “Just finish the movie and get that no-good Carey Chambers off our lot. That’ll be thanks enough for me.”

  Maggie smiled at the woman and left. The two days had done much to restore her good nature. She, Scott and her mother had talked at length about her father’s pronouncement and decided it was his loss. Maggie had come to the realization that she’d never had a father anyway, so not seeing him again wouldn’t make any difference in her life.

  She’d also come to another realization. This one about her future. She felt a tremble of excitement mixed with fear regarding her decision. Maggie was going to tell Scott and her mother about her earlier decision to use Scott to “ruin” her reputation. She hoped Scott would forgive her.

  Maggie entered building fourteen to find the set was set up for her scene where Susie tells her brother that she is going to marry Alex, live with him on the ranch and help run it. People bustled around, cameras were being pushed into position and Damon Westerly was shouting at Carey Chambers.

  “Damn it, Chambers. Where’d you get that bourbon?”

  “None of your business,” Carey slurred. “I needed to fortify myself before I did the scene with the little slut.”

  Maggie calmly walked up to Chambers. “You didn’t need to fortify yourself, you needed to pickle yourself. Before we do this scene I want to say something.” Maggie took a step backward when Chambers swayed toward her and waved his glass of bourbon in her face. “You are a pitiful man and a coward. Everything that’s happened to you is your fault. I feel sorry for you.” She turned to Damon Westerly. “I’m ready to shoot the scene, Damon.”

  A light clapping could be heard from the crew and a look of respect shone in Damon’s eyes, warming Maggie. She smiled at the director and the crew and took her place on the set.

  “Ready on the set,” Westerly yelled. Chambers stumbled to his position glass in hand. “And…Action!”

  Music played in the background as Maggie went through her lines, gesturing and pointing at William. Even though no one would hear her voice, she knew that people could read her lips and wanted the words to be as close to what would be printed on the screen as possible. Susie stepped into her brother’s personal space to make her point. William staggered back to the sideboard and refilled his drink. He waved and gestured his disapproval of his sister’s decision and threatened to kill Alex if she tried to follow through on her promise.

  The scene had to be shot ten times. Most of the mistakes were Chambers’ but Maggie made a few and the camera stopped during two of them. The longer it took the more drunk Carey Chambers became. Maggie wondered if she was the only one who could smell the alcohol on him. During a break she walked onto the set and picked up his glass. She tipped it to her nose. It reeked of bourbon. “Damon, Carey’s using real alcohol in his glass.”

  “What?” roared the director. He stomped over to Maggie, took the glass out of her hand, sniffed it and threw it off the set. “Get Chambers here immediately,” he said over the crash of the broken glass. One of the assistants ran off the set to summon the actor.

  The assistant came back with Chambers. The man staggered under the weight of the drunken actor who’d thrown his arm over the assistant’s shoulder for support. “Here he is, Mr. Westerly.” The assistant pulled Carey’s arm off him and Chambers slumped to the floor.

  Anger and disgust rolled across Westerly’s face. He turned to the cast and crew and said, “That’s a wrap for today, everyone. We’ll shoot the last scene tomorrow.” He rounded on Chambers and opened his mouth to speak but then snapped it shut. “Jimmy,” he said to the assistant. Get him back to his trailer, dump him on his couch, find every hidden bottle of liquor and toss it down the drain. Then get yourself some food from the commissary. You’ll be spending the night with Chambers and making sure he sleeps off this binge. I want him here at seven o’clock, sharp. Got it?”

  “Yes, sir,” the young man said.

  “I’ll get a message to your mom that you’ll be staying at the studio tonight, son. And thanks,” Damon said to the boy.

  Two men helped Jimmy get Carey Chambers back to his trailer.

  Maggie hadn’t said a word throughout Damon’s tirade. He had a right to be angry. Now she stepped up to the director and said, “Damon, I’m sorry about the shoot.”

  “Not your fault, Maggie.” He ran is hand through his hair. “You might as well go home. Tell Scott to be here at seven in the morning.”

  Maggie placed her hand on Damon’s arm and squeezed. “We’ll be here.”

  * * * * *

  All the way home Maggie worried about her decision to tell Scott and her mother about her deception. She ran though different possibilities but nothing sounded right. By the time the driver stopped at her apartment she’d talked herself into a desperate case of nerves.

  She stepped through the door and found her mother and Scott bent over a piece of paper on the table. “Hello.” She kissed her mother on her cheek and pecked Scott on his lips.

  Scott pulled her into a tight embrace and deepened the kiss. “Umm. Welcome home, love.”

  She grabbed a Coke from the icebox and sat at the table. “What’s so fascinating?”

  Her mother grinned from ear to ear. “Scott was explaining to me what automobiles in his day looked like.” She picked up the paper and showed it to Maggie. “Look at the sleek styling. Your future husband draws pretty well, don’t you think?”

  Maggie stared at the incredible drawing. She hadn’t known that Scott could draw. It was a good picture, but she didn’t really see the car because she was so nervous. She put the paper do
wn, gulped a great breath of air and said, “There’s something I’d like to discuss with you both.”

  Scott and Violet looked away from the paper. “Did everything go okay on the set today?” Scott asked.

  “Yes and no,” Maggie sighed. She needed this little reprieve to garner her courage. “Carey was there and it only took ten takes. But no one knew he’d been filling his prop glass with real bourbon and he got more and more drunk as the day wore on.”

  “What a jerk,” Scott said. He stared at Maggie for a long minute. “Is something bothering you?”

  Maggie stood up and paced between the kitchen and the small living room. “Yes. There’s something I’ve been meaning to say to you, Scott. Mother, I want you to hear this also.” She stood before Scott and looked into his beautiful mahogany eyes. “I lied to you.”

  Maggie watched Scott’s whole demeanor change. His body straightened, his eyebrows lowered and his mouth formed a thin line. He crossed his arms and waited.

  The fury in his eyes would have frightened Maggie if she hadn’t known she deserved it. During all of the problems with filming, Scott had never raised his voice to her, never laid a hand on her in anger. Maggie knew he had a kind heart and would not hurt her.

  “I had planned from the moment I met you that I would use you to ruin my reputation. I wanted to get photographed in a compromising situation so I wouldn’t have to marry Roger Morgan.” There. She’d said it. Relief flowed over her and Maggie knew she’d done the right thing. She stared at the floor and shifted her feet. When nothing happed she glanced at Scott.

  His eyes showed both anger and amusement. His mouth wasn’t a grim line anymore. He turned and walked away from Maggie.

  “Margaret, how could you do such a thing?” her mother asked.

  “I was desperate, Mother. I came to Hollywood to get away from Father. He kept pushing me to go to functions that he knew Roger would be attending.” She sighed. “Did you know that every time I was in the same room with Roger he’d paw me and make lascivious remarks?” Maggie went to her mother and took her hand. Pleading with her she said, “He always had sour breath, his hair was greasy and he smelled.” Maggie couldn’t stop the shudder from running up her spine.

  “But to involve Scott—”

  “Thank you, Violet, I’ll take it from here,” Scott interrupted. He smiled at Maggie’s mother. “Would you give us a few moments?”

  Violet looked between her daughter and Scott. “Take all the time you need.” She stepped over to Maggie and dropped a kiss on the top of her head then went into the bedroom and quietly closed the door.

  Maggie knew her world had unraveled. She’d ruined everything. Her heart sank to her stomach and flipped over at the quiet, authoritative tone Scott had used. She sat on the sofa and twisted her hands together.

  Scott sat next to Maggie but didn’t say anything for a long moment. Then he placed his finger under her chin and tipped her face up to his. “You never had to deceive me. I would have done anything you wanted from the moment I saw you.” With a gentle finger he tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and stroked the shell before he pulled away. “I fell in love with you when I saw you standing in the crowd after I’d rescued Sid Goodman from the burning building.”

  A lone tear slipped down Maggie’s cheek. “I didn’t know what else to do,” she whispered in a broken voice. “I’m so sorry. Will you forgive me?”

  “Maggie, love,” Scott said as he pulled her into an embrace. “Answer me one question before I answer yours.”


  “Why did you choose me to ‘ruin’ you?”

  Maggie wiped a tear from her face. “Because I was so attracted to you. From our first kiss I knew you could be someone special to me. It didn’t take long before I needed you. I craved your touch. I knew that a picture would show that passion to the world and it would infuriate my father.” She hung her head in shame. “I want you to know that I’ve never lied about anything before. If you forgive me I promise that I won’t lie to you again. Ever.”

  Scott smiled at Maggie. “When did you know you loved me?”

  Maggie started. That wasn’t what she’d been expecting Scott to ask. She reached out and touched his face stroking his cleft chin softly. “From the minute our eyes met after you’d saved Mr. Goodman. But I wouldn’t admit it to myself. It was too soon, too scary.”

  “You knew nothing about me at that time.”

  “I knew you cared enough to save a stranger’s life,” Maggie said, desperate to win back Scott’s respect. “You were brave and capable. You didn’t even hesitate to run into a burning structure.”

  “That’s my job, love. I’m trained for that.”

  “You wouldn’t be a fireman if you didn’t care about people.”

  Scott rubbed his thumbs along both sides of Maggie’s face. She leaned her head into his big hands needing his soothing touch. “Can you forgive me, Scott?” Maggie’s heart pounded with fear and anticipation.

  Scott kissed her deep with passion and desire. “Already done, love. Already done.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Scott knew that Maggie needed reassurance that he loved her. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her again. But this time he pushed his tongue into her mouth. After a few thrusts and withdrawals he swept the inside and sucked gently on her tongue. Maggie’s moan reverberated through Scott. His muscles tightened, his heart raced and his erection was harder than ever before. He changed their position on the sofa so that Maggie lay under him.

  Her breasts tempted him and he unbuttoned her blouse. He had just exposed her lacy bra when the bedroom door opened. He and Maggie sprang apart, Maggie clutching her blouse together.

  “Excuse me,” Violet said. She smiled winningly to Scott and Maggie. “I decided I needed to do some last minute shopping. I, uh, hope you don’t mind. I won’t be here for dinner.”

  Scott laughed. “Violet, you are a gem.” He pulled Maggie close to him so her mother wouldn’t see her open blouse.

  Violet gathered up her purse and coat and opened the front door. With a gleam in her eye she said to her daughter, “I remember what it’s like to be young and in love, Margaret. And it’s high time you knew me. I’m no prude.” With a happy wave Violet Ingram danced out the front door.

  “Well, I never,” exclaimed Maggie.

  “That is one special mother you have there, love.” Scott turned back to Maggie’s open blouse. “Now where was I?”

  “You were just beginning to do this.” Maggie said in a breathless voice as she placed Scott’s hand on her breast. She watched as he rubbed and rolled the nipple between his thumb and finger.

  Her moan undid Scott. She inflamed him with her sensual look. He took off her blouse, unzipped her skirt and threw the garments on the floor. “You are so sexy,” he said as he undid her garter and slowly rolled each of her nylons down her supple legs. Scott kissed each exposed inch as he followed the path of the nylons. When he reached her feet he stroked their arches, around the ankle bones and back up the inside of her legs.

  Maggie’s moans and cries grew louder. She reached for Scott but he ducked away. “No, love, this is your time.” He found her magic spot and stroked it, feeling Maggie’s body react with a tightening desire. He inserted his finger and pumped in and out.

  Maggie rose off the sofa. “Please, I’m begging you. I need you inside me. Right now.” Maggie shifted to make it easier for Scott to enter her. But he resisted.

  “Not yet. Not quite yet,” he groaned. He wanted Maggie to have the ultimate experience. He wanted her to feel his love for her. He covered her breast with his mouth and sucked and laved the nipple.

  Maggie’s breath hitched, her head thrashed and she screamed for release. “Now, Scott, oh please…”

  Scott knew Maggie was on the edge of exploding. He shifted her under him and entered with a strong thrust. Maggie pushed up to meet him with all her might. He continued to stroke her center as he thrust back and forth, faster an
d faster.

  Their ragged breaths merged and became one. Scott pushed Maggie faster and higher, her hot desire consumed him. For one breathless moment their souls merged, then they thundered over the precipice into a world of ecstasy.

  They lay cuddled together on the sofa, their breathing back to normal. Scott trailed his fingers along Maggie’s collarbone. “Maybe you should make more confessions. I like the results of the aftermath.”

  Maggie laughed. “You are incorrigible.” She twined her fingers with his and said, “You really forgive me?”

  “There was never anything to forgive.” Scott sat up and pulled Maggie with him. He turned her toward him so they would be face to face. “When you told me you’d lied I felt frozen with fear inside. I was afraid you were going to tell me you didn’t love me. My only thought was how would I live without you.” He kissed her on her thoroughly ravaged lips. “When I heard what you’d lied about I almost laughed with relief.” He placed his finger to her lips to stop whatever she was going to say. He decided right then and there that on their one year anniversary he’d tell her she could use him to ruin her any time she wanted, as much as she wanted.

  “I treasure that you are an honest woman, Maggie. I wouldn’t love you if you weren’t.”

  “I don’t deserve you, Scott Forrester,” Maggie said as she leaned into his chest.

  “You do,” he murmured as he pulled her back into his embrace. “We both deserve each other.”

  * * * * *

  The set was ready, the cameras were in place and music flowed in the background. This was the last scene of the movie—the big climax where William, infuriated that Alex had legally gotten back his father’s ranch and had married his sister, threatened to ruin Alex’s livelihood and his sister’s happiness.

  “Ready on the set,” roared Westerly.

  Everyone, including a hungover Carey Chambers took their places.


  William stormed into what used to be his house. He overturned tables and chairs on his way to find his ex-friend and his sister. Susie and Alex ran into the living room when they heard the noise. Shouted words and threatening gestures punctuated the anger between the threesome. Alex stepped in front of his new wife to protect her from her brother. William, in a rage pulled his gun on Alex and Susie. The music swelled in response to the tension among the actors and William pulled the trigger on his gun. Alex staggered and Susie screamed. William laughed as the couple fell to the floor together. Susie held her husband in her arms as his blood seeped onto the floor.


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