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Fallen Idol (Love and Music in Texas Book 4)

Page 10

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  "Maybe it's them threatening. Look at you, about to re-emerge on the music scene," he pointed out.

  "Or its a pissed off ex-fan."

  "Either way, someone isn't happy. I noticed earlier there were a few men hanging in the background watching you. It gave me the creeps, and I don't usually get that way."

  "They might have been the bodyguards my manager sent. I don't know who they were. I was supposed to act normal. Before going dress shopping with Blaine, I went to the police station to bring up that letter and article, so my manager warned me he'd be sending some people out."

  "I hope that was them, then. They looked a little rough. Kept watching me, too."

  She chuckled. "I bet it was them, then. They probably wanted to make sure you weren't going to make a move on me or something."

  "Since we decided to go heavy on the truths, I've got another one for you," Matt said softly.

  "You were going to make a move?" she guessed. Would she have gone for it if it happened?

  "No! Not to say you aren't worth making a move on, but..." Matt shook his head. "This is coming out all wrong. Anyway, I think Andrew has ideas of setting us up. He kept calling tonight a date. He'd said something about me being so distracted by my date with you that I wouldn't embarrass him around Daisy. It was Andrew's suggestion to invite you to chaperon with me, that way I had someone to hang with all night."

  "Seems your son is looking out for dear old dad."

  Matt sighed. "In a way. He's missing a family. I guess he feels like part of a family when he's with Randy and Blaine. I feel terrible! I know I work a lot of hours and that we've had our trouble, but it really hit me where it counts. I can't give my son what he needs, and that's a mother. He looks up to Blaine a lot, and now he's attached to you."

  "His mother doesn't talk to him at all?" How could a woman just leave her family like that? Her own flesh and blood? Kyra may have pulled away from her family, but it wasn't over music. It was the breakdown.

  "She called me the other day. Actually, the day I met you. She and her new singer boyfriend wound up in jail, and she wanted me to bail her out. No mention of Andrew. We'd been separated a couple of years before she up and left. My relationship with Andrew at the time was strained, because she'd made me out to be the bad guy, so when he came back to live with me, things got bad. His mother's behavior worsened, and Andrew realized what was really going on."

  "I don't understand how she could walk away from a great man and an amazing teenager." Kyra looked up at him. "Music is amazing, but family is irreplaceable."

  "You have your regrets, huh?"

  "I didn't walk away from my family over music. The reason I never came around before this was my anxiety. I tried to keep how bad I was under wraps, but it took a few years of therapy for me to get past what happened. I was a complete hermit for a few years. I stayed in my apartment and did nothing but write music for myself."

  "Apartment?" He sounded surprised.

  Kyra laughed. "Yes, apartment. Did you think I lived in a huge mansion or something?"

  "I don't know. Okay, yeah," he admitted, looking away.

  "I don't need a big mansion. It's just me. I swear, does the whole world think all the stars need to live large?" She wasn't upset about his admission, but it did make her wonder what people thought of her. Not that she truly wanted to know, because she was sure the thoughts weren't the best.

  He held up his hands. "I know, I know. It's the jaded man in me. I assumed again."

  "I think I'll forgive you this time around." She sipped her soda, feeling a little better now that she and Matt had the worst of this conversation behind them. It was nice how they could go from serious to a little less serious and keep up the pace. He was easy to talk to, something she hadn't imagined would be the case looking back from the first night she'd met him. She felt safe around Matt. How could that be? This man was still a stranger to her, but the feeling of security was there. She'd gone to that dance knowing the anxiety could hit, but because she was with Matt, somehow she knew she'd be okay. "Hey, Matt?"


  "Truth. I feel safe with you. It's the first time in a long time I've felt that way." There. She put it out there. Now what? "I think that anxiety attack would have been much worse if you hadn't been there."

  He reeled back sharply. His mouth moved but no words came out. "I don't know what to say. Me? You feel safe with me? You hardly know me!"

  "I know. That's the craziest part about it."

  Matt moved closer to her again. "Truth. I have this sudden urge to kiss you."

  "So why don't you?" she challenged.

  His brows rose. "Would I get slapped?"

  "Look around. No bodyguard watching whether you'll make a move or not," Kyra gestured.

  "That doesn't quite answer my question," he growled. He still didn't kiss her.

  Unsure if he knew it, Kyra sang a few lines from a Thomspon Square song.

  Matt burst into laughter. "Seriously? You're going to sing that song to me right now?"

  "Seemed to fit. So?" Would he? Did she have to make the move? The idea of kissing Matt made her mind go into a tailspin. At least it was a good one this time around.

  Without another word, Matt pressed his lips to hers. He slid his arms around her, pulling her close to him. His kisses were hot, needy, and damn sexy. Kyra closed her eyes and gave in. She kissed Matt back. She had one hand on his shoulder. The other made it's way around him. He teased her lower lip, and she dug her fingernails in his skin. He pulled back for a second. They stared at each other in silence.

  "I could do that again," Kyra said softly.

  "So could I." Matt went for her lips again until the sound of the back door opening halted things.

  "Uh oh. We might get busted in the tree house." She giggled, a little nervous all of a sudden.

  Matt let out a laugh, but he also snorted. That only aided in another fit of giggles from Kyra.

  "What are you two doing up there?" Andrew's grown up authority voice didn't help matters any. Matt and Kyra doubled over in laughter. "Dad? Are you making out?"

  Between laughs, Matt responded. "No, Andrew. Kyra and I were just talking."

  "Ooookay then. I just thought I'd check on you. David's asleep, and I didn't know what we were doing. I'm just going to go back inside and wait." The door opened again and they waited in silence for a few more minutes before laughing again.

  Matt peeked out the tree house window. "Yeah, he's inside. I thought I'd be busting him tonight for kissing, not the other way around!"

  Kyra tsked at him. "Maybe you need the curfews and 'the talk'." She made air quotes. Another round of laughter followed. It was nice to laugh over silly little things. For a while, her mind had been in a happy place.

  "I think you're a bad influence!" He pointed at her.

  "You started this!"

  "I'd start it again if I could." Matt's voice went low. "We should probably get down from here so I can take my son home."

  "Yeah." Disappointment settled in her gut. "Matt, thanks for coming back and getting me to talk. I'm really glad you're here."

  "Me too." He traced a finger along her jaw. "I don't know what it is about you, but I'm intrigued. I want to know everything about you."

  She jerked away from his touch. Not because she didn't want it, but because she did, and it scared her. Gathering her stuff, Kyra glanced back up at Matt. "Truth. I'm glad you didn't look up everything about me on the Internet. Most would have."

  "I'm not most." Matt leaned over and kissed her cheek. "You going to be okay tonight?"

  She nodded. "I'm home and calm now. The worst is over."

  "Okay. But if you find yourself in need of a good conversation or need anything, call me."

  She could easily find a way to take him up on that offer.

  Kyra downed the last of her soda before climbing down the ladder. Her legs were a little shaky, probably from her nerves over kissing Matt. It was unexpected, but most definitely intere

  Matt jumped down from halfway up the ladder, landing perfectly on both feet. He shot her a smile as if to say "Ta da!"

  "You're good at that."

  "Practice. I've been in this tree house many times."

  "Yeah? Did you ever kiss anyone up there before?" Did she really want to know?

  He stepped closer to her and reached for her hand. "Why? Jealous?" He teased, his tone soft and playful.

  She rolled her eyes. "Nah. Don't get so full of yourself."

  "My last truth for the night." Matt leaned over and whispered in her ear. "You were the first."

  Kyra said goodbye to Matt and Andrew fifteen minutes later. Once she closed and locked the door, she leaned against it. "What the hell am I doing?" The man had a son who was already struggling with abandonment. It was obvious Andrew liked Kyra and was trying to set her up with his father. So why did she have to allow Matt to kiss her and enjoy it so much when this was only temporary? She had her family to take care of, an album to finish, threats to dodge, a tour to go on.

  This would only hurt people.

  Matt and his kisses found their way to her dreams all night. Somehow, she always went right back there, even when her thoughts traveled to everything else, which included questioning everything about the night of the car crash.

  Chapter Twelve

  "You're famous today," Andrew exclaimed, pushing his phone across the dining room table the next morning at breakfast.

  "What are you talking about?" Matt tentatively picked up the phone, afraid to see whatever it was his son had up. He muttered a curse when he discovered it was a photo of him carrying Kyra out of the crowd at the dance. "Who the hell took this?"

  The caption read "Hometown hero becomes knight in shining armor to Kyra Sanders". Seriously? Who the hell writes these headlines?

  Then the comments and the questions under the article itself, if you even want to call that an article. "Are they dating? Is that Kyra's new boyfriend? How could he date her after all the trouble she's caused?"

  He didn't even have time to drop by Kyra's to find out how she was handling this. A long work day beckoned. There was no avoiding it. The shop would be interesting today.

  "So it was a date!" Andrew exclaimed.

  Matt handed the phone back. "It wasn't a date, Andrew. It was a favor. As for that photo, Kyra fainted. I had to get her out of there." He wasn't about to tell his son why she passed out. Andrew didn't need to know those details.

  Andrew folded his arms. "You were kissing in my tree house," he accused.

  Matt wasn't about to lie to his son. "Yeah, we were. But that wasn't what we meant to do. We went up there because she needed someone to talk to. The kissing just happened. Shouldn't this conversation be the other way around? You should be explaining yourself to me!" Lightening the mood was a good idea. Who would have thought he'd have to explain to his son why he'd been kissing Kyra!

  "I thought so." Andrew laughed. "I gave Daisy one kiss good night. That was it. You and Kyra were hiding. Good thing David was asleep!"

  "Hey, I know you wanted it to be a date, but you know nothing more can happen. Kyra has big plans that don't include dating." Or if they did, Matt didn't know of them. "I'm surprised you're pushing us together, considering."

  Andrew sighed and slumped in his seat. "I know. I really like her. She's funny, and she teaches me guitar. She really cares about me, and it's not fake. I know she has to go back to Nashville eventually and do her music stuff, but there's a lot more to her than music. She chaperoned the dance so I could go on my first date without it being ruined. What's not to like?"

  He had that one right. "I just don't want you to get hurt again. You're still angry about your mother, and you can't say you aren't because it shows. Blaine and Randy know it, too."

  "Kyra isn't Mom," Andrew argued.

  "I know she isn't. Glad you know it too, but that's beyond the point. Kyra has her life rooted in music. She's here because her family needs her."

  "Yeah, but her family is always going to need her, even when her mom wakes up and both of them are out of the hospital. I'm just saying, Dad. I think you two might be good together."

  Matt was about to take a bite of his cereal, but Andrew's last comment stopped him. He halted the spoon midway. "Why do you say that?"

  "It's obvious. And why else would you be kissing her in the tree house? Unless you want to brag to your friends." Andrew leaned over the table.

  "It's definitely not for bragging. I'm telling you, the kiss just happened. I didn't plan it. Neither did Kyra." Boy, did he feel like the teenager right now.

  "Okay okay," Andrew said, shaking his head.

  Matt finished his food in silence, washed his bowl, then set it to dry in the drainboard. "Be careful today. I have a feeling there are going to be reporters all over the place asking questions about last night. Do not answer the door to them or give them a story. Got it?"

  "I know, Dad. I won't. I promise I'll be careful today. You don't have to worry so much." Andrew brushed it off.

  But he did need to worry.

  If only he didn't have to go to work today. He could stay inside with Andrew and avoid people all together. Not gonna happen. He had a living to earn, cars to fix, and people to please.


  "What the hell happened last night? There are so many trending comments about you today!" Mark shouted over the phone. Kyra had to move it further from her ear to avoid bursting an eardrum.

  Shit hit the fan. Go figure. Just what were they saying about Matt right now?

  "I kinda fainted." Easy explanation.

  "Kinda fainted?"

  She sighed. "Okay. I had an anxiety attack. I guess I'm not as used to crowds again as I'd hoped. My sister was fighting with someone, I ran after her. Then when I went back inside it hit. Kids were dancing and having fun, and my mind took me back to the attack. I blacked out. Matt carried me out of there as fast as he could."

  Mark clicked a pen repeatedly. Kyra heard it loud and clear even through the static. It was a nervous habit her manager had. He'd been doing it off and on through out the years, especially because of her. "Are you feeling okay? Did anyone hurt you or say something to you?"

  "I was rattled. This was the first major crowd I've been around in almost six years. Why it hit then and there like it did, I don't know. Amy pushed me, and someone took pictures. Maybe that set it off."

  "You've got a tour coming up in a few months."

  "Like I need that reminder? I know, Mark. What do you want me to do? Go back to therapy? I thought this was all over and done with. I was just as surprised."


  "I'm trying to find my normal again. It's not easy with these threats and hate mail and the possibility that someone wants to hurt my family because I'm pursuing music again." Tears choked up her voice.

  "I'm sorry, honey. I'm not trying to upset you. Of course you're my first concern, but we do have things lined up. I just want to make sure you can handle them."

  "I thought I could!" She raised her voice. Worry consumed her.

  "Okay, okay. Calm down. We'll figure this out. I'll run damage control. Just stay out of the press today, would ya?"

  "I plan on it. They've hounded me plenty today. I feel bad for Matt. I haven't heard from him yet, and he's got a son. This isn't gonna be good."

  "Yeah, they're putting a spin that he's your new beau."

  Kyra groaned. "Just what he needs."

  "What's his deal? He a decent guy?"

  "He's a great guy. He's not fond of musicians because of-" No, she didn't need to spill Matt's story. "He just went through a rough time."

  "No need to explain. I'm hoping we won't find any dirt on him that would add to the drama."

  Dirt on Matt? Yeah right. The only dirt Matt ever had was when he hadn't cleaned up from working on cars. She laughed. "I doubt you'll ever find bad dirt on Matt." Deep down, despite the man's jaded attitude at times, Matt was one of the good ones. The way he'd be
en so attentive to her last night was a gesture she didn't see much of lately. And his kiss? Holy hotness! She could take more of his kisses without complaints. If only things weren't in such a complicated state. Matt was the kind of guy Kyra would love to get to know better.

  "I'll keep you updated. Hey, on a good note, your song is becoming the most requested on quite a few stations. So not all is lost."

  "I'm glad to hear it. Oh, I've got a first for you. I danced to my own song last night. The deejay played Savor at the dance." The memory of being in Matt's arms before things turned crazy filled her head.

  "Nice! Gotta go, but take it easy today, yes?"

  "Will do, Mark. I'm going to visit my parents and pretend like last night didn't turn out the way it did." Kyra put a hand to her aching head.

  "If you hear news about that fire, I want to know ASAP." He didn't give her time to respond before the call disconnected. Her phone continued to buzz with notifications. Kyra ignored them. They were all the same thing. Photos of last night and varying headlines. She'd heard one about doing drugs and needing rehab. All she could do was laugh them off.

  "Screw you, tabloids," she muttered, shoving the phone away.

  "They always stay bad stuff about you," her brother said from behind her. Kyra gasped and whirled around. She hadn't even known David was behind her! "Mom and Dad get phone calls sometimes asking about you."

  "I'm sorry, David. I don't like that my celebrity status affects you guys so much."

  "I just don't get why they're so mean. Mom and Dad won't say much to me about it. Maybe because I'm too young to understand, which is what they say a lot. How come you haven't had music out in so long? And why haven't you been here before now?" His tone was curious, but accusing, too. "I swear, if you tell me I'm too young, I'm going to get pissed."

  "I don't want you to get upset with me," Kyra said, already disliking the way this conversation was going. If her brother wanted to know, he had every right. The whole family had been affected by her and the actions that led to their current situation. "Sit down with me. This isn't a short story."

  David listened intently as Kyra filled him in on the events of the last six years. This was the second time in a few days she told this story, and she hated it just as much.


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