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Page 10

by Jenika Snow

  She looked over at Tolcan sitting at the table cleaning one of his guns. It was an older model, one that had been tweaked by resistance members to work differently, more efficiently. Although they didn’t have the technological access that other Rogues did, not anymore, they made do with what they had.

  Even now they lived in a cave that was deep in the mountains. They had come up with strips of metal and wire to block out scanners and transmissions from Rogues, so they were relatively safe here since they were hidden from detection.

  But life wasn’t easy still. They were hiding, running when they needed to, and Tolcan and the other Rogues, including the humans and Jayce, were trying to fight the Royals and their plans to continue running this world and the people into the ground. Things needed to change, and it wouldn’t happen overnight, or even in the next couple of years, but they were trying.

  She stared at the man she’d grown to care for so much she didn’t even know how to put it into words. That heat filled her, consumed her, and the longer she stared at him the more she wanted him. Being with Tolcan meant she could give herself over to him for a short time, and not think about what was happening on the other side of the mountain.

  “The way you’re looking at me is very dangerous, my female.” Tolcan’s voice was low and rough, like sandpaper moving along her body.

  “And what way is that?” Greta knew she was playing with fire, tempting his inner beast that flickered, but she loved every minute of it, loved she could tempt him and he’d want more.

  “Like the way I’m looking at you. The look that screams you need me as badly as I need you.”

  “It’s only been a few hours,” she whispered, her body already lighting up. Her heart pounded so hard that she felt like it would burst right through her chest. He moved closer, so close that she smelled the spicy, masculine flavor that came from this Rogue, and told her he was all male. His eyes were lowered and trained on her lips, and she felt them part under the weight of his stare. He was so ruggedly handsome, so brutal and raw in his appearance that Greta wasn’t going to deny herself the one thing she wanted the most: him.

  Before she could lean forward, kiss him, and run her hands over all that muscle that was barely hidden beneath his clothes, Tolcan was talking in that rough timbre of his again, telling her what he was going to do to her. “As much as I like the fact that you want to take control,” he lifted his gaze from her mouth and looked into her eyes, “I’m not a male that takes well to submitting to others. You know that, female.”

  She licked her lips, felt them warm from the blood flow just beneath them.

  He leaned forward, and all she could do was sit there, motionless, waiting for this potent male to have his way with her. And God, Tolcan was so going to have his way with her. She could see it in his almost white colored eyes, feel it in his words.

  “Just tell me how much you fucking want this, too, Greta. Tell me you want me taking control.”

  Her heart thundered harder.

  “Tell me you want my mark tingling on the side of your neck and want my cum filling your body.” His breath brushed along her lips, and a small sound left her.

  Here, now, she felt very helpless with this very dominant male. Her mind and body were already in submission. She wanted to feel him slide his cock deep inside of her. Greta ached to feel the stretch and burn of Tolcan claiming her.

  “Tell me you want me to do filthy fucking things to you.” He slid his hand over her thigh, along her hip, and up her side to rest right by her breasts. “Tell me you want my handprints on your body.” He slid his hand over her breast, very slowly, giving her time to stop him if she wanted. “Tell me what I want to hear.” When he covered the mound a soft sigh spilled from her.

  “You know I want that, and so much more.”

  He applied pressure to her breast, curled his hand around her sensitive flesh until a sting of pain filled her and mixed with the pleasure. She let her head fall back slightly, and instantly Tolcan had his mouth on her exposed throat. God, she was going to come before he even fucked her.


  Tolcan groaned deeply against Greta’s neck. She tasted sweet, addictive … his. He flattened his tongue and ran it up the length of her throat. Her breasts were more than a handful, and her nipple was a rock hard bead in the center of his palm. His cock jerked against the zipper of his pants, and he felt wetness coat the tip. He wanted her, and he was going to have her, over and over again until she couldn’t see straight.

  “You have no idea how hard I am right now.”

  She moaned, and the vibrations that came from her neck went right to his mouth.

  “I’m so wet.”

  Her words had a low rumble leaving him.

  “I want to see your ass in the air, your cheeks spread, and your pretty cunt on display.” He knew he sounded fierce, angry, but he wasn’t upset with her. This was just how he sounded, how his kind spoke when they were deep in need, thick with arousal. He pulled back enough to look in her face, but she was already watching him.

  “I’ve never felt so alive, Tolcan...”

  Her desire was piqued. He sensed it, smelled it. Tolcan grinned, knowing it wasn’t pleasant looking, but not able to stop the predatory desire in him. This was his female, his mate, and she wore his brand to prove it. He wanted to devour her, wanted to eat her alive. That’s how aroused he was, how hard he was for her. All he wanted was them naked and on his bed, her on her back, him between her thighs. Tolcan took her mouth again, fucked her between her lips with his tongue, and groaned deeply.

  He pulled back, cupped her cheek, stroked her soft, warm flesh, and moved his hand down to cup her throat again. “The things I’m going to do to you will have you screaming out my name and begging for more.” He leaned down and kissed her, and swallowed the gasp that left her. Kissing her harder, he didn’t give her time to take any control. He was the male, the predator, and he’d take care of her in all ways. He would be the one that would be doing the fucking.

  He slipped his hand to the collar of her shirt, and without giving her a chance to realize what was happening he tore the material. The sound of fabric rending filled the small place they called home. It may only be one room, with a bed barely fitting him let alone both of them, but it was perfect, absolutely-fucking-perfect. He smelled her rising lust and loved that she was so open to him. Tolcan pulled back and looked at the work he had done. The front half of her shirt hung open, but it was the sight of her bared breasts, free of any confining material, that had his mouth watering. Grabbing her and lifting her easily, he turned them around and moved them toward the bench in the sitting area of their home.

  Once she was on the bench, he lowered his head and latched onto one of her nipples. Moving his tongue around her areola before sucking the taut peak in his mouth, Tolcan felt her tremble beneath him and took her flesh harder and more fiercely in his mouth. He alternated to the other breast, sucked, licked, and nipped until both of her nipples were wet from his saliva, hard from his mouth, and red from the erotic abuse he’d just given her. But her little pants and soft mewls for more wouldn’t stop him from escalating this.

  “Tolcan, God, I can’t take anymore. I need you.”

  He loved she was like this, loved that she was his submissive in all things, but also had that little fiery spark in her. “As much as I’d love to take you right here, I want you spread out completely on our pallet.” He leaned forward, placed his mouth right on hers, but didn’t apply any pressure. “I want to slide my dick into your pussy so fast, so hard, you can’t sit comfortably.”

  She breathed harder.

  “I want to see you stretched for me.”

  She leaned forward, and the minutest pressure was applied to his mouth with hers. He wanted to kiss her again, but this was about him taking control. He pulled away, moved his hand so it was wrapped around her throat, and bared his teeth.

  “I’m in control, my female.” He ran his tongue along her bottom lip, but kept his ho
ld on her throat loose. This wasn’t about frightening her, but about dominating her. He was the alpha, and she was his mate.

  The scent of her pussy becoming wetter filled his nose, and he nearly let his eyes roll back in his head from the pleasure of it. “You already gave me that power, didn’t you, Greta?” Burying his face in the crook of her neck he inhaled deeply. Yes, she was his, and they were just getting started.

  “Yes. God, yes, I did.”

  He placed his hand right over her pussy, through the material of her pants, and pulled back to look into her face again. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth was slightly opened as she breathed in and out heavily.

  “This is mine, Greta.” He added pressure between her thighs. “You are mine. You’ll always be mine, no matter what.”

  Slowly she opened her eyes, and her lust was so strong her pupils were fully dilated.

  “I’ll always be yours,” she whispered.

  He added just the slightest pressure again to her neck, just enough to show her he was serious, and just enough to have her get wetter from his domination. “I have no problem breaking necks, slicing throats, or killing anyone that thinks they can take you from me. I don’t care if those that think they can take you from me are Rogue or human. You. Are. Mine.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “You’re so … fierce and protective,” Greta whispered.

  Tolcan growled low in his throat. “Only with you.” He ran his thumb along her pulse point below her ear. His cock throbbed, and his balls ached. “I want to be inside of you. I want to slide my cock deep into your pussy, feel you clench around me, and have your wetness slide down the length of my dick, Greta. And when you think I can’t possibly go any deeper, I’ll push that last inch so far inside of you there isn’t any part of your pussy that I’m not touching.”

  “Oh. God.” She licked her lips and lifted her hips, causing his hand to press further, harder against her pussy. He felt her wetness through her pants. “Stop talking,” she breathed out.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard, that there will be no doubt who you belong to.” This time he took her mouth brutally, their lips pressing so hard together circulation was cut off and their teeth clashed together. He rotated his hand so he could press his thumb to her clit. Tolcan rubbed the nub, which he could feel through her thin pants was obscenely swollen, back and forth.

  She writhed under him, held onto his biceps with an unyielding force, and curled her nails into his flesh. Pulling back so he could look down at her, all Tolcan could think was that she was all his. Taking hold of the material of her shirt, which was already destroyed, he ripped it the rest of the way off. Her breasts shook from the force of it, and if possible her nipples hardened even further.

  He leaned down and ran his tongue along her lips. A moan left her, and before she could suck in another lungful of air he was moving down her body until his face was at the junction between her thighs. He tore her pants away as well, the material nothing more than thin paper under his desire. He ran his tongue first along her left inner thigh, and then moved to her right.

  “Tolcan…” Greta had her hands in his hair and tugged at the strands forcefully.

  “You have no idea what it does to me to hear you beg.” He latched his mouth right over her pussy. Her labia were puffy from her arousal and his suckling. Leaning back to look at her again, he reached between his legs and rubbed his cock through his pants at the sight of her. Her clit was swollen and red. A guttural groan left him, and he attacked her pink flesh like a starving male.

  The musky, sweet smell and flavor of his mate exploded on his tongue, filled his nose, and he licked, sucked, and bit at her flesh harder. The sounds she made were making him insane, and having him become more dominant, more aggressive. The image of marking every inch of her flesh, and having her nails dig into his back swamped him in euphoria. He fucked her pussy with his tongue, slid it in and out continuously until he sensed her climax approaching.

  Flattening his tongue once more and slowly dragging it up her slit, he sucked her clit in his mouth at the same time he thrust one, and then two of his fingers into her clenching body. Her pussy gripped those digits in rhythmic pulls, and he sucked on the hard bundle of nerves at the top of her mound with increasing force. It didn’t take long for her to explode in ecstasy.

  Tolcan didn’t stop his ministrations. He was so fucking turned on he started pressing his cock into the side of the bench, thrusting against the cushion to try to ease his own raging desire. Tolcan tore himself away from her. The scent of her climax filled the room, covered his mouth in a slick haze, and every part of him was on fire.

  “Take me, Tolcan.” Her eyes were wide, and her cheeks were red from her orgasm. He had her in his arms as soon as the words left her mouth. Her face was in the crook of his neck, and the small, heated puffs of her breath moved along his flesh.

  He laid her down on the center of their pallet. “Lie back with your legs spread as wide as you can get them.”

  Her chest rose and fell quickly, but she did what he said without any hesitation. A deep noise left him in pleasure that his mate obeyed so nicely. When she placed her feet flat on the bed and spread her legs wide, Tolcan ran a hand over his mouth. Her pussy lips parted, exposing her inner labia and the pink shading of them. Her clit was hard and protruded, and the roundness of her ass was perfection.

  For a moment all he did was stare at her, at the pussy that was his and no one else’s. “Greta, you are mine,” he said in a deep voice, not hiding his arousal. “Your body is mine, and no one will ever touch you but me. No one will ever think of touching you or they’ll meet a fate that will have their blood covering my body, and their broken bones at my feet.” Slowly he slid his eyes from her pussy to her face, and held her gaze with his own. There would be no other for him, and the same went for her.

  She didn’t respond, just breathed harder. Her cheeks were pink, her pupils dilated, and her lust slammed into him fast and hard. She was a true submissive in every way, but he also knew that the submission she so freely gave him was only for him, and wasn’t given lightly. She was strong when the time called for it, like when they were planning strategy with the resistance.

  She was his, and he’d do everything in his power to make it stay that way until he drew his last breath.


  Greta loved this male, and although she’d never loved anyone in this way, she knew that she’d never be able to love another male like this again. Tolcan had shown her the world wasn’t all bad, that there was still hope, and that with an open mind and strength things could work out in the end.

  “My love,” Tolcan said softly, and smoothed his hands over her legs as he stared at her. She was on the bed naked, her legs spread, and Tolcan staring at her like he was barely hanging on to his control. All she could think about was pushing him further, making him frantic with his need like she was right now. He gripped the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head. The lights in the cave were barely bright, but they were using solar energy being harvested miles above them. It was primitive compared to what the Rogues had on the outside, but the fact they had any kind of artificial light, and did not have to solely rely on fires, was a miracle, especially being this deep in the mountains.

  Every hard ridge, dip, and bulge of his muscles were shown in startling clarity, and the bands of his tattoos creeping up his forearms and biceps had her inner muscles clenching. He was just so very big. Tall and hard in all the right places, he was the epitome of masculinity, and he was hers. Submitting to him was easy and pleasurable in every possible way.

  “Turn around and get on your hands and knees.” He stood, and right before her eyes she watched as he went for his belt. When that was removed he undid his button and pulled down the zipper of his pants. The sight of even more hard flesh being revealed transfixed Greta. His cock, so hard, long, thick, was going to stretch her so good, so painfully, she’d come from that first penetration alone. She knew this wit
h every fiber of her being.

  She was so wet, almost embarrassingly so, and the feel of her arousal sliding down the crack of her ass had her shifting. But a low growl from Tolcan had her stilling.

  He stood before her just as naked as she was, his thick, hard and long cock standing out from his hairless groin. She didn’t know why Rogues had no body hair, but seeing every part of Tolcan on full display was certainly an aphrodisiac. To be able to see all of his hard, unobstructed masculinity turned her on to the point she thought she’d pass out from the intensity of it.

  “Get on your hands and knees, female.” He said the last word on a growl, and she did as he asked, anticipating it.

  Looking over her shoulder she held her breath as he stalked forward, and really there was no other way to explain what he was doing. When he was on the bed and positioned behind her, the chilled sensation that came from him had goosebumps popping out along her body. It was a heady and intoxicating feeling, but not as much as when he brought his open palm down on her ass with enough force that the sting had a cry leaving her. But soon blood rushed to the surface of the erotically abused area, and her pussy became wetter. He continued to spank her over and over again, heating her flesh from the inside out, causing her ass to jiggle with each slap, and grunting out the most deliciously filthy words she had ever heard.

  “This will be filled with my cock when you’re ready, Greta.” He teased her anus, pressed his finger gently inside, and then pulled it back out. He did this over and over again, having her lift her ass for more, but not ready to take his large cock back there yet. She was afraid, she could admit that, but Tolcan was patient with her, especially when it was something sexual that she wasn’t comfortable trying.

  He rubbed the spot he had been spanking, soothing the pain and mixing it with pleasure. When he pressed his hips forward so she felt the hard length of him settle between her legs she forced herself to keep her eyes open. His cock felt so hot, and she wanted to feel that heat deep inside of her body.


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