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Dangerous: A Seaside Cove Romance

Page 8

by Cora Davies

  The awkward silence, however, she wanted to shatter.

  "This is a good song," Claire said. She had never heard it. Heavy metal was not music. She preferred the classics: The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones. Good beats, meaningful lyrics with layers. Even if sometimes the layers were acid inspired, at least they did not scream at her.

  "Yeah?" Ben looked over at her agreeably, turning the radio up. Why did she say that? Claire's fingers searched for a beat to tap along to, but it seemed impossible.

  After the longest four minutes of her life, the song ended as Ben pulled into a parking spot.

  "Damnit!" He punched the steering wheel once and Claire looked around the empty parking lot, her eyes wide. "I knew I should have had my secretary call for reservations."

  Ben parked outside of a small restaurant on Main Street called The Opera House. A sign proclaiming, 'closed for construction' hung over the dark windows.

  "This is my first date place. I don't have a backup." Ben glanced at her, letting his eyes travel down over her chest and to her bare knees. Claire tugged at the hem again.

  "That's okay. I'm kinda tired anyway," she lied, but faked a yawn to prove her point.

  "Don't be stupid. There are other places to eat," Ben said, pulling his eyes from her knees and putting the car in reverse. Claire suppressed an eye roll. Don't be stupid. Thanks Rachel for a fantastic date. Is this payback for something I did when we were kids?

  "It's Valentine's Day; maybe we should give up?"

  "An old friend of mine works a real nice place in the mountains. It's no Opera House, but it's got a great view. No problem, we'll get a table. Bluffs Brewery. You been there?"

  Claire's breath caught. She willed herself to act normal. "Yeah, a few times."

  "It's good right? My buddy Eli runs the bar. I'll call my secretary and make sure they have a table ready for us."

  He's friends with Eli? Seaside Cove is too small.

  "I know Eli," Claire ventured when Ben got off the phone.

  "Yeah?" Ben did not ask how, but talked about his move back to Seaside Cove last summer, how he had decided to run for mayor, and how he was thinking about setting roots. "I'm getting older. Not many bachelor mayors. Rachel tells me you're a veteran and a single mom, struggling on a small income. Did you know we have a high veteran population in Seaside Cove? Most of them are voters."

  Ben winked at her and Claire stared back blankly. What was he implying? And did Rachel really tell him she was struggling on a single income?

  Ben jerked the steering wheel to the left to climb up the mountain. Claire's stomach felt like it stayed on the main road for a moment before catching up to her. When they reached the top of the mountain, she would have to see Eli. What were the odds of him not being there? She did not need Eli's math skills to know the odds were not in her favor.

  Claire thought about Eli in her living room almost a month ago, pressing her against the wall. Now, she would be at the brewery with another man.

  It did not matter, there was nothing between them. Not even a friendship, according to Eli. He would not care.

  So, why was she still so nervous?

  They sat in almost silence, the only sound coming from the speakers; the screaming disguised as music. She could ignore the radio a little longer.

  It was beautiful out that night, the sky was clear except for a single cloud, illuminated by the full moon and stars. Each curve in the road brought another spectacular view of the ocean over the cliffs. She could not imagine working at the brewery, seeing those views every day.

  When they reached the restaurant, Ben pulled into a spot towards the back of the full lot. He reached over Claire and she tensed for a moment until she realized his hand was on the door handle. "I always open the door for my dates."

  Claire smiled and muttered "thanks" before stepping outside. The crisp air wrapped around her skin and she pulled her shawl tighter. Ben already stood at the front of the car, scrolling through his cell phone. She walked up and stood beside him for a moment, suppressing a sigh.

  Rachel, this has to be a joke. Right? Claire thought about every mean thing she had ever done to Rachel growing up. Was anything worth this?

  "One second, checking my messages." Ben typed at the screen. Claire stared at the highest windows above the brewery, dark and still. Eli's apartment.

  "Thanks for waiting," Ben said, sliding his phone into his pants pocket. "I'm sorry I'm kinda all over the place. I'm working with a small staff for the election, and I want to make sure everything goes smoothly." He smiled, his first easy smile of the evening. If he smiled like that at Rachel, maybe that was why she set them up. Maybe it was not a cruel joke after all. Her sister had always been a sucker for a good looking man.

  He offered Claire his arm, and after only a moment's hesitation, she took it. They walked across the parking lot, the quiet country music growing louder. When they got to the porch, she noticed a large bucket at the base of the stairs.

  Odd and out of place, she glanced down at it. It was almost filled to the top with water from a broken gutter. The ground was only slightly muddy around the bucket, saving her shoes and proving it was doing its job.

  They stepped inside and she should have relaxed. Instead, as they climbed the stairs, Claire's muscles tensed, thinking of how different things bad been the last time she had been there.

  "Claire!" Molly greeted them. Her smile was large and infectious, her dark auburn hair tied up in a knot on top of her head. She glowed with happiness, as always.

  "Hi, Molly," Claire said, returning Molly's hug.

  "Please tell me you're here to set him straight. I swear Eli has been such a-" Molly stopped, noticing Ben standing beside Claire in the lobby. "Mr. Tomlin, right?"

  "Ben." Ben extended his hand. The corner of his mouth raised, as if he was in on a private joke. "Eli has been such a what?"

  "Sorry, just Eli will be happy that we have more, um- Betty!" Molly waved at a waitress walking through the lobby. "Can you please take Mr. Tomlin and Claire to the balcony table we just set up? Happy Valentine's Day."

  Betty, the pretty blonde Claire met the night she filled in, approached them, eying Ben. Betty winked at Claire before grabbing two menus from the hostess stand. She walked into the dining room.

  Ben extended his hand in the air and nodded at Claire, indicating she should go first. Claire followed the waitress, wanting so much to glance at the bar as they passed and see Eli. She let her eyes stray over to the bar.

  Eli made a mixed drink and talked to Jack. He wore a white t-shirt with the brewery logo, and it stretched across his muscles. She turned away before anyone noticed her looking at him, even as she did, Jack caught her eye. He stopped laughing and elbowed Eli.

  I've been made!

  She should have made eye contact with Eli. Smiled. Nodded curtly. Friendly. But everything in her body fought her, as they climbed the stairs to the balcony. Soon they would be out of Eli's sight.

  "Here we are," Betty said. Their seats were at a beautiful table set in front of the large picture window. A small white candle in the center of the black tablecloth with a red rose lying on either side. A perfect touch for the holiday, not overdone.

  They were on full display from the bar. She glanced around the room, all the other tables were full. Ben and Betty stared at her, waiting for her to sit. She was being ridiculous. She sat.

  Betty relayed the specials, but Claire could not concentrate. Get it over with. Her eyes darted to the bar, her body freezing as she locked eyes with Eli. He stared at her with a look so pointed and angry, he could set fire to the room.


  "What the hell is he doing here?" Eli asked.

  Tomlin had something up his sleeve. He had been into the brewery twice since he discovered Eli there. This time, Ben brought a date. A short curvy woman. Eli broke the toothpick in his hand. He reached for another, stabbing a few cherries and tossing them in the Hawaiian Sunrise.

He?" Jack poured two glasses of beer and handed them to the waiting waitress. "It wasn't a he I pointed at."

  Eli grabbed an empty glass and glared at Ben as he walked up the stairs. "Why are they getting that table? Don't tell me they set it out for him and whatever dumb chick he's-"

  Eli almost dropped the glass in his hand. Claire stood at the top of the stairs. Ben's date.

  Molly appeared at the counter. "Crap, I'm too late. I wanted to tell you before you saw them. That's the guy Rachel set her up with."

  Eli saw Ben smirk at him before sitting down at the table across from Claire.

  "I'm going to kill Rachel." Eli set the glass down, feeling as though it could shatter in his hand. No. He would kill Ben. If he had the chance. What game was he playing? How had he found out about Claire? "It can't be a coincidence. He's using Claire to get to me."

  "I didn't think there was anything between you and Claire?" Molly asked, glancing between Eli and Jack. Jack shrugged. "Rachel gave him Claire's number before she even started school -- before you guys met."

  Eli let that sink in. But, he still did not want Ben anywhere near Claire. Claire laid her menu down and he saw her glance down a him. She looked like a Bond girl in that tight black dress. Why did she have to look so sexy?

  She dressed like that for her date with Ben. Eli's mind went dark. He saw his hands on Ben's chest, picking him up and pushing him out of the window, his body landing on the rocks below.

  Her face disappeared behind the menu. Betty leaned on the counter, snapping her fingers in Eli's face, and he crashed back to reality.

  "A whiskey neat and an iced tea. Her date said spike the iced tea," Betty said, giggling. "He's hot."

  "He's an asshole." Eli filled the order. Rachel set them up weeks ago, right? They must have hit it off if they were on a date on Valentine's. Had Ben shown her his real side? Did she like the darkness?

  "Really? He seems sweet," Betty said, twirling a strand of hair by her ear.

  Eli grunted.


  Please, please, please shut up. Shut up!

  The words rang in Claire's head, bouncing off the sides of her skull and threatening to fly out of her mouth. She plastered a sweet smile on her face and continued to chop her steak into tiny pieces. Smaller and smaller until it resembled puree.

  For a while, she pretended like she was not there, instead gazing out the window and studying the stars. Soon she stopped counting stars and examined the reflections from the dining room.


  She turned back to Ben.

  "Sorry, I'm tired. Long day I guess." She forced a smile. Ben signed the check. Dinner was over. Thank God. "Thank you so much for dinner. I'm sorry I wasn't better company."

  Ben shrugged, standing up and pulling his jacket off the back of his chair. Claire stood.

  "I have to ask," Ben said, "how do you know Eli?"

  "School mostly, but it's a small town." Claire's heart skipped a beat at Eli's name.

  They walked down the stairs; Claire led the way, and Ben followed closely. His hand rested on her back, dangerously low, and her posture stiffened. She risked a glance to the bar, but he was not there. Instead, she smiled at Jack as they passed, and gave the little wave. Jack nodded.

  They stepped outside, Claire pulling her shawl around her shoulders. The temperature had dropped since they arrived. She shivered as they stepped out from the porch light. Ben slid his arm around her shoulders.

  Oh jeez.

  Claire forced a polite smile, and stepped away, letting his arm fall off her shoulders.

  "Ben, thank you so much for a nice evening," she said, "but, I don't think-"

  "Shh," Ben said, placing a finger against her lips. Claire bit back a laugh. He looked so serious. His other hand found her arm, tracing her shoulder bone. Somewhere in the parking lot came the distant sound of laughter. A truck starting up. Ben dropped his finger from her lips. "Don't say anything."

  Ben leaned in for a kiss and Claire turned her head just in time, his lips landed against her cheek. "I don't think we have to worry about that."

  "What?" Ben leaned back.

  "I mean... I didn't get a word in all night. I don't think we have to worry about me saying something now." She laughed a little, hoping he would too. "We don't mesh. I'm sure you noticed."

  She hoped he noticed.

  A loud bang made them both jump. A dumpster, Claire realized. They both laughed a short sound, the awkwardness easing away.

  "Yeah, no spark, huh?" Ben asked, but to Claire's surprise Ben stepped in to her again, his hand on the side of her neck tracing her skin. "Doesn't mean we can't have a little fun."

  "Oh, ha. Actually, that is what it means." She noticed she used her stern 'go clean your room' voice. Claire backed away from Ben until she stood in the porch light. "Goodnight, Ben."

  Ben's hand dropped to his side. When he spoke again he used his businesslike voice. "That's fine. No hard feelings. Come on. I'll take you home, Claire."

  "No." She shook her head. "Don't worry about it, Ben. Really, my friend can drive me home."

  "Don't be ridiculous, Claire." Ben stepped closer to her, grabbing her hand with force. She jerked away.

  Claire took a wide stance, planting herself firmly onto the ground. Her shoulders squared. She had taken the same stance when she faced a wild dog a few months back on a hike. She could not outrun it, but she could get loud, assume a position that made her seem larger and scare the shit out of the ugly beast.

  It had worked on the dog, anyway. Ben stood, unmoved.

  "Ben, I said I'm fine. But thank you." Claire kept the tremble out of her voice. Fear worked its way to the surface. You are in control of the situation.

  "Do you think I would do something to you, Claire?"

  She squinted at him. Which type of asshole are you, Ben? It can be so hard to tell. Are you the kind the expects something after you buy a girl dinner? More than someone to practice your running monologue on?

  "I'm just going to drive you home." Ben sighed. "You're being silly."

  She might be overreacting. But she was not the type who could be bullied into taking a chance. "No, I'm sorry. It's just, I'm... I'm helping Molly plan her wedding, and she asked me if we could talk about something tonight. It'll be awhile."

  Claire took one step on the stairs, turning her back to Ben. Show him I'm not afraid. Tell him who's boss. Was that a lesson from her self-defense class? Or was she simply annoyed that she had wasted a free evening?

  She climbed the stairs, relieved not to hear Ben's footsteps behind her.

  "Tease," Ben said. Claire told her feet to keep walking, but they stopped and spun her around instead.

  "Excuse me?" Claire's heart raced. Her hands still trembled, but not with fear. She was pissed off.

  "Wearing a dress like that and letting me buy you dinner. You sure dressed the part of a slut. You owe me your half of the check."

  Claire had a moment of tunnel vision, all she saw was Ben. Her head throbbed. She was going to hit a guy running for mayor. Her fist balled and she raised one foot ready to charge, hoping she could run in the stubby little heels she wobbled the evening through.

  Before she took a step, something rushed past her, laying Ben out.

  Claire stood without speaking, watching as Eli picked Ben off the ground by his lapels and threw him into a large wooden post. Ben seemed to be stunned into silence; the longest he had not spoken all evening.

  "Get the fuck out of here, Ben." Eli's voice did not match his words nor his actions. Too calm. Too quiet. Goosebumps trailed up Claire's arms.

  "Eli, brother-" Ben said, brushing his jacket off.

  "Don't call me brother. Get out of here." Eli started towards the steps of the brewery.

  She grabbed his arm with both hands, his muscles solid and warm under her fingers. Eli looked at her hand, then to her face. His expression softened in a second. The way he looked at her, it gave her tingles all over. Eli's hand droppe
d over her own. She forgot about Ben.

  "Eli-" she breathed before Ben interrupted.

  "Ah, so you're his skank-"

  Claire's hands emptied before Ben got the word out of his mouth, Eli pounced on top of him. The two men rolled across the ground. Eli grabbed Ben's head and slammed it back into the asphalt of the parking lot. Ben stopped fighting, and grabbed his head.

  "What the fuck man?" Ben groaned.

  Eli let go of him, and squatted back to stand, but Ben knocked Eli to the ground again.

  "Stop it!" Claire yelled, but neither man listened to her. Ben punched Eli in the eye, and Eli's hands wrapped around Ben's throat. She turned back to the restaurant and screamed for help, doubting anyone heard her. She would have to leave the idiots on the ground alone and get help.

  Unless she pulled them apart. Claire ran over and reached for Ben's collar but missed. "Stop it!"

  The two men back on their feet again, she considered stepping between them. She grabbed Eli's arm, hoping to gain leverage, but his arm moved out of her grasp, not even acknowledging her. An elbow sailed close to her nose, just before they moved and a leg knocked Claire over onto her butt.

  Eli's arm wrapped around Ben's neck, and he turned to face her. "Claire?"

  He barely had the word out of his mouth before Ben's fist flew upwards, connecting with Eli's nose. She pulled herself to her feet.

  She had better grab help. She ran up the stairs, passing the bucket she had noticed when they arrived. She stopped, dipped a finger in the water. Freezing.

  She hoisted the bucket in her arms and ran back to Ben and Eli. Water sloshed over the side, dampening the front of her dress just enough to make her shiver.

  Eli had Ben against a tree and his fist pulled back to punch him. She could tell they were tiring, the exertion and adrenaline having worked its way through their systems already. They might stop being stupid all on their own if she waited another minute.

  But, Claire looked down, I do have this bucket of ice water.

  She summoned all of her strength as she approached. She lifted the bucket and threw the water at the men, drenching them.


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