Dangerous: A Seaside Cove Romance

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Dangerous: A Seaside Cove Romance Page 9

by Cora Davies

  The men fell apart, gasping and staring at Claire. Eli's shirt clung to him, the white becoming see-through, water dripping from his hair. Ben's suit held up a little better, but he still shivered.

  "Same thing when dogs are fighting," Claire said dismissively. Claire felt hand on her arm and she looked over; Molly. Jack limped as he ran down the stairs with a two waitresses and the bus boy. A few patrons leaned against a window, mouths agape.

  "Go inside, Eli," Molly said, concern in her voice. "You'll get hypothermia."

  Eli stormed by Claire, and she breathed a sigh of relief to see the water had washed most of the blood from his face. He breathed heavily, holding his side, and there was a cut on his face. Other than that, he looked unharmed. She turned to Ben, still bent in half, his hands on his thighs.

  Jack walked over to Ben, towering over him. "If I see you on my property again, I'll call the cops."

  Ben pulled himself straight and glowered at the small crowd around him. "You'll be lucky if I don't press charges."

  Ben walked toward the parking lot, turning before he disappeared into the darkness. He smiled. "Goodnight, Claire."

  Jack stepped in front of the two women, and Molly's fingertips dug into her arm. Molly leaned close to Claire's ear and whispered, "See? My guy's better."


  Eli stood in the shower, hot water running over his body. His nerves tingled as they came back to life. He rubbed his throbbing knuckles.

  He would have killed Ben earlier if Claire had not stopped them. Or he would have come close.

  The minute he saw her on the steps outside with fire in her eyes and her fist balled at her side, he knew. He fell for her and he was not going to let Ben hurt her.

  His body grew heavy, and he turned the shower off, grabbing his white towel. He toweled himself off as he walked into his bedroom. Then he slid into his boxers and studied the cut on his upper cheek in the mirror. It could have been worse. Ben looked worse. Eli smiled.

  He stepped into the open living room and kitchen, stopping as he noticed a figure leaning against the wall. Claire faced the window looking over the ocean. He padded across the carpet and flipped the small light on over the sink.

  "Are you okay?" he asked when she turned around.

  "I am. Are you?" Claire moved closer, reaching out for his face. "You need a bandage."

  He nodded remembering his cut cheek and opened a cabinet to pull out the first aid kit.

  "Here, let me," she said, taking the kit from him. She motioned for him to sit at the kitchen table, and rummaged through the white box.

  Her hands were silky smooth. He breathed her in as she leaned closer. She smelled different that night, like soap and something else. Something sweet.

  Claire cleaned his cheek then placed the bandage over the cut.

  "I think you'll live," she said, smiling. Her eyes traveled over his chest. She did not speak, but a million words passed over her face. A thousand questions. A hundred sympathies.

  "Car accident," Eli said, dismissing the jagged scars above his heart. "A long time ago. My dad had a drinking problem after my mom left."

  She reached out to touch it, but closed her hand as if she thought better of it. Eli took her hand, leading it back to him. Goosebumps formed on his arms as her fingers grazed the rough skin. He imagined grabbing her, pulling her onto his lap and wrapping his arms around her. Her soft skin against his bare chest. His lips finding a place on her neck.

  Maybe it was not a good idea, letting her touch him.

  "So, the blind date?" Eli asked, clearing his throat.

  "Yeah, a real gentleman." Claire pulled her hand away and walked to the cabinet, placing the first aid kit back. "I meant to tell him no, when he called to set the date up, but, I was in a weird place."

  "He's not a good guy." Eli eyes traveled over Claire's body as much as he willed them to stay still. They followed every line and curve. He thought of Ben touching Claire's curves, and he fought the jealousy threatening to burst out of him. "I knew Ben a long time ago. A different life. He's..."

  "Yeah, an ass." Claire pulled a clip out of her hair, letting the curls tumble over her shoulders. She massaged her scalp.

  "More than that. Stay away from him."

  "I don't plan on running into him again." Claire smiled, turning her toe against the floor. "I wanted to thank you, for what you did down there."

  "I'd never let anything happen to you." Eli stood, not caring about so many thing he should; not caring that he wore only his boxers; not caring Claire had been a date with Ben; not caring what touching her would mean in the morning.

  Eli was shattered, and for some reason he believed she might be able to collect the pieces.

  He walked to her and placed a hand on the back of her neck, trailing his thumb behind her ear. He waited for a protest. For her to wiggle away or turn her head.

  Instead, her lips parted and she tilted her chin up.

  Eli pressed his mouth against hers, tasting a hint of chocolate on her full lips. Her mouth received his with greediness and he accepted the invitation to take more. His tongue darted between her lips, searching. She moaned against him. His erection grew, pressing against her.

  One hand ran through her hair, pulling her face close against his, his other against her lower back. Claire. He had given up tasting her. He had given up on a chance for them. Because of Ben.

  Eli pushed Claire away to protect her, and Ben still found a way to hurt her. The kiss might have been between Ben and Claire because Eli had pushed her away. Jealousy coursed through Eli's veins, making him pull Claire that much closer.

  His hands found her round butt, lifting her. Her legs wrapped around his torso as if by instinct, and her dress rode up, leaving her cotton panties the only barrier between Eli and her warmth.

  He staggered into the living room, collapsing into his easy chair, bringing her down on top of him. His hands trailed up her back. Her mouth broke free and traveled down the side of his neck, grazing and kissing as she went. Hot breath against his sensitive skin.

  "Claire." Eli moaned as her tongue worked expertly, finding his scar, pressing against the jagged area. Avoided by Eli's girlfriends in the past, her trace replaced the memories of hot metal searing into flesh.

  Eli's hands moved to Claire's thighs, rubbing the soft flesh, massaging and moving until he reached thin fabric. Damp and waiting for his touch, she pressed against him. He rubbed against the line of her slit, wanting to pull aside the cotton and thrust inside. He had to stop before he crossed a line she did not want to cross.

  "Claire, wait," he said, breathlessly. She kissed him one last time, then pulled her head away from his chest and looked at him. He stared at her full bottom lip, his hand against her heat. "We have school Monday night."

  Claire smiled. "I think we'll be finished before then."

  Her mouth returned to his neck: hot, moist, sensual. He wanted her, but there could be nothing between, not with Ben lurking around. Eli groaned and pushed her back.

  "Claire, can we do this and be okay? Not awkward?" Eli asked, pulling away from her. The unspoken words; this is only for tonight.

  "It's already awkward," she teased. "I need this. I need you."

  "That's the alcohol talking," Eli said.

  "I only had iced tea." Claire's hands were at the edge of her dress one second, lifting it above her head the next. Eli sat taking in her black strapless bra and panties. "Touch me."

  Eli's hands gripped the arms of his chair. As if all the blood in his brain flooded to one part of his body, the rest of him was left, unable to move.

  Claire took control, grasping his hands and running them over her bare skin. He touched where she wanted to be touched, starting with her thighs. He moved over her stomach and finally to her full breasts. She slid his hands under her bra, the hidden rough skin of her nipples, enough to put him back into action. His fingers slid to her back, undoing the clasp and let her bra fall to the floor.

Her breasts spilled out, revealing taut nipples. All reasoning and self-control disappeared.

  He pulled her against him again, her breasts pressed against him. He stood and walked to the bedroom, dropping her on his gray comforter.

  "Don't move," Eli commanded. His cock strained against the thin material of his boxers, but first he wanted to see all of Claire.

  His mouth moved to her breast, flicking her nipple with his tongue, sucking and pulling the textured skin between his teeth. His free hand cupped against her wet heat. He pushed the elastic out of the way and she grabbed his hand, pressing him against her harder. He pressed his mouth against her ear.

  "I said, don't move. Be a good girl, or I'll have to tie you to the bed." He smiled when Claire wiggled and groaned.

  Her hands back at her side, Eli stood and grabbed the sides of Claire's panties, yanking them down over her feet. He let them drop to the floor, placing a hand on her soft stomach.

  "Fucking beautiful," he said. "Literally."

  Eli moved down her stomach and to her wet folds, sliding a finger inside of her body. She was tight, in the way only a woman who had not been with a man in a long time could be.

  Gliding in and out while his thumb found place on her sensitive bud, he pressed gently at first, then built up speed. He slid another finger in, and she cried out, "Yes, oh God!"

  Swifter with each passing second, he moved rough against her clit. He loved watching her struggle to stay still, not to sit up and wriggle in ecstasy. It was how he had felt since the day he met her. Wanting to take charge, to grab her, but unable to act for fear of losing everything.

  He would never let her lose anything. If given the chance, he would make sure she had everything.

  "Eli," she moaned, quaking around his fingers. "Yes. Yes." Her body twisted, her face diving into the pillow beside her.

  Claire stared at Eli's strong chest muscles as he moved. Flawless, even with his scar. She should be embarrassed under his gaze. She was not thin like Rachel, and her breasts no longer perky after two pregnancies. Her appearance had been under a microscope with Robert's comments and wandering eye for years.

  With Robert's help, she had perfected her imperfection list. But Eli made her momentarily forget her insecurities.

  "Oh God," she moaned, as Eli fell on the bed next to her again. His mouth found hers and pulled her into a deep kiss. She did not remember a time when someone had kissed her so passionately.

  Her climax finished crashing down, and Eli removed his fingers from her depths, trailing over her stomach and further up her body.

  He twisted and tugged at her nipple, the small beaded tip rolling between his thumb and finger. She squirmed, excited for what else the evening held.

  Eli's mouth was at the space behind her ear. He kissed her. "Did you like that?"

  "So much," she moaned, her fingers finding the elastic of his boxers. She slid her hand under the fabric, grabbing Eli, hard and throbbing, in her hand. A quiver of excitement ran through Claire as her fingers wrapped around his shaft. He was so large.

  Eli let out a groan as Claire stroked him. She wanted to bring him release, just as he had for her. She studied him, gliding down the length of his cock. He fell back into the mattress as she propped her head with her free hand. His breath labored.

  How had she gotten here? Kissing Eli had passed through her mind a time or two, but after he grew cold towards her at school, she accepted that it was just a fantasy.

  But here she was, and though a responsible voice in her head yelled at her, the rest of her body pushed that woman away. Claire wanted to be wanted. Touched. Craved and worshiped. Just for one night, then she would go back to boring Claire the single mom, student, bakery worker and failed home renovator. She needed this.

  Not until she saw Eli fresh out of a shower, did she decide being with Eli was how she would let go of all of her Robert induced anxiety.

  Eli's hand stopped her stroke and pulled her face to his, kissing her lightly. "I want to be inside you."

  She nodded. "Yes."

  His mouth grew rough against hers, rolling her onto her back. She heard the sound of a drawer opening, foil being ripped.

  Eli positioned himself over Claire, his thick head waiting at her entrance. He lowered himself to her, and his eyes were only inches from her. The moment became too intimate. She looked away.

  "We don't have to," he said, dropping to his hip beside her. His hand traced her shoulder. She trained her eyes on the window. "Look at me, please."

  Claire turned back to him. She started this; so why did she feel frightened? Was it about seeing him at school? No. Was it the fight with Ben earlier? No. Then what was it?

  Eli kissed her on the forehead, and suddenly, she knew what it was. She liked him. Honest to goodness, not only for one night, but wanted to take him home, make him dinner, curl up next to him on the couch and watch a movie.

  She felt it in his touch, he liked her, too, but there was something in the way, blocking him from admitting it. She had seen it in his eyes. Hadn't she?

  "Claire, what is it?"

  Claire opened her mouth to speak, but before she could an alarm sounded.

  They both jumped. Eli ran to the window and looked at the parking lot. Claire's heart pounded against her ribcage, and she rolled out of the bed, disorientated. She found her underwear on the floor and pulled them on, before rushing to the living room to find the rest of her clothes.

  Eli followed her out of the bedroom, zipping his jeans. He slid into a pair of sandals.

  "Fire alarm?" she asked, still breathless as she pulled her dress down over her head.

  "Yeah," Eli said, taking her arm and pulling her behind him and out the door. They were halfway down the steps when she realized she did not have her shoes. The parking lot was already full with patrons from the brewery, milling about, while others were getting in their cars and leaving.

  Eli shielded her body as they moved through the crowd. He pointed to his truck and handed her his keys.

  "My truck; get in and turn on the heat. I need to make sure everyone's outside." Eli pressed his lips against hers without hesitation before he disappeared.


  "Jack!" Eli shouted, pushing his way through the door. The remaining crowd surged from the building, a few hard soles finding his bare toes. "Jack!"

  He found Jack standing in the middle of the dining room, helping an elderly couple out. Molly stood behind the bar, a bat in hand, as two drunk college-aged guys reached for a bottle of tequila.

  "Hey!" Molly yelled, smacking a bat against her other hand. "The cops are already on their way; do you want me to tell them you're stealing bottles? I went to school with your sister." She addressed one guy before turning to the other. "I know your mom! She makes notebooks for my shop."

  "Okay, Molly," the taller one said. Laughing, they jogged out of the dining room, joining the crowd in the parking lot.

  Eli covered his ears, blocking out the high pitched alarm.

  "Where's the fire?" Eli shouted.

  "No fire!" Jack yelled. "Someone pulled the alarm! Frank's working on turning it off! Fire department's," the sound stopped, "still coming!"

  "It's a federal offense to pull a fire alarm, isn't it? They're gonna be pissed when they get here," Molly said. "Not as mad as I'll be- where're your clothes?"

  Eli should have grabbed a sweatshirt before he left his apartment. He ignored her question, righting a chair that laid on the ground, knocked over in the chaos. He gathered a few flowers from the floor and placed them on the closest table. When he stood, Molly raised a hand to her mouth and gasped.

  "Where's Claire?" Molly asked.

  "She's in my truck, and I'd like her to stay there until the parking lot clears out. Get her back upstairs for her things without the entire town watching us."

  Molly hopped from foot to foot laughing. "I knew it!"

  Eli looked to Jack for help, but his friend did not appear to be listening to the excha
nge; instead was walking around the dining room, favoring his bad leg. Eli should not have left him during such a busy evening. Jack's old injury acted up if he was on his feet too long, though he never mentioned it.

  Jack seemed oblivious to Molly's taunts. "We'll offer to remake anything that's cold. Does that sound fair?"

  "We should do something special," Molly said. "It's Valentine's Day after all."

  "How about, we remake anything that's cold and offer a drink on the house?" Eli asked.

  Jack and Molly agreed and went outside to let everyone back in, leaving Eli alone for a moment.

  Still shirtless in their very 'no shirt, no shoes, no service' restaurant, Eli walked by the hostess stand, grabbing a handful of roses from under the podium, then down the hallway and out the side door.

  Eli stepped outside; he had not noticed how cold the night had grown earlier when running down to the brewery. He peered around the building; the parking lot was clear. He walked over to his truck. Claire leaned back in the driver's seat with one of Eli's flannel jackets wrapped over her shoulders.

  He opened the door, and she jumped.

  "I told you to run the heat so you could stay warm," he said, handing her the roses and then rubbing his hands on her cold legs.

  "I didn't want to waste the gas." Claire lifted the flowers to her nose and inhaled. "Thank you. Is everything okay?"

  "Yeah, false alarm. Things are a little busy; I need to help. I can take you home when we close?"

  "That would be great," she said, moving her hand to push his jacket back from her shoulders, but he stopped her.

  "Keep it on; it's cold out here," he said as she stepped out of the truck. Eli helped her slide her arms into the jacket, then pulled it snug. Somehow, with his flannel on, Claire looked even sexier than she had earlier.

  "Where should I wait? I don't want to get in the way anywhere," Claire said, glancing to the front doors of the brewery.

  "My apartment. You can watch TV or take a nap." Eli wrapped his arm around her shoulders and led her towards the stairs.


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