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The Lost Princess in Winter's Grip

Page 5

by Josh Kilen

  Annabeth looked around, but there was nothing to fight with. Then she felt a tickle in her palm. The stone was telling her something and suddenly she knew what to do.

  She held the stone up to the Ice Witch and it glowed with brighter intensity than ever before. "I command you to stop, and for the power of the Stone of Light to melt your heart." And as she said the words, the stone shot out a solid beam of light, right into the Witch's chest.

  The Witch screamed out in agony as the Stone did it's work. Slowly, color returned to her pale face and her hair changed from white to dark black. The Witch sank to the floor on her hands and knees, panting. The light from the Stone died down, and Annabeth lowered her arm.

  The Ice Witch stood up and her eyes were changed as well. Instead of cold gray, they were a deep chestnut brown, and instead of hatred there was a sense of wonder in them.

  "What did you do to me?" she asked.

  Annabeth shrugged, "I wish I knew, it was all the Stone's doing. Are you okay?"

  The Witch nodded, "I… I'm free! You have saved me, I'm warm, and happy, and the anger has gone!" The Witch began to dance and leap all over the cave. Annabeth couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

  A small groan came from the other side of the cave and Annabeth remembered Ryan, as she rushed over to see if he was okay.

  He got up slowly, "What happened? Is everything okay?"

  Annabeth told him about the Stone and showed him the Witch's transformation.

  Ryan was amazed, and asked the Witch, "Who are you? What's going on here? Why were you guarding the Scepter?"

  The Witch stopped her merrymaking, "I'm sorry. My name is Nezla and I am one of the last of my kind. The old stories you tell in the south about the Ice People are true. We conquered your Land and ruled your people for many years, but eventually we were defeated and driven here, to the ice fields. Over the years, all of our people perished, except for my family. My Brother and Sister devised a scheme to restore our former kingdom to its past glory and snuck into your Land. The plan was to replace the King and Queen and slowly change the Land until it was ours. Ice Witches live a long time thanks to our magic so we can afford to wait."

  Nezla looked over at Annabeth, "That is until you were born. A prophecy of True Justice was just the sort of thing we couldn't live with, so they replaced your parents and plotted to have you locked away forever. But before they could, your Godmother took you away. Now, these past years they have been changing the Land for the worse, and soon it will be too late."

  Tears filled Annabeth's eyes, "What did they do to my parents?"

  Nezla looked uncertain, "I'm sorry my Dear, I believe they are gone. My Brother and Sister don't take prisoners if they don't have to."

  Annabeth handed the Stone to Ryan and walked away. She needed a moment at least to mourn her parents, even if she hadn't known them.

  Ryan took the stone over to the Scepter and placed it in the space on the top. Then he removed it from its resting place and instantly felt the power of the Ancient item.

  He turned to Nezla, "We have to make our way to the Castle Dungeon. Will you help us?"

  Nezla gravely nodded, "Yes, I don't know what that Stone did to me, but I see the evil my Brother and Sister are doing now. We have to stop them, and you will need my help to do it. I know of the dungeon and the room you must get to. I will help you reach it."

  Ryan and Nezla let Annabeth have her moment of grief. When she was done crying, she turned and walked toward them, a steely gaze replacing the tears. She looked at both of them.

  "Let's end this, now."

  Chapter 13

  Prince Ryan, Princess Annabeth, and Nezla the former Ice Witch made their way across the ice fields and into the southern land. Using the power of the Scepter, they were able to melt much of the ice and make their way quickly to the castle.

  Even though it was still summer, the weather had turned colder and the temperature wasn't as warm when they traveled south.

  "My Brother and Sister must be working their magic sooner than expected. I suspect they are worried about you my Dear." Said Nezla to Annabeth.

  After many days of travel they finally made it to the Royal Castle. The town was eerily quiet, the usual buzz of activity slowed to a crawl. "I wonder where everyone has gone to?" asked Ryan.

  "The people can sense something is wrong, they're scared but don't know why." said Nezla.

  As they came to the Castle, they were uncertain about how to get in?

  Ryan was out of ideas, "The guards are most likely on the look out for Annabeth and I, and this Castle is famous for not having any secret entrances. Ideas?"

  Nezla spoke up, "I have some of my magic left. I think I can disguise us but you mustn't talk or it will ruin the illusion. And the transformation process hurts quite a bit. Are you up still for it?"

  Ryan and Annabeth nodded their consent and Nezla began. Using the power of the Scepter made it easier but she was right, it still hurt. Their appearances changed, along with their clothes into members of the Royal Court. With their new identities they were able to bypass the guards. The Castle guards bowed as they walked by and Ryan and Annabeth nodded to them regally. Once inside the castle walls they found their way to the dungeons.

  The Castle dungeons were just as they expected; dirty, dark, and smelling of something so foul that you wouldn't want to know what it was.

  Nezla took the lead, "If I remember correctly, the room we need is in the lowest part of the dungeons. Come this way." And she walked briskly down the corridor.

  They passed many cells, several with people moaning and wailing. Annabeth couldn't believe how many people were taken prisoner. "Can't we do something for them?" she asked.

  Nezla stopped and turned, "The best thing you can do for them is to release your True Justice. All will be made right then." The Princess nodded.

  Suddenly a woman's voice came from the nearest cell, "Is that my daughter? Your voice, it sounds like my Daughter. Please, help us if you can."

  Annabeth went to the cell door and tried to look in but it was too dark, "I'm sorry my lady, I can't be your daughter, my parents are dead."

  Nezla tried to rush them along, "We need to keep moving. Come on!" but the woman in the cell shouted out, "Annabeth! Is that you! Oh, my sweet daughter. You are alive!"

  Annabeth rushed to the door, "Mother! How are you still alive? I was told you were dead."

  Her Father answered, "We nearly were, but the Ice Witches wished to torture us for awhile. I guess they forgot about us and simply left us here to rot. I am so happy to see you, Annabeth."

  Annabeth turned around to Ryan, "The door is locked, how can we get it open?"

  Ryan went over to the door and looked at it, "Let me see if I can do something about that," as he pulled out a small knife and began to pick the lock.

  Nezla began to get impatient, "Please, we don't have time for this. Your Highness, they will be freed when you bring the staff to the room. We must get going."

  Annabeth stood firm, "No, we are going to rescue my Parents. You told me they were most likely dead but here they are. The room can wait."

  The door clicked and swung open and Ryan stood back. The Real King and Queen stumbled out of the prison cell, dirty, smelly, and very thin, but the smiles on their faces brightened the dark of the dungeon. The reunited family hugged and cried, this was more than any of them had hoped for.

  The real King took charge, "Your guide is right, we must get to the room. You have a big job to do young lady," He gave her one more weak hug.

  The group headed down the corridor where a dim light was coming from a room down at the very end. They walked carefully toward it.

  The real King and Queen entered the room, followed by Ryan and Annabeth, and Nezla right behind them, holding the Scepter. Once they were all inside, a brighter light shone from above, illuminating the entire room. They all stopped, shocked to see the fake Royal Couple waiting for them.

  The Fake King laughed, "Well d
one my Sister, you have led them all to us nicely."

  Nezla bowed and turned the Scepter on the real Royals, Ryan, and Annabeth, "It was my pleasure Brother. They were easily fooled." And before their eyes, Nezla began to change back to her true form.

  Chapter 14

  Nezla's hair turned white as her complexion paled. Her eyes changed from brown to an icy gray. She said, "These two were so trusting, it was easy to convince them."

  Annabeth looked over at the fake King and Queen, just as they began to change as well. The Royal robes dissolving and pink fleshy skin dissolving into pale translucence. They each held ice staffs in their hands, pointed at the real Royal family.

  The Ice King chuckled, "Princess, I'm so glad you could join us. Honestly we couldn't have done this without you. Try as we might, we could never find that stone in the Godmother's house. But you found it and we are so very grateful."

  The Ice Queen sneered, "And now the one thing that could stop us is here."

  Annabeth cried out, "Why are you doing this? What did we ever do to you?"

  The Ice Queen was taken aback, "Do? DO? You and your people have done enough. They exiled my people to the far north and made sure that nothing could survive there. So my people died; starved and cut off from the world. You all should pay for what you’ve done. Now, we will begin a new age of ice and snow, filling this world with eternal cold."

  The Real King spoke, "I am sorry for what my ancestors did. I cannot change their actions, but I beseech you now, end this madness. We can reach some agreement."

  The Ice King spat out, "There is nothing you could offer us. Soon your kingdom will feel the ice like it's never felt before and your people will change. The Ice People will be reborn through them, as each new baby becomes ours."

  The real Queen looked horrified, "What magic is this?"

  The Ice King snarled, "It is a magic we had to sacrificed much to achieve, but it was worth every agonizing moment. Soon your people will know our pain as your children are taken from you and your race dies out. Then we will recreate the magnificence of the Ice People Race!" He turned to Nezla, "My Sister, will you do the honors?"

  Nezla bowed, "Of course my Brother." And the Ice Witch broke the Ancient Scepter in half. The Scepter dissolved on the floor, each half fading away. The Stone of Light rolled harmlessly into the corner.

  Annabeth screamed and buried her head in Ryan's chest, "What hope do we have now?" she asked.

  The real Queen put her hand on her daughter's shoulder, "There is always hope my Love. There is another way."

  The Ice King and Queen began to laugh, "There is no way, we have defeated you. Now all but Annabeth will die."

  Suddenly, a wall of blue flame sprang up around the Royal family and Ryan. They were all transported, or so it seemed, to a bright and sunny field. The sun was warm and birds were chirping merrily in the trees.

  And standing in front of them was Annabeth's Godmother. She smiled brightly at the crowd as she walked up and gave Annabeth a big hug. "You have done so well," she said, "I'm glad you're safe."

  Annabeth was confused, "Where are we?"

  Godmother wrinkled her nose and grinned, "Just a little trick I had up my sleeve. Not to worry, you are safe for now but you will have to go back soon."

  Ryan wanted to let her know what happened, "We didn't do so well actually, the Ice Witch took the Ancient Scepter with the stone and broke it. There's nothing we can do now. The Ice Witches will take over."

  The Godmother looked shocked, "Defeated already? Tsk, tsk. There is another way to defeat them you know, although it will take great courage."

  Annabeth nodded her head, "Yes, I understand," then looking at her family, "Somehow I had always known it would come to this. I will sacrifice myself."

  Her parents cried out, "No, you can't!" But Annabeth waved them off, "I must, it's the only way."

  Ryan took her hands and looked her in the eyes, "Annabeth please. You can't do this, not now. I can't bear to lose you. I… I mean I think that I… I love you."

  Annabeth gasped and the Godmother looked at the Prince, "Would you be willing to stand in her place? Even if you knew that True Justice would not be the end of you?"

  The Prince's face lit up, but he was confused, "What do you mean? Don't I deserve death?"

  The Godmother gave him a motherly smile, "There is more at work here than you know, than any of us know. Would you be willing to sacrifice yourself, knowing that?"

  Annabeth interrupted, "No! I can't let you do this Ryan. I love you too. Please, let me do what I have to do."

  Ryan answered the Godmother, "Yes, I would be willing."

  The Godmother nodded, satisfied, "Well then, if you two are truly in love and willing to sacrifice for each other there may be a way. You will need to grab the Stone and place yourselves on the Alter in the center of the room. Then, True Justice can be released. What happens then I do not know. You may both be sacrificed but you will save everyone. Are you willing to do it?"

  Ryan and Annabeth looked at each other with love and deep affection. If this was to be their last moment, she would make the most of it. She leaned in and he kissed her with all the love he felt in his heart. After giving each other one last hug, they looked at the Godmother. "We are ready." they said.

  They were transported back to the Dungeon room with three Ice Witches about ready to fire at them.

  Chapter 15

  The Ice Witches leveled their staffs, ready to fire. The blue flame still surrounded the Royal family, but Annabeth and Ryan only had eyes for each other. The flame followed them as they walked hand in hand toward the alter.

  Once there, Annabeth reach out her hand and the Stone of Light floated through the air into her waiting grasp. The air sparked with electricity, crackling all around them. The Ice Witches screamed in horror and fired blast after blast from their staffs, but nothing could penetrate the energy barrier.

  The Ice Queen yelled in anguish and charged the couple, hoping to get through, but she was knocked back into the wall slumping lifeless to the ground.

  A golden light filled the Dungeon room and then the Castle. Suddenly the whole Kingdom was being illuminated with golden light. The doors to the prison cell opened and there was much rejoicing down the hall. All throughout the kingdom, wrongs were being set right. But it was not people getting what they deserved, it was love and forgiveness. Those who could accept it were set free, those who could not were left to their own devices but they could never again hurt the Free Ones.

  The Ice Witches writhed in pain at the light. They could never accept such a thing, and they screamed out against it. The golden light became stronger and they fell into a deep sleep, their magical energy fading away into the light.

  As the power intensified, both Annabeth and Ryan felt something coming. Ryan leaned forward and kissed Annabeth gently on the lips. "I love you," he said.

  And that was the last Annabeth remembered before the darkness overtook her.

  Annabeth woke up to a regal looking room with large windows and sunshine streaming through. Everything was bright and cheerful, and a faint golden light shone everywhere. She looked around and standing next to her bed was her real Mother and her adoptive Mother, both smiling at her. Her fathers were near the door, deep in conversation when her real Father saw that she had woken up. "Annabeth, thank God you are awake."

  After hugs all around and many tears, Annabeth looked around the room, "Is Ryan asleep, did he not wake up yet?"

  The Parents all shared a sorrowful look, so Annabeth asked again, fearing the truth, "Where is he?"

  Her real Father, the King answered, "Oh my Dear daughter. He sacrificed himself for you. The energy built up in the room and became dangerous, but as he shielded you from the worst of it, he disappeared. I'm so sorry." And they all tried to put their arms around her to comfort her.

  Annabeth pushed them off and began to weep. And she continued to grieve for days. While the rest of the Kingdom rejoiced, she could only thin
k of Ryan and their love.

  Most nights she had trouble sleeping. All she could dream about was him and how his face must of looked when he was being destroyed by the energy. One night, in the dream, the room went black and Ryan stepped out from the shadows.

  "Annabeth," he said, "You must come find me. You are in grave danger. Please come my Love."

  As she reached out to touch him, he faded away.

  Annabeth woke up with a jolt and sat up in bed.

  "He's Alive!"

  Not The End Yet...

  Find out Prince Ryan's Fate in...

  The Lost Princess in Desert's Embrace

  Available now at all major retailers.

  Preview of The Tales of Big and Little – Doom of the Three Stones

  Available for Purchase at Amazon or Barnes and Noble

  Chapter 1

  The Pizza Crust army marched forward, raising their swords and clubs, shouting a menacing pizza-crusty roar! The soldiers in the Army of Light stood their ground, but they knew that this was the last battle. The pizza crusts attacked, swinging wildly, hacking away. The Army of Light pushed back with all their might, but it simply wasn't enough… just then a great explosion in the sky blinded everyone for a moment…. wait a minute, I'm sorry, that part's at the end of the story.

  The beginning of this tale starts with two dogs, Big and Little. They were like any other dogs; they loved to play and get into mischief. They barked and howled, and rough housed and cuddled. But these dogs were in love with one thing, something they wanted more than anything else in the whole world. Cheese.

  Glorious, wonderful cheese. Cheese that melts all ooey-gooey in the mouth. Cheese that tastes like heaven itself. They loved cheese so much that they searched for it every day. But lately, cows had begun to disappear and cheese was harder to find. No one knew why the cows had gone, they just went away. And everyone knows that cows make the best cheese.

  One day, they were walking around the neighborhood when they came to a fence. Through the fence they could smell that wonderful, delicious smell; the one that made their hearts leap. CHEESE! They got up close to the fence and looked through. What they saw was a wonder to their eyes.


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