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by Jade Jones


  Jade Jones




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  This novel is a work of fiction. Any reference to real people, events, establishments, or locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality or authenticity. Other names, characters, and incidents occurring in the work are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, as are those fictionalized events and incidents that involve real persons. Any character that happens to share the name of a person who is any acquaintance of the author, past or present, is purely coincidental and is in no way intended to be an actual account involving that person.

  Copyright © 2012

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portion thereof in any form whatsoever.


  First I would like to thank the Lord for blessing me with the gift of creativity and also helping me to perfect it.. Of course, I can’t forget about my own group, Jade Jones Fan Group. Thank you so much for all the love and support. I would also like to thank my mentor/fellow author/friend, Chyna Dahl. You’ve helped me improve my craft and taught me so much and for that I will be forever grateful. To all my readers and supporters, thank you.

  Chapter 1

  "Cameron, look out for me. Rodney here and you already know what's about to go down." Pocahontas patted on a thin layer of foundation. "I look straight?" She asked after applying a thick coat of fire engine red lipstick. The color was more for a statement than it was for appearance.

  The term "straight" was an understatement. Pocahontas was a "bad bitch" in every sense of the label. She had the type of coke bottle shape women either dreamed about or paid to possess.

  Pocahontas' skin was the color of honey and her chinky eyes usually left people wondering about her ancestry. Her pierced dimples added an extra touch to her sexiness and the men absolutely loved her.

  "Yeah. You're good," I told her.

  After running a wig brush through her trademark wavy twenty-eight inch weave, she grabbed a condom from her duffel bag, and sashayed out the dressing room.

  Pocahontas was my girl. She was only a year older than me at twenty and we were the youngest--baddest bitches--working at The Shakedown, a hole in the wall strip club located near downtown Cleveland. But please don't be fooled by the exterior, there was definitely money to made at TSD and it was mainly popular for its laid back atmosphere.

  There were no dress code policies, a two drink minimum, and the cover fee was only five dollars. And as long as the owners weren't aware you could get away with whatever you wanted...for the right price of course!

  I had been dancing at The Shakedown for a little over a year now. In the beginning I told myself this was only a temporary means to pay for college...but that self-promise flew right out the window as soon as I saw how quick and easy the money came.

  After running a rattail comb through my shoulder length bob, I sprayed on a few squirts of Victoria Secret's Very Sexy and headed outside to see what tonight's fruitful endeavor would bring.

  The doors had opened no less than twenty minutes ago to the public and already there was a pretty decent crowd inside.

  My girl, X-Rated was up on stage executing the flag pole trick to perfection. She was a gorgeous dark skinned vixen with enough ass and titties to share with the less fortunate women. And besides her centerfold image she did the damn thing whenever she got up on stage.

  X-Rated and Pocahontas were the only females I fucked with. In this hustle, they say you should never make friends but it was nice to have someone that had your back when shit popped off. And best believe in this game, shit was constantly popping off.

  After X-Rated finished up her performance, I made my way towards the stage. Taking her hand in mine, I assisted her down the stairs from the stage just as the DJ introduced my entrance.

  “Thanks boo,” X-Rated said. She made sure to leave a few bills behind on stage for me.

  "Alright! Alright! Alright! Fellas!" DJ Chaos shouted over the mic. "Next we got coming to the stage a lil' sexy ass tenderoni that goes by the name Hypnotic. If ya'll niggas ran out of singles, I suggest ya'll hit up the bar and re-up on some bills! Now show my girl some love!"

  Young Jeezy's "Superfreak" blared through the speakers and of course all eyes were fixated towards the stage. Hypnotic was a more than suitable stage name for me because whenever my pretty ass climbed up on stage, I left these niggas in a trance.

  I was a redbone. And what guy didn’t love a redbone? Most men said I favored video vixen, Melissa Ford. With 36 C-Cup breasts, a tiny waist, and a round plump ass, I had the type of statuesque physique that demanded attention.

  As the bass of the song boomed, I began popping my ass to the beat. This dancing shit was nothing to me. It came naturally and so did the bills that began raining down on me. While I was working the hell out of the stage, I spotted Ahmad, the owner, coming from the back of the club.

  Pocahontas was in the farthest corner of the club fucking the shit out of her trick, Rodney. To the untrained eye, it might have looked like she was simply giving him a plain old lap dance, but I knew better.

  Poca was definitely a go getter when it came to getting her money and she would do whatever it took to earn it. Self-respect was nonexistent in her world and she wouldn't think twice about spreading her legs for the right price.

  However, I couldn't hate on my girl. In this hustle, you had to get it how you lived. After grabbing her attention, I shook my head, signaling her to stop.

  Ahmad was a laid back guy but he didn't play around when it came to soliciting. Although The Shakedown was a dump, he still wanted to pretend that his establishment was somewhat professional. His ass was too damn cheap to have a VIP room built, so most dancers had no choice but to turn their tricks inconspicuously in the club.

  After climbing the pole and letting myself hang upside down, I noticed Silk entering the club with a few of his friends in tow.

  Silk was a popular male stripper in Cleveland. He was sexy as hell, standing at six foot four inches with dark chocolate skin and a swagger that left women begging for the slightest attention from him.

  Silk was also my man! But that fact alone didn't seem to stop him from straying from me on countless occasions. He often blamed his infidelity on his profession but I knew he was just using that as an excuse for his "hoeish tendencies." I knew what to expect when I got with him, so I didn't fuss him out too bad considering he also paid my tuition and room and board for school.

  He was constantly offering for me to just move in with him, but he stayed in Willoughby (which was on the other side of town). Living on campus provided the convenience I needed. And besides, just because he was my man and took care of me didn’t necessarily mean I was ready to live with his ass. I loved my man, but he could definitely be a trip at times.

  Anyway, Silk strolled into the club and immediately every dancers' attention became fixated upon him. Just because he was my man didn't mean that these hoes had enough respect to fall back.

  Who could blame them honestly though? Silk was fine as hell. Wearing an Yves Saint Laurent logo shirt, crisp white Levis, and a pair of fastball Louis Vutton sneakers my baby was bound to make heads turn. Tribal tattoos adorned his chiseled arms from shoulder t
o wrist and from his appearance alone anyone could conclude he was just "that nigga". His cocky attitude definitely proved most were right in their assumption.

  Since my man was here, I decided to really show out. Pulling myself back up on the pole, I slid down and landed in the perfect split position.

  After sliding three twenty dollar bills on stage he and his boys took a seat at the bar, where the hoes quickly flocked like moths to a flame.

  After finishing up my routine, I headed over towards Silk but stopped halfway when I noticed he was getting a lap dance from Pure Seduction.

  She made it her sole mission to garner attention from Silk whenever he stepped foot inside The Shakedown. Naturally, I assumed something had to have been going on between the two but I didn’t have the proof I needed to confront him just yet.

  If he was however, fucking around with Pure Seduction then he had definitely downgraded. Pure Seduction was just average. She had a decent body and reminded me of Kimberly Elise in the face. To put it short, the bitch would never be me.

  Jealousy quickly consumed me. I hated when he did this shit. I waited impatiently for Pure Seduction to get her ass up out my man's lap and could you believe this bitch had the nerve to smirk at me as she passed me by?

  “You gone get enough of disrespectin’ me,” I told her.

  “Yeah, whatever,” she tossed over her shoulder. Obviously the many warnings I had given her were going in one ear and out the other.

  When I finally reached Silk, he greeted me as if he could not sense my obvious agitation."What’s up baby? You did the damn thing up on stage.”

  "Silk, why the fuck you be coming to my job on that bullshit? You know this is my place of business. How would you feel if I came to your job while you was working and paid for some nigga to swing his dick in my face?" I asked with my hands planted on my hips.

  His homies looked up at me as if I had lost my damn mind for confronting him but I did not care. I was tired of him disrespecting me.

  Silk remained silent as he took a swig of his Corona before replacing it on the bar. "Lemme holla at you in the back real quick, Cameron," he said casually.

  Like a child preparing to be reprimanded, I followed Silk to the hallway that led to the dressing room and restrooms. My anger quickly fluctuated into intimidation because I knew the kind of temper my man had.

  Before I could open my mouth to say a word, Silk, unexpectedly, wrapped a hand around my throat and slammed me against the wall.

  "What I tell your young ass about disrespecting me?" He spat. "I'm not none of these mothafuckin' hoes up in here and I damn sure ain’t none of these trick ass niggas!" He snatched the Giorgio Armani sunglasses from his face. "You hear me?"

  If I could respond I would have but the vice grip he had on my throat rendered me speechless. My face grew hotter by the second and for a minute I feared he wouldn't release me until it was too late.

  Chapter 2

  "Come on, Silk," X-Rated immediately came to my aid. "Let her go, damn."

  Hesitantly, he released me and I instantly began gasping for air.

  "For real, Cameron. I ain't the one. Get that shit through ya head, alright?"

  Sputtering, I nodded my head in agreement.

  "Alright?" He repeated in a more stern tone.

  "Alright," I answered in a raspy voice.

  He shot X-Rated a spiteful glare before walking past her towards the club.

  "Damn, I don't know what you see in that crazy ass nigga,"X said as she followed me into the dressing room.

  After taking a seat at the vanity, I frowned at the hideous red marks imprinted on my neck. “Damn. Now I gotta cover this shit up,” I muttered.


  Ya'll coming to Smoove's tonight?" Poca asked as she pulled on her leather black shorts.

  Although The Shakedown closed at 2:30 a.m. that didn't necessarily mean that our night had to end as well. Poca always stressed there was money to be made even if you weren't at work but with school I really didn’t like to stay out too late.

  "Hell no. I gotta take my son to a doctor's appointment tomorrow," X said.

  Poca looked over at me. "You coming or you want me to drop you off at the dorms?" She asked.

  I slid into my Gucci strapless silk dress. "I don't know girl. I might have to pass."

  "Oh, come on Cam. You gonna make me go by myself?" She whined. "You know its gonna be some money up in that bitch tonight."

  Smoove's was an after hour spot located only a few blocks from The Shakedown, off in the cut. Truthfully, it was the type of spot you had to leave immediately if drama was to ever unfold...but there were some ballers who frequented the club on a regular basis.

  Most dancers usually headed there right after the club closed and the men who were in need of some late night entertainment would definitely get just that at Smoove's.

  "Come on, please," Poca begged sticking her bottom lip out for good measure. "I'll take you right home after its over."

  "Don't you got class in the morning?" X asked me.

  Poca shot X a nasty look. X always had my best interest at heart. Unlike Poca, who didn't seem to care about me being in college one way or the other, X did not want this stripper shit to interfere with my education.

  "Yeah, I do," I answered.

  "Please," Poca pouted.

  "Alright. Alright. Alright," I finally gave in to her pleads like I usually did.

  X just shook her head."Alright ya'll. I'm out. Be safe now," she said before heading out.

  After Poca pulled on her Red Bottoms, I followed her outside to her 2012 red and black Dodge Challenger. I had been promising myself that I would buy a car, but every time I started to save up I somehow ended up spending it on clothes and shoes. I had a weakness for designer brands.

  Of course, the bouncer escorted us to our vehicle. As always there were hounds hanging around the front trying their hardest to persuade one of the females to go home with them.


  "Silk gone be at Smoove's?" Poca asked after we climbed inside her car.

  "I don't know where that nigga gone be at and I don't care. You didn’t see the way he choked me out earlier."

  Poca giggled. "Bitch, you like the shit. You stay with his ass."

  I stared out the window not even wanting to go there with her. She would never understand. Growing up as an orphan, I was bounced around from home to home. Never able to establish that familial bond with anyone, I guess truthfully, I just looked for the love I was deprived of in men.

  I was grateful when Poca turned the volume up to ASAP Rocky's "Peso".


  Smoove's was packed to capacity when we arrived. Cars were lined along the street and a few drivers had no choice but to park their vehicles on the sidewalk.

  "See, I told you its some money to be made up in here.” Me and Poca couldn’t help but admire all the flashy cars parked outside.

  Guys were acting pressed as soon as Poca and I stepped foot inside Smoove’s and we hadn't even changed into our dancing attire.

  One guy had even went as far as to pinch my booty as I walked past him. Slapping his hand away, I told his ass "It costs to touch."

  “Well, I got money, baby girl. That ain’t a problem.” Nothing about him screamed money. If anything he had “broke” written all over him. He was a chubby guy with frizzy braids and was dressed in Girbaud from head to toe as if the name brand was still popular.

  “Damn, let us get dressed first,” Poca chimed in.

  He nodded and looked at me. “Alright then. Well don’t forget about me, ma. My name is Wallace.”

  “Un-huh,” I said nonchalantly before walking off.

  Smoove's was set up like an ordinary bar with a platinum twelve foot pole centered in the middle and of course a pool table room adjacent to the bar. There were a few dancers mingling in either room.

  2 Chainz "Spend It" was bumping and Pure Seduction was doing her thing on stage.

  I was irritated at the ver
y sight of her ass.

  "You need to check that bitch about your nigga," Poca said noticing the envious stare I had locked on Pure Seduction. "If you don't put her ass in her place she just gone keep doing the shit."

  Although I had my suspicions, I didn’t have the proof to check her just yet. But best believe when the shit hit the fan I would have more than just a word for her.

  Following Poca inside the small restroom, we prepared to get dressed.

  "Hey, Cam? Ain't that Pure's suitcase?" Poca asked pointing to a Louis Vutton rolling suitcase underneath the sink.

  "I don't know. I think." I didn't know what Poca was hinting at.

  "This is that bitch's shit," she said pulling the suitcase out.

  "What are you doing?" I asked after she unzipped it.

  She looked up at me and smiled. "You mean what are we doing? We about to send this hoe a message."

  I watched in curiosity as Pocahontas dumped Pure Seduction's outfits into the center of the restroom's floor.

  "Gimme my duffel bag," she said.

  After handing it to her, she hurriedly dug around in her bag before producing a 6 oz bottle of hair glue.

  Without deliberation, Poca quickly squeezed all the contents of the container onto Pure Seduction's clothes. By the time the bottle of hair glue was empty Pure Seduction's belongings were covered in thick, black hair glue.

  Poca began howling with laughter at her own masterpiece. “This bitch gone learn today!” she said imitating Kevin Hart’s infamous catch phrase.

  Chapter 3

  "Who the fuck--What the hell!"

  Poca and I were damn near out the door when we heard Pure Seduction hollering from the back of the bar.

  "Who did this to my shit?"

  "Hold on, I wanna see this bitch spaz out," Poca said stepping back into the club and taking a seat in a bar stool.


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