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Page 12

by Jade Jones

  I was sitting on my bed painting my toenails, when my cell phone began ringing. Assuming it was Silk again, I let it go straight to voicemail. Suddenly, my cell phone chimed indicating I had received a text message. After screwing the top back on, I picked my phone up and read the message. To my surprise, it was Jude. It read: So I guess you ain’t fuckin wit me no more lol. I texted back: It aint that. lol. Jus had a lot going on. Suddenly, Jude called me.

  I answered on the second ring. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “You,” he said. “I was expecting to hear from you. I see you wanna play hard to get huh?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s not that at all, Jude. It’s been so much crazy shit happenin’ lately you wouldn’t believe it, if I told you.”

  “So, why don’t you let me take ya mind off all the bullshit for a while. Lemme take you out tonight.”

  I tightened the cap on the nail polish. “ don’t know--”

  “Come on lil’ ma. I’m already in Cleveland.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yeah. I came down for the annual car show and of course, you were on my mind.”

  My cheeks blushed. “Is that right?”

  “Yeah, it is. I really hope you can push whatever got you stressed to the back of your mind so you can come out and enjoy yaself with me.”

  I began fanning my toes with one hand. There had been so much shit going on lately and I really didn’t know if I was ready to get close to someone else. Silk had fucked me up so much that I couldn’t help but to be cautious with getting to know Jude. Nevertheless, I really did enjoy my date and I was, without a doubt, curious about him.

  “What did you have in mind?” I asked.

  “Shit, it’s whatever you want. You hungry?” he asked.

  Actually, I was a little famished. Since the cafeteria was closed for the break, I was forced to eat either pizza or Subway. Eventually, I got tired of both.

  “Yeah, I am a lil’ hungry,” I told him.

  “Okay, cool. What time you want me to swing through?”

  “Gimme about an hour.”


  Jude and I had agreed to have dinner at PF Changs, which was also my favorite restaurant. He was slowly but surely racking in the cool points. I was happy that I had taken him up on his offer.

  “So how are you enjoying Summer break?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I’m actually anticipating for school to start back up.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Really? You’re the first person I’ve ever heard say that. I used to count the days down to summer break.”

  “I actually like school,” I told him. “School breaks are boring. I can never find stuff to do to pass all the time. But it’s like when school is in, I’m always preoccupied. I guess I’m the type of person that has to always be doing something,” I laughed.

  He nodded his head. “I feel it,” he said. “So how’s your family?” he asked. “You real close-knit with them?”

  I sighed. “My parents were killed in a car crash when I was a kid. Apparently, everyone in my family had problems of their own, so no one stepped up to adopt me. I was bounced around in orphanages and foster homes a lot growing up, so no. I can’t say I’m very close-knit with them at all.” I tried to laugh the hidden pain off.

  “Wow, I’m sorry to hear that,” Jude said. “My father passed away two years ago from prostate cancer.”

  “Now I’m sorry to hear that,” I told him.

  “It’s all good."

  Changing the subject to a lighter note, I asked, “So anyway what do you like to do? It’s time for me to get to know a lil’ about you.”

  “What you wanna know?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. Just give me a brief rundown. You know the favorite food, favorite color spill...”

  He burst into laughter and I suddenly, found myself admiring his smile. “My favorite food is catfish. My favorite color is money green,” he laughed. “I love cars. I like hoopin’ whenever I get some spare time. And I just like to chill,” he said. “Now your turn.”

  “Favorite food is...PF Chang’s,” I laughed. “Favorite color is pink. Love shoppin’. Love fashion.”

  “That’s what’s up,” he said. “It’s crazy we havin’ the ‘get to know you’ conversation on the second date,” he laughed.

  “Well, I guess Dave and Buster’s wasn’t the kinda spot we could kick back and converse. We were having too much fun.”

  “True,” he agreed. “So anyway, what’s up with this whole strippin’ shit?”

  “What do you mean?” I was confused.

  “I’m sayin’, I know you probably doin’ it to pay for school or whatever but you know you gone have to stop that shit go if you gone be my woman.”

  I almost choked on the ice water I was sipping. “Your woman? What makes you so confident I’ma be your woman?”

  He smiled. “‘Cause I get what I want.”

  Grinning, I asked, “Oh, you get what you want?”

  “Yep, I’m spoiled like that.”

  “Yeah, I sensed that--”

  Suddenly, my conversation was cut short when I felt an arm snatch me out the chair I was sitting in.

  “Bitch, you gone disrespect me like this?!” Silk spat.

  “Aye! What the fuck?!” Jude quickly stood up and pulled me back towards him.

  “Don’t fuck with me, man!” Silk yelled.

  I quickly stood in between Silk and Jude in an attempt to stop an altercation from occurring.

  “Who the fuck is this nigga?!” Jude asked looking Silk up and down.

  “Cameron, you better tell this lil’ nigga, man,” Silk threatened.

  “Fuck you ole’ fuck boy!” Jude was not backing down.

  Silk quickly walked towards Jude, sandwiching me between them. “Hold up, ya’ll chill! Silk why are you even here?!”

  Embarrassed was not a strong enough word to describe how I felt. Everyone in the restaurant stared at us in amazement. We were the only black people in the restaurant and on top of that we were acting like a bunch of ghetto fools.

  “Fuck you mean what I’m here for?!”

  “We aren’t together anymore!” I yelled.

  “Well there you have it, my nigga,” Jude said.

  “I done told your ass--”, Silk threw a punch at Jude but Jude quickly sidestepped it. Before Silk could throw another one, Jude punched him in the jaw. Silk flew into a nearby table, knocking the couple’s food and drinks to the floor.

  “I call police!” the Asian manager yelled.

  I quickly grabbed Jude’s wrist. “We gotta get out of here!”

  Jude hesitated for a minute as if he still wanted a piece of Silk, who was now stumbling to get up. Thankfully, after deciding it wasn’t worth it, he followed me out the restaurant. As soon as we climbed into his car, Silk burst through the doors of the restaurant.

  Just as Jude started the ignition, Silk ran towards the front of his car and began pounding on the hood.

  “Bitch, I’ma fuck you and that nigga up!” Silk’s temper was displayed at its worse. I knew him seeing me with another man was tearing him up inside. Since day one, he had always been very possessive when it came to me.

  “Yo, I’m bout to beat this nigga’s ass,” Jude said.

  I quickly grabbed his shoulder before he opened the door. “Let’s just go before the police get here.”

  Jude sighed and I could tell that he really wanted to get out and whup Silk’s ass. Reluctantly, he switched the gears to reverse and pulled out the parking lot. Silk chased after Jude’s car like a crazed maniac as he shouted out obscenities and threats.

  “What the fuck was up with that nigga?” Jude asked.

  I sighed and shook my head. “Just a whole...a whole bunch of mess.” I turned towards him. “Jude, I’m so sorry. I had no idea he was gonna show up or even act a damn fool like that.”

  “You ain’t gotta apologize,” he said. “I swear if you wouldn’t have stopped me, I w
ould’ve gave him the damn business. So I’m guessing that’s the crazy ass ex that got you all stressed and shit?”

  “Yeah. Something like that.”

  “Yeah, that’s all bad,” Jude said. “We gone have to get rid of that nigga so the next man can step in.”

  Chapter 23

  “So how long you and dude been together?” Jude asked as he sat at the desk in my dorm.

  “Silk? For a little over a year?”

  He made a face. “Silk?!” he repeated sarcastically. “Don’t tell me you were cuffed up with a nigga named Silk?”

  “Well, his real name is Terrence. Silk is his stage name,” I explained.

  “Stage name?” he asked. “Please tell me you mean rap name or some shit.”

  “No. His stage name,” I smiled. “He’s a male dancer.”

  Jude burst into hysterical laughter. “A stripper? Yo, this nigga’s a stripper?!” He couldn’t contain himself. “Them niggas is like the gayest niggas in the world! I should whupped his soft ass,” Jude laughed.

  “Oh? And how you know they are gay?” I asked from my bed.

  Jude sucked his teeth. “You gotta know a nigga that will go out in public and shake his ass in a thong--”

  “They don’t wear thongs,” I cut in.

  Jude began laughing. “Yeah. You would know,” he said. “So both of ya’ll are some damn strippers, huh?” he asked. “The Jay Z and Beyonce of stripping.”

  I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at his comparison. It felt good too, because I couldn’t remember the last time I laughed.

  “Hey, let me ask you this?” he began in a more serious tone. “Could you really see yourself marrying a nigga that will shake his dick for a dollar? Could you see yourself having kids with a nigga like that?” he asked. “When you graduate and begin your career, will you honestly, still wanna stay with a nigga who strips?”

  As I sat on the bed staring at Jude, I realized that I had never thought about it. I had never imagined how Silk’s profession might impact our future. As crazy as it sounded, I had never thought about much of a future with Silk period.

  “And anyway, what type of nigga would have his girl walking around at night in some city stranded? I ain’t tryna be funny, but if you were my girl you’d be whippin’ fa sho’. You feel me?” he chuckled. “Ain’t no way in hell I would have had you all out there like that.”

  Aside from trying to save up my own money, I had asked Silk on countless occasions if he could buy me a car. His excuse was always that I didn’t need a car since I lived on campus. I honestly, believed he felt that if I had a car it would be harder for him to keep tabs on me.

  “I know we just getting to know each other and everything,” Jude said. “But just know this a real nigga right here. I’m not gone press you or talk you to death about it. But best believe you will see and recognize. I ain’t like that other nigga.”

  Jude and I were silent for a brief moment before he finally stood to his feet. “Well, I’d better get going. I gotta nice lil’ ride back home.”

  I quickly climbed out of bed and walked him to the door. He held his arms out for me to hug him and of course, I obliged. I came to his chest when we hugged and his hard body felt so good in the embrace. It was apparent that he was indeed an athlete.

  When we pulled apart, he bent down and placed a soft kiss on my left cheek. He lingered a while before brushing his lips over mine. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I took the initiative to deepen the kiss. His lips were so soft as they slowly caressed mine. He placed his hand on either side of my waist as we indulged in a passion-filled kiss. As our tongues explored each other’s mouths, his hands slowly slid up my shirt and caressed the flesh of my back.

  I shuddered from his delicate touch. It felt entirely different from Silk’s usual aggressiveness. Jude’s touching and kissing was so intoxicating and before I knew it, we were slowly undressing.

  Jude was clad in only his boxers and I wearing a pink lace panties and bra set, when we finally hit the bed. He gently climbed on top of me. “Pink really is your favorite color, huh?” he teased fingering the material of my bra. His thumb gently brushed over my nipple and a soft moan uncontrollably escaped.

  I eagerly crushed my lips against his.

  When we pulled apart he said, “You know you mine once you gimme the key to the house.” He reached down and grabbed his wallet from his jeans pocket. After pulling a Magnum out, he tore the foil open with his teeth. Rolling the condom down his rock hard shaft, he slowly slid inside me.

  Jude was a whole lot less aggressive than Silk. He actually took his time, making sure to show all the pleasure points of my body attention. He kissed and sucked on my neck as he gently rotated his hips between my legs.

  His kisses and touches were affectionate as he filled me with even strokes. And when we finally climbed that mountain that led to the ultimate peak of satisfaction, slumber engulfed us.


  When I awoke the following morning, I immediately noticed that Jude was gone. Looking towards the desk, I assumed he may’ve left a note but I didn’t see one. After picking my cell up from beside the bed, I scrolled through the calls and texts, hoping he’d said something after last night. But to my dismay, I didn’t receive either. I was fuming mad because I instantly felt like I had been played for a fool and I really did like Jude. He had talked a good game about how he was so different but he really wasn’t. He was the same as every other lame ass nigga. A hit it and quit it, that was all I was to him.

  Suddenly, the sound of running water interrupted my thoughts. I felt like a complete idiot as I watched Jude walk out the bathroom. He was tieing his dreads up as he approached me.

  “Mornin’. You want some breakfast or something?” he asked.


  Over the next couple weeks, Jude and I began dating exclusively. Surprisingly, I had not seen or heard from Silk since the crazy altercation at PF Chang’s. I hadn’t stepped foot back inside The Shakedown since the robbery and Jude had made it perfectly clear that he didn’t want me stripping if we were going to be together. He was on the whole “You just worry about your education and let me take care of everything else” type stuff. It was weird because Silk had always supported me dancing and going after the money, whereas Jude wanted me to leave that lifestyle alone period. He even offered to pay for my school, but I had to decline. I didn’t want to have to depend on a man as much as I had depended on Silk. That, however, didn’t stop Jude from going behind my back and paying my tuition for the following semester. At first, I was a little upset because of the bold step he took, but Jude was the type of person you couldn’t stay mad at. As promised, he always managed to keep a smile on my face as well as keeping my stress level down, unlike Silk (who always kept us deep in drama).

  Applying a coat of fire engine red lipstick, I prepared for me and Jude’s outing. He had called five minutes earlier and said he was parked outside. After grabbing my Marc Jacobs handbag, I made my way downstairs.

  Oddly, I didn’t see Jude’s Fisker Karma when I stepped outside. There were only five or six cars parked along 22nd street and neither were his. Suddenly, a horn beeped, grabbing my attention. Instantly, Jude pulled alongside me in an egg white 2012 Audi Q7.

  He killed the engine, hopped out, and pulled me into an embrace.

  After giving each other a quick peck on the lips, I asked, “You got a new car?”

  He handed me the keys. “No. You do.”

  I didn’t take the keys right away. “What do you mean I do?”

  “This is yours.”

  I was at a loss for words. Finally, I said, “I can’t accept this.”

  “Why can’t you?” he asked. “I told you, you fuckin’ with a real nigga. Real niggas do real shit.” He gently grabbed my right hand and slowly dropped the keys into my palm. “Come on. Take me for a ride,” he said.


  Thirty minutes later, we pulled into the parking lot of Beachwood Mall. Much like me, Ju
de was into fashion, and the latest trends. That was definitely one thing we had in common.

  “I wonder if NEXT got them new Jays,” he said on the way inside.

  Jude and I had just stepped out of Dillards and into the mall, when I saw two very familiar faces approach us. The smirk etched across Pure Seduction’s lips was silently taunting me. She quickly whispered something to her friend, Red and it was then that I realized some drama was underway.

  “Well, well, well. Don’t ya’ll make a cute ass couple,” Pure said sarcastically. “What’s up Jude?” she greeted.

  I quickly looked over at Jude, wondering how she even knew his name. The sodden look on his face said that he wasn’t all too pleased about seeing her.

  “Damn, I see we got the same tastes, huh?” Pure teased. “We just be sharin’ niggas,” she giggled.

  “Don’t start with that bullshit, Keisha,” he said.

  Well damn, he knew her government name and everything.

  “Come on, Cameron,” Jude said as he attempted to pull me away but I wouldn’t budge.

  “What the hell is she talking about?” I asked him. I was looking at Pure Seduction as I said it.

  “Oh, so now you got a new bitch, you act like you don’t me.”

  I looked at Jude in confusion. “You used to fuck with her?”

  “For two years,” Pure answered for him.

  “That’s old shit,” Jude cut in.

  “It wasn’t that old,” Pure smiled. “You was just at the crib last month raw doggin’ it with me,” she laughed. “Or don’t you remember?”

  I looked over at Jude and his cheeks quickly flushed in embarrassment. That was all I needed to know to confirm she was indeed telling the truth.

  I quickly snatched my hand out of Jude’s as I stepped away from him. Suddenly, my anger got the best of me as I walked past Pure Seduction. Without warning, I slapped the shit out her. She stumbled in her pumps before falling to the floor. Red looked at me like she wanted to hit me, but instead she knelt down to help Pure Seduction up. I guess she wasn’t as bold without four other dancers to have her back.


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