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Safe Haven: An Age Play Spanking Romance

Page 2

by Alice Liddell

  “Please, Daddy” and “Thank you, Daddy” each time she made a request.

  When they”d finished their meal, Roy regarded her across the table as he enjoyed the last of his red wine. She looked longingly at his glass but knew better than to ask for some. She wasn”t allowed alcohol. She could drink milk or water. Nothing else.

  “So, young lady,” he began in a quiet, firm voice that told her she was in trouble. “Did you wash yourself properly when you took a bath?”

  Cassie”s tummy lurched. “I think so,” she said, not at all sure that she had.

  “Between your legs?”

  Cassie blushed and shifted nervously. “I think so. Maybe. I”m not sure.”

  “Then here”s what we”re going to do, Cassie. After I clean up the kitchen, I”m going to make an inspection. If I”m not satisfied with the job you did, I”m going to wash you again. You may find it unpleasant but I expect you to lie still for the entire procedure. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she answered in a small voice, fear and arousal rising in her belly.

  “Good girl. Then go upstairs and brush your teeth. Make your last peepee before bed.

  Then I want you to go to your bedroom and take off your slippers and robe. You are to lie down on your bed and pull up your nightie so you are naked from the waist down. I”ll be up in about twenty minutes. Just wait just like that until I come. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Daddy. May I please be excused from the table?”

  “Yes, Cassie. You may. Now go do as you”ve been told. Be sure you”re ready when I come up. I don”t think you want another spanking tonight, do you?”

  “No, Daddy,” she answered, her eyes down, and hurried from the kitchen before he could say any more of those lines that made her squirm in embarrassment.

  Cassie went upstairs to the bathroom. Her eyes fell on the little caddy of shaving supplies that he kept by the sink. She knew that part of the “procedure” tonight would be the careful denuding of every fold of skin between her legs. That was part of the routine on Friday evenings, and Roy always did it himself, slowly and methodically. Once, she had decided to surprise him by arriving cleanly shaved. She”d taken a disposable razor into the shower at the dorm and done it herself, thinking he”d be pleased not to have to see the stubble. But he hadn”t been pleased. He hadn”t been pleased at all. He”d given her the hardest punishment he”d ever given her, making it very clear to her that he was in charge of what happened, and what didn”t happen, to her body.

  As Cassie brushed her teeth with her right hand, she slipped her left hand under her nightie and ran her fingers over the light stubble that had grown back since last weekend. She thought about how he shaved her. It was so humiliating yet so exciting to have him work on her like that, all his attention focus right there between her legs. A tremor of excitement ran through her, but that only increased her dread. Daddy would discover the signs of her arousal and think she hadn”t cleaned herself well.

  Quickly, she tried to think of something else. She brushed her teeth carefully, concentrating on moving the toothbrush in the right way and working gently around the gum line the way Daddy had taught her. She rinsed and put her toothbrush back in the rack. Her eyes fell on the shaving caddy again, and she snapped off the light and hurried into her room.

  Cassie”s room was small and cozy, decorated as a nursery with flowered wallpaper, cheerful pictures and a beautiful white chest of drawers with pretty porcelain knobs. Roy had modified the bed, putting it up on risers so she had to climb up to get into it. It was, by design, as high as a doctor”s table, perfect for the frequent examinations Daddy made of his little girl”s most intimate parts. She laid herself out as instructed, raised her nightie and began the obligatory wait. Daddy always made her wait for inspections. He said it helped her think about what it means to be a good, obedient girl.

  At last, she heard Daddy”s footsteps. She couldn”t look at him because she was embarrassed to have to lie like this with everything exposed. She heard him move the rack and put it over the bed. Daddy had made that, too. It looked like a wooden coat rack when it was at the side of her bed, a smooth, round wooden bar supported by sturdy legs on each side. But when he set it over her bed, it became obvious that it had a different purpose.

  Roy told Cassie to scoot down so her bottom was at the very end of the bed, her legs hanging down over the high edge. When she had complied, Daddy closed his hand around Cassie”s right ankle and pulled it up to one side of the bar high across her bed. He secured her leg to the bar with a soft cloth sash. Then he took up her left ankle and fastened that to the other side of the bar. Her bottom was raised slightly off the bed and her legs were open as wide as they could go without too much discomfort. This was the required position for examinations. Cassie felt herself go hot with shame and reached for a throw pillow to hug it to her chest.

  “There,” Roy said, bringing the floor lamp close to the end of the bed and turning it so the light fell between her legs. “I expect you to keep your hands away, no matter what happens or how much it hurts. Can you do that, or do you need me to tie your hands too?”

  “No, Daddy. I”ll keep my hands away,” she answered in small voice, hugging the pillow closer to her chest.

  Cassie shut her eyes and listened. She heard the sound of the rollers on the stool as Daddy reached for his seat. She heard the sound of the lamp being adjusted. And she heard the snap of latex gloves. Even so, she jumped when his gloved fingers touched the sensitive skin between her legs, and she let out a little moan of embarrassment and arousal as his fingers opened up the folds of skin, turning them this way and that in the light as he examined her. He pressed and probed, even pulling back the little hood at the top of her cleft to force her tiny bud out into the open. That was one place where he usually found her cleanliness lacking, and tonight was no exception. He didn”t say anything, but she knew he disapproved when he punished her with a hard flick directly on the sensitive nub, making her buck in her restraints.

  “You”re not clean at all, young lady. That”s why Daddy wants to be in charge of your bathing. I”ve told you before that little girls get infections if they don”t keep themselves clean between your legs. Shame on you for going into the bath by yourself.” Cassie let out a tiny sob, and squeezed her eyes even tighter. She heard Roy go to the bathroom and run the water until it came out hot. Her legs were beginning to ache but she knew it would be at least thirty minutes before she would be released from this humiliating position.

  Roy returned and set a steaming washcloth between her legs. She gritted her teeth at the heat, and squirmed unhappily in her bonds.

  “Hold still, young lady. Unless you”d like to feel my strop across your thighs.” Cassie fell still immediately, and listened as he slapped his straight-edged razor against the strop to sharpen the blade. She was terrified of that open blade, and wished he would use safety razors like everyone else. But he was conservative about certain things, and he said fear of the razor was instructive for her. For one thing, she had learned not to fidget when he was shaving her.

  The washcloth cooled to a bearable heat, and Cassie listened as Daddy lathered up his boars-hair brush by working it around and around in the mug of old-fashioned shaving soap.

  Then he brushed the lather between her legs, working slowly and carefully to cover the entire area from a few inches below her navel clear down to between her open cheeks. He set one hand on her belly, then began: Cassie froze as the sharp blade moved in confident strokes across her most tender parts. She held her breath for as long as she could, only daring to breath when his hand moved away to wipe away the lather and stubble on a towel. At last he finished, and wiped her clean with a fresh, hot washcloth.

  For a moment there was silence, and Cassie knew Daddy was looking at her there. Then he spoke:

  “I”m sorry, Cassie. But you were so dirty I”m going to have to disinfect you with rubbing alcohol. It”s going to burn and sting but perhaps that w
ill teach you a lesson. I hope you remember how this feels the next time you think about disobeying me and taking a bath by yourself.”

  Roy filled a small metal bowl with rubbing alcohol. He dipped a large cotton ball into the alcohol, and rubbed it slowly and deliberately over Cassie”s freshly-shaven skin. The burning began immediately, making Cassie scream in pain.

  “Oh, it stings!” she cried. “Oh, take it away!”

  But he didn”t. He continued to swab every surface between her splayed legs. If she hadn”t been tied she would have certainly drawn her legs together and tried to twist away. Her cries grew more frantic as he worked the stinging solution into every tender crevice, even her little puckered bottom hole.

  “There. That should kill all the germs and prevent infection. Keep your hands away.” Cassie continued to cry as Daddy untied her ankles and released her legs.

  “That”s enough of your howling, young lady. You deserved what you got, and you should be grateful that you have a Daddy who cares enough about your health to take care of your body.

  What do you say?”

  “Thank you, Daddy. Thank you for cleaning me and punishing me when I”m bad.”

  “That”s my girl,” Roy said, more gently now. He gave her a little kiss on the forehead as he helped her pull her nightie down. “Now fetch your harness and let”s get you tucked into bed.” Cassie slid down from her bed obediently and went to her dresser to get the harness Roy made her wear at night. He”d made that himself, too, from three of his old leather belts. He had shortened one belt so it would fit snugly around her little waist. He”d cut down the other belts, securing one to each side of the waist belt with grommets to form attached cuffs for her wrists.

  Roy took the harness and helped her into her, fastening it around her waist then closing the small straps snugly around her wrists to pin her arms to her sides. Roy put her into this every night so she couldn”t touch herself where she shouldn”t. It was a little uncomfortable and she had sleep on her back. She”d hated it at first, especially because she had to call him if she needed to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. But she”d gotten used to it. Now she liked knowing that Daddy was completely in charge of that part of her body, and that Daddy was the one who decided if and when she could feel pleasure there. Sometimes he”d allow her into his bed and she”d get all the pleasure a girl could want. But that never happened before Sunday evening, and some weekends it didn”t happen at all.

  “Goodnight, baby girl,” Roy said as he pulled the covers up to her chin.

  “Goodnight, Daddy,” Cassie whispered as she settled into bed for the night, the skin between her legs still tingling from the alcohol. She wiggled her sore bottom against the bed a little but she couldn”t move her hands to do what she wanted to do so badly. She vowed to be a good girl this weekend so Daddy would take her to his room on Sunday. But she knew it wasn”t easy to please him. Daddy had high expectations for his little girl. Cassie smiled, and closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep so she could rest up for Saturday.

  Chapter Two

  Cassie’s Potty

  Cassie had been awake for some time before she heard Roy”s footsteps outside her door.

  She was glad he was finally coming to get her up because she had to go to the bathroom and she wasn”t allowed to go by herself. But she was also just plain happy to see him after the long night alone.

  “Morning, Princess. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, Daddy. Thank you.” She always slept well at Roy”s house. He put her to bed so early. And it was so much quieter than the dorm. He knew she didn”t get enough sleep during the week, which is why he insisted she get plenty of rest on the weekends with him.

  Cassie looked up and smiled at Roy as he pulled the covers off of her. She loved to look at his face when he was attending to her. His brown eyes were so warm and comforting. She stayed perfectly still and let him take care of her.

  “Let”s get you out of your harness,” he said, unbuckling the leather straps that held her arms to her sides during the night. The straps were fixed to another belt fastened around her waist, on the outside of her nightie. This was Daddy”s system for making sure his little girl didn”t touch herself when she was in bed. It also served as a very physical reminder to her that she was dependent on him. He kept his door open in case she called for him at night, and he never minded if she did. He liked to take care of her, and she liked to rely on him. It was the very basis of their relationship.

  “I bet someone needs to go pee-pee,” Roy said as he got the last buckle of the harness loose.

  Cassie nodded and sat up. She moved her arms gratefully, stretching them as she slid off the high bed to the floor. As soon as her little bare feet hit the carpet, she had them moving toward the bathroom.

  “Not so fast, Princess.” Cassie halted reluctantly and turned to look at him, the pressure on her bladder all the stronger now that she was standing. “I want to check your urine from now on. I can”t do that if you use the toilet, so I want you to make your pee-pee into this.” Cassie looked at him in shocked disbelief as he spread a towel on her bedroom floor and placed a stainless steel bowl on top.

  “Roy,” she pleaded. He raised one eyebrow and Cassie corrected herself. “Daddy…

  please. I can”t. I”m not ready. I don”t want to do this. Please let me use the toilet.” Her voice was shaking; both from her need to go to the toilet and her shock at this new development. She understood he was demanding a new form of submission from her, but she didn”t want this. She didn”t want to give up control over her own bodily functions.

  Roy knew that, which is why he had picked this moment to push her. In the morning, when her need to relieve herself was the greatest, and her defenses were down. He knew this was a big step for her, and he didn”t want to make it any harder than it already ready was. He cared deeply for Cassie and he wanted to help her understand her submissive self. Which meant he would stand firm on this. Roy shook his head and motioned to the floor. “Use the potty, Cassie.” He watched her carefully to see if she would yield. He could see what a struggle it was for her.

  Hot tears of humiliation welled up in Cassie”s eyes. She had been Roy”s little girl long enough to know additional pleading would be useless and would almost certainly earn her a spanking. She didn”t want to be punished before breakfast even, and, anyway, she didn”t think she could hold it for a minute longer. Sobbing in shame and frustration, she put one foot on either side of the bowl, pulled up her nightgown and crouched over the bowl. She had to close her eyes and will her bladder to release. She tried not to think of him watching her. When the hot stream finally started, relief washed over her. That was followed nearly immediately by a wave of humiliation at the sound of her pee hitting the stainless steel. It was so loud. It went on so long. When she finished, Cassie remained crouched over the bowl, her head bowed, tears streaming down her face.

  “Good girl, Cassie,” Roy said in a quiet, gentle voice. He reached for a tissue and wiped her carefully between her legs, dropping the damp tissue into the bowl. Then he helped her up and took her in his arms. She fell against him and began to cry as he held her.

  “Why did you make me do that?” she sobbed softly into his shirt. “Why?”

  “You know why, baby. You need to give up more control. You need me to decide what”s best for you. That”s what these weekends are all about. Sometimes the most loving thing I can do is to make you do the things you fear the most.” He stroked her head softly. “And it pleases me so much when you do them for me, baby.”

  He held her for a long time and then gently moved her to the chair by her bed so he could attend to the potty. She sat, but turned her eyes away so she wouldn”t have to see him checking her pee. Satisfied, Roy carried the bowl to the bathroom and cleaned up. Cassie stayed in the bedroom, curled up in the armchair, her thumb pressed to her mouth, feeling smaller than she ever had.

  It had been only four months since she met Roy through a personal
s ad in the campus paper. Not long, but she was already convinced that accepting Roy as her Daddy was the smartest thing she had ever done. The relationship with him, as odd as it was, felt good and right.

  She felt secure when she was with him. When she passed the reins of her life to him every Friday afternoon, the terribly gnawing in her gut went away. She felt peaceful during the weekends with Roy.

  Even so, she didn”t like what he had made her do just now. What did he mean by “from now on?” Was she going to have to do that again? Regularly? All the time? She trembled as her sense of self battled with her desire to submit.

  Roy returned to the bedroom and put his hand gently on her head. He was pleased with her, Cassie knew, and that made her feel a little better. She watched silently as he pulled out some clean underwear from her dresser, and opened the closet. He chose the blue sundress with the ruffled straps, which made her blush. It was the most juvenile of the clothes he allowed her to keep at his house. So far, they were all her own clothes, things she had owned before she met him. But she knew that he had ordered special clothes for the young woman who had been his previous little girl until she had to move away for graduate school. Cassie expected the day would come when he”d push her on clothing as well. Her feelings about this were mixed: she half wanted it, half dreaded it.

  Cassie stood still and passive as Daddy removed her nightie and helped her into her clothes. She loved letting him take care of her like this, and relaxed against him when he sat in the chair and pulled her between his legs so he could do her hair. He brushed her wavy tresses carefully, getting out all the tangles, then pulled them into two pigtails to the back high above her ears. He was having her grow out her hair and soon it would be long enough to braid. When Cassie was all dressed, he took her into the bathroom and washed and dried her face and hands.


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