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Safe Haven: An Age Play Spanking Romance

Page 5

by Alice Liddell

  Then she heard Daddy”s visitor chuckle. She wanted to hate him for laughing at her, but part of her knew he was right. She had forgotten her place. She was just a little girl at the mercy of grownup men. And grown men who had no compunctions about upending a young lady for a sound spanking, at that. It wouldn”t do her any good to fight them.

  “Go on, Cassie. Do as you”ve been told and set the table,” Daddy said. Grateful for a reason to leave the room, Cassie took up some silverware from the drawer, and hurried to the dining room to lay two places for the grownups. She sniffed and wiped the tears from her eyes.

  When she finished, Daddy came in to check that she had done a good job. After nodding his approval, he told her to go back into the kitchen and eat her dinner.

  That meager meal was a trial for Cassie. She felt tense with the visitor”s eyes on her, and the sandwich stuck in her throat. It didn”t taste good. How could it, with the aroma of fragrant rice and grilled salmon filling the room? But she chewed dutifully because Daddy always expected her to clean her plate. She finished the milk, too, and sat quietly with her hands folded in her lap, hoping Daddy would notice that she was done.

  She waited in pained silence for nearly ten minutes. “You may be excused,” Daddy said finally. “Rinse your dishes and put them in the dishwasher. Then you may carry our dinners into the dining room. David, why don”t you take this bottle of wine and go ahead and take a seat on the far side of the table?”

  Cassie did as she was told, and took the filled plates. Daddy followed her with the wooden salad bowl and his homemade dressing. Cassie felt a frisson of excitement as she set the visitor”s plate in front of him. She was so close to him. She could smell his aftershave, and she suddenly imagined his big arm snaking around her narrow waist. But the visitor didn”t move, except to nod slightly to acknowledge her service. Cassie hurried around the table to set the other plate down for Daddy. But then she didn”t know what to do. Should she leave? Where should she go? Finally, she curtsied to Daddy”s guest, wished him a pleasant meal, and turned to go into the living room.

  Daddy”s voice brought her to a halt. “Stay here, Cassie.” He pulled out the chair next to him and told Cassie to sit down. Cassie looked up in surprise. Did he mean for her to sit there doing nothing while they ate all that good food? The unfairness of it hit her hard in the chest.

  “Sit,” Daddy repeated, a familiar warning tone creeping into his voice. Cassie sat. “Hands folded in your lap, eyes down. Still and straight, on the edge of your seat,” Daddy instructed as he pushed her chair up to the table. “Little girls should be seen and not heard.”

  “I”ll drink to that,” Daddy”s visitor said, raising his wine glass. The men clinked glasses, tasted the wine, and picked up their forks to enjoy Roy”s excellent cooking. Cassie sat quietly, stinging with humiliation. Imagine not being allowed to partake of either the meal or the conversation! She felt like nothing more than a pretty object to decorate Daddy”s table, which was a strange and not completely unpleasant sensation. She knew this is what Daddy wanted her to feel, and she tried to focus on what she was feeling. It wasn”t easy, not with her insides roiling with a stew of strong and unfamiliar emotions. But Daddy might ask her about it afterwards. He often did after he”d pushed her into deeper submission with something new, and Daddy expected full answers.

  By the time the men had finished their meal, Cassie had calmed down, having adjusted to her position as the silent, junior member of the party. She kept her hands in her lap and her eyes down, only half paying attention to their conversation. She was uncomfortable on the edge of the chair. Once Daddy had to warn her to sit still. “Stop that wiggling, Cassie, or I”ll have to give you something to wiggle about.” Cassie blushed, then turned one shade redder when Daddy”s visitor chuckled again.

  Things got more interesting when Daddy”s visitor started talking about his little girl. Her name was Betsy and she lived with him. Cassie was fascinated as he described some of the rules that Betsy was subject to. It sounded like a very strict regime.

  “And this time I hired a babysitter to stay with her while I”m away,” Dr. David was saying. “An older German lady, just perfect for the job. Big powerful arms that make you think she must have kneaded forty loaves of bread every day of her life.” Cassie”s heart beat faster as she imagined what it would be like to be under the control of a woman like that.

  “As soon as Frau Schuster arrived yesterday, she set down her suitcases and seized Betsy by the ear. And right in front of me, that tower of power sat down on my sofa, pulled a hairbrush from her handbag, and had Betsy over her knee faster than you could say „pants down.” She started whaling away with the back of that brush and just kept on going, her arm never wavering, deaf as a stone to Betsy”s hollering and pleading. I”ll bet it went on for ten minutes, and I have to say, it was a pleasure to watch. When she finally finished, my little Bets lay there like a broken doll, sobbing her eyes out, her very red bottom perched high on that woman”s lap. „Zere,”

  pronounced Frau Schuster. „Ve get zat out of ze vay. Now you know I mean business.”” Daddy laughed at David”s imitation of a heavy Teutonic accent, and David continued:

  “Then Frau Schuster ordered Betsy up to her room, turned to me and told me I may go. “ I vill handle all matters from here, Herr Doktor. Enjoy your journey.” As she spoke, she pulled an evil enema set from one of her bags. „I intend to clean her out wonce and fur all,” she said, as if any explanation was necessary after seeing the size of those nozzles. „You shall haff a very clean and obedient young lady ven you return, Herr Doktor. Ziss I promise.”” Cassie was spellbound by the story about the babysitter and the enema, and she hoped Daddy”s friend would keep talking about Betsy. But the conversation turned abruptly to investment strategies.

  Cassie grew bored as the men discussed the relative risks and merits of federal and municipal bonds. She was getting antsy from sitting so long, and her heart sank when Daddy refilled their wine glasses. How long was this evening going to last? She was beginning to wish she had opted to stay in her room tonight.

  Cassie shifted on her chair, trying to relieve the pressure on the back of her thighs. That felt a little better, and Cassie drifted off into her own thoughts. She played back what she had heard about Betsy, and wondered what it would be like to meet another little girl like herself.

  Would they be instant friends? Would it be embarrassing? It might be just a little thrilling, she thought guiltily, to be in the room when Betsy got punished, and she began to dream up a scenario in which one girl, but not the other, might earn herself a public spanking. The images she conjured up were quite vivid, and Cassie unconsciously began to rock a tiny bit in her seat, swinging her legs under the table. She wasn”t even aware that her shoe was hitting the table leg.

  Daddy was, however, and he grew more annoyed with each bump.

  Cassie”s private musings were abruptly interrupted when her chair was pulled back hard from the table. Daddy had a painful grip on her arm, and was propelling her around to the end of the table to a clear spot. It took Cassie a moment to figure out what she had done, but as soon as she felt herself bent over the table she knew she was in for a serious spanking. With rising panic, she felt the skirt of her dress thrown up over her back, and her panties yanked down unceremoniously. Then Daddy”s big hand made painful contact with her bottom.

  “Ow! Daddy, pleeease, no!”

  He smacked her bottom again and again, each blow flattening her soft, white buttocks and driving her small body against the edge of the table. She tried to squirm away, but Daddy set his left palm on her back, pinning her against the smooth wood as he continued her punishment.


  Daddy paused. Things had happened so quickly that Cassie had forgotten that Daddy”s friend was there. Having an audience made her feel sick with shame. She had tried so hard to be good so she wouldn”t be punished in front of company.

  “If you want to take your belt to h
er naughty behind, I”d be more than happy to hold her down for you.”

  Daddy must have nodded because he let go of her and moved away. Wanting desperately to flee, yet too well trained to move, Cassie lay in place against the table, her outthrust bottom already throbbing and smarting. There was a terrifying jangle of Daddy”s belt buckle just as she felt the visitor”s hands upon her. He ran his right palm over her head, thrusting his fingers into her hair and closing them to get a good grip, using that hold to turn her head to the side. She couldn”t move her head at all. Then he took both her wrists in his left hand and held them against the table over her head.

  Cassie never felt so helpless in her life. She was pinned to the table by one man and another was about to use his belt on her naked bottom and legs.

  Daddy”s belt lashed hard across her bottom. The pain was quick and intense, followed by a hot burn. Daddy swung his belt a second time, catching Cassie across the top of her thighs. She shrieked and struggled, but the visitor maintained his grip. Then Daddy began to apply the thick leather in a steady rhythm as Cassie screamed and sobbed against the table.

  At last Daddy stopped and Cassie was released. Gasping for breath, her face wet with tears, she sprang up and grabbed at her bottom to try to rub away the terrible sting.

  “Corner,” Daddy ordered. Sobbing, Cassie reached for her panties, but Daddy warned her to leave them as they were. She shuffled awkwardly towards her corner, her legs hobbled by the panties bunched at her ankles. This embarrassing parade was all the worse for having a witness.

  Cassie had never felt so ashamed in all her life.

  Daddy left her in the corner for what seemed like a very long time. Sniffing in misery, Cassie listened to him cleaning up in the kitchen. She thought she felt eyes on her, but was afraid to sneak a peak. Daddy could see her from the kitchen if he looked this way. And what if Daddy”s visitor was nearby watching her? She knew enough about Daddies to know that he wouldn”t hesitate to step up and smack her for looking around during corner time.

  When at last she felt Daddy”s hand on her shoulder, Cassie knew she could turn around and be gathered into Daddy”s arms for forgiveness. She craved that after a punishment and Daddy was always generous with the comfort she needed. He held her for a long time, then pulled up her panties and smoothed down her skirt. It was a relief to be covered up again.

  Daddy”s visitor was standing by the door.

  “Why don”t you get your bag, David? I”ll tell Cassie what”s going to happen.” Cassie”s eyes went round when she saw Daddy”s visitor come back into the room with an old-fashioned black doctor”s case.

  “Are you really a doctor, Dr. David?” she asked.

  “Yes, Cassie. I”m really a doctor. But I don”t use this with the patients who come to my office. I only need this bag when I”ve got a naughty girl to examine.” Cassie”s tummy lurched. She watched with fascinated dread as he pulled his instruments from the bag and laid them on a stool Daddy had set in front of the sofa. Dr. David took out a glass thermometer and began to shake it. Cassie went pale and looked at Daddy in panic.

  “Not there! Oh, please Daddy. I don”t want to be examined there.” Daddy ignored her. “David, why don”t you tell Cassie how you punish Betsy?” Daddy”s visitor looked at the thermometer in his hand, turning it to catch the light, and began to shake it again.

  “When my little girl misbehaves, I spank her, Cassie. Even a misdemeanor earns her a hard spanking with my hand or a hairbrush. But if she willfully disobeys me, or sasses me, or does anything else bad enough that I need to take off my belt or cut a switch for her, then she knows she”s in for the full treatment.”

  Cassie wondered what he meant.

  “Do you know what sodomy is, Cassie?”

  She nodded, and her mouth went dry.

  “Well, when Betsy does something very bad, she knows her bottom hole will be punished too. Would you like to know how I do that, Cassie?”

  Cassie didn”t know how to answer a question like that, but the truth was she was dying to know how Dr. David punished Betsy”s bottom hole. So she nodded.

  “After she”s been soundly whipped, I clean Betsy out with a hot, uncomfortable punishment enema. And when that”s done, she has to lie on her bed, face down across a big pillow, and offer herself for her sodomy punishment. She has to take her Daddy”s big thing inside of her.”

  “Does it hurt?” Cassie whispered.

  “I make sure it does, Cassie, or it wouldn”t be a punishment. She hates it because it hurts but she knows it makes her mind me, which is why it”s such an effective punishment.” He paused and looked at Cassie hard. “Your Daddy thinks you”d benefit from this kind of discipline, and asked me to examine you to make sure there isn”t any reason not to start you off right away.” Cassie”s eyes went round with panic. Daddy had discovered her secret!

  For as long as she could remember, Cassie had been drawn to rectal thermometers and enemas. In the rare private moments when her roommates weren”t in her dorm room, she had hungrily but guiltily trolled the Internet for stories of anal punishments. But she had never confessed her interest to Daddy. She”d been too ashamed.

  Daddy handed his visitor a bed pillow, and Dr. David sat down in the middle of the sofa, and pulled the stool with the medical instruments close. He plumped the pillow across his lap, looked up at Cassie, and patted the cushion.

  “Come on, little girl,” he said, smiling gently. “Come put yourself over my lap and we”ll take a look at that little sweet rosebud of yours. Roy, why don”t you slip that dress off her so it doesn”t get wrinkled.”

  Cassie stood trembling as Daddy unbuttoned the row of buttons on her back and pulled the velvet frock over her head. Never mind that Daddy and his visitor had been looking at her bare, well-spanked bottom just minutes before; Cassie felt embarrassed to be standing in front of adults in just her underwear.

  Dr. David motioned for her, but she couldn”t make herself go to him. Daddy looked displeased.

  “Do you need a reminder about the importance of doing as your told?” Cassie shook her head quickly, and made herself go forward, albeit slowly and hesitantly, to lay herself across Dr. David”s lap. The pillow cradled her tummy and somehow made her feel safe despite that the dreadful knowledge that her most secret place would soon be opened by a strict daddy.

  Dr. David ran his palm softly and proprietarily across the back of Cassie”s underpants.

  “Lift up, pumpkin, so I can get these panties down.” She obeyed, but the thought of his hands on her panties mortified her. He”d notice that she”d soaked them! He”d know how excited she was!

  Cassie buried her face in her hands.

  Daddy sat down next to Dr. David and gently pried Cassie”s hands away from her face so he could watch her. He took her wrists in his big hands and pulled her arms out straight and held them his lap. It soothed her to feel Daddy”s warm hands around her wrists, but Cassie knew from his firm grip meant that he would hold her throughout the examination. She would have to submit, however embarrassing or painful things got. She pictured herself as the men must see her, a little girl stretched obediently over a grown man”s lap, bare from the hem of her undershirt clear down to the tops of her lacy socks, her naked bottom perched high and oh so vulnerable.

  Cassie turned her head and watched in dread as Dr. David dabbed some Vaseline on the bulb end of the rectal thermometer. She tried to hold still when she her bottom cheeks being parted, but when the cold thing touched her, touched her right there in her most sensitive, hidden part, she cried out in dismay.

  “Easy, Cassie. Hold still. I”m not going to hurt you. I”m lubricating your bottom hole so the thermometer will slide in nice and easy. I can see you”re a virgin so I”ll be extra gentle, but you”ve got to take it all.”

  Cassie couldn”t believe the sensations as the cool tube of glass slid into her.

  “There. The thermometer is seated deep inside your bottom now, and we”re going to leave it in there f
or a good ten or fifteen minutes to make sure we get an accurate reading.” But Dr. David didn”t leave the thermometer still, as she had expected he would. He drew it out, then pushed it back in. He rotated it slowly between his fingers. He changed the angle so it touched different parts of her insides. Cassie had never experienced anything so humiliating yet so thrilling in her life.

  “That”s it, Cassie,” Dr. David soothed in a soft voice. “Hold still now so I can probe you properly. That”s right. Take it like a good girl.”

  Cassie tried to hold still, but the sensations were growing stronger. She squirmed in Daddy”s grasp, and ground her tummy against the pillow. Much to her dismay, she felt Dr.

  David”s free hand wander between her legs. What he found made him chuckle. He stroked his fingertips through her wetness all the while continuing the sweet twirling and thrusting in her bottom hole. Suddenly, and before she understood what was happening, Cassie”s entire body tensed and a wave of exquisite pleasure washed over the back of her thighs and over her bottom and hips, cresting right at the bottom of her tummy. She cried out, but even if she hadn”t, it would have been perfectly obvious to the men that the little girl who was getting her temperature taken had just experienced a strong orgasm. The thermometer bobbed before their eyes in tune to the spasms of her sphincter, and Dr. David to clasped his hand tight so he could register every quake in her slippery, clean-shaven little girl parts.

  “Oh, my, my,” he chuckled, as Cassie sobbed face-down on his lap in a mixture of pleasure and shame. “Roy, your little Cassie has the most sensitive bottom hole it”s ever been my privilege to minister to. It”s perfect for the kind of punishments you”ve got in mind. She”ll feel everything twice as much as most little girls, whether you give her pleasure or pain. You”re one lucky man, my friend.”

  He gave Cassie”s bottom an approving swat and chuckled again. “If she reacts like that to a thermometer, I can”t wait to see how she takes the digital exam.” Cassie wailed, uselessly.


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