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Sentient: Evolution

Page 16

by D. R. Rosier

  Lessi smiled wryly and replied, “I wasn’t clear, spoken words are so… imprecise. What I meant to say is we’re incapable of violence against living beings. All of your ships except two, don’t have any lifeforms on them. We are quite capable of crushing a lifeless thing.”

  Hope nodded, not sure if she believed that but glad it wouldn’t be put to the test.

  “Do you think there’s any hope in the Meliax surrendering, they’ve been ignoring us.”

  She was horribly curious to ask about their abilities, and where their power came from. She also had no doubt the being before her knew that. Either way, she wasn’t going to ask. She wanted to figure it out on her own.

  Lessi shook her head, “The energy we use could help you, but not as much as it does us. The energy multiplies our inherent abilities. Your species has a very low psychic potential. Ten thousand times zero is still zero. To answer your previous questions, I would be pleased to meet with you, as well as Aide and your companions on occasion. As far as the rest of my people, while I can speak for them I would not in this matter. If any are interested, they will make contact with you the first time. We do not need to trade, but if things go well perhaps a knowledge exchange would be in order.

  “As far as the Meliax question you asked, no. The Emperor is scared out of what little wits he had, and will not surrender. He refuses to face the possibility of losing, and is afraid if he tries to surrender his people would revolt. You could force them however, if you wanted to go through the trouble to disable their ships, and then move them to a planet. At that point they would have to abandon ship, or choose to die as their air and food ran out.”

  Aide remarked, “That could work, then we can finish their ships and destroy the shuttles on the ground.”

  Lessi’s smile grew, “If my contact with you manages to save lives, then it is already worth the risk. I should go, my mates grow nervous with me away from them for so long. If you wish to speak to me, simply picture me and think my name. Perhaps next time you can visit my ship?”

  Hope nodded and had all her sensors pointed at Lessi as she was surrounded by blue light and simply disappeared. The only thing that showed on her sensors, had been Lessi herself, and the fact she disappeared. She really wanted to know how the being did that.

  Tim shrugged, “Let’s go with the hard way. We outnumber them by… a really big number so it shouldn’t be too hard.”

  Aide spanked Tim and giggled, “One hundred thousand to one dear now that the enemy has eight million ships.”

  Tim faux glared and ordered sternly, “Make it happen woman.”

  Aide laughed harder, but the ships started to move as he commanded.

  Tim smiled ruefully, but smacked her on the butt drawing a gasp from Aide.

  Hope was thankful she was in Dreniel form so she was incapable of blushing, and decided she didn’t need to see her mother’s version of foreplay, so cut their connection. She turned to Ari, she had her own version of foreplay to attend to…

  Chapter 22

  Tim believed the results of battle were inevitable, but it took a long time. The enemy was flustered as they attacked each ship with a thousand vessels each, and from all three places. Normal space, dark dimensional space, and dimensional subspace. They attacked the shields of the Meliax from an angle, in an attempt to overload them, and used pinpoint strikes to take out the emitters once they broke through.

  It was toward the end of the battle when something changed. All the remaining Meliax ships, around twenty thousand, dropped into subspace and left. His first thought was they were running, but less than a moment later they all started to pop up in Earth’s solar system. It took him an additional moment to understand.

  “They know our weakness, evade now and call in more ships,” he barked.

  The Meliax started to open fire as they got within range, while the defending ships, only about ten thousand, started to attack back. The Meliax ignored those ships however and all came after the command ship. He wasn’t sure how they’d found out, but he hoped Hope wasn’t under similar attack and glanced at the status on the holographic system to find they weren’t. They must not have known Aide had a backup. He thought that was strange, since it was all over the news the last few days.

  Maybe they pulled it from older data?

  His and Aide’s command ship started to blink around the solar system, constantly moving from place to place in both dimensions and dimensional subspace as enemy ships exploded around them. They weren’t being careful with these enemy ships at all, simply moving in for the kill. There were too many chasing them however, to avoid all the dark energy beams, and their command ship was taking damage from the secondary dark matter particles in their beams.

  But it was working, he watched as the enemy’s ship count dropped as millions of their ships started to arrive every second. A few moments later the battle was finished and he blew out an explosive breath of relief. He looked at the status of their ship, and it had chunks torn out of the outside hull, and parts of the ship were open to space, but the engineering and bridge sections were completely untouched.

  Aide said softly, “Initiating repairs, that was close. We lost a number of shield emitters and… well if we’d lost a few more we’d have lost shields, and the beams would have gotten through...” she trailed off.

  He collapsed back in the chair, “How do you think they found it?”

  Aide shrugged, “It’s not exactly a secret, I’m surprised they didn’t find us sooner. We wouldn’t have survived the first attack if they had. Without the new drive, we couldn’t have avoided them nearly as well. The wormhole drive takes much longer to activate.”

  He pulled Aide into his lap and held her, taking her scent in with a deep breath. Aide seemed a little shaken, so he wondered if they’d come closer to death than she’d let on…

  They only lost a couple of their own ships, mostly due to bad luck. The Meliax had simply been too highly outnumbered.

  A lot of their new ships were damaged, but they would be repaired in less than a day, including the command ship.

  At that point, the Meliax still wouldn’t speak to them, so they used pinpoint beams to destroy their drives with minimum loss of life, and then completely surrounded the Meliax ships with their own, combined fields, and used their dimensional drive to drag the helpless ship to a nearby Meliax world.

  The Meliax never talked to them, but they finally abandoned their ships almost a full day later before they ran out of air. After that, a few dark energy beams disintegrated the Meliax ships.

  He ordered Aide to send invitations to the eighty-six races that were peaceful to rejoin the stars, and a different message to the four hundred races that weren’t. To those that weren’t they simply sent a message telling them they were no longer slaves, but must stay on the planet until they learned to play well with others. He was paraphrasing there, but that was the intent of the message.

  The other fifteen thousand varied between a primitive stone age, and an iron age. A few had satellites in orbit and might be joining them in a few years, but they would be left in the dark about the greater community in space until they reached FTL.

  Tim was kind of excited about it all, he knew Aide, Kate, and himself would probably be meeting a number of races as soon as they were able to get a space program going again. The science part was a good thing, and Kate and Aide loved that part, but he wasn’t a scientist at heart, and becoming an ambassador of sorts had an appeal.

  Andil woke up to a loud beeping noise, but at least his headache was gone. He was on his side, and his arms were around Erza and her back was snuggled against his front. He knew he should release her now that he was awake, especially with that noise, but his arms wouldn’t obey.

  Erza snickered, “You can let me go, I won’t run away Andil.”

  He snorted and let her go, then followed her curiously to the bridge.

  Erza said, “Status?”

  A deep calm male voice answered, “The Melia
x have been defeated and we have received an invitation to rejoin the stars. I estimate a seventy-two percent chance the sender is peaceful and honest in their invitation.”

  He looked around, “Who is that?”

  Erza smiled, “It’s the ship. His name is Temperance. What is the other twenty-eight percent?”

  Temperance replied, “The invitation could be a trap to find other space going races in this galaxy.”

  Erza sighed, “Translate and display message please.”

  Erza and he were quiet as the watched the message from a strange looking creature with a tail, she seemed very sincere.

  “What do you think?”

  He raised an eyebrow surprised she asked for his opinion, “I think we should take a chance. They didn’t even kill the Meliax.”

  Erza smiled, went up on her toes, and kissed him.

  “I think you’re right, we can take the ship out and up tomorrow, and see what happens.”

  He tilted his head, “Why not now?”

  She smiled widely and repeated his words from yesterday, “I have my priorities, I think its long past the time we got to know each other, don’t you? Let’s go back to bed.”

  He didn’t argue as she took his hand and dragged him off the bridge, he’d have sooner cut out his tongue…

  Aide sighed in intense satisfaction and happiness. She was in bed, and Tim was spooning her from behind, his face in her hair, and his large cock resting between her ass cheeks. On the other side of her, she was spooned into Kate’s back. Her arm was draped around Kate, cupping her breast, and Kate’s ass felt really good against her center. She was so pleasantly sore, warm, and content, that she really didn’t want to move.

  But a vessel appeared over the Meliax home world. She scanned it and was surprised to see it was one of the more advanced Meliax vessels. How had it escaped detection? She was about to wake Tim for orders, when she noticed its shields and weapons were shut down, and it was broadcasting a message of peaceful intent to the vessel she had stationed there.

  Aide was really curious so she decided to see what it did, but she was so damned tired after their night of hot celebration sex together, that she figured her processor could handle it just fine without her body. She closed her eyes, and fell asleep sandwiched between the two people she loved in perfect contentment…


  Turin Lin had been shocked at how well his people were treated. The aliens they tried to invade and destroy had gone out of their way to save as many Meliax lives as they could. As far as he could tell, his race was even still free as long as they stayed on a planet.

  His family had thought he was insane, but the plan seemed to be working. The ship in orbit of Meliax had not fired at him just as he’d expected. Coming in with no weapons or shields seemed to have worked. He knew his plan was crazy, but so far so good. He rubbed his tentacles together in anticipation.

  “Dura Lin, take us down and land us in front of the palace.”

  She looked up in disbelief but said, “Yes father,” and took the ship down into the atmosphere.

  They still had their electromagnetic shielding and anti-gravity systems, and he didn’t even notice a bump on the way down. As soon as they landed, he took a landing party and they disembarked. There were no guards at the palace doors, just as the scans had shown. The Emperor and nobles had been abandoned by the commons at their failure.

  He slithered into the palace on his tentacles as if he owned the place, his body held high. He could hear the clicking and squawking in the main audience chamber before he was halfway there. They were all arguing loudly and were clearly scared and in disarray. He entered the chamber and silence fell as they all took him in.

  He only had eyes for one person in the room, and he could see her tentacles color when their eyes locked. He beckoned to her and admired her sexy tentacles and gait as the princess moved toward him. He knew he’d been right, she still wanted him as much as he did her…

  He clicked, “I am starting a new colony, if there are any males yet to find a wife and wish to join me, you may. I have many suitable daughters.”

  The emperor looked livid, and like he wanted to object, but his shame and failure kept him silent. Today tradition was working in his favor. Three of the males slithered forward and joined him. He had a lot more daughters than that, but that was okay, that just meant they could share a mate as was proper. A colony with four families was a very good start.

  He heard the muttering resume as he left, none challenged his claim to the princess, and they all saw she desired to go. It worked better than he hoped. By the time they left the building, the conversation was once again at a roar, he wondered who the new Emperor would be, but then, he didn’t really care. He was taking his family and going his own way.

  His ship lifted when they were back on board. He wasn’t surprised when another of the lifeless ship showed up, he had his daughter transmit his destination coordinates to his new shadow, and then engaged the drive. While they were in subspace, he’d scanned a planet in the milky way that was a lot like their home world, and poisonous to most other species so he didn’t think they’d mind if he claimed it.

  He’d thought of going far away, but that had the risk of the unknown. Here in this place, his enemy would protect them until he could rejoin the stars, perhaps as allies then instead. Who knew, maybe his colony would get there before his home world.

  The A.I. escorted them, and even gave them time to take stuff off the ship, it seemed very patient as they stripped the ship down to get their colony off to a good start on this world. But he had a family to handle all that, and Dura Lin and his other daughters had been much happier about his plan once he returned from the palace with males for their consideration. Regardless, he took the sexy princess back to his quarters, he couldn’t wait to get his tentacle inside of her again, all in all, things worked out much better for him in the end than he’d dreamed possible…


  I hope you enjoyed Aide’s second story, and the introduction of Hope. I also hoped you liked the cheesy epilogue, I was laughing the whole time I wrote it. After all that talk about the princess though, it was only right he got her in the end.

  I have no plans for another book taking place in this universe, but who knows, it could happen someday. If you can, please take the time to leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads.

  About the Author: If you have any comments or suggestions you can send me an email at I started out posting short stories online and at readers’ requests started to publish them. If you like my work, or even if you don’t, please consider leaving a review of this book.

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Cirenthian Chronicles – Book one is Out of Darkness.

  Marcus, an ancient vampire, finds himself moved to another world where suddenly he is alive again, and magic is a known and powerful danger. No longer a vampire and dealing with emotions he hasn’t felt in over a millennium, will he be able to start a new life? This series is now complete.

  Necromancer Chronicles – Book one is The Necromancer.

  Vincent is a necromancer and has an even darker secret. Feared by the rest of the supernatural community he lives on his own, often struggling with his powers, and how to use them. But change is coming, and he will soon find himself dragged into the middle of a suspicious and untrusting community.

  Anise is a sorceress, but she has secrets of her own. She is an ancient being, who has walked the earth for time immemorial. She lives in a never ending cycle of life, forever watching those she dares to care about age and die. But she is about to find something new that will offer her hope, if she can live long enough to find it.

  Cytherean Chronicles – Book one is Flame of Cytherea.

  This two book series follows the chosen champion of a goddess, brought to her world and healed after he was mortally wounded on Earth. At first Justin is a little lost, not knowing anything about the world he finds himself in
or even why he is there.

  Ashley’s Tale – This two book series follows the tale of a woman with unique parentage in a world greatly different from our own Earth. It is twenty-five years in the future, and the supernatural have long since been exposed. Ashley must struggle with her conflicting nature to find a balance, and her hidden power, as she is taken unwillingly into an extraordinary destiny.

  Ashley’s Daughters – This three book trilogy is about Ashley’s three daughters. It’s about a new world of dragons, and a second new world of human mages and all the fallout involved. Of course, it’s also about them finding love, and their place in the worlds. It starts about twenty-eight years after the end of Ashley’s tale.

  Sentient – This is the standalone book following an artificial intelligence from an advanced race, a man who comes back from war a little broken, along with diverse others as the Earth itself is put into danger as they are dragged into an interstellar war against their will.

  Sentient: Evolution – This is a sequel to the stand alone book Sentient. It takes place a thousand years later, when Aide finds herself alone and broken, yet still following her programming. Others join her as a new menace approaches, one that makes the Sthellan look like a great neighbor in comparison.

  Will Aide be able to recover and rise to a new challenge? She’s been alive too long, she must either evolve, or wither away, if only she could bring herself to care…

  More books can be found on my author’s page at

  Non-erotic Fantasy title:


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