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by A. C. Melody

  Dark Day Isle, The Ultimate Kink Resort


  A.C. Melody

  a Club Vitalz novel

  Scavenger (Dark Day Isle, The Ultimate Kink Resort)

  Copyright © 2018 A.C. Melody

  All rights reserved

  Published by A.C. Melody

  This is a work of erotic fiction and contains graphic depictions of sexual acts, which may offend some audiences. Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are entirely fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author and publisher. All characters portrayed as participants in sexual acts or sexually explicit discussions within this book are 18 years of age or older.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book was edited by: Monique the Editrix

  Cover design by: A.C. Melody

  Table of Contents

  Dear Reader

  Chapter One: Receipt of Purchase

  Chapter Two: Provoke the Bastard

  Chapter Three: Pineapple Trust

  Chapter Four: Dry Run

  Chapter Five: Clean Slate

  Chapter Six: Pleasure Tour

  Chapter Seven: Scavenger

  Chapter Eight: Locks

  Bonus Material


  About the Author

  Special Offer

  Dear Reader,

  Welcome back to Dark Day Isle! Are you ready to get your kink on? Tessa had an interesting introduction to the resort and her new temporary Dom in Collar Me Foxy. She made a couple of new friends, Kip and Gema, and was quite thrilled with Felix's request that she speak French at all times. She also experienced a lot of firsts; getting auctioned, scening in front of an audience, wax play and of course, being caged. After overhearing a private conversation between her Master and Sir Louis, though, all of Tessa's happiness fled and left her with the sour conclusion that she's nothing more than a replacement for Felix's real little fox.

  As Day two on the island arrives, Tessa must decide how to confront Felix about this disheartening insight. There's no way she could stay if she's right, and if she's wrong, Felix may not want her to. Will she be able to seek the truth, even if it means risking Felix's inability to forgive her unintentional eavesdropping?

  It's my privilege to finally get those answers out onto the page for you, and so much more. I truly hope you enjoy this next installment of Tessa's kinky adventure in paradise! Happy reading!

  ~ A.C.

  Chapter One

  Receipt of Purchase

  Tessa had been in a deep, dreamless sleep, but something lured her away. A distant voice called her name. Her body discouraged the change, her limbs and lids so heavy she couldn’t have gotten more than just a few hours of rest.


  “Five more minutes,” she pleaded.

  “Come now, pet. I’ve let you sleep in,” came the amused response.

  Her ears perked up. French had that effect on her regardless, but the familiar voice was all kinds of sexy, stirring lust and warmth. Right on its tail was a strange longing to feel secure, a lingering sense of uncertainty.

  “We need to start the day, little fox, and it’s already past nine.”

  Little fox. Holy hell.

  Her eyes cracked opened and everything from the night before came flooding through the fog, though it seemed a little disjointed in the light of day. The conversation she’d overheard between Felix and Sir Louis had been intriguing, because it was apparent they knew one another and shared some kind of history, yet it had also been disconcerting. Felix’s outlook on being unlovable, in particular. Then, he’d sought out the lock at her neck and whispered those words.

  “ little fox...but to be mine forever.”

  A shudder worked down her spine. It was just as unsettling in memory.

  Felix was crouched in the open door of the cage when she rolled over, his blue eyes content and edging toward smoldering.

  “There you are now,” he smiled. “Good morning, my sweet vixen. How was your first night being caged?”

  If he only knew. The problem was that every ounce of steely conviction she’d forged in the wee hours of the night now felt weak and despairing. No way could she return to auction without telling him why. She didn’t have to know him to know he’d demand an explanation. That was just common sense, and she was too horrible a liar to convince him of some frivolous excuse. Plus, there was the matter of his bid. He’d already paid for her submission until sundown, so would she even have the option to leave beforehand?

  “It was different, Master,” she finally answered.

  “Different in a bad way?” he inquired, picking up on the undertones of uncertainty she couldn’t hide.

  “It’s just my legs. I’m not sure I can get used to keeping them bent up all night.”

  “Come, stretch them out."

  All her muscles stretched naturally, dragging a moan of relief from her as she crawled out to lay on her stomach. She closed her eyes at Felix’s amused chuckle, and reveled in the softness of the area rug. It was nearly as comfortable as the bedding in her cage.

  “So much for your masochistic tendencies, little fox,” he teased.

  She tried not to tense at the pet name that no longer felt personal or uniquely hers. “I think that switch turned off in my sleep, Master.”

  Tessa couldn’t prevent the way her body melted into languid pliancy when he massaged her legs with warm, confident hands. Felix watched his own progress, so she studied him on the sly. He was dressed in a pair of casual beach shorts and adventure shirt. The tabs holding the rolled sleeves in place around his impressive biceps were mimicked on the front pockets. The tailored fit showcased the broadness of his build more than the tux had, causing the heat of her lust to rise with no care to her thoughts on the matter. Not that she could deny his overall sex appeal. Everything about the man tempted her. The idea that she wasn’t anything more than a replacement in his eyes left a residual unpleasantness she wasn’t used to.

  Tessa wasn’t naïve when it came to the ways most D/s dynamics worked. Monogamy fell under a much different definition in their world than it did in the vanilla one, hence the term Alternative Lifestyle. Dominants often had multiple subs to fulfill their wide range of needs, or just because they enjoyed the variety—even in Total Power Exchanges where a dominant might be legally married to their main submissive. Whether subs interacted or not, they always knew about each other. Everything was open, accepted, and consensual.

  Tessa had never been a Dom’s only sub, nor was that really the problem she had with Felix. It wasn’t a matter of him having his own personal harem to choose from. He could have that waiting for him back in Metz, for all she knew. It was the idea that he was using her as a stand-in for a sub he’d prefer to be there in her stead.

  “I need to use the restroom, Master,” she whispered, unable to take the sinking weight of her thoughts any longer.

  “Good, you can get ready for the day while you’re in there. Then join me on the balcony for breakfast.”

  After he helped her stand, Felix took his time removing the collar from around her neck. Tessa hadn’t been expecting the air to shift between them, or to feel the loss of its embrace, as if it mattered. Shouldn’t she be glad to have it off? Relief was there, but it
wasn’t alone, and that just confused her. She definitely needed time alone to refortify her resolve.

  Tessa took her first step away from him, and it triggered a tenderness in all her naughtiest places, reminding her of the thorough fucking she’d received the night before. Lovely. How was she supposed to keep her mind off that when every movement ached just enough to keep her aware?

  When she made it to the bathroom, she contemplated locking the door, but knew better. At the sand-and-shell pink marble counter, she eyed Felix’s belongings, all set neatly around the sink to the right. Unlike the small packaged items on her side, he had two leather travel cases and an expensive electric toothbrush with a Waterpik attachment. She was undeniably curious, but she’d never been one to snoop. The answer to her suspicions couldn’t be found in his brand of aftershave. Besides, it was exactly the kind of thing her mother would do. And Tessa prided herself on being everything that woman wasn’t.

  Since Felix had washed her hair the night before, she tossed it into a messy bun and took a quick shower. Well, as fast as her sore parts would allow, anyway. Her nipples were a little darker and tender from the clamps Felix had used to heighten her pleasure during sex. She shook off the memory before the vivid details could form in her mind and hurried herself along.

  Wrapped in a towel, she pulled her hair free and brushed it out, studying herself in the mirror. She was still the same averagely pretty Tessa she’d always been—a fact she was more than content with, truly. It had saved her from being exploited for her looks, no matter how hard her mother had tried. Yet with Felix, she couldn’t help seeing herself a little differently and wondering if out there, beyond the shores of Dark Day Isle, a man like him would even spare her a second glance.

  When her gaze fell to the empty column of her throat, she swallowed through the cluster of emotions trying to forge there and admonished her foolishness. It wouldn’t matter where they were, kink would always play a part. Felix would never see just her appearance, but her submissiveness and all the things he could do to her for his own pleasure. That’s what he was attracted to the most, just like every other dominant.

  Resigned to see the day through, Tessa hung the towel back in its place and left her temporary sanctuary. The idea of misbehaving enough that Felix would be glad to take her straight back to Louis flitted through her mind and was dismissed just as quickly. Disobedience didn’t come naturally to her, so it would take an effort on her part, with no guarantee she’d get a favorable result in the end. More than likely, she’d wind up with a laundry list of punishments and would still have to confront him with the truth.

  The doors to the balcony stood open, inviting a warm breeze to carry the exotic perfume of tropical flowers into the suite. Felix sat on the other side of the table, facing her and the breathtaking view simultaneously. The steady rise and fall of whispering leaves from the sporadic growth of jungle below obscured the sound of the ocean, which appeared much closer than it was. Tessa had the craziest urge to lean over the balcony railing and stretch her hand out to see if she could feel the cool, salty spray on her fingertips. Instead, she looked to the man waiting patiently for her undivided attention.

  The smile he gave her spread across his seductive mouth and carried through to his eyes. Again, it was strange to note that one iris appeared darker than the other. It was only noticeable when the light hit him just right.

  “Little fox,” he exhaled.

  It was similar to the way he’d greeted her following the auction, so she didn’t respond. His gaze drank in her nudity with a slow perusal that spoke solely of his right to do so. By the time their eyes met again, unmistakable lust had replaced the brightness in his.

  “Sit,” he ordered. “Eat. We have a long day ahead of us, and I have a surprise for you.”

  A little stunned he was having her eat at the table with him, she didn’t hesitate to pull the chair out and sit down.


  He seemed to notice her lack of enthusiasm, but didn’t comment. “You’ll see.”

  Tessa lifted the dome from her plate to find a fluffy omelet, two strips of bacon, a cup of yogurt parfait and a croissant. When Felix did the same, she paused and blinked at his untouched food.

  “What is it?” he asked, inspecting his meal like there might be something wrong with it.

  “Nothing.” She shook her head. “I just thought you would’ve eaten by now, Master. I’m sorry you had to wait on me.”

  “It was no trouble.” He dismissed her words with a wave of his hand. “I wanted to eat with you, and it was my choice to let you sleep in. It gave me time to take care of a few important things this morning.”


  She envisioned him taking advantage of the office area to catch up on business, and that was immediately followed by a harrowing thought. What if he’d contacted his International Relations associates in France to get her that inside track on her internship? Shit! She’d completely forgotten about that, and after their misunderstanding during that entire conversation, she couldn’t possibly turn his offer down now. Yet, that would be the right thing to do if she went back to auction. Tessa’s chest tightened with uncertainty. Anxiety threatened to rise if she didn’t put a stop to her circling thoughts.

  “Eyes up.”

  Damn it. She willed her thoughts to calm and lifted her gaze. He was studying her with a shadowed expression.

  “What’s on your mind, pet? You’re very withdrawn this morning.” Displeasure coated his tone.

  Tessa had no idea how to answer that. She couldn’t lie, but wasn’t sure how to confess the truth, either.

  “I’m...processing all my new experiences, Master,” she replied, trying not to wince from the guilt. It was more of an evasion than outright dishonesty, but enough to have her rambling onward. “I like to pick them apart and analyze the details. It helps me decide whether I’d want to try them again or not.”

  He continued to stare after her words trailed off.

  “It’s the cage, isn’t it?” he asked, mildly deflated. “You don’t have to be afraid to tell me if you don’t like something, Tessa. I want this to be a good experience for both of us.”

  Great, now he was worried she didn’t like the cage, when that wasn’t even the problem! The weight of guilt on her shoulders increased and she struggled to keep them from sagging. Why did she have to wake up in the middle of the night and overhear those things? She’d been so much happier in her ignorance.

  Tessa opened her mouth to respond, but a loud rapping on the main door saved her from having to. For a moment, she feared Felix would make her answer anyway. Reluctantly, he rose from his seat and skirted the table, pausing beside her. With one hand on the table and the other on the back of her chair, he leaned into her. Intentional or not, it was just as intimidating as it was enticing.

  “We’ll come back to this conversation,” he warned. “Now, eat. I don’t recall telling you to push the food around your plate.”

  She blew out a breath once he entered the suite and forced a bite of omelet into her mouth. There was no way in hell she’d make it to sunset. Felix was too intuitive, and, damn him, tempting. Every minute she kept her mouth shut, his ability to weaken her resolve grew stronger, because she simply couldn’t stop herself from being attracted to him—on a physical or submissive level. She just needed to put her big girl panties on, tell him the truth, and deal with the fallout. She wasn’t even sure which scenario she feared most; that she was right and returned to auction on her own, or that she was wrong and Felix grew so angry, he handed her over to Louis without hesitation.

  The chipper voice of their visitor grabbed her attention as he came into view through the wall of windows. He was dressed like all the other staff and talking loud enough for her to hear every word. Oh, goodie, another opportunity for unintentional eavesdropping.

  “Everything you asked for, sir,” the man continued, holding up a selection of clothing in one hand and a shopping bag in the other.
br />   “Good,” Felix approved. “Tessa!”

  She stood and replaced the domes over both their plates to keep insects away, before entering the room. With eyes averted due to their visitor, she met up with them near the foot of the bed.

  “Look,” Felix commanded. She lifted her gaze to see him laying out three different bikinis and beach cover-ups on the comforter. “Do you like these?”

  She did. Each one was a different style and color combination that would complement her complexion, and even the sheer covers looked designer. There was no question they’d fit, since Felix had already proven he had her membership file memorized.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “We’ll take them,” he informed the other man.

  Tessa swallowed her surprised protest. For some reason, she’d only been expecting him to choose one of the outfits. Guilt swelled inside her again, and she silently berated herself for not being upfront with him on the balcony. She hoped he could return the clothes if they ended up parting ways.

  “Excellent,” the man replied. He pulled a pair of flip-flops from the bag. They were clear, save for a pale pink floral pattern on the sole. “These will go with anything, and of course, we can’t forget her most important accessory.”

  After handing the shoes over to Felix, he produced a clear jewelry case with a silver collar inside. Was there an actual store on the island that sold both beachwear and kink gear? That was convenient.

  “I’d be more than happy to return the leather one, if you found it unsatisfactory.”

  “No, we like the leather,” Felix answered. “I just hadn’t been thinking about her spending time in the water when I picked it out yesterday.”


  Tessa’s mind came to an abrupt halt, then backpedaled through all her internal drama surrounding the collar and right into the memory of when Felix had first brought her to his suite. He’d taken a package from the pocket of his tuxedo jacket prior to draping it over the chair and rummaging through his luggage. All this time, she thought he’d gotten the collar from his suitcase, when apparently that had only been the chains and clamps. Did that make her feel any better?


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