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Page 5

by A. C. Melody

  “Are you ready to come, little fox?” he asked, right as he hit the low setting on the remote and watched her expression change. “Should I make you do it right here?”

  Her breath sucked in, her muscles tensing. Felix brushed his cheek across hers, delighted by that reaction.

  “No?” he taunted. “If I told you to come right now without making a sound, what do you think would happen, Tessa?”

  “I would come right now without a sound, Master,” she confirmed, her voice a raspy whisper filled with desperation and dread.

  Felix grabbed her braid and pulled her head back further, before turning the Eve off again. He framed her chin in his hand and reveled in the agony manipulating her gorgeous features. What had started as just a tease was turning into something he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to stop from happening. He was still contemplating the idea when someone tall and elegantly fair caught the corner of his eye. A quick glance gave him the full impression of a classic broad-brimmed sunhat, large shades and a designer two-piece that crisscrossed over an equally expensive physique. Damn it.

  The Domme was not someone Felix wanted to get cornered by at the moment—if ever—but it was too late. It was going to happen and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Disappointed from the missed opportunity, Felix refocused on his sexy pet.

  “Mmm, I don’t think you’re ready to come just yet, little fox,” he said. “I think you want to see what else your Master has in store for you before you’re allowed to do that.”

  Though her muscles relaxed, he saw her inner debate cross her face, like she was trying to decide if he’d just granted her a mercy or a worse alternative. With an amused smirk, he kissed the corner of her mouth, then stepped around her to grab their order from the bar just as their unwanted guests arrived.

  “Sir Felix, I was hoping to run into you,” Alise Moreau greeted.

  He didn’t share her enthusiasm, but he’d known his presence would draw the curious out of the woodwork this week. He was one of the most reclusive Doms and businessmen on the island. The Domme, for all her eloquent charm and beauty, was an unapologetic busybody with the tenacity of a reporter. Despite her success at keeping her two lives just as separate as the rest of them, she enjoyed being the center of attention by always having the most current gossip to be found in those circles she deemed important. Being the fodder for her next rumor didn’t appeal to Felix in any way. Especially since he’d outbid her for Tessa, which she could still be sore about.

  It didn’t take seeing the young male sub beside her to know which gender she preferred, that was already common knowledge in their community. As was the fact that the woman didn’t speak a lick of English. Had she won the bid for Tessa, his poor little fox would’ve spent the next seven days being nothing more than an interpreter.

  “Mistress.” He nodded, turning to hand Tessa her smoothie and the cup of extra pineapple. “Enjoying your day?”

  “Yes, it’s lovely.” She smiled. “The boy and I were just heading down to the water to play for a while, would you care to join us?”

  Felix considered the offer, not because he wanted to spend time with the woman, but because it would allow him to torment Tessa longer while drawing out the anticipation. It was an enticing idea. He scanned the beach, the sporadic cluster of dominants and submissives sunbathing, playing in the tide, or involved in a game of volleyball. If his pet weren’t due a punishment, he would have taken the opportunity. Unfortunately, he spotted Sir Linx and the gorgeous redhead Tessa had admitted to being friends with. Should they join the crowd, there would be little he could do to keep them from interacting, which would render her luncheon punishment pointless.

  “Thank you for the offer, Mistress, but we already have plans we’re running out of time for. I’ll see you at the luncheon?”

  “It’s a date, Sir Felix,” Alise said pointedly, letting him know she wouldn’t allow him to get away twice.

  He nodded with a polite smile, rather than respond. When he turned toward Tessa again, he caught the stony way she glared at the Mistress’s retreating backside. He arched a brow, stunned. Despite her face being tilted in a way only he could see, Alise would have no trouble seeing it if she were to glance over her shoulder. That made it a disrespectful act, which was completely surprising coming from Tessa. If not for their morning confrontation, Felix may never have considered it, but in that moment, he couldn’t help wondering if his little fox was jealous. That should bother him more, shouldn’t it?

  Perhaps, it should. Maybe then he wouldn’t feel like such a hypocrite. Just like her finding the receipt he’d never intended for her to see, though, there was a silver lining. His little fox would answer for her disrespectful behavior, but she could be jealous all she wanted, because she only had two options on Dark Day Isle. She could either be his sub or Louis’s ward, and he didn’t give a damn how unfair that was to her. He might not be able to force her to be the former, but he sure in hell could keep her from belonging to any other dominant.

  If that made him a fucking bastard, so be it.


  Tessa watched the woman stalk away, while pretending to sip her smoothie. She didn’t like her at all. Everything about the Domme reminded Tessa of her mother, and she couldn’t even begin to describe the amount of relief she felt knowing she’d been saved from ever having to submit to the Mistress. She was also glad Felix had turned the invitation down to join them at the water. A tremendous amount of gratitude toward him filled her chest—and in the next instant, she was sputtering in surprise when the vibrator jolted back to life against her clit.

  Arousal flooded her insides and soaked her bikini bottoms even more. Her choking cough ended on a quiet groan of misery.

  “Slow down, pet, it’s not a race,” Felix chided.

  He couldn’t hide the smug pleasure in his voice, but there was also an edge to it that had her tensing. Had she moaned too loud? When the vibrations stopped, Tess forced her breathing to settle as she fought the urge to pout.

  “Thank you, Master,” she whispered.

  “For what?”

  Crap, why had she thanked him? She was supposed to be acting like there was no vibrator.

  “The drink,” she supplied in a hurry. “I was really thirsty.”

  “I noticed,” he teased, but that edge was still in his tone and when he stepped into her, she swore she could feel it in his presence. “It wasn’t the only thing I noticed, little fox. Do you want to explain why I just caught you staring at another dominant in such a disrespectful manner?”

  Shit, he’d seen that? So much for being sly.

  Tessa gnawed on her bottom lip, wondering how the hell she was supposed to answer that without getting herself into more trouble.

  “I’m sorry, Master. I didn’t mean to.”

  “Didn’t mean to...what? Get caught? Or stare like you’d rather spit your smoothie in the Mistress’s face than drink it?”

  Tessa felt the blood drain from her cheeks, her pulse kicking up speed. If he’d noticed that much in such a quick glance, she could only imagine what the Domme would’ve seen had she glanced back at them. The imagined outcome of that had shame racing over her. Not for how it would’ve affected the Mistress, but for the kind of position it might have put Felix in. Tessa knew better than that, damn it, this wasn’t her first dynamic. She knew her behavior reflected back on her Dom.

  “I’m sorry for all of it, Master, it will never happen again,” she vowed, hoping he could hear the sincerity in her voice, hoping he believed it.

  More than that, she hoped he didn’t push the matter any further, because she didn’t want to have to explain her real issue with the woman.

  “I’m more curious about why it happened at all,” he replied, dashing her hopes straight to hell. When he prompted her chin up, Tessa tried her hardest to keep her expression blank. “We will be spending time with the other guests over the course of the week, does that idea bother you?”

  Why would he thin
k that? He was the one keeping her from socializing as punishment. “No, Master.”

  “At the luncheon this afternoon, I will be visiting with all the other dominants, and some of them are women,” he continued, obviously trying to make a point she wasn’t grasping.

  Tessa gave him a puzzled look. “I already know that, Master.”

  The muscles worked in the back of his jaw, taunting her. He appeared to be searching for the right words. Before he could, it dawned on her what he was implying, and she nearly laughed.

  “You think I’m jealous?”

  When his eyes narrowed to dangerous slits, the humor in her turned tail and ran. It appeared he didn’t find that idea as absurd as she did. Tessa shook her head and held his gaze, letting him see she was sincere.

  “Master, I’m not jealous. I just don’t care much for fake people.”

  Tessa knew she might be insulting one of his friends, but he wanted her to be honest and that was not only the truth, it was an explanation she wouldn’t have to elaborate on by confessing all of her mommy issues to him. Relief loosened her tense muscles when his features relaxed. His gaze was still intense and firm, but it was with his usual authority, nothing else.

  “Be that as it may, little fox, you know how to behave respectfully. Regardless of Mistress Moreau’s personality flaws, she is still a dominant and you are a sub. You will not disrespect her or any other dominant on this island in any way, do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Good girl.”

  His smile lingered, then morphed, turning up in the corners like devil horns to match the wicked gleam in his eyes. Tessa had a nanosecond to brace herself, before the evil beetle nestled against her sex started vibrating at full speed. Fire surged through every vein from the apex of her thighs outward, further melting her insides into liquid need. Felix’s face brightened with delight from the sheer misery she couldn’t hide from him.

  “Oh, what’s the matter, little fox?” he goaded.

  Tessa couldn’t even speak. Desperation clawed at her throat from the pleasure she no longer wanted to fight. Every part of her wanted to give in. The only thing that kept her hanging on was the knowledge that not a single ounce of it would be granted to her if she gave up. All the pleasure, the mounting orgasm she wanted to feel more than anything else, would be taken away from her. And all her struggles since they’d left the suite would’ve been for naught.

  “Master.” It was so hard to think and form words. “ said we had plans?”

  The vibrations slowed, growing tame, yet not leaving altogether. Still, it was enough to ease her panic. More of her worry disappeared when Felix smiled at her with pride this time, then leaned in and kissed her right in the center of her forehead.

  “So, I did, my pet,” he conceded. “And we really are running out of time, so thank you for the reminder.”

  “My pleasure, Master,” she said to hide another groan.

  Felix chuckled and prompted her to lower her gaze as he collected her leash.

  “As it should be, little fox. The only time you should feel pleasure is while you’re pleasing your Master.”

  Whether that were true or not, Felix seemed determined to prove it as such, and while he remained in complete control over the vibrator between her legs, Tessa was in no place to argue.

  They crossed the white sand, which radiated heat up her legs to mingle with the heat of her own agonizing desire. A small part of her was a little sad she wasn’t involved in all the fun things happening around them, inspiring the sounds of happiness in motion. Laughter, excited voices, splashing water and the jovial taunts coming from a volleyball game. The warm breeze carried an array of pleasing aromas to her nostrils—from exotic flowers and fruity drinks to the mixture of coconut and cocoa butter on various oiled bodies. They were completely enveloped in paradise, every one of their senses filled with the beauty of it, yet all Tessa could focus on were the slow vibrations tormenting her nerve endings. Which Felix made worse by playing with the speeds again.

  She crammed the straw of her smoothie into her mouth to try to disguise the noises she was having a much harder time keeping to herself. Her determination was rapidly depleting. She was nearing that horrible place where the continued denial would cause tears to well up in her eyes and frustration to fill her chest. Where defensiveness could get her into so much trouble, she’d end up sabotaging her own victory.

  “Enjoying your drink, my pet?” Felix teased.

  “Yes, Master,” she managed, before she stumbled onward to thwart another moan when the vibrations increased. “I thought a resort this big would have real Tiki bars, though.”

  Felix didn't hide his quiet laugh, taking pleasure in her misery. Or perhaps he was pleased with her continued ability to play along with his game? Tessa decided to make herself feel better by choosing the latter.

  “Alcohol and sun doesn’t mix well, pet, neither does alcohol and kink,” he replied. “There’s no reason to invite more health risks than our lifestyle already presents. Are there no drink limits at your Club Vitalz in Los Angeles?”

  “Yes, Master...” Tessa’s voice rose to a higher pitch with panic when he turned the beetle up all the way again. She was too close, the electric fire in her clit was giving way to the impending flood. She was going to come—and there was nothing she could do to stop it. “Master!”

  Though her voice was weak, Felix heard the undiluted fear and desperate plea in it, and the vibrations instantly stopped. For a suspended moment, Tessa was paralyzed. Held captive on the sharp precipice of destruction. If she moved, breathed—anything at all—the orgasm would strike and ruin everything. The tears she’d been trying to avoid clogged in her throat and burned in the back of her eyes, but they began to recede along with the peak of pleasure.

  Her vision gradually cleared. She was so stunned she’d managed to keep from coming that her breath expelled with an audible sound of relieved surprise. It was all the notification Felix needed to pull her leash tight and force her face up to his. Tessa wasn’t prepared for the amount of hunger burning in his eyes.

  “Good girl, Tessa,” he growled, before attacking her mouth with a hot, mind-numbing kiss. “Really good girl.”

  Her chest swelled, her defenses next to useless from the onslaught. The point he’d been determined to make about when she should or shouldn’t feel pleasure pierced right through her emotions, because the pleasure she felt at seeing him so pleased was like a shot of pure joy she could easily get used to striving for.

  Felix turned, trekking across the sand again with her in tow, but he was merciful and didn’t turn the vibrator on again. She suspected it was because he knew she was still too close to the danger zone.

  “What’s the first thing you’re going to do when you get to Paris, my pet?”

  Tessa almost stumbled, she was so surprised by the question. More, that he was asking it then and there. Was it just to pass time or was his curiosity genuine?

  “I mean for fun or pleasure, not the necessary things,” he elaborated. “What’s the one thing you’ve always dreamed of doing first?”

  There were so many things she’d want to see in Paris and other parts of France over time, but she’d never set out to make a list. Her truest desire was just to be there.

  “Nothing big. I just can’t wait to walk around the city and see everything with my own eyes, Master. Since I’ll be living there, I’ll have time to visit all the hotspots after I’ve learned when the off times are, so the lines are shorter.”

  Felix laughed at that.

  “Do you have any recommendations?” she hazarded. “Have you spent much time in Paris?”

  “Yes, I have offices there,” he answered, then considered her question for a moment.

  Tessa couldn’t help wondering what he did for a living if he had offices both in Paris and presumably Metz, but she didn’t want to come across as nosy. Maybe it was some kind of high-demand commerce or trade, if he had friends in Intern
ational Relations. It had to be something that would grant him the kind of funds to frequent an exclusive resort like Dark Day Isle.

  “I would recommend taking a boat ride along the Seine at least once, my pet, and while the sites of the city are still fresh to your eyes. Even if they’re full of tourists.”

  “Thank you, Master, I’ll put that at the top of my list.” She smiled.

  “You should do it with someone who’d make you wear one of these the whole trip,” he added.

  Before Tessa could blink, the evil beetle bit into her clit with its sharp vibrations. All the warm and cozy thoughts of touring Paris fled her mind with a strangled intake of air. She’d never be able to look at the Seine without thinking about this exact moment. And somewhere in the most intuitive part of her brain, she knew that had been Felix’s salacious intention.

  Chapter Three

  Pineapple Trust

  Tessa stared at the bungalow Felix had led her to. It was tucked into the tropical foliage just beginning to encroach onto the sand, almost at the opposite end of the beach from where they’d started. With the same whitewashed facade and steep roof as the main buildings, it had been built atop a stilted foundation. She knew that was to save it from flooding during tropical storms or hurricanes, despite being quite distant from the shore. A set of cement steps led up to the main door, but Felix led her to the right, where another set of steps descended from a side door to a freshwater shower on the sand.


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