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ROMANCE: His Reluctant Heart (Historical Western Victorian Romance) (Historical Mail Order Bride Romance Fantasy Short Stories)

Page 91

by Jane Prescott

  The knock on the door signaled the end of Samuel’s time. He stood from the bed, gave a shy bow towards Janice. “Thank you for your time.”

  “You’re more than welcome. I... I hope all my clients are as kind as you.”

  “I fear that will not be the case.”

  “It scares me to think of what I will go through in order to get back to Philadelphia. All I wanted was to find love... and all I found is this degrading existence.”

  Samuel took his jacket from the stand. “Janice.”


  “I have a son of seventeen years.”

  “You don’t look old enough.”

  “He is shy and retreating.” Samuel placed his bowler hat on his head. “One might say he takes after his father.”

  “Not such a bad thing if he did.”

  “How about I take you to meet him tomorrow?”

  “You’re matching your son with a hooker? Surely you want better for him.”

  “I don’t view you as one. You told me I was your first client. Don’t tell me that was a lie, now?”

  Janice nodded. “That is true.” She then rubbed her fingers down the back of her neck. “But by all accounts I’m going to be on my feet... or rather my back, until daybreak.”

  “Right... Can I speak to Maggie on your behalf?”

  “Depends what you will speak to her about?”

  Samuel lifted his wallet from out of his trouser pocket. “I wish to buy you out of any contract you have with her.”


  “I have need for a new maid. Plus that way you will remain a fit for my son.”

  “I’m not sure if Maggie will agree.”

  “Maggie will have no choice in the matter.” Samuel fingered through the notes. “Just the scent of banknotes makes her weak at the knees.”

  “That’s mighty kind. But it will take me an eternity to get back to Philadelphia on a domestic maid’s salary.”

  “I won’t be paying you a maid’s wage.”

  “A whore’s wage?”

  Samuel tapped the wallet up and down on his hand. “I will pay for your travel back to Philadelphia in a month’s time. You don’t need to worry about that. In the meantime, I just want you to give my son a fair chance.”

  “But what if we’re not a good match?”

  “You’ll still get your ticket if that’s what you mean. You have my word on that.”

  “Although that’s a striking outfit you’ve got yourself.” Samuel opened the door. “Before we leave, I would like you to dress a little more appropriate, first. You understand?”

  “Yes.” Janice broke into a large smile. “Right away.”


  Inside the grandest house she had ever set foot in, Janice wiped the damp cloth over the kitchen worktop. She heard the sound of footsteps in behind her, and then turned around. A tall and handsome man shyly spun about to walk back out. “Joshua?”

  “Hi.... sorry, you must be the maid. Father has told me about you.”

  “I am. I have been looking forward to see you... but our paths haven’t crossed for the last three days. I was beginning to think your father had lied to me.”

  “I’ve been busy.”

  Janice smiled. “What are you looking for? Can I help you with anything?”

  “Something I can take out for lunch... I’m going out into the field today.”

  “Into the field? There’s nothing but desert around here.”

  “It’s an expression we use in science... it just means I’m working outdoors.”

  Janice opened the cupboard, and then took out a jar of marmalade. “Oh... so you’re a scientist?”


  “What type of scientist?”


  Janice began spreading the marmalade on a slice of brown bread. She paused for a moment while she slipped into thought. “Ge... ology. Rocks and stuff, right?”

  “It is one of the Earth sciences... if that’s what you mean.”

  “OK. You must be very clever.”

  Joshua felt himself blush. “Passionate more than anything.”

  “About rocks?”

  “There’s lots of different types though. I have a collection to show you.... if you don’t believe me.”

  “Don’t worry.” Janice chuckled as she passed him his sandwiches wrapped in cloth. “I believe you.”


  Samuel knocked on the door of Joshua’s bedroom before entering. He sat on the bed with his son sat at his desk while writing notes into a ledger. “I was given two tickets for the barn dance from Ms. Peggy. You know I can’t dance for toffee... so I thought I’d give them to you. Maybe you could think of someone to take along with you, Joshua.”

  “Not really; it’s not a good use of my time. I have some shale deposits that need testing.”

  “Joshua... I know those samples can wait.”

  “Even if I wanted to go.... I have no one to go with.” Joshua noticed Samuel silently gesturing towards Janice’s bedroom. Taking the hint, Joshua stood from his chair and snatched the ticket from Samuel’s hand. “If this is a ruse for getting me out of the house... it’s doomed to failure, Father.”


  “First she’s a maid.”

  Samuel shrugged. “So? At least she works.”

  “Secondly, I’m not, well she’s far from my type.”

  “Just give her a chance... you never know unless you try.”


  A fiddle band played on a stage made of wooden crates while a host of merry dancers went through their routines under the roof of the barn. Sat at a small round table, Janice sipped from her glass of lemonade opposite Joshua who necked a shot of scotch. “There’s all night to go, Joshua.” She smiled, “No need to rush.”

  “You’re not the first woman father has tried to set me up with. Probably won’t be the last, either.”

  Janice felt hurt. “It’s natural for a father to want his son to settle down with a woman.”

  “It may be natural, but it doesn’t make it right.”

  “Why isn’t it right?”

  Joshua groaned while shaking his head. “It just isn’t.”

  “I don’t know why it wouldn’t be.”

  “I already have someone.”

  “What?” Janice felt surprised. “Then why not tell your father... it will stop him worrying.”

  “I can’t. Because he will never accept him.”

  Janice felt shocked, almost disbelieving. “Did you just say... did you just say him?”


  “You did... you said. Oh Joshua.”

  Leaning across the table, Joshua’s tone sounded threatening. “If a word of this gets out, I’ll be ruined. You hear... ruined. God Forbid, they’ll burn me at the stake.”

  “Who is this... love of yours?”

  “An artist I met at college. He has just moved to Florence in Italy last month.”

  “Oh.” Janice smiled. “Then you must go with him.”

  “I intend to, as soon as my contract expires at the end of the year. I’ll then be in Italy within a month.”

  Janice raised her eyebrows at the thought of Samuel. “What about your father?”

  “I’m sure that’s one reason why he wants me to settle down. So I stay with him here.... in this shit hole.”

  “That’s sad.”

  Joshua peered down towards the table while hanging his head. “I know it is. I don’t want to be harsh either.” His shoulders then slumped. “But one must always follow his heard and be true to himself.”

  “I understand what you’re saying. But still. There has to be a better way.”

  “Daniel... my, you know. Anyway, he tells me it’s safer over there. That people tend to is more accepting for the likes of us. Up to a point anyway.”

  “Have you told your father?”


  “You can’t just leave him without saying a word.”

  Joshua scowled
. “I know. I know, but... it’s hard.” He then rested his chin on his hand. “I don’t really know how to say.”

  “Maybe Samuel should concentrate on find himself someone rather than you.”

  “Exactly. That’s what I always tell him. But he instead spends his money at Maggie’s.”

  Janice felt cold ice travel her spine. “Maggie’s?”

  “It’s a whorehouse.... in Newtown. He thinks that I don’t know about it. But I’ve seen him leaving more than once.”

  “He doesn’t look the type.”

  Joshua face screwed up as if he had sucked a lemon. “I was disgusted when I found out. Lost a lot respect for him after that.”

  “It might not be what you think.”

  “You don’t visit a whorehouse just to talk.”

  “You....” Janice sighed. “Joshua, promise me that you’ll tell you father long before you leave him.”

  “I will. I don’t know how... but I know I have too.”

  “Good.” Janice stood from her chair, and then offered Joshua her hand. “Now kindly offer this woman a dance.”

  “My feet are quicker than most, Are you sure you can keep up?”

  Janice chuckled as she linked her arm Joshua’s. “I’ll do my best.”


  Joshua stepped into the living room where he found Samuel studying the newspaper in the morning light which shone through the window. “Father.”

  “Yes, Joshua.”

  “There is something I’ve been meaning to tell you for quite some time now. It’s just I’ve been thinking on how best to tell you.”

  Samuel lowered the paper, just enough for his eyes to peer over the parapet. “Go on.”

  “I’m moving out.”


  “Once my contract is finished.”

  “That’s...” Samuel silently counted.


  “Blow me down.” The newspaper rustled as Samuel lowered it onto his lap. “Where to?”



  “Italy... as in Europe.”

  Samuel wiped his hand across his face. “I know where Italy is, son.”

  “I’m going to live in Florence. You OK?”

  “Fine.” Samuel climbed from his chair. “I’m proud of you son, and respect any decisions you make.”


  Samuel placed a hand on Joshua’s shoulder. “I don’t agree with all of your life choices. Some of them are beyond my comprehension... and always will be. But, you’re as much a part of your mother, as you are of me. And as such, I’ll always love you. No matter what you do.”

  “Thanks. It means a lot to hear such words.”


  Even though she was still in sight, Samuel felt his heart already pining for Janice. As he handed her the tickets his fingers did not want to let it go. Once his eyes met hers, they pleaded for her not to leave, yet his lips spoke the words he knew she wanted to hear. “See, as good as my word. One ticket east - all the way to Philadelphia.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Two good byes in one week.”

  Janice felt awkward. “Sorry, Samuel.”

  “A lonely old man. Happens to us all at some point or other.”

  “You’re not old.”

  “I feel it.” Samuel did his best to smile. “Despite this heat, winter is in my bones.”

  “I do feel pretty lousy.”

  “Don’t do.”

  Janice wore a sympathetic smile. “Promise to write to me.”

  “Of course I will.... only if you promise to reply.”

  “I’m good as my word, Samuel.”

  “I know. I don’t doubt it.” Samuel gushed, “It’s just, it was nice to have you around... a man can be glutton for that type of company.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What will you be going back to?”

  “Back to my parents... as a spinster.”

  Samuel noticed the dejection written on Janice’s face. “Does that bother you?”

  “A bit... I never planned on going back as a failure... not that I’ve ever tasted much success.”

  “Would you want to stay with me?”

  “I...” Janice turned to face the train as it rounded the corner on the final run into the station.

  “Only give me an honest answer, Janice. It’s fine if you don’t want to.”

  “Just... You left it so late.”

  “I know I’m much older... twice your age almost. But... I think you’re a mighty fine woman. I would respect you and love you until the last.”

  Janice peered down at the ticket in her hand. “What are you going to do with this ticket if I chose to stay?”

  “Rip it up.”

  “It’s cost you a fortune.”

  “I’d be too happy to worry about a damn ticket.”

  “Then I say yes.” Janice chuckled and jumped into Samuel’s arms where she wished to remain. Forever.


  Shifter Devotion

  Jackson took me by the hand as he led me through the thicket behind the lake house. The moon, hallway full, shimmered over the water as ripples ran through it like thread through cloth; intertwining and cancelling each other out.

  He pulled me up the porch as he whispered words of assurance.

  “There is nobody here. We have the place to ourselves.”

  I just nod at ever word he said as I battled with myself. This was wrong, I knew, but what could I do? He was a famous lawyer, everybody loved him, he was so popular, and he chose me with my red hair and pale skin. I am a bit on the heavy side too, but I was really never bothered with it. I’m a tall woman with beautiful curves, and there certainly has been no shortage of men ogling them. I’ve never been ashamed of myself. What reason would I have to ever doubt who I am? My family loved me. People in my neighbourhood didn’t mind me. People saw me for me, who I was as a person and not as just a big girl with red hair.

  In high school I started to realize how different I was. I was an introvert, and spent more time alone than anyone else I knew; I was ok with that. As everyone else in my class was going on dates and talking about their latest make-out sessions, I stayed home reading and spending time with family. After high school, I decided not to go to college. My father needed me here.

  My mother just died and all we had left of hers was the bar she tended. My father couldn’t stay there for long without breaking down, so me and my four other older brothers had to tend to it. Well, my brothers could have done it themselves but the problem was they weren’t really that bright. They all looked the same, red heads, with sun burnt skin and freckles across their faces. The eldest being the handsomer of the bunch, but that’s because he looked like mother the most, with soft hazel eyes and thick eyebrows. The other three looked very much their father, with tall frames and sharp dark eyes.

  They’re good at other things though, like for instance, hunting. They were big game hunters. I’ve seen them bring home bears and elk and other huge beasts. But firing and aiming a shot gun or setting traps is a far cry from auditing and keeping tabs.

  This lawyer, Jackson, came into our bar a few weeks ago and asked me out. He, one of the most popular people in town asked an ordinary barkeep out – wow! I was super excited at first, but then it started to shift. Insecurities have a weird way of getting the best of you. He was this gorgeous man, with a muscular body, dark hair and blue eyes. His perfectly styled hair, his polished shoes and smart suits, in comparison to who I was, terrified me. I started noticing my weight, how pale I was and my stringy red hair.

  He didn’t mock me for it, but even that first night at the bar he let some small comments slip. “You should go jogging with me one time,” “I have a house near the lake; you can come over and sunbathe", or “I think you’d look prettier with darker hair.” I know he didn’t mean any offense, but to a woman who is just realizing that she had insecurities with all those things, they stabbed me like sharp knives. />
  So when he asked me to go with him to his lake house for a drink, I didn’t know what to do. I felt lucky just to have him even consider me. So I agreed, even though part of me was apprehensive.

  He carefully opened the backdoor as he pulled me into his sprawling rest house. I looked around amazed at how everything looked so perfect. The art and antique furnishings were incredible.

  “You like?” He asked as he grinned at my shocked face.

  I turned to him and looked down shyly, “It’s beautiful”.

  “No.” He said. “You’re beautiful.”

  He grabbed me by the waist as he drew me close to his body. I could feel the heat of his groin pressing against me. His hand slowly reached under my shirt to softly caress my ample breasts over my lace bra. I felt a little tense and awkward until he reached his other hand up to my chin, guided my head upward and placed his lips softly against mine in a tender kiss. I melted.

  He flung his jacket across the room. He loosened his neck tie as he stared at me lustfully. Feeling his eyes permeate through my being sent waves of sensation throughout my body and a throbbing in my sex. I blushed from the attention and felt that I was starting to get wet. Part of me knew that this man would not be good for me, that he didn’t see me for who I truly was, but he was a “god”, giving me the attention that I craved. I battled with myself as he peeled his shirt off and revealed his half naked body, with his rippling muscles and his bulging arms.

  He reached out to me again and pulled my shirt over my head, leaving me standing exposed in my pink lace bra, my nipples hardened with anticipation. He pulled down one bra strap allowing my left breast to bounce free and immediately massaged it passionately as he kissed me harder parting my lips with his tongue and explored inside my mouth. My tongue met his and they danced playfully as his thumb and forefinger rolled my nipple, sending surges of pulsing energy straight to my clit. I began to press my hips closer to his body. I could feel his hard cock wanting to burst free from his designer jeans. He reached around my back and finally unlatched my bra with one quick movement and lowered his head to my right breast, sucking and nibbling on my erect nipple as his left hand explored every inch of my left tit. I moaned from the sensation of his touch and reached down to feel his rock hard member. I felt his penis pulsating against the fabric of his pants as I undid his belt and pushed down the zipper. I grabbed his dick, pleased with its length and girth. I stroked it a couple of times and ran my thumb over the tip, feeling the precum soaking through his boxers. I reached under the waistband of his boxers and set his cock free as it sprung hard and proud towards me.


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