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Justice for All

Page 94

by Jim Newton

  Kalman, Laura

  Karpatkin, Marvin

  Kasch, Charlie

  Katcher, Leo

  Katzenbach, Nicholas

  Keck, William

  Kelly, John

  Kelly, Mike

  Kennedy, David

  Kennedy, Edward

  Kennedy, Jacqueline

  Kennedy, John

  admiration and respect for Warren

  assassination of, initial investigation

  Civil Rights Bill

  Court appointments

  distrust of CIA


  as presidential candidate

  support for Warren Court

  See also Warren Commission

  Kennedy, Robert

  assassination of

  and consideration of Hastie for Court

  disapproval of John Kennedy’s approach to Coretta King

  encounter with Warren’s clerks

  endorsement of Court decisions

  evasiveness with Warren Commission

  plan to overthrow Castro

  Voting Rights Act amendment

  Kenny, Robert

  brief in school segregation case

  in governor’s race against Warren

  praise for Warren

  role in inquiry into Los Angeles riots

  support of Warren for attorney general

  on Warren’s compassion

  Kilgore, Harley

  Kinder, Frank .

  King, Coretta Scott

  King, Earl

  King, Martin Luther, Sr. (“Daddy King”)

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  at announcement of Brown decision

  assassination of

  Atlanta lunch counter sit-in

  Birmingham protest

  March on Washington

  Montgomery bus boycott

  Selma-to-Montgomery march

  Kinoy, Arthur

  Kipling, Rudyard

  Kirkpatrick, James J.

  Kluger, Richard

  Knight, Goodwin

  Knight, Harry

  Knowland, Joseph

  Anti-Racket Council membership

  formation of delegation toRepublican National Convention

  influence on Warren’s political career

  as Warren’s adviser

  Knowland, William

  on charges against Warren

  formation of delegation toRepublican National Convention

  manipulation of newspaper report on Warren

  senatorial appointment

  senatorial campaign


  support for Warren’s gubernatorial candidacy

  in Warren delegation toRepublican National Convention

  as Warren’s adviser

  Korematsu . United States

  Kragen, Adrian

  Kranwinkle, Douglas

  Kreiser, Ralph

  Krock, Arthur

  Ku Klux Klan

  Kuchel, Tom

  labor issues

  Criminal Syndicalism Act

  divisiveness and violence in California

  Great Maritime Strike

  International Workers of the World (IWW)

  Los Angeles Times bombing

  Point Lobos case

  Pullman strike ()

  Lamborn, Ben F.

  Landau, Jack

  Landsberg, Morrie

  Lane, Mark

  Langdon, W. H.

  Langer, William (“Wild Bill”)

  confirmation vote for Warren

  deception before Judiciary Committee

  letters of protest against Warren

  motives for obstructing Warren’s confirmation

  neglect of legitimate concerns about Warren

  political career

  request for FBI investigation of Warren

  Langlie, Arthur

  Lawery, Hugh T.

  Leddy, Clarence

  legal practice, state regulation of

  legal representation

  confessions obtained without

  for indigents

  legislative powers

  legislative redistricting

  Lehman, Herbert

  Levering Oath

  Lewis, Anthony

  Lewis, John


  Life magazine

  Lillie, Mildred

  Lindbergh, Charles

  Lippmann, Walter

  Little Rock school desegregation

  Lodge, Henry Cabot

  London, Jack

  Los Angeles

  character and growth of

  first black mayor

  migration to

  organized labor in

  Zoot Suit riots

  Los Angeles Times

  bombing of

  founder of

  support for Warren

  topics covered

  Great Maritime Strike

  International Workers of the World

  Japanese and Japanese-Americans

  John Birch Society

  loyalty oath

  Nixon’s betrayal of Warren

  Olson’s inaugural speech

  pardon-sale investigation

  Pullman strike

  Roosevelt’s defense of aliens

  Sinclair’s gubernatorial candidacy

  Warren’s appointment to Court

  Warren’s gubernatorial candidacy

  Warren’s health care initiative

  Warren’s inaugural address

  Loving . Virginia

  loyalty oaths

  for California public employees

  Levering Oath

  purpose of

  at University of California

  Lucas . Colorado General Assembly

  Lummis, Charles Fletcher

  Lynn, Wally

  Lyon, Charles

  MacArthur, Douglas

  MacGregor, Helen

  at announcement of Brown decision

  appointment to California Youth Authority board

  as Warren’s assistant

  on Warren’s courtroom style

  during World War

  Mapp . Ohio

  Marcantonio, Vito

  March on Washington

  Marshall, Thurgood

  appointment to Court


  cases argued before Court


  graduate school cases

  Little Rock school desegregation

  esteem for

  Martin, Joan


  Mattoon, Everett

  Mayer, Louis B.

  Mazo, Earl

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McCloskey, Burr

  McCloy, John J.

  McCormac, Keith

  McCormick, Paul J.

  McFadden, Martin

  McGee, Richard A.

  McGrory, Mary

  McHugh, Margaret

  McKinney, Jim

  McKissick, Floyd

  McKnight, Gerald .

  McLaurin case

  McLemore, Henry

  McNabb, F. W.

  McReynolds, James .

  McWilliams, Carey

  criticism of Warren

  Factories in the Field

  firing of, as commissioner of immigration and housing

  inquiry into Los Angeles riots

  on Japanese and Japanese-Americans in California’s farm economy

  Megladdery, Mark Lee

  Mellon, Andrew

  Mellon, Thomas

  Mendez, Gonzalo

  Mendez case

  Merriam, Frank

  in governor’s race

  on labor issues

  pardon-sale investigation


  in Republican National Convention () delegation

  Meyer, Agnes

  Meyer, Eugene

  Meyers, Jim. See Warren, Jim (Warren’s son)

  Meyers, Nina Palmquist. See Warren, Nina (formerly Nina
Palmquist Meyers)

  Miller, Nathan Harry

  Minton, Sherman (“Shay”)

  Miranda . Arizona


  Mitchell, John

  Mitchell, Oscar

  Moley, Raymond

  Montgomery bus boycott

  Mooney, Tom

  Mosbacher, Cecil

  Mosk, Richard

  Mosk, Stanley

  Mullins, John

  Murata, Hideo

  Murphy, Albert

  Myer, Dillon

  Myrdal, Gunnar

  NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

  Naim . Naim

  Native Sons of the Golden West

  Nelson case

  Nabrit, James

  Newman, Roger

  New Republic

  New York Post

  New York Times

  on Brown school desegregation case

  on Engel school prayer case

  on feud between Warren and Frankfurter

  on moderation of Warren Court

  on Warren’s appointment to Court

  Warren’s philosophy of liberalism solicited by

  New York Times . Sullivan


  Neylan, John Francis

  Nixon, Richard

  anti-Communist hunt

  betrayal of Warren

  travel toRepublican National Convention

  undermining of Warren’s nomination

  work for Eisenhower

  biographer, Warren’s confrontation with

  California governor’s race ()

  “Checkers” speech

  on conduct of Warren’s confirmation hearings

  congressional race

  expense fund scandal

  National Court of Appeals proposal

  political rise


  presidential candidacy

  anticipation of Eisenhower’s retirement

  at Johnson’s retirement

  against Kennedy

  senatorial race, defamation of Douglas

  Supreme Court, argument before

  vice presidential bid

  at Warren’s retirement


  wiretapping operations

  Norris, Frank

  Nourse, John T.

  Oakland Tribune

  O’Brien case


  Octopus, The (Norris)

  Ogawa, Tasheto

  Ogden, Frank

  Older, Fremont

  Olney, Warren

  appointments to Warren’s staff

  consideration for Warren Commission post

  efforts against organized crime

  friendship with Warren

  on internment of Japanese-Americans

  Olney, Warren

  Olson, Culbert

  California chief justice nomination

  civil defense planning

  contrasted with Warren

  difficulties as governor

  election as governor

  friends and advisers

  governor’s race against Warren

  on Japanese-Americans

  Mooney pardon

  obstruction of Warren’s work

  on pardon-sale investigation of Merriam

  on Pearl Harbor attack

  reopening of Point Lobos case

  wife’s death

  Olson, Richard

  Oswald, Lee Harvey

  Oswald, Marguerite

  Oswald, Marina

  Otis, Harrison Gray

  Packard, Jeff

  Palmer, Kyle

  Palmquist, Nina. See Warren, Nina (formerly Nina Palmquist Meyers)

  Parker, John

  Parks, Bernard .

  Parks, Rosa

  Parrington, Vernon .

  Patterson, Ellis

  Patterson, Pat

  Patton, George

  Pearson, Drew


  endorsement of Warren for president

  friendship with Warren

  as intermediary between Warren and Johnson

  on timing of Warren’s retirement from Court

  Pemberton, John de J., Jr.

  Perham, Ina

  Perry, Herman

  Phelan, James .

  Phillips, John

  Phillips, Orie

  Phleger, Herman

  Plank, Buddy

  Plank, Ethel. See Warren, Ethel

  Plank, Vernon

  Plessy . Ferguson

  Point Lobos case

  police misconduct

  police powers

  Pollock, Earl

  poor people

  legal representation for

  provision of trial transcripts for

  voting rights

  Powe, Lucas A., Jr.

  Powell . McCormack

  Powers, Robert

  presidency, Warren’s bid for


  delegation to Republican National Convention

  mistrust of Nixon

  on Nixon’s betrayal opposition to primaries at Republican National Convention

  on seating of delegates

  support for Eisenhower

  , consideration of candidacy for

  President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. See Warren Commission

  Prettyman, E. Barrett, Jr.

  prisoners, treatment of


  from intrusion by press

  in marriage

  Progressive movement


  property rights versus equal protection

  Pullman strike ()

  Purcell, Charles

  Radin, Max

  Ramsay, Ernest

  Rankin, J. Lee

  Rankin, John

  Ray, James Earl

  Rayburn, Sam

  Redlich, Norman

  Red Monday rulings

  Reeb, Jim

  Reed, David

  Reed, Stanley F.

  at announcement of Brown decision


  on school desegregation (Brown)

  swearing-in of Warren Commission

  Reed, William

  Regan, Ed

  Rehnquist, William H.

  Republic, If You Can Keep It, A (Warren)

  Republican Party

  California state chairmanship

  Republican National Conventions

  Warren’s affiliation with

  withholding of support for Brown ruling

  See also presidency, Warren’s bid for

  Reston, James, comments on

  Vinson’s death

  vulnerability of Brown decision

  Warren Commission findings

  Warren’s Court confirmation

  Reynolds . Sims

  Richardson, Elliot

  Roberts, Owen

  Robinson, Jackie

  Robinson, Spottswood

  Robinson and Robinson (law firm)

  Rockefeller, Nelson

  Roe . Wade

  Rogers, A. A.

  Rogers, S. Emory

  Rogers, William

  Rolph, James

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

  appointment of Black to Court

  on California’s pension plan

  Court-packing proposal

  defense of aliens

  on Hitler’s invasion of Poland

  New Deal


  removal of Japanese and Japanese-Americans from California

  Roosevelt, James

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Roper, Elmo

  Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel

  Rosenberg, Sophia

  Rostow, Walt

  Roth, Samuel

  Rowland, Arthur

  Rowley, Ronald

  Ruby, Jack

  Ruckelshaus, William

  Ruef, Abraham

  Rush to Judgment (Lane)<
br />
  Rusk, Dean

  Russell, Richard

  on Fortas’s nomination to Court

  objection to ruling in legislative boundaries case

  as Warren Commission member

  Sacramento Bee

  Sacramento Union

  Sakovitz, Ben

  Salinger, Pierre

  Samish, Artie

  Sampsell, Lloyd

  San Francisco


  corrupt politics

  earthquake and fires ()

  labor issues

  plague epidemic

  San Francisco Call Bulletin

  San Francisco Chronicle

  San Francisco Examiner

  Santa Barbara News-Press

  Santa Monica Evening Outlook

  Schmitz, Eugene

  school desegregation

  Brown . Board of Education

  announcement of decision

  applicability to wider matters

  cases constituting

  conference deliberations, Vinson Court

  conference deliberations, Warren Court

  Eisenhower’s resistance to

  implementation challenges

  John Birch Society response separate opinion on District of Columbia component

  Southern Manifesto response

  unanimity of decision

  vulnerability of decision

  Warren’s written opinion

  California schools

  graduate school cases

  Little Rock schools

  school prayer

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold

  Scott, Peter Dale

  search and seizure

  segregation, sanction of (Plessy . Ferguson) . See also desegregation

  Seitz, Collins

  Selma march

  Service . Dulles et al.

  Severin, Clarence A.

  Seymour, Whitney North

  Shattuck, Ed

  Shaw, Clay

  Shaw, Hartley

  Shaw, Mary

  Shay, Frank

  Sheok, Jee

  Sherry, Arthur

  Shriver, Sargent

  Siegel, Benjamin (“Bugsy”)

  Simon, Larry

  Sinai, Nathan

  Sinclair, Upton

  Sipuel case

  Sirhan, Sirhan

  sit-ins, in rights movement

  Small, Merrell F.

  Smith, Dana

  Smith, Fred

  Smith, Howard

  Smith Act (Alien Registration Act of)

  Sobeloff, Simon

  Soul on Ice (Cleaver)


  antipathy toward Washington

  on benefit of segregation to both races

  “interposition” notion of constitutional law

  response to Brown decision

  response to Warren’s eulogy for John Kennedy

  targeting of NAACP

  See also rights; desegregation; voting rights

  South Carolina . Katzenbach

  Sparkman, John

  Specter, Arlen

  Spreckels, Rudolph

  Sprigle, Ray

  Sproul, Robert Gordon

  Bohemian Club membership

  nomination of Warren for president

  University of California loyalty oath

  on Warren’s denunciation of Radin


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