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THE CHAINS_Devil vs God

Page 9

by Waheed Mohiuddin

  So the day approached, in the day, the ritual practices started at the sun set. Soon after the sunset, a horrible voice echoed in the whole world which was the official alarm to start the event. The voice was like of an earthquake or sliding of land as he observed. Then Stella asked him to hold her hand carefully, he did so and then Stella wore her mask and asked him to wear his, they both had already wore the dresses for the night, he noticed that Stella’s head fell at the left side on her shoulder and she produced the same voices as they were practicing and then they came out of the house, he saw everybody in the horrible torn off costumes in the city, some wore the dresses from which the blood was dropping down, and some with the skeletons in the hands, everybody walked like robots and their heads fell down on the shoulders and were producing the same voices, he got frightened of this for the voice became so high, he saw the people were marching everywhere and it seemed that the world is about to be hijacked by these demons.

  After a short time, another sound heard which was like of a drum beat and soon after this particular sound, the people started to suck each other’s blood. He noticed that it was not mere an artificial show but the actual blood sucking activity, Stella held his hand strongly and dragged him out to a corner side because she knew that his blood would be very special and the people may kill him due to the special taste of his blood so she tried to hide him from the crowd. He noticed that almost everybody was biting each other on the neck. Then suddenly a red light spread all over, it was the symbol of arrival of the great Lucifer, special horrible music started to play and then people stopped blood sucking and stood still like a statue, then he noticed the alarming bells of the arrival of Lucifer, he was riding on a black goat, his face was the worst horrible than all of the masks, he had the horns on his head, his nose was comparatively longer than the other demons, his ears were also long and turned towards his face like the elephant, his eyes were glowing with red light, his hands were like of a Skelton’s, his dress was black where a lot of blood spots could easily be seen, his height was almost similar with the other demons, he was holding a golden stick in his hand which symbolized his supremacy. A group of witches, king Kenudemon and some other important agents were gathered around him and offering him their blood, his feet’s’ front was at the back which was totally opposite than a normal human, he was moving very fast because he had to show himself to every one of his followers. As soon as he left, the crowed went mad, lost their senses and indulged in the sexual games along with the blood sport.

  Then the heavy drums were beaten all the night, people suck each other’s blood and had fun for the whole night, the Lucifer’s red light could be seen time and again which the people considered as the love of him for his followers. Till the morning, the ritual was being practiced. After this ritual, people used to take shower with the salted water so that their wounds could be healed up. Stella led him to the house in the morning to take rest.

  He was shocked to see this ritual and thought how masterfully, Lucifer showed his real face to his followers, however the people just took it as a costume for the event and how he promoted the blood games in his world, the game where people suck each other’s blood and could never blame.

  After a few months, Stella told him that the election to select a new king for next six years term was approaching, he asked her how a new king new king would be selected. She told him that the great Lucifer had announced that the one who would suck the blood of maximum humans, he/she would become the king and for the blood sucking exercise, the great Lucifer does not allow to kill his own followers but the people who were brought by the Lucifer himself and nobody knew from where he brought them for this competition as it was believed that who did not accept the Lucifer as God, their blood was being sucked, it was also a myth that the people who were being used for the blood sucking exercise were actually the half dead race of the human who survived in the war. She also told him that in the previous election, our great king Kenudemon sucked the blood of more than one million people and was selected as a king; Lucifer was very happy with his stamina and gave him some special powers as well. He started thinking about the blood sucking exercise.

  Finally, the day of election approached, through the satellite system held with the live camera coverage, everybody in the Oneland could see the election, the election process was being carried out in every street and anybody could participated in the election, but for this day in the final competition, there were six people, who qualified, Mr. Rope, Mr. Poison, Ms. Sexular, Mr. Shelton, Ms. Booby and Mr. Hammer.

  Thus in the final competition, all of the players had been invited in a big hall where the special force of Lucifer brought millions of people to the blood game, these people were humans as he had been told by Stella, but their condition was very bad, they were not in good health and their senses properly. He thought Stella was right that these people were nearly half dead.

  As the whistle blows by a demon, all of the six contestants started the game. He saw that the contestants were sucking blood very fast, they hold the victim from his/her head, then take their head down to the back and face turned towards sky, then they put their teeth on their chest exactly at the heart and suck their blood and then left the half dead to die.

  Everyone was killing people very brutally and the whole world was hailing and praising them for it, a very special music by the royal demon group was being played, the spectators were clapping, laughing; appreciating and supporting their favorite contestants.

  Mr. Rope and Mr. Poison quit the game because they could only suck the blood of a few hundred thousands of people. The real competition was between Mr. Shelton and Ms. Sexular, they both were sucking the blood and killing the people like a mower. At the end, there was one to one competition between these two. Then the Lucifer himself came to the hall and enjoyed the moments in front of his eyes. After a very strong competition, Mr. Shelton was declared as the king but Lucifer awarded Ms. Sexular a special post in the government. All of the six contestants were selected as the ministers of the different departments for next six years. The department of free and fair election updated in their official report that the newly elected king Shelton has sucked the blood of 6.0 million and Ms. Sexular of 5.6 million followed by Ms. Booby with 4.2 million, Mr. Hammer of 0.8 Million, Mr. Rope of 0.69 million and then Mr. Poison of 0.6 Million. Then the useless blood clots, the half dead bodies, and full dead bodies were thrown out from the hall and were processed by the department of justice and equality.

  He thought for a long time about the people who was brought in for the game but he did not reached to any clue. It was remain a mystery for him. He also appreciated the way Lucifer was treating his people, and how masterfully was promoting blood games in the world.

  In Oneland, Rahas always noticed that people did not use the currency in cash but everywhere, when they had to pay the bills, they just used a plastic card. One day he asked Stella to give him information about this mystery. She smiled and told him that the great Lucifer did not wanted his people’s pockets to be heavy so he made a system to manage the finances.

  She told him that all the finances are being controlled by one central bank which is working under the direct supervision of the great Lucifer. All the people get their salaries, bonuses, taxes, prize money and special sex point bonuses direct in their bank cards. Lucifer gave title to ‘Plastic Money’ for this whole system. In this system, nobody is in fear to lose or being robed his/her money in the market or anywhere and if some time, somebody lost his/her card, none of the other can use this card because a specific chip had been installed in every card which can only be operated by the actual owner of the card, so the plastic money is the safest and easiest way to deal with all the financial matters.

  She also told him that there is a network of a group of small banks as well. The Oneland is a very big world which spread from east to west and from north to south, therefore the network contains thirteen banks, providing services to the people in every part of the land an
d every bank is works under the direct supervision of the central bank.

  Rahas then went again in his imagination and thought how masterfully Lucifer captured all the resources of people and controlling their finances and how easy it was for him to make his people rich or poor. He asked Stella to tell him if something unusual had happened since the system of Plastic Money had been established. She told him that a few decades ago, people from the eastern side of the world had tried to replace the system and thought to establish their own banking system apart from the central bank, then the central bank blocked their cards and the whole area became poor in a wink, stock market also crashed by the orders of Lucifer and those who held the shares in the stock market, they lost their money. Was it a good work of Lucifer, he asked again to Stella, and she appreciated the act of Lucifer in a very open way and told him if the system is working in a good way and people are getting benefits and enjoying their luxuries then what is the need to establish a new system, so Lucifer did good with those people. What happened with those people, he asked again and Stella told him that just after a couple of days, the whole group had a meeting with Lucifer and were ashamed for their act. Did Lucifer forgive them, he asked. No Never because Lucifer do not bear the interference of any other in his system and all of those people had to face serious sanctions for the period of a ten years she replied. He again asked about the sanctions and she told him that they were not allowed to sell their goods in other corners of the world and were not able to have any business relations with anyone however in that particular area, they were free but they could not grow to do business only in a limited small area. They could not visit the other parts of the world because the great Lucifer introduced a visa system, so the one who desired to visit any other part of the world, he/she must had to get the visa permission and had gone through the strict visa process, he (Lucifer) made the visa system very tough for them as no one would be able to get the visa permission. So they had to remain in the same limited area for ten years and even after that Lucifer pull out the sanctions but the visa policy remained the same. He asked again about the visa process and was told that the one wish to get a visa must have to transfer all of his wealth to the central bank. Rahas again appreciated the Luciferian strategies of steeling the wealth and to get control over the souls.

  He asks Stella one time to lead him to the theatre so that he may enjoy the stage play in the Oneland. Stella lead him to the central theatre hall, where a number of stage dramas were to be performed and he selected the play ‘golden pig’. Stella and Rahas went to the theatre hall where he saw a luxurious environment again, the lavish seats, and great sound system. After the national anthem, the play started.

  ‘Golden Pig’ was the story of a man who was running his business in a market, the customers, shop keepers and everyone in the market used the golden coins for trade, the man who was the main character of the play, got an idea and convinced the shop keepers to give him the gold and in against, a receipt will be issue to them so that their gold will be saved and they would also run their business through the receipts and whenever, they need their gold back, they might take it back to return the receipt back. The idea was very fascinating to all because in a few days back, a shop keeper was robbed so everybody deposited their gold to the man because they were frightened to be robbed. He collected tons of gold in a very short span of time and the whole market was doing business on the paper made receipts. Later on a group of people reached him and requested to give their gold back, and he updated them about his scheme ‘the golden pig’ that the one who will keep his gold as fix deposit for five year, he will get the benefits and will be rewarded with the golden pig at the end of term. This news spread in the market like the New York attacks and then everybody fixed their gold for the specific term to get the golden pig. But after a few months, the man went on a business tour; he kept all the gold and never came back, people waited for him for a long time to get their gold back but he never returned. It was an irony that people had small paper receipts against their actual gold. Then one day, Mr. Bunksdemon, a special representative of the great Lucifer, came to the market and introduced a new system to the people where their gold will be save for ever because under this system, the gold will not be in the pocket of one individual but a system will look after it and it will be regularized through the central bank. People got convinced and deposited their remaining gold to the bank but after a few days, bank has issued even ten times more receipts against the actual gold they had in their reserves. Then the bank officers did business with the receipts only and the whole world was living in the illusion. Then the play ended. The audience applauded a lot.

  He then understood the actual banking system of the world. He was once again impressed by the intelligence of Lucifer. The banks also had introduced some games in the world. One game was very common in this land which where the both players win at the end and everyone wanted to be the part of this game; this was the game of mortgage of the properties where bank buys the land and sale the same to the players on very high price than the actual price. The players then offer their bonded labor services to the banks for the rest of their lives. The people get the deal with ease as they were to be trapped by the other tricks of the bank where the annual reports portrayed the inflation of the land prices and the statistics which show a high profit.

  The whole system of the Oneland was based on the banks; the banks even were actually persuading the governments to occupy the resources of the individuals. Central bank was the one that decides the future and the present of the public. The image of Lucifer was printed on every coin, currency note or a financial bond which meant that all of the wealth belongs to the Lucifer and the one who accepts his supremacy will be allowed to get benefits and others will have to suffer. He thought that in every way, Lucifer had a strong control over the minds and hearts of the people.

  Central bank has established a main stock market to crush the souls for the stock market was a silent weapon in Lucifer’s hand to make people poor or rich in less than a moment. The whole stock market was being run by the clever merchants who used the similar strategy shown in the play; that they show their assets at very high level in the market which actually did not even exist, when people purchase the shares then the market collapses dramatically, through this drama, the investors get poor and the merchants become rich. He found it the easiest way to get rich.

  So the whole economic system of this land was based on illusions. The value of one kilo gram gold is just equal to a small piece of paper which worth less than a penny, how masterfully the plan had been drawn, he said to himself.

  The credit system of these banks was another trap to make the people slaves; one who gets a loan from a bank to meet his/her need, the loan could then never be repaid back even the life ends because the actual amount of the loan remains there through the man paid more than double interest of the particular amount. Lucifer encourages people to take loan from the banks and he especially passes the orders to give loan to everyone who request for because he (Lucifer) desires to make his people free from tensions.

  Stella asked Rahas to enjoy the annual ritual of ‘arrows in the eyes’ if he wants to. He said that he would love to see the ritual, Stella appreciated it and requested him to get ready at midnight and advised him to wear the white dress for this ritual as it was a tradition to wear white dress on this occasion.

  In the midnight, Stella led him to the hall where the ritual was to be performed. He noticed that at the main entrance of the hall, there were jugglers who were performing their tricks, the cheer leaders were dancing in the panties, and the great musicians were playing music. People were coming in white dresses from all over the places to enjoy the ritual. There was a big scanner set at the main entrance to scan the full body of the participants. They both went through the procedure and passed through the main gate.

  He noticed that the hall was fully decorated with a lot of signs of triangle and of one eye. It was a great event where the ki
ng was coming along with his important advisers Mr. Mass and Ms. Broad. These advisers were the one who made all the policies to control media in the Oneland and was specially appointed by the Lucifer himself and were one of the most important personals after the great Lucifer and of the King and above all the great Lucifer himself came down to award to the winner.

  The public was very keen to have a look of them as they hardly come in public due to the nature of their work.

  Thus, they reached to the main hall where the ritual was about to perform. It was no doubt it was a massive hall where the millions of people gathered for the event. The hall was painted in black but the roof was covered with red and blue water shades. There were no seats set in the hall because the participants will have to stand for the ritual, all the people were standing in a very organized and disciplined way for the opening ceremony. Millions of people were enjoying in the big complex.

  Then the demon played music and sand the anthem which was actually in praise of Lucifer and to show acceptance of his supremacy and an agreement to be loyal to Lucifer. Then the king delivered a speech in which he praised the Lucifer and shared some jokes with the people to make the people amuse and then he told about the rules of the ritual and also the prizes for the winners where the greatest prize was that the Lucifer himself will suck the blood of the winner and would give him/her special magical powers.

  In this ritual, all the people will run around in this hall without caring anybody else and the contestants who were selected for the competition will shoot the arrows in the eyes of the common people and there were special prices for the ones whose eyes would be blown out by the arrows for maximum times. The king may cure the wounds of the participants by his magical powers and also the same will be the contestants for the next turn, so people were not afraid to be wounded but they were fighting with each other to get the arrows to shoot in their eyes.


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