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THE CHAINS_Devil vs God

Page 13

by Waheed Mohiuddin

  Thus, in a very short span of time, another target was achieved. He visited the housing societies which were very well maintained and the people were living in their houses with respect and dignity, he thought that he was setting up the great human ideals for the upcoming generations. He then looked to sky and said, ‘thank you very much’.

  Rahas has noticed that in the Chains land, the death rate was comparatively very high than the birth rate and also in previous two hundred years, millions of people had been killed brutally in the blood sucking exercises, he was worried about this invisible genocide. Then he established the department of marriage promotion and registration under the office of Social Services.

  He knew that in the Chains land, people belonged to different religions and races, and it was a difficult task for him to manage all of these affairs so that everyone would be satisfied. So first of all he trained a group of men and women belong to every community and religion for the promotion of marriages. He told the groups about the importance of their job as they were holding a great responsibility to save the generations. He also told them about spiritual and social benefits of marriages and advises them to visit in every street and every house to convince the youth for marriage.

  He knew that people of the Chains land respected him a lot and will always obey his every order, so he passed his written message to every house to cooperate with the marriage promotion department and at maximum the people should get married.

  He advised the marriage officers to do work to increase the feelings of love in the youth and generate a desire in them to have a life partner. For this he ordered the social services office to organize a weekly get together party at the river side, to arrange a musical band, and stage drama artists for the program so that the youth would come to enjoy and will get a chance to meet each other and the feeling of love could be aroused. He had to do this because people were still in bad health, disease and trauma, so the recreational programs were essential to deal with traumatic feelings. He was aware that only relax mind can think about love, relationship and marriage. So the department followed his orders and organized a weekly fun fair at the riverside. The news of the fun fair spread in the whole world in seconds and people appreciated it a lot.

  Then on Saturday night, the first fun fair was organized, he felt a great pleasure when he saw men and women wearing their best dresses, and had done the make up to look more beautiful and smart. He saw the people were coming in this fair from all over the world. Then in the opening remarks, he welcomed all in this fair and advise them to meet each other, have chat, enjoy the music and dance and also the food, all was funded by the state. People hailed to him.

  Then the musical band started their work and played a very charming day light music to amuse the crowd. He saw people were enjoying the fair; boys and girls were meeting with each other, were sharing the food and chatting. His eyes got wet when he saw the boys praising the girls and offering them their friendship, he felt that to be praised is the basic right of a women and gives psychological satisfaction to a woman, and how curse it was that the girls of this land had never ever been praised for centuries. He then looked towards the sky and said, ‘thank you very much’.

  He thought about Stella when young people were enjoying the social gathering, talking about love and marriage, he wished if Stella would be with him today, they also would plan their marriage, how good life would be but alas, it was only an illusion, a thought, or mere a dream, he knew that Stella will always remain a beautiful memory and a blurred picture of his love, but soon he came out from his love dream because he had to do a lot of work.

  Soon after the fun fair, the offices of marriage promotion got a very heavy response from all over the world. Men and women of all ages had registered their enquiries to find a life partner for them. The particular office arranged perfect suitors for the registered enquiries to find out the similarities in religion and race; however these factors were not compulsory for the marriage registration. Anybody could be marriage with whom who want with the consent of the respondent however there were some restriction from the central office that same sex marriages were not allowed as it happened in the Lucifer’s Oneland.

  He knew the importance of sexual pleasures with population growth and was well aware of the strategies to make the life beautiful so he introduced a formula of maximum four children so that the central government could easily support the families however there was no restriction to have children more than four but the parents will have to prove their financial worth to support the children properly. He also told the people that in future they could have more children when the central government will be strong enough to support.

  To break the marriage bond was the basic right of every individual and every religion in the Chains land also allow it but the state imposed some restrictions for the couple who wanted to have divorce, there must be a strong reason and the divorce could not been possible if they produced the children because he thought that the parents do not have right to steel the natural love and affection of a mother and a father from the innocent children and also believed that the state sponsored social services could not replace the love of parents, so he put great responsibility on the parents. He also said that only for their individual differences and for minor reasons, they (parents) cannot be allowed to destroy their children. He also imposed a heavy tax for the couple who wanted divorce. He believes that the marriage and having children is a major responsibility so the parents should be strong enough and must have patience and self-control over their anger so that the divorce rate would be minimized. He was very strict for divorce issue as he has seen how the couples played with the future of innocent children in the world before war, so he did not want to repeat the same mistake.

  The marriage office also provided assistance to the individuals to make proper decision for marriage so that later in future, couples would not go for divorce. The particular office also played their role to avoid divorce and resolve the issues between the couple.

  He believed that marriage was not only a way to increase the population or a social, religious and legal license to enjoy the sexual pleasures but is the base of strong social system where two families get bond in a strong relation for long term and then the particular relations multiply like a chain.

  So, the marriage promotion office was carrying out work in a very disciplined manner and in the first three months, the office arranged nearly one million marriages which was a great success.

  Along with the other departments, it was essential to establish an education department in the Chains land so that the people would enjoy the luxuries of knowledge so the policy ‘knowledge for all’ was adopted under the council of education. The council advised the national development department to build the luxurious building for schools, colleges and for universities as well in every housing society.

  The council invited the people who were interested in learning and teaching, Rahas and a few others including scientists, religious and political assistants gave them special training for teaching and designed a curriculum for all ages, they knew that people of every age cannot join the schools so they established some technical training institutes so that everyone could be certified and the importance of technical education would not be ignored.

  The curriculum had been designed as there was nothing violence, discrimination in it. Religion was the most important aspect in every policy they made it as they understood the importance religion because it would be the only point where the humanity could be divided very easily, thus to create the inter faith harmony, religion was the most important point for those who were designing the curriculum at all levels, so the syllabus was as designed in a way that the similarities of different religions was added in the syllabus so that the future generations would live together with same love and respect that they had today in the chains land.

  The basics of science and technology, mathematics, economics, financial management, politics, sociology, sports, arts
and performing arts, creative writing, and research methods had been added in the syllabus at all levels.

  To develop the interest of children in education, interesting games and comic books were designed so that the future generation would develop friendship and love with books because they understand the importance of education in uplifting the human values.

  It was also decided that the same syllabus will be taught everywhere in the whole world without any discrimination and change so the children living in the central areas and in the faraway areas, rich or poor; white, black or brown; Christians, Jews or Muslims, everyone may enjoy the same academic services.

  Negative competition was totally discouraged by the council of education at all levels and the one who achieved good grades, would not be proud and the one who could not perform well would not be fallen in complex because the main purpose of education was not to promote the differences but to create harmony and love, thus the council awarded certificates on so many basis where only the academic syllabus was not the factor but the creativity of every individual student to be focused at highest level.

  Special areas had been allocated for the specialization of every subject for example hill stations for the art, literature and other creative works; riversides for the fishing, water and scientific studies; the great place for religious and ethnic studies; and sea side for heavy weapons and submarine studies.

  So, an educational system was established successfully and started its work in a proper way, the scientific and industrial council were specially advised to make the process faster so the books could be printed as soon as possible. The teachers had been trained and initially they started schooling of children near the gardens where the school buildings were being constructed. Thus, he was happy to give a better education system to the humanity, he saw then the children studying under the trees and having fun with each other. He thought about the group of children of different colors, religions and races as it was a bunch of flowers in a vase. He then looked towards sky and said, ‘thank you very much’.

  He picked a group to establish the medical and health services department. He himself had to devote time to establish this department because had knowledge about the herbal medicines which he acquired during his stay in Noland. Thus he gave training to the group members to uplift the National Health Service department. The group members collected the herbs from the jungle for experiments and just in a few months, the group members had learnt a lot from him and were able to do experiments by themselves, so in a short time, a lot of herbal medicines were prepared including food supplement for the pregnant women and for young children, antibacterial liquids for the injuries and wounds.

  He appointed Mrs. Pasture as the head of this department and advised her to work hard for the medical research and innovation department and to take preventive measures to cope with diseases and also advised her to establish a public awareness department so that the public should be updated about the different diseases and how in daily routine life, one could be saved from the diseases just with a little care.

  One day he visited the laboratory and found lots of newly recruited youngsters who were busy in experiments with their seniors. He saw there a funny scene, a young man who got a mark of an apple on his left cheek, the mark was looking as the apple cut in half, he was told that the boy was experimenting with apples one day and suddenly he pasted an apple on his cheek to get knowledge but later the piece of apple stuck hard and it was not possible to remove it easily, then in week time the apple came off automatically but left its mark on his cheek, so from that day, everybody called him Mr. Apple, he smiled at him and appreciated his devotion to seek knowledge and made him as his special friend.

  National Health Council was responsible to look after the health of everyone in the world without any discrimination. One medical specialist was allocated for two hundred people, the emergency department of every hospital remained open at all times and the expert team of doctors and surgeons always remained in the hospitals every time. So, National Health Council was trying its level best to eliminate the diseases from the world. Special drops had been invented to cope with the diseases which a new born baby may have been affected. Expected mothers had been treated very especially in the world as they were supporting humanity to increase the population.

  Mrs. Pasture had done a great job; she established strong relations with scientific research department and advised them to invent surgical machineries and other body scanners. Genetic engineering, Molecular biology, and Pharmaceutics were the greatest achievements of Mrs. Pasture.

  Mrs. Pasture has also established an internal social welfare department so the patients would not wait for long to get the treatment as Rahas had shared his observation in the world before war where some times, the patients had to wait for months and even years to get their surgeries.

  Mrs. Pasture had established a mental health department in every hospital of the world because the people of the Chains land had passed a very long time in poverty, hunger and trauma, so it was the demand of time to provide the healthy mental activities to the people at larger scale so that a strong nation would be developed in future.

  Then in a short time, the national health services became one of the most famous and respected department of the Chains land. Mrs. Pasture had been awarded with distinguished honor and respect in the world.

  Rahas became very happy whenever he visited a hospital or research laboratory. He could see there the extra ordinary health and social services being rendered to the people. Doctors, nurses, and general staff everybody was found busy to serve the humanity.

  While visiting the hospitals, he often remembers the hospitals and the greed of the doctors in the world before war where he saw the doctors as kidney traders and nurses as prostitutes. That was the reason, it was strictly banned for any doctor to run his private clinic privately for the National Health Services department was providing every facility to all of the people without any discrimination and also the doctors, nurses and the other staff was being paid high salaries so that, a room for corruption would not opened in the Chains land.

  Rahas knew that every state needs a particular department to enforce the law and maintain the peace in the state. So he appointed Mr. Khatab, who was one of the most important advisers and was very famous for his justice so he may establish a law enforcement agency similar to what he saw the police department in the world before war, and also advised him to establish a complete justice department.

  In his journey he had seen that in some parts of the world, the police got corrupted and was not doing the duty according to the expectation and police sometimes kill and harass the citizen and play a role as the personal guards of corrupt leaders as was King Bazil in his country where he saw the police fired thousands of bullets at the innocent civilians, So he passed a particular recommendation for this department because the police department always remain one of the most important of a state. He ordered, that the police will be the savior of civilians and will never become a personal force of the political or religious leaders and also will never kill any civilians as he was recalled of an incident before the war where he saw police in one of the developing countries in Asia, had killed 14 innocent people including women and children for no reason. The police was acting on behalf of the corrupt political leaders of the state therefore he was very much conscious to make a reasonable distance between the police and the power elites.

  First recruiting process had been made very transparent and most refined youth of the world was encouraged joining the police department. The particular department was responsible to maintain the discipline and to eliminate the minor street crimes from the world since there was no concept of major crime in the Chains land.

  The particular police department was also responsible to take care of the people, in case of emergency like earthquake, floods, or tsunamis, so the world became a heaven on the earth.

  Mr. Khatab established the department in a very short time. He tr
ained the police officers in a very professional way. Rahas saw the police of the Chains land and observed that every police officer was full of life and was fully trained to cope with any emergency. The greatest achievement of the Mr. Khatab was that as he made the police department completely isolated and the police officers were not allowed to meet with any political or religious leaders so that the department would be saved from the corruption; however the department could have professional communication with different state departments.

  The Police department also had strong relations with the Intelligence office so the crime and corruption could be controlled at the early stages. The performance of the Police officers was highly appreciated by the public and also to Rahas. He was happy to give an ideal police to the people. He became so glad when he saw the police officers guiding the people on the roads, helping children, students, elderly and disable people; always meeting people with smiles; and chats kindly with people and sometimes plays different games with youngsters. He found the Chains land police as most friendly and professional in all the worlds.

  He did not smell of any type of discrimination in the internal system of the police department because he could see every religion, color and community in the police uniform and this was the most beautiful aspect of the Chains land police.

  He kissed the hands of Khatab with respect and love. Then he looked toward the sky and said, ‘Thank you very much’.

  Rahas was very concerned about the social welfare department to provide the general welfare to every citizen. So the department of social welfare had been established under the direct supervision of Rahas himself. He appointed Mr. Scandian as the chief administrator of the department who had a very sensitive heart and was always available to help the people without any discrimination. He had been advised by Rahas to provide all facilities to make people happy and prosperous.


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