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THE CHAINS_Devil vs God

Page 17

by Waheed Mohiuddin

  He learnt a lesson about human behavior that human always follow the one who wins, when he was winning in the first part of the war, people hailed to him and now when he was being defeated the same people were attracted to Lucifer, he remembered the words of Lucifer when he said that human are week and will leave you alone one day and offered him to join him. So he decided to win, but how - that was the mystery.

  ‘O may people understand that nature is about to test you once again, and demanding sacrifice. Do you not know how every prophet, the most beloved among all creatures had been tested and got success, God test everybody as an individual, as a community, and as a nation and also as a global citizen. My sweet people, you know I am about to die, I am nearly three hundred years old, Lucifer chained me in the young body but my soul he could not chained, my soul belongs to God, my soul belongs to the people of God. O my God help us, these are your human and for hundreds years they were in chains of poverty, hunger and disease, now they have a good life, they had built the great place, they had respect and love for human kind, please save them from the unseen attacks of Lucifer. My people remember the time when you had been dragged for blood sucking, you die without medicine, you had nothing to wear and nothing to eat, now just in five years, you restored your dignity and today you are developed humans. Do not attract hell again, my people please please please for God sake understand the conspiracy’. Rahas talked to himself while sitting under an olive tree at great place in the mid night. He could hear the demon music, terrifying sounds of witches and yelling of women and creeping noises of dying people. Then he laid down and slept there, today he was missing his friends and remembering them a lot and wishing them to come here to see him, he was wishing the pigeons to sit on his shoulders, and cat in his lap and wanted to have a long walk with lions and elephants, with all of these thoughts he slept.

  In the morning when he wake up, he saw the dark clouds arousing and rain was about to begin, he was feeling himself a bit stronger then he collected himself and make a strong decision to have a fight with all these agents, he knew that it was not an easy task but he also knew the lesson once he taught to his students, the lesson of Hemingway that ‘a man can be destroyed but cannot be defeated’ he then straightway went to bunker, collected his generals also he passed a message to all of the religious leaders and saints to meet him in the afternoon at great place central hall.

  He commanded his generals to seek assistance from the scientists and use the laser technology to horrify the Jins and witches so their powers would be shown to people and then it could be shown that Lucifer powers are weaker than human. The intelligence officer told them that for last two weeks, his technician and researchers were observing that the Jins and witches vanished when they see the white lights that were the reasons these creatures could not affect the human during the sun light. He also advised them to make a group of twelve huge robots which should be ten times bigger than Gogenzo and Mogenzo and set the most powerful white and red light beams in their eyes to show them the Gogenzo and Mogenzo of the powers of human scientists. So the work had been started form that very moment.

  In the afternoon, he went to the central hall at great place to meet with the religious leaders. He found there the representatives of every religion and then he asked them how to get rid of all of these, he also told them that the brave forces and scientific council is working to cope with it but the religious leaders must play their role in this situation. Every representative was agreed that the Jins, witches and evil spirits belonged to the devil and by the spiritual powers of God, these creatures could be destroyed, then he asked them ‘how’. ‘We have to have purity in our thinking, ideologies and also in our bodies that the evil would only hurt those who have something malicious in the body, mind, heart or imagination’ said by a saint. But human is always remained a collection of feelings of all types, he had also feelings of anger, greed, sex, proud and vanity; he always had a mysterious questions in his mind’ another leader replied. Then he said again, ‘my brothers I agree but we have to see which feeling would be more stronger, the feelings of anger and revenge or the feelings of forgiveness, to rape an innocent or the feelings of bound him/herself in a marriage contract, it all depend the strength of the feelings, the one who controls his evil feelings would be a good human and the one who could not control over his evil feelings would be a bad guy, and now in our Chains land, the common human were being as weaker as the evil feelings were getting stronger so we had to pull up our people morally and spiritually’. So after a long discussion, it was decided that the religious leaders will stay in the great place for whole night to serve those who affected by the devil, and also had daily conventions of religious harmony in the great place so that the religious riots would be controlled.

  After these meetings, Rahas was relaxed a bit and was thinking good for the future, then just in three days, the scientists made the very powerful white lasers light and it was recommended that in every night the helicopters will fly overall the world and through the white laser beams at the ground so that the devil would be terrified. Along with it, the scientists made micro lasers beams which were very small in size and could be charged anywhere by a mobile phone device, thus the micro lasers were distributed in the whole world, the micro lasers were very important and could be used in the inside of the house or anywhere the one felt the devil. One day, a girl was sleeping in her bed room and suddenly she felt the existence of somebody in her bed room as the windows opened with power, the curtains flied, and creeping sounds could be listened, then she woke up suddenly and saw the witches standing near her bed and were asking her to join the Lucifer or die, this time the girl did not terrified and she just brought out her micro laser and start throwing light in her eyes then the witches started creeping and became blind, then she hold strongly the wiper rode from her bath room and started hitting them hard, then after listening the noise, her brothers and sisters, and parents everybody came to the room and everybody hit them as hard as they could, then the younger brother who was just seven years old, he switched on the room light and then they vanished. Same type of incidents could be reported from all over the world. The evil spirits felt themselves in fire when they found the high laser beams throwing from helicopters and when they found shelter in a house they had to face the micro laser beams, so there was no place left for them. They could not even stay on the trees as the laser beams could fry them, then they asked permission from the Lucifer to save them and to allow them to come back to one land, Lucifer granted the permission and the battalions of witches, evil spirits and Jins with their commander Magiciano left the Chains land.

  It was a great success of the Chains land after a serious phase of depression; he felt again that people hailing them and showed their respect and love for humanity. But there was a long way to go, the war was not over yet, the other agents were still working. He still had to make strategy for the Beastro, Mediaze, Greedus, Pornef, Goldskull and Proudenz.

  Then one day, Gogenzo and Mogenzo were walking in the city and were looking some godoms to eat then suddenly they saw a creature which was ten times bigger than them and was throwing lasers light from their eyes, they become afraid, they looked each other and decided to run back, then they just turned around and started running. The scientists had made the big robots and named it ‘Insult Krasher’ in short the ‘IK’. The IK was huge in size and were enough to terrify the Gogenzo and Mogenzo. So when they started running, the IK also walking to follow this dangerous funny creature. The whole world see how they were getting terrified and were running back to escape and the Chains land IK, the human lover robots were receiving respect and love from the people. So at the end, the Gogenzo and Mogenzo left the Chainsland forever but they had caused a big loss of the land that was not easy for the people of Chainsland to recover. Rahas treated it same as in the pre third Great War, world where the corrupt politicians led the wealth of a poor country to their foreign bank accounts, that was nearly impossible to bring the looted
wealth back to the country.

  Another great success of Chains Scientists. But along with this success, the world was getting involved in immoral sexual activities day by day, rest of all the other agents were working together with a strong network system under the supervision of Beastro.

  Mr. Goldskull always target the religious leaders, he offered them gold and wealth to work with them but for a long time he was not getting success then one day, when he offered a saint to give him time for a meeting in a secrete place, the saint agreed and the appointment was fixed on the same day at night in a resort at the riverside.

  This meeting was entirely different from the previous ones because the beautiful ladies Ms. Prudenz, Ms. Mediaze and Lady Pornef were also came with Goldskull this time, so when the saint came, the ladies who were in very short dresses welcomed him with warm emotions, embraced him and kissed him. Then Lady Pornef broke the silence and offered him her friendship and also offered him whatever he will need for pleasure and fun, at the same time Ms. Proudenz praised his beard, his hat and dress and told him that he should be king as he was that much handsome, intelligent and strong. Then Mediaze offered her services to get fame for him and she also said that he should be king as he had all the qualities which were essential to be a king, then Mr. Goldskull said, ‘dear ladies you are ignoring one thing, that not only he but his whole religion is hundred times superior than all others as they were very special to God so I also think that the king of the Chiansland must be someone who belonged to his religion and rest of all other religions must obey them, must obey the special people of God’ then Lady Pornef who was sitting very close to him and also putting her arms around his neck and she was trying hard to touch her boobs to his chest also said the same ‘but Mr. Gold how it would be possible?’ then he replied, first of all we should ask him if he would agreed then as we are all friend and we will make a plan. Then Lady Pornef put her finger in his mouth and asked him in very erotic way, yes sir are you agree to be our friend and made your life luxurious’ and ‘your religion superior’ said Ms. Proudenz, and ‘get the global fame’ said by Mediaze and ‘above all get wear the golden crown’ said by Mr. Goldskull. Then Lady Pornef said, ‘sir If your answer is yes then please kiss me on my left cheek and if no then kiss me on right cheek’ all said yes, it’s a good game and then laugh and clap. The saint was not getting time and space to think and say anything because he was getting mad among these beautiful ladies, then he moved forward towards Lady Pornef to kiss her on the right cheek than at once when his lips get very close to her cheek, she then sigh with nice yelling voice and looked him with erotic eyes, he turned her face round and kissed her on the left cheek, she then hold him in her arms and gave him a great lip kiss.

  Then the whole night cheer leaders amused him in the resort room and he had enjoyed sex with all of the girls for whole night. He was thinking that he had wasted his whole life with Rahas as these people were the real friends and gave him real pleasure of life. Then in the next day Mr. Goldskull lead him to the chamber of Beastro where he had been awarded by the golden crown and also been given a list of the tasks and related literature what they wanted him to do. So he was feeling very proud and honored.

  In the same way, a lot of religious leaders belonged to so many religions had been purchased, same strategy adopted as before the third world war. Then with the help of Mr. Greedus and Ms. Proudenz spread the virus in the human mind and dragged them in the complexes of superiority, greed and proud. Then a race started in the whole world, everyone get in to competition to lead the other behind and the limitation of ethics and moral values were being undermined at all levels. It was the beginning of corruption in the world. Ultimately the corrupt community leaders had secured the important offices.

  Rahas and his generals were getting frustrated and mad for that whatever happening with their peaceful world which was not at any cost acceptable to them then they send a message to Lucifer to get the agents out from the Chains land otherwise his Oneland will be destroyed and this time they were serious and had a plan. Lucifer then send his reply so proudly and said, ‘baby save your people if you can’ so he was not willing to call them back then the intelligence office started work and send the message to the special made robots to blow the important places up but with the care that the innocent people would not be killed. Soon after that a few big buildings and the chamber of King Shelton had been destroyed by the suicide attacks when there was no one in the buildings, and in the very next day, the air force base had been attacked by the silent force agents where twenty four hundred fighter jets had been destroyed while those were parked at the base, then also the underground capsule routes and the parking areas had been blown up and above all the building of the central bank had also been destroyed. Then the message send to the Lucifer that in these attacks there was no life been lost so if he would not call his agents back then in the next attack, his very important advisers will be killed so at this Lucifer send the message back to them that If he would call his agents back, there will be no difference because a large number of human now had the Luciferian mark on their hands, the people now had tasted the corruption, greed, proud and immoral sex, they will never turned back. He also said, ‘my dear Rahas, I told you that human are not trust worthy and a time will come when they will let you alone and you see that today, the day came. You destroyed the major infrastructure of my Oneland, I have weapons and sources to destroy your Chains, I could do in a minute but I do not need to it because now all what was yours - is now mine. I am calling my agents back but you will see me everywhere, in the offices, in the streets, in the houses, in the Masjids, in the Churches, in the Mandirs, in the Gurdowaras, in the Synagogue, in the temples and all over your great place, you will find me in the schools, in the colleges and universities, in the parliaments, in banks, in the shops, in the hospitals, in the police offices and where not my dear. Congrats - you won the war, but think for a while who won the war. You took only five years to build a nation out of the dead people, it was easy but now, even in thousands years, you could not get peace back to your world, it is my challenge, accept if you can’. Then all of the agents left the Chains land.

  The war was now over, there was no weapons and arms movements in the world, once again life started, shops were open, schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, great place everything has started the work as before the war, everywhere Rahas and the generals were being hailed as they won the war but there was a change which the war given to the Chains land that in the great place there had been fences built around every temple, Masjid, Church, Mandir, Synagogue, Gurdowara and every temple. Every religion was collecting funds from individuals to make the fences stronger. There were more Masjids being constructed because so many Muslims did not accepted the central Masjid as the real Islamic, the church also divided and every religion had now been divided in the sects. People have divided God.

  Street crimes, theft, and rape cases were being registered every day. Doctors had established their own private hospitals. Police officers were joining the political leaders so that they would earn more money. The banking system was being introduced so many personal loans and mortgage facilities to common people. New currency notes were being printed to replace the gold coins. Drugs and alcohol were getting famous in the world. The fashion designers were introducing the erotic designs for youth. Snake and crocodile meet was being sold in the markets and in the restaurants.

  Schools system had also been updated as the state schools were left only for poor class and then big brands entered in the school system for the elite class, now, the education also divided same as the hospitals and transport services.

  The Chains land was being divided in different individual states at the bases of religion, color, ideology and community. The boarder agencies were trying their best to stop the people of the other states to visit one and others. Christians had their own states, Muslims had their own, Hindus and others every religion had their own states. A race to become the supe
r power was started once again. The God’s great earth was divided once again. Berlin wall was built again, visa system was established again.

  The Great War was invited in great place once again. Christians, Muslims and Jews were fighting to acquire the great place and nobody will understand that great place does not belong to one particular religion but a garden contains different beautiful, charming and attractive flowers. Wars, wars and wars again, the bloodshed and mass murders again.

  He could see the Devil everywhere disguised in the religious saints, political leaders, business tycoons, bankers, scholars, writers, media managers, doctor, teachers and everywhere. He could not understand who won the war, human or once again the devil; the Cain, Abel or the Seth.

  He could not understand after seeing the four world wars, worst human clashes, religious conflicts in Palestine, Africa, Russia, India, Pakistan, Europe and almost every part of the globe, still man is dividing himself at religious bases and also to occupy the oil and gold resources. Man does not understand that none of the religion is superior to others but everyone is respected. Man always did not understand the devil’s conspiracy.

  He thought that the new world order had also been practiced and the one world government and one world religion had also been experienced by Lucifer and also by human, but after this fourth world war, what will be the next for human kind? It was a mystery.


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