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Eye of the Tiger

Page 2

by Nicole Austin


  They both desperately needed the SUV to work. Neither one of them would make it through a night exposed to freezing temperatures.

  Nash resorted to sweet talk. Hey, it worked with temperamental women. At least he thought so but what the heck did he know. “Come on, baby. Turn over and I’ll get you a nice oil change as soon as possible.”

  This time when he turned the key, Nash lightly pumped the gas pedal. The engine coughed, sputtered then roared to life.

  “Yeah, baby!” In triumph, he punched his fist into the air then turned the heater to full blast wondering why the hell it hadn’t been running.

  It took infinite patience and agonizing time they didn’t have to slowly work the car off the tree. He put the SUV in reverse and moved a few inches, switched to drive and gained a few more. Finally, with a sharp squeal, the twisted metal peeled away from the tree.

  Now the remaining issue was to find adequate shelter.

  The map on the glowing LCD screen caught his attention. The unit had been programmed for a destination within a few miles’ drive. After a bit of snooping in the center console, he discovered a rental contract, keys and pictures of a cabin.

  “Good a place as any,” he muttered, glancing over at the unconscious woman.

  He drove slow and easy, not wanting to push the mangled vehicle too hard. Almost a half-hour later, following the computer’s directions and limping along, they arrived at a cozy A-frame cabin tucked away on a private dirt road. Nash hoped it would prove to be a safe haven for the night. Some rest would do his tired and battered body a world of good.

  Chapter Two

  The firm, insistent slap of something solid against her cheek was starting to piss Jenny off. Her head ached, feeling as if it was being split in two by a dull axe. Must have had one too many B-52’s at The Dugout last night after her shift. She batted ineffectually at the irritant, but that only seemed to make the annoying person more determined.

  “Wakey, wakey. Time to rise and shine.”

  Oh, hell no!

  The masculine voice increased the pain slicing through her throbbing head. He needed to back off before she got really mad.

  “Come on, honey. I’m too tired to carry you into the house.”

  Say what?

  What the heck was going on? Must have been one doozy of a night.

  Jenny cracked open one heavy eyelid enough to see his handsome, rugged face hovering only inches away. Too bad she couldn’t see him clearly, but her eyes refused to focus. Must have really tied one on to have ended up crashed out in some strange place and not know what had happened. This was bad and entirely out of character for her. Jenny always remained in control and never drank to the point of passing out.

  Her interest piqued, she let her eye open a bit more then slammed it shut, but it was too late. Images of Nash filled her splintering head.

  She’d seen enough to get her blood pumping and generate a sexual ache, which spread through her faster than an out-of-control forest fire. Mentally, she catalogued his sensual features. Rumpled, wavy black hair and dark complexion lending him a dangerous air. Square jaw sporting a few days beard stubble. Add in the most stunning blue eyes and it added up to her husband being one gorgeous hunk.

  Dayum, she was one hell of a lucky woman!

  Everything about him was strong and masculine, but his eyes stirred her the most. She would gladly lose herself within the fathomless blue pools. Something she’d seen in the brief glimpse had been off, though. He appeared to be a bit agitated and almost seemed lost.

  She was confused. Her fuzzy brain seemed to be playing tricks on her. The man sure looked like her husband, but how could he be here? He was long gone. The victim of foul play. Someone had killed him or he would have come back to her.

  “Oh my God. If you’re here that can only mean one thing. I-I’m dead. Killed in the car crash.”

  And doesn’t that just bite the big one?

  “You’re not dead, but you probably have a concussion. Let’s go inside where it’s warm, beautiful.”

  A concussion? That would explained why she was seeing a handsome ghost of the past. As delusions went, this one was pretty nice though. He spoke in the sexy voice she loved, creating an instant sexual response.

  Jenny creamed her panties.

  Okay, so maybe she wasn’t dead, but how could he be real? Where did he come from?

  Confusion and fear made her head pound harder. Did she dare risk believing he was real when finding out this was all from a concussion would crush her spirit?

  Maybe it’s all some crazy dream and in the morning everything will be back to normal. The last few months will have melted away and I’ll be tucked into Nash’s arms, at home, in our own bed.

  Eh, not likely but a girl could hope.

  It grew blessedly quiet and he no longer slapped her cheek. Thank goodness. He must have given up the futile idea of waking her up and left her alone when all Jenny wanted to do was hold onto the dream as long as possible.

  She must have lost consciousness again because she was startled when a strong arm slid beneath her legs and another behind her back as he lifted her not insubstantial weight. Being a tall and voluptuous size sixteen made carrying her a difficult task for the strongest of men. If the hallucination carrying her was indeed her husband, he had more than enough strength to pull off the feat. Nash had a definite romantic side and had carried her to bed on numerous occasions.

  A wet blast of cold seeped right through the layers of clothes she wore. Jenny snuggled closer. Holding her tight against his chest, his heart beat in a soothing rhythm beneath her ear, and she began to relax.

  He staggered a bit as they went through a doorway, seemed to lose control of his hands then lowered her to her own shaky legs, which resisted standing. Her rescuer made it several more stumbling steps before dropping onto the wood floor.

  “Ouch!” Oh great! Okay, Jenny. This is serious. Time to snap out of it and figure out what the deal is.

  With great effort, she forced the horrific headache into submission long enough to take stock of the situation. A quick glance around and she discovered the rental cabin. She had stared longingly at the pictures of the place and had no trouble recognizing her surroundings.

  Jenny shivered as a gust of wind shot through the cabin and twined around her like a lover, delving into every susceptible crevice. She shut and bolted the door, locking the cold air outside.

  Pushing emotion aside, she used her trauma training to evaluate the gorgeous apparition sprawled on the floor. Just the sight of him had her trembling and on the verge of breaking down. She couldn’t be weak and selfish. Jenny had to be strong for him. If this turned out to be real and not some dream, she’d celebrate later. With Nash.

  “Come on, Jenny. Get your head straight and assess the patient. Medics can’t afford to be distracted, no matter the circumstances.”

  Because this was her husband she had to be twice as strong about focusing on her patient. If she lost control, panicked, she wouldn’t be able to do either of them any good.

  Taking a deep breath, she set out to do her job.

  Nash had lost consciousness. She touched his arm. The icy coldness of his skin had her yanking back her hand. He breathing was quick and shallow. His skin, which had gone pale, was covered in goose bumps and he shivered uncontrollably. His lips and fingertips held the blue tint of cyanosis.


  She raced around the cabin, hands shaking, struggling to remain cool, calm and collected. In the small bedroom she found several thick blankets. Jenny peeled away his clothes, growing more concerned because his shivering had decreased. That wasn’t a good sign.

  “Damn it, Nash. Come on. Don’t do this to me.”

  If he wasn’t a ghost she had to work fast to save his life. Still, her fingers lingered, tracing various white and pink lines that hadn’t been there before, wondering who had created the surgical scars and why.

mind spun as hope surged no matter how hard she’d fought to concentrate. Jenny tried to sort out the situation, prayed this was really happening. She had somehow managed to stumble upon her missing husband two states away from home in the mountains.

  “That sounds insane. Next thing they’ll be taking me to my very own padded room.”

  But the man she touched felt real. And her raging emotions were certainly genuine. She bit her lip and went back to work. Once she had him wrapped up snug, she moved to the hearth, thankful someone had set out tinder and wood. She found a box of matches on the mantle, struck a long taper over flint and lit the fire.

  The hot tub would be wonderful but wasn’t about to happen. He was five inches taller and outweighed her by about forty pounds. Plus, warming him too rapidly would not help their cause.

  There was only one remaining option—body heat.

  Kicking off her shoes, she stripped down to bra and panties, and climbed under the blankets with him.

  “Come on, Nash. You’ve got to fight for me. For us! I can’t do this alone.”

  His skin was freezing but she gritted her teeth and lay down on top of him, sharing her warmth. Jenny rubbed her hands up and down his arms in an attempt to get his blood moving. She wouldn’t lose him now that she’d found him again. That idea was unacceptable.

  The changes were gradual. His body temperature began to rise and she started to relax as they made it past the critical point. Somehow she’d make him well and figure this tangled mess out.

  It grew warmer beneath the mound of blankets and her energy ebbed as fatigue settled in. They fit together so well, and his chest made a comfortable pillow. She’d missed the simple pleasure of lying with him.

  Her emotions ran the gamut from elation to anger and doubt to contentment. Her heart surged with joy that he was alive and in her arms. She was mad at him for having deserted her without a word. A brief doubt of his love and commitment surfaced. Finally, a surge happiness she hadn’t felt in months allowed her to rest and breathe easier. Now that the crisis had passed, exhaustion seized control, still she held him tight.

  “I’ll never let go again,” she vowed as sleep claimed her.

  Something hard ground against his sternum bringing back the nightmare of captivity in vivid detail. The small cell, cold steel bars and constant observation. He was being held down and subjected to more painful torture at the hands of the insane scientists.

  Needles, catheters and excruciating surgeries without anesthesia.

  The lab.

  Nash woke with a gasp and sprung into action. He grabbed hold and flipped over, pinning his tormentor beneath him. Only it wasn’t one of the scientists but the startled face of a beautiful woman looking up at him.

  Long golden hair fanned out around her face. Light brown eyes flecked with amber crinkled at the corners and seemed to smile at him. Her body was curvy and warm, generous breasts flattened against his chest. Long, smooth legs rested between his, and his cock nestled comfortably against the warmth of her sex. Half-naked, wearing only a satin bra and panties, miles of soft skin brought his every nerve ending to life. His cock jerked, happy to be pressed to such a lush woman.

  The huge shift in circumstances made his head spin. He’d gone from being held captive and subjected to horrendous medical procedures to running through the woods, freezing his ass off and finally found himself in the arms of a goddess. The sudden change gave him mental whiplash but his body had no trouble in making the leap. He went from flaccid to rock-hard arousal faster than ever before.

  There was something about her that drew him in like iron to a magnet—potent and irresistible. He felt as though he knew this woman, had known her forever, yet they were strangers. How could that be possible? He cautioned himself to be careful while unraveling the mystery.

  The minx had his number. A wicked grin crossed sensual pink lips and her fingernails slid down his back, scoring the skin and heating his blood. She didn’t stop until the bare cheeks of his ass were held firmly within small hands.

  His luck sure had changed in a hurry.

  “Don’t start something you aren’t planning to finish, Sunshine.”

  The endearment was perfect for her. From her golden hair to bright eyes filled with desire. All the way down her luscious body burned hot under his and her brilliant smile certainly outshined the sun.

  “I always finish what I start. You know that.”

  The saucy reply, spoken in breathless whisper, turned Nash on even more. She pressed closer, wiggled along his cock and he nearly rocketed past the point of no return. He wanted nothing more than to sink into her body and stay there forever, but something nagged at the edges of his mind. She seemed so familiar.

  “I’m having this major sense of déjà vu. I don’t even know your name. Yet at the same time, I feel like we’ve always known each other. It doesn’t make any sense.”

  She remained quiet for a few seconds, cupped his cheek in her hand and stared into his eyes. God, how he’d love to lose himself in her soulful gaze, but her words shocked him down to the tips of his toes and affected him as if he’d been doused with ice water.

  “Don’t act as if you don’t know me, Nash Stephen Crosby.”

  Uh-oh! He may not know much, but he knew whenever someone used your full name it meant you were in big trouble. And how did she know his full name anyway?

  “You’ve always known me better than I know myself. What the hell happened to you? What are you doing out here in the mountains? You’ve been missing for weeks.”

  He stared into her tawny eyes, willing himself to put the pieces of this bizarre puzzle together but no matter how hard he tried, he wasn’t able to make things fit.

  The woman began to shake. Looking down, Nash followed the trail of tears flowing from her eyes as she struggled to keep the intense emotions bottled up inside. Her tears created a tension that fisted tight around his heart. An ache worse than any pain he’d suffered at the hands of the scientists. She affected him in ways beyond comprehension.

  A name flittered around the edges of his consciousness and he fought to capture the elusive word. His heart screamed in agony. This woman was important to him. He felt it down to the marrow of his bones. The answers were right there, just out of reach, teasing his memory.

  “God, Nash. Whatever it is we’ll deal with it…together. Stay with me. Don’t run away again. I love you!” She stared up at him, eyes begging for understanding. “Please. I need you.”

  The panic in her eyes and the strain in her sweet voice tore at his soul. Something shifted in Nash. Like the massive impact of a wrecking ball crashing through a brick wall, the barrier keeping his memories hidden crumbled and fell. Pain sliced through his skull, seared his brain and blinding white light filled his vision. He felt as if a red-hot poker had pierced his eye and been shoved deep into his head.

  All at once he was bombarded by flashes of the past racing through his mind. A pattern developed and one constant emerged—the woman he loved beyond anything else.

  Chapter Three

  “Jenny!” he breathed. “Sunshine? Is it really you?”

  He knew her name but still seemed confused, which irritated the hell out of her. “Of course it’s me. What other woman would you be sleeping with?”

  Why the hell did he keep acting like he didn’t completely recognize her? But her anger fled as fast as it had arrived, replaced by need. The most important thing was the fact she held her husband, alive and well, in her arms. Wherever he’d been, whatever had happened, they’d deal with it later. Together.

  She’d been without him for too long. He was where he belonged and she had a strong desire to reconnect with him. Affirm he was alive. Reestablish their bond. Feel him everywhere. Hold him inside her, tight and intimate.

  “I need you, Nash! Please. I’ve missed you so much.”

  She wiggled seductively, pressing her damp panties against his hard length. Jenny was desperate for him fill her. To share their bodies, be as clos
e as possible. Tangling her fingers in his hair, she pulled his face down to hers. With the first brush of his lips the fear and desolation of the past months washed away on a tidal wave of euphoria. She traced the familiar curves of his mouth with her tongue and surged into the warm cavern when his lips parted. His somewhat spicy, masculine flavor flooded her senses, breathing life back into the shattered shell she’d become, cleansing away the grief.

  Only Nash was not quite as she remembered him.

  There was something she couldn’t put her finger on. Some essential change in him. For the time being she let that go. All she cared about at the moment was holding him, loving him.

  Their tongues tangled, caressed and explored as her heart pounded against her ribs. He tasted incredible. The power of their kiss had her trembling with desire. She didn’t need or want foreplay. All Jenny needed was to hold Nash as close as possible, take the man she loved deep within her body.

  Desperate for his cock, she lifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist. The hard length settled against her folds but remained separated by the thin barrier of her panties.

  “Nash. I need you. Now…please!”

  He shifted his hips and the head of his cock bumped into her engorged clit, sending shock waves through her entire body. His hands clenched, took hold of her panties and made quick work of ripping the material. Whether his mind recognized her or not, instinct guided Nash’s body in tempting and teasing her in all the ways she enjoyed. The wicked devil made shallow thrusts along her slit, coating his shaft in her slick response, stoking the burning need without giving her what she wanted. What she needed.

  “You want my cock, Sunshine?”

  Jenny’s heart surged, logging in her throat as the cherished endearment passed his lips. She’d always loved it when he called her by the pet name.

  “Yes, Nash. Give it to me. Give me all of it.”

  On the next downward sweep of his cock the broad tip lined up with her entrance. Jenny held her breath as he stared into her eyes. In one long slow stroke, Nash filled her—heart, body and soul. They held still for several heartbeats, absorbing the rightness of the moment.


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