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Eye of the Tiger

Page 7

by Nicole Austin

How he’d ever managed to find and marry such an amazing woman never ceased to blow his mind. From the first time their eyes had met across the yard at a mutual friend’s barbeque, Nash had known Jenny was special.

  Her irreverent hard-ass attitude and flippant wisecracks were an attempt to disguise the truth. One only had to look past the surface to see great depths of compassion and love. Over the years, life had taught her to hide that soft, vulnerable underbelly. Otherwise people took advantage of her abundant generosity and walked all over her.

  There was no mistaking the love and acceptance he saw in her warm brown eyes. Acceptance for all of him. He knew coming to this point had not been easy on her. He loved her all the more for her steadfast faith and trust in him.

  He hated that they didn’t have much time. There was so much he wanted to say. In a few hours he would go back to the lab, put his life on the line to bring an end to their immoral practices, save others from suffering as he had. Their plan was dangerous and he might not make it back out alive.

  Nash was a master at hiding his emotions. He had learned to keep his inner thoughts off his face, but he let the mask slip now so Jenny would see everything he didn’t know how to say. In response, her body tensed and she shook her head.

  “No! You wipe that look off your face, Nash. This isn’t goodbye.” Her breath hitched. “You’re coming back to me. In one piece! Anything else is unacceptable.” In desperation she grabbed his shoulders and tried to shake him. “You hear me, Nash? I will not lose you a second time. I can’t!”

  Previously, he hadn’t felt the need to tell Jenny about the precautions he’d taken. His current work had not been extremely dangerous, but he’d learned in the military to take steps in protecting those things precious to you in case of the unthinkable. He never imagined they’d actually have use for the safeguards he had put in place, but in light of recent events he knew the time had come to prepare her.

  He took a deep breath and forged ahead. “The jewelry box I gave you on our wedding day has a false bottom.”

  She kept shaking her head, refusing to listen. Nash held her face in his hands. Stubborn to a fault, Jenny clamped her eyes shut.

  “Sunshine, you have to listen. This is our insurance policy. I took these precautions for you but never thought they’d be needed before this mess.”

  When she looked at him, Nash felt as if the weight of sadness in her eyes would crush his heart, but he had to continue. “If you can’t figure out how to get the panel open then smash the box.”

  “Nash,” she gasped. “I can’t destroy my wedding present.”

  “Jenny, if something goes wrong tonight you will do what I tell you. Get the key from the jewelry box and go to the airport. The bank is in the Bahamas.” Nash gave her detailed instructions, all the while praying she would never need to access the contents held within the bank box—a new life. He’d always worried about his old life and enemies catching up with him. Not only had he obtained new passports and IDs for them, he’d also stashed away funds in an untraceable account. Enough to support her in comfort for the rest of her life. “You go find yourself a villa in Spain or Italy, anywhere far away, and never look back.”

  “Fine, I’ll get out of the States and go somewhere no one knows me.” She gave him the words but her dark eyes were defiant.

  “Whatever crazy plan you have running through that pretty head of yours—forget it! I need to know that you’re safe or I’ll be distracted. The only way I have a chance tonight is if I have my head on straight and focus on what I’m doing. I can’t do that if I’m worrying about you.”

  She tried to turn away but he held her steady. “Promise me, Jenny.” Her word was a bond she didn’t take lightly and wouldn’t go back on. “Promise me that if things don’t go as planned you’ll do as I said.”

  “Fine.” She all but spat the word at him. “If anything goes wrong, after I kill Micah for not bringing you back, I’ll get out. But that’s not going to happen, Nash. You’re coming back here. Back to me. So don’t tell me that you’d want me to continue living and find a new love. No way would you leave me alone to lie on some sultry Mediterranean beach in a bikini with slick foreigners circling me like sharks.”

  A possessive rage swelled in his chest and rumbled from his throat as the threatening growl of a fearsome animal.

  “There, keep that image in your mind for motivation. The last thing you want to do is leave me alone, brokenhearted and vulnerable. The perfect affluent and susceptible target for Rico Suave, the gigolo anxious to find a meal ticket.”

  The sassy witch had the nerve to flash a triumphant smile at him. “Not gonna happen, Sunshine. You’re mine!”

  “That’s right, you big, bad beasty. I’m all yours. Always!”

  Jenny intended to keep her promise, but she never specified exactly what part she agreed to. Should the unthinkable happen, she’d empty out the safety deposit box and get lost. That she’d do for him. But she could not, would not, stay hidden in the cabin while Nash risked his life to do the right thing.

  Hell no!

  This would not be their last time together. They’d have a tomorrow, a future together. She intended to make sure of it.

  She took a long hard look at her husband, no longer seeing the man he’d been but the one he had become. A dichotomy—part man, part tiger. An intelligent human with high moral values, a protector of life, combined with one of the world’s largest and most powerful alpha predators, a true carnivore that must kill to thrive.

  God help her, but the idea of unleashing the beast thrilled Jenny. She wanted him, all of him. Not the restrained Nash or the slow and tender lovemaking they usually shared. She wanted him wild, crazed with need. Feral.

  He brushed a soft kiss across her lips and while she found it to be sweet, it was the last thing she wanted…so she bit him. Hard. A crimson bead formed where she’d punctured his lip.

  Momentary shock dilated his pupils, crowding out the blue and darkening his eyes. “Sunshine, I’m hanging on by a thread here, trying to be gentle.”

  “Don’t you dare hide from me, Nash. I don’t want nice, polite sex.” To emphasize her words, she dug her fingernails into the thick muscles of his shoulders. A brief flash of pain narrowed his gaze before heat spread across his handsome face.

  “You don’t know what you’re asking for,” he growled.

  “Yes I do. I want all of you. Everything. Man and beast. I want savage fucking. Raw, untamed hunger. Carnal mating. Take me, Nash. Claim me. Mark me as yours.”

  Stunned, she stared as he tossed back his head with a violent roar. Muscles swelled, rippled beneath his skin. When he grinned down at her, Nash and the beast had truly become one. His pupils were elongated slits and his teeth— Holy shit! His canines had turned into wickedly sharp fangs.

  Icy tendrils of fear skated through Jenny but didn’t have time to take root. He moved with inhuman strength and speed, flipping her over onto her hands and knees. Not giving her a chance to steady herself, Nash lifted her hips, holding her right where he wanted, and shoved her legs apart, creating a space for himself.

  His rough tongue rasped a heated path along her spine from the crease of her ass to the nape of her neck, firing Jenny’s blood. Her dangling breasts felt swollen and heavy, her nipples ached, needing to be touched. His teeth raked over the sensitive curve where neck met shoulder and she trembled in anticipation. Would his teeth pierce her skin? She didn’t want to consider why the mere idea caused her pussy to clench, a hot gush of arousal readying her.

  She nearly wept with joy as the broad head of his cock probed between her legs, parted her folds. He stroked over her slit once, twice.

  Quivering in need, Jenny moaned, “Nash. Now! I need—”

  Anything else she would have said was lost as the full length of his cock slammed into her, hard and demanding. Without pause he withdrew, leaving her empty. Her body convulsed, belatedly struggled to keep him inside her.

  Her cry of dismay cut off on an abr
upt thrust, the force of which would have driven her forward had he not kept a secure hold around her waist.

  She’d done it. Jenny had freed the beast within the man. On each forward thrust he slammed against her womb and his balls slapped her clit. Each withdrawal was a complete retreat. The rapid pace kept her from catching her breath. Her fingers dug into the linens, scrambled for purchase. Nash never slowed. His movements were fluid as waves crashing into the shore, in and out, fast and relentless. Like a machine—tireless, precise and devastating. All she managed was to hang on and enjoy the incredible ride.

  Pleasure coiled in her core, winding tighter and tighter, building to mammoth proportions. She wanted to slow down the orgasm hurtling toward her at a breakneck speed, but lacked the strength to resist. The violent pounding made her breasts swing. Her nipples dragged across the sheet, sparking embers that shot straight to her pussy. The flames burned hot, enveloping both of them.

  The weight of Nash’s sweaty chest pressed her torso farther into the mattress. His teeth scraped her flesh then pierced the skin, animalistic and possessive. The bright flare of pain fanned the fire, igniting her orgasm.

  Consumed by the conflagration, Jenny soared. Coiled tension burst, showering her in ecstasy. It was too much for her body to contain. Her back bowed and she was assaulted by brutal spasms. She felt as if she exploded, shattered into a million pieces.

  A tremendous roar echoed around the room as scalding jets of semen filled her, driving her even higher until her body, unable to withstand any more pleasure, gave out. She collapsed with Nash covering her like a damp electric blanket.

  At some point the pieces floated back to Earth and reformed. She came back to herself—sated, exhausted and happy—held within the shelter of her husband’s strong arms.

  The room dimmed as day turned into night and still they clung to each other.

  With all her might, Jenny prayed the sex had scrambled Nash’s brain enough that he’d forget all about saving the world. She was weak. Neither her heart nor soul would survive losing him a second time.

  As if hearing her thoughts, Nash spoke the four words she dreaded.

  “I have to go.”

  Jenny wanted to be childish and greedy, throw a tantrum, demand he stay. Instead she kissed him, putting all her emotions into the soft mating of their lips. “I know.”

  She slipped from his embrace, pulled on her robe and gathered his clothes. “I’ll make some coffee while you get ready.”

  The forced smile was meant to be supportive, but if the worry lines etched into his face were any indication, had missed its mark.

  Chapter Ten

  Strapping on weapons reminded Nash of gearing up for a military mission. The familiar rush of adrenaline surged through his blood and kicked up his heart rate. He knew the other three men were skilled and had confidence in their abilities. That didn’t stop him from worrying. Not about the others, they would remain focused and do their part. But what about him?

  In his peripheral vision, he observed Jenny as she fiddled with her coffee cup. Her hands shook and she shifted about on the chair, unable to sit still.

  She looks more nervous than a whore in church. He almost laughed over the irreverent thought, spoken in Jenny’s voice, playing through his head.

  He hated the idea of leaving her there alone and knew she’d have a hard time keeping her promise, but taking her with them wasn’t an option. He considered having one of the men stay to protect her. There were too many reasons that wouldn’t work. Jenny would throw a fit over having someone stand guard. Plus the team already had too little firepower and couldn’t afford to leave any of their limited resources behind.

  He moved in behind her and stroked a hand over silky blonde hair. She startled and would have jumped out of her own skin had he not firmly placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “It’s just me, Sunshine.” Nash massaged her tensed shoulders. “Relax. Everything’s going to be fine.” At least he hoped so.

  “I-I should go with you. As a lookout—”

  “Jenny!” His tone was harsher than he’d intended. Nash took a breath and made a conscious effort to soften his voice. “We’ve been through this. If you’re out there, I’ll be distracted. I need you here, safe and sound, waiting for me. I need you to be patient. Just a little while longer. Then I’ll take you home.”

  Vivid images formed in his mind. Him and Jenny, strolling along the beach holding hands as they’d done on many occasions. This time they silently observed the antics of the two children frolicking at the water’s edge. A family.

  The scene felt right. Good. So good he decided to do whatever it took to make it reality. Jenny had always wanted kids but he’d asked her to wait, give him a few more years before fully settling down. Life was short. He didn’t want to delay anymore. In fact, he experienced a sudden yearning to take that final step with his wife.

  He leaned over, brushed her hair away from the slender column of her elegant neck. Unable to resist the temptation of her smooth skin, he placed a tender kiss on the sensitive spot behind Jenny’s ear before speaking in a soft tone so only she would hear. “I’ve been thinking. Scary, I know. But isn’t it past time we start making some babies.”

  She gasped as he breathed the words against her ear. “It’s time for me to grow up, find a less risky career. Hell, maybe I’ll even stay home with the kids while you’re out nursing the world back to health.”

  Jenny turned to face him, her big brown eyes full of hope and longing. She reached out to trace the line of his jaw while searching his expression. “Do you mean it, Nash? You’re finally ready?”

  “Yeah, Sunshine. I mean it. If you still want to have kids—” Her fingertips pressed against his lips and cut off the words.

  “Of course I do! I know what you’re thinking. I’m not afraid of what you are…what you’ve become. I love all of you, which now includes the tiger.” She shrugged. “If you pass the ability on to the kids, we’ll deal with it—together.”

  There was no mistaking the resolve in her steady gaze or assured voice. And no denying the end result or its affect on him. His chest grew tight as his pulse soared and his breathing turned erratic. He had not thought it possible to love Jenny more than he already did but he’d been wrong.

  “I love you too, Sunshine. You stay here…safe. One last time, Jenny. Then I’m done saving the world. Someone else can take a turn.”

  A lone tear rolled down her cheek. Nash kissed away the salty drop.

  Without another word, Jenny walked the men to the door and wished them luck. The pounding of booted feet stopped until the lock clicked into place, then resumed. Feeling suddenly weak, she leaned on the heavy barrier and whispered a prayer for her husband’s safe return.

  Busy—she had to stay busy. She needed the distraction. Otherwise, she’d drive herself crazy with worry and never be able to keep her word.

  A glance around the small cabin didn’t offer any ideas. She’d cleaned the kitchen, almost scrubbed the Formica right off the countertop. The table had been put to rights with a red gingham cloth in place. Nash had stoked the fire before he left.

  Her lip quivered and she clutched at her tight chest.

  Don’t dwell on him, she chastised. Nash is fine. He’s well trained and knows what he’s doing!

  Jenny moved around the room, straightened the pile of magazines on the coffee table and fussed with the crocheted blanket hanging over the back of the couch. She shifted a few knickknacks on the mantle, brushing away imaginary dust. When she ran out of tasks in the living room, she headed for the bedroom.

  Her gaze landed on the rumpled bed where such a short time ago, Nash had fucked her. Hard and wild. More like the animal than the man. God, how she’d loved every hot and glorious touch. Every frantic second of their coming together. The air still reeked of sex. Jenny took a breath, drawing the seductive scent deep into her lungs.

  She rubbed her flat belly, remembering the words she’d waited so long to hear. “Is
n’t it past time we start making some babies?”

  Perhaps they had already gotten a start on their family. The seeds of their future could even now be growing in her womb. At the mere thought, heat spread through Jenny.

  The waiting was going to drive her insane. They’d only arrived at the cabin two days ago, but for lack of anything else to do, she stripped the sheets from the bed and found a fresh set in the cedar chest. Making the bed only took a few minutes. Since she had yet to even unpack, the room was as tidy as it had been the night before.

  In the bathroom, she gathered the towels they’d used then took all the linens to the small laundry room off the kitchen. Jenny added some detergent to the washer and turned it on. Back in the main room, she glanced at the door then to the clock on a side table.

  “Twenty minutes,” she huffed. “Stupid clock must not be working. No way has it only been twenty minutes.” With exaggerated stomping she made her way over to the table, grabbed the clock and shook it a few times. Then she held it to her ear, irritated by the sure and steady ticking sounds.

  “I can’t do this!” She set down the clock with a decisive thunk.

  “Sorry, Nash. I tried. Really I did! But if I stay in this cabin for another minute, I’ll pull my hair out.”

  Nash had left a loaded pistol in the nightstand—just in case. She made sure the safety was on and tucked it into the side of her fur-lined boot. Her jacket hung on a coat tree by the door. Jenny pulled the warm down-filled garment over her arms and drew the zipper all the way to her throat.

  “I’m just going to check the perimeter.” The lie didn’t relieve her anxiety.

  After locking up, she pocketed the key. It didn’t take her long to make a complete circuit around the property. The crisp night air and open space eased the sense of claustrophobia she’d felt while inside.

  Without the cloaking haze of city lights and pollution, millions of stars were visible in a sky that appeared endless. She wasn’t much of a nature girl, but enjoyed the musical sound of crickets chirping.


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