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Escape (Chimera Club Stories)

Page 5

by Cybill Cain

  He popped the button on my jean cutoffs and slid his hand inside, making my stomach muscles quiver. “So wet,” he whispered to me, kissing my neck as his fingers slid through the slickness he found. He touched my clit, giving it a light brush that frustrated me. I shifted my hips, trying to get more friction from his touch. To reward me, his finger pressed harder, moving through my wetness just where I needed, while he pressed his cock into my ass tightly. He made me feel like I was flying and falling all at once, knowing all the while I was wrapped warm and safe in his arms.

  Nothing I’d ever imagined when I’d fantasized about him had felt this good. There was no way I could have known he would be so passionate and real, or that he would be the kind of lover that wanted to make it good for me, but that’s who he was. Every hard slick stroke of my sensitive nub told me that, but as wild as his touch was, it was his heavy breathing in my ear, sometimes punctuated with deep needy groans as he worked my body, that swept me away. The idea that I pleased him, and that he wanted me, increased the cutting ache inside me to the point of pain.

  The hand in my jeans became more determined, moving faster, while his other twirled my throbbing nipple between his fingers, making my entire body shake with the need for release. “Let go,” he growled at me, a command that I could not ignore. His mouth sucked at my sensitive neck while he rocked into me, letting me feel his need, too. I came hard and hot all over his hand, pressing my body back against his while my eyes rolled back, and I lost sight of everything but the pulses of heat and pleasure he’d made inside me.

  When I opened my eyes, he was sitting with his back against the lighthouse wall, with me in his lap, curled against his chest. He smiled when he saw my eyes open. “I thought maybe I’d killed you.” I tried to smile back, but wasn’t sure I’d managed it. My muscles were all spent and relaxed, refusing to answer my silent commands to respond. When it soaked into my fuck drunk brain that he was still hard beneath me, I ordered them to work, but he held me still.

  “Just stay here,” he told me, brushing the hair from my forehead as he studied me intently.

  “But…” He smiled.

  “There’s time, Annie. Right now I’d just like to hold you and watch the sunset.” I turned my head and looked out westward. The sky was painted in glorious shades of purple and orange, more deep and vibrant than any I could recall. The photographer in me wanted to grab the camera sitting a few feet away from where we were, but I didn’t want to move.

  We sat there until the sun disappeared from view. I swore I could almost hear it sigh as it sank from the sky. The night air turned chilly, and I shivered and snuggled deeper into Max’s warm chest. “Cold?” he asked, looking down at me. I looked up, losing myself in his dark eyes that seemed almost black in the fading light.

  I was going to say something, but I forgot what, when I saw his head start to lean down, his gaze caressing my lips as he closed in. I met him halfway, my fingers threading through his hair, holding him close to me. It was a hungry kiss, and it told me that he’d been waiting to savor this moment with me.

  He invaded me, taking my senses by storm with the feel and smell of him as he devoured me. He pulled back to turn his head, before pressing harder, opening his mouth and inviting me in. Our tongues met and caressed each other, more of a dance than a battle. I had no interest in fighting him.

  When we stopped we were both gasping for air, but he pressed his forehead to mine rather than pulling back. His hands were moving on me again, warming me in more than one way against the chill.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he told me, still keeping his forehead to mine. I saw his eyes were closed, and knew that he was speaking of more than my outside, which made his words all the more valuable to me. I put both arms around his neck, and hugged him to me tightly, closing my eyes to keep in the tears his words had set free. His long arms crossed over my back, holding me as tightly as I was holding him. We sat there like that for a while, not speaking, but just feeling one another.

  Finally, he helped me stand, and then joined me. When we got back downstairs I locked the door. He took my hand in his, and walked me home.

  5- Every Breath You Take


  We made dinner together, moving in perfect concert between the grill on the deck and the kitchen, as if we had been doing it for years. I grilled the lobster tails, and she made a salad before setting the table on the deck for us to enjoy the evening. When I sat down I had to stop a second and appreciate the beauty of what she had done.

  There was a white table cloth, and a setting of beautiful flowers in pinks and purples that surrounded a large candle with a hurricane shade to protect it from the wind. Her cheeks were glowing, and her eyes twinkling as she smiled at me from across the table. I felt a startling sense of home with her. It rattled me a little, tilting the neat frame of how I usually lived my life.

  I was a vagabond in this world, moving from place to place, with only a couple of small bags I called my own. I had an official residence, a condo in Malibu, but I rarely went there, preferring to use hotels when I was not on a shoot in some remote part of the world. I suppose the condo amounted to a large walk in closet, where I kept designer clothes for red carpet events, and a place to receive mail, which for some reason still seemed to be necessary, even in this largely virtual world. When I thought about it, it puzzled me, but my mind had better things to ponder this evening.

  “I got some wine, too, in case you prefer that, and we also have beer with lime.”

  “Corona?” She nodded, and went to get them, returning with a bucket of ice and several bottles for each of us inside it. She laid out the lime wedges, and set them up for us to drink right from the bottle. It was perfect, the meal was perfect, and we talked as we enjoyed the evening stars.

  “What made you decide to be an actor?” she asked me about halfway through the meal.

  “It was the last thing my father wanted me to do.”


  “Yes, I think so. I love my father, but there’s always been this tension between us that I don’t understand. He wanted me to be happy, he wanted me to be successful. He just wanted me to do it his way, the way he thought it should be done.” She took a sip of beer, keeping her eyes on me.

  “A cowboy band just started singing, Don’t Fence Me In, in the back of my mind.” I laughed.

  “You’re not that far off. Distance and time have given me enough perspective to see that he and I are very alike. Of course, if you had told me that when I was twenty-one I probably would have taken a swing at you.”

  “Well, yeah, it’s the principle of the thing. I totally get it.” I looked at her, and saw that despite her joking demeanor she actually did get it. It gave me a warm feeling that went all the way to my toes.

  “The first time I auditioned, it was right after he told me I had to ‘straighten up and fly right’ at school. ‘No more parties, no more calls from the dean, telling him that his son was a screw up. Your future in business demands that you get your act together!’ I was taking a walk to cool down when I saw a flyer for the Pirates of Penzance. It was a college production, and on a lark I went in to audition, and fell in love.”

  “Wow, the acting bug must have bitten you hard.”

  “No, it was Elsa Black that bit me hard. I think I still have the scar.” She burst out laughing, a bite of lobster half way to her mouth as she snickered at me. “You laugh, but it’s true. By opening night though, when the curtain went up, and everyone stood and applauded, I started to see a future for myself in acting.”

  “And what happened to Elsa?”

  “Last I heard she was married and living in Sarasota with three kids. I bet they’re biters, too.” She gave up on trying to eat, and just sat back to laugh at me. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. The candle light was doing incredible things to her, making her skin look almost shimmery. She looked more like a mermaid now than she had this morning, though that seemed like a lifetime ago, rather than just
a matter of hours. How had so much happened in so little time?

  “What’s wrong, Max? You’re frowning.” I smiled at her, and resumed eating. I didn’t know how to tell her that I felt like I‘d lived an entire life with her in one day without sounding foolish.

  “I need another beer,” I told her, and got one for us both when I saw she was ready, as well. She let it go gracefully, but I didn’t believe for one minute that I was fooling her.

  She’d brought out a portable radio, tuned to some local station that identified itself as WBAY, and throughout our meal soft music had been playing in the background. As I opened our beers, the DJ came back on with a dedication.

  “And this one goes out to Annie from Todd. You sure look lovely tonight, with the candle light shimmering in your eyes.” The Police singing Every Breath You Take, came on next. I glanced up at Annie, about to make a comment about the dedication being to a girl with her name, and stopped when I saw her face. She looked angry and a little scared.

  “What’s wrong, Annie?” It started to click for me then. Whoever this Todd was, he was talking about her, here now. I stood and looked around.

  Escape was sitting on what passed for a hill in this beach community, which was essentially an overhyped sand dune. It was about ten minutes from the nearest town of Upton, the closest other property about a half a mile down the beach, in the opposite direction of the lighthouse. As far as I could tell she owned everything between here and the lighthouse, because I had seen no other houses in that direction on our walk out today.

  I went to the porch railing, and looked down the hill to the beach. It was dark, someone could be down there watching us, watching Annie. I didn’t like the idea of someone spying on her, and that song made it even creepier. I took a step in the direction of the stairs that led down to the beach.

  “Max, don’t. Let’s just go inside.” She stood, and waited for me to turn around before she started picking up the remains of our dinner. I looked back at the beach, feeling again that I should go down there, but she called my name again. “Max, please.”

  When we’d gotten everything inside, I watched her check all the doors and windows, making sure they were secure. “I need to make a phone call,” she said. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Annie, tell me what’s going on.” She stopped, her shoulders drooping as she turned and came back to me. She took my hand and led me to the sofa, glancing nervously at the windows. I closed the drapes before I sat down, blocking out the view of anyone who might be out there. By now she was shaking with anger.

  “I’m so sorry, Max. I didn’t know he would do this. I never dreamed he would be so…” she stopped, taking a deep breath to calm herself, and then told me about her former boss Todd Barnes, ending with the confrontation in the grocery store parking lot.

  “He’s never done anything like this before, Max, you have to believe me. I’m not sure what he’s thinking, but I have to call Meenan now and tell him what’s happening, for your safety.”

  My safety? What about hers? He’d asked if she had a guest coming, but he had no way of knowing one would still be here. What if he came out here because he thought she would be alone? She was the one who needed to worry.

  She got her cell phone, and went into the kitchen to make her call. I followed behind her not wanting to miss a word, planning to talk to Meenan myself if she held anything back from him about what was going on here.



  I was furious! Today had been almost like something out of a fairy tale, before Todd had ruined everything. While the phone rang, it occurred to me that every fairy tale had its villain, and it looked like Todd was mine.


  “Yes, this is Annie Clemons.”

  “Ms. Clemons, is everything all right? You sound disturbed.” I looked at Max, who was watching me like a hawk. It made me even angrier to think he might be in danger because of me, let alone that his vacation had been ruined. It had barely even started, for Christ’s sake.

  “There is a man here in town who has been harassing me to go out with him. I’ve handled it up to now, but tonight he made a threat against me, one that had details in it about the fact that Max and I were having dinner out on the deck. I’m worried about Max’s safety. You need to move him someplace safe.”

  “No!” Max said, stepping close to me, his face a mask of anger and determination. “I’m not leaving.” He towered over me, his broad shoulders filling my view as he stood there, fighting my efforts to protect him.

  “This has nothing to do with you, Max,” I told him, holding the phone away from my mouth, but not covering it. “Mr. Meenan can put you somewhere else for the rest of your time off, where you don’t have to deal with this mess.”

  “I’m not leaving,” he said again, his fists clenching at his sides. Under any other circumstances I probably would have been intimidated by the rage I felt coming off his large frame, but not tonight. Tonight, I felt like I was more than a match for this mountain of a man.

  “Put me on the speaker, Ms. Clemons,” Meenan said in my ear, in his no nonsense tone. He sounded so confident and competent that it made me relax a little.

  “You’re on speaker now, Mr. Meenan.”

  “Mr. Alexander?”

  “I’m here,” Max practically growled at him. “And I’m staying here, too.” Meenan chuckled.

  “Yes, I believe I heard that, already. Here’s what we are going to do. You both will stay inside, keep the doors and windows locked. I am sending a security man down, his name is Stacy McGill. He will be there in four hours. If something happens before he arrives, call the local authorities, and then call me. Mr. McGill will get this sorted out, and then you can return to your vacation without further incident. Understood?”

  “Yes,” we both said at the same time. Never one for long good-byes, Meenan hung up, leaving us standing in the kitchen.

  “Max,” I started again, trying to find the words that would make him understand he was better off getting into his car and driving away. He pulled me into his arms, holding me to his chest, and kissing the top of my head softly.

  “Shut up, Annie,” he sighed into my hair. I put my arms around his waist, and held on, counting the minutes until the security man arrived.


  Stacy McGill was tall, blond, muscular, and every bit as confidence inspiring as Meenan had led us to believe. When he knocked on the door shortly after midnight Max let him in, keeping me behind him, in case of trouble. He showed us his ID, and took a look around before heading to the kitchen. I’d already made coffee, and offered him a cup, which he took before getting down to business, spreading out a map of the Escape property.

  “Meenan gave me the schematics for the property, and the house. Can you show me where you were when the threat was made?” He followed us out to the deck, returning for some night vision goggles from his bag before taking a look down at the beach. After a few minutes we all went back into the kitchen. He got out a pad and pencil.

  “Tell me everything you know about Todd Barnes.” I told him his home address, his business address, and all the things I remembered about working for him at his restaurant. “Also, tell me about any interactions you can remember the two of you having.” I glanced at Max, who took my hand under the table, while I ran through all the times Todd had asked me out again, along with all the ways and reasons I had turned him down.

  Until I saw how much Stacy had written down I hadn’t fully realized the extent of Todd’s harassment. It embarrassed me that I had been so foolish and dismissive of something that might have gotten Max hurt. He finished his coffee, and stood.

  “You two have nothing to worry about. I got this, be alert, and call me if you need anything. Otherwise, don’t give this another thought.” He handed me his card, and left. I locked the door and leaned against it, suddenly very exhausted now that the adrenaline I had been running on faded away.

  “Come on, Annie. It’s time for bed,”
Max said, taking my hand pulling me to him. “I’d like you to sleep with me tonight.” He sensed my hesitation. “I said sleep, beautiful. I’d feel better knowing you were safe in my arms. That’s all I want right now.”

  I followed him upstairs, detouring long enough to change into my sleepwear, before coming back to his room. He’d left the door open for me, and was already in bed, with the covers turned back waiting. He patted the bed, and I slid into his arms, loving the feeling of how he tucked me close to him, and rested his arm across me.

  “Sleep, beautiful. Nothing will happen to you, I promise.” He was barely done speaking before I was out like a light.

  6. Dreaming of You


  We were back at the lighthouse. I could feel the slick heat of her on my fingers as she writhed in my arms, right on the edge of letting go. It was like holding a hurricane. She was a wild thing, every bit as passionate and compelling as she had been the first time I’d seen her.

  “Let go,” I growled in her ear again, bracing myself to hold my ground and ride out the storm I had made inside her. It was all I could do to not let myself get swept away with her. It made me ache to give her this, and not be able to feel her milking my cock with her tight slick pussy, but I wanted to give this to her.

  This time, she turned in my arms and climbed me, placing the hot core of her body over my dick, rocking her hips against me. Her arms crossed around my neck, her eyes half closed from the tremors that were still running through her, making her muscles tremble.

  “But we’re supposed to watch the sunset,” I told her between kisses, sure that was how this was supposed to go.


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