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The Lives of Tao

Page 16

by Wesley Chu

  There was a Post-it note on his monitor: See me at once! Mr Musday.

  What kind of person signs his signature with Mister? Roen crumpled the Post-it note and tossed it into the garbage. He took an apple out of his bag and cut it in half, taking a bite as he opened his email and checked his messages.

  Peter looked over. “Where were you this morning? Musday’s looking for you. He wasn’t happy you weren’t in yet.”

  “I had a very long night.” Roen shrugged. In the past, a summons from Musday would leave him full of anxiety. Now, he just let work roll off his shoulder. When thrust into a five-hundred-year war with the fate of humanity on the line, pleasing the boss at work no longer seemed like a big deal anymore.

  “Well, you should go see him soon,” Peter said.

  “I will, after I finish my apple.” Roen took another satisfying bite.

  Ten minutes later, he stood outside Musday’s door and tried to whistle Adagio in G Minor while the man pompously checked his email and pretended to be too busy to notice him. He surprisingly didn’t feel the same apprehension he usually felt standing outside his manager’s door.

  Listen, Roen, whatever you choose to say, just do not forget about you.

  “What does that mean?”

  It means whatever you think it means. Just remember who you are and have confidence in yourself.

  Roen spent the next few minutes contemplating those words until Musday finally beckoned him in. “Sorry to make you wait. Have a seat.”

  Roen sat down and leaned back. “You wanted to see me, Tom?”

  Musday shot him a grim look and pointed at the clock. “I need you to be on time. You’re part of the team, and we need to be able to depend on you.”

  Roen tried his best to respond in a calm voice. “I don’t see a problem. I had something important come up last night, and I did work late the previous night, not to mention I stayed over on Sunday to help Peter with the Kol project. Also, I delivered all the Claims projects a month early. Everything else on my plate is on time and my development teams love me.” In the past, being defensive was his first response to any form of criticism. Now, he just wanted to get his point across.

  Roen, whatever you are getting at here...

  Musday’s voice rose. “You came in late. What if we needed you? We have strict rules about our hours. If everyone ignored them, our team couldn’t function properly. It’s like stealing from the company.”

  “I’m working overtime with no extra pay,” Roen countered. “You could argue that the company is stealing from me.”

  ...keep it up.

  “The overtime is built into your salary.” Musday tapped his finger on the table for emphasis.

  “Where does it say that in my contract?” Roen reminded himself to stay in control. He wasn’t here to pick a fight.

  “Look, Roen.” Musday leaned forward as if divulging a secret. “We’re a team, and we have to function as one. I’m telling you what is best for your career. This is a warning.”

  “For what? Talk to me if my projects are running behind; talk to me if I’m not getting the job done; otherwise, I believe I can manage my own time.” Roen was surprised at how composed he was.

  Musday became angry. “Fine, you’re not doing your job.”

  “Then fire me.” Roen stood up and turned to leave.

  Musday scowled as if he had something to say and then stopped. Finally, he spoke in a measured tone. “Just make sure your projects don’t fall behind.”

  Roen smiled and nodded. “Of course, Tom.”

  When he left Musday’s office, he threw his hands up in elation.

  That was good.

  “That felt liberating.”

  Do you know why?

  “Because he’s been a total ass and had it coming to him?”

  Possibly, but the real reason is because you are not afraid of your job anymore. You have more confidence now. You believe in yourself more.

  Roen stopped walking and looked out the window. It had rained the past few days, but the sun was out now, a beautiful yellow ball of warmth shining in the sky. From his building, he could see Lake Michigan stretch out for several miles. He remembered to convert that to kilometers. Roen was starting to think in metric, but sometimes he slipped and reverted back to his old habits. Tao still continued to badger him about that.

  Across the street were Buckingham Fountain and Millennium Park. He remembered all the days he wistfully thought about going for a walk while still stuck in this prison. Then Roen realized that Tao was right. He spent all those years living to work and not working to live, always afraid of losing a job he hated; therefore, he accepted anything they asked of him. He had become so used to this monotonous life that maintaining the status quo became more important than his own happiness. Standing up to Musday was the first step to reestablishing his freedom. Smiling, he decided to take the scenic route back to his cubicle.

  When he sat down, he received another pleasant surprise. An appointment he had made quite some time ago appeared on his schedule. Jill was flying in today.

  Roen’s stomach was in twisted knots when he pulled into the driveway of her high-rise. He stopped at her front door and waited, fingers tapping the steering wheel as he tried to calm his jitters.

  If you keep this up, you are going to start sweating. And really, it will go downhill from there.

  “I feel like throwing up.” His nervousness increased when a few minutes later, Jill came out of the building and waved. He got out of the car and opened the door for her. She gave him a hug and got in.

  “I’m so glad we’re going out tonight.” She smiled as they pulled out of the driveway. Roen beamed. She looked great, exactly as he remembered. Her hair was trimmed a little shorter than the last time he saw her, and she seemed to have lost a little weight.

  “Did you lose weight?” he blurted out, instantly regretting his words.


  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Jill asked, giving him an inquisitive look.

  “Um... Uh... I didn’t... I mean...” he stuttered. Thirty seconds in and he already had a misstep.

  “Hah, I’m just kidding. I did lose a few pounds overseas. German food is so heavy it’s hard to stomach sometimes. I also got my butt off the couch and started training for that race I signed up for.”

  At least think before you speak. Better yet, do not say anything else without my express approval if you want to get anywhere.

  “Yeah, too much sauerkraut... ha, ha...” Roen struggled mightily for a witty response. Upon failing to think of one, he settled for, “So, how’s the weather? There, I mean, in Frankfurt. Not here. Obviously we know how the weather is here.” He gave a nervous chuckle.

  Stop talking. I am serious.

  Jill took it all in her stride. “It’s a fun city, and the culture there is fabulous. It’s such an old place with so much history, I spent days just walking around being the silly tourist. I did miss home though. How are things here?”

  “Much better now that you’re back,” he blurted out.

  There was a moment of silence.

  You did not just say that.

  Finally, she smiled. “Aw, that’s sweet, Roen. I’m happy to be back.”

  Listen; let me drive from this point on.

  “Um... yes please help, Tao!”

  This is what you are going to say.

  “So what’s the big surprise tonight?” she said. “Why were you so mysterious about it?”

  “I wanted to take you to someplace different instead of a dinner and a movie,” Roen repeated Tao’s words verbatim. He headed north along Lakeshore Drive and exited the highway onto Addison Street and headed toward the large ballpark. “So, we’re going to a Cubs game!”

  Jill gasped, “Really? That sounds great! I’m not really a sports fan, and I know nothing about baseball, but I always wanted to check it out.”

  Roen shrugged and tried to appear cool. “I figured it’d be something new and I wanted
our first date to be memorable. Besides, you can’t live in Chicago and never go to a Cubs game!”

  They parked in one of the side lots and followed the throng of people moving toward Wrigley Field. The air was electric as they joined in the festive atmosphere. He handed the attendant their tickets, and they strolled into the complex and into the hallways decorated with rich baseball history. Roen pointed out the different portraits of players that lined the walls, as they stopped by one of the booths to buy hot dogs and beer, before making their way to the bleachers to find their seats.

  “You know a lot about baseball,” she marveled as they sat down. “I never had you pegged as a sports buff.”

  “I’m not,” he admitted, “just something I’ve gotten into lately.”

  In reality, he knew nothing about the game except for the lines Tao fed him. Roen had to admit that Tao was one smooth cat. He had a knack of saying the right charming lines. During the course of the game, they had a good time as the Cubs played the Mets in an exciting game. Roen made sure to keep the beers and food coming, joking that she’d always remember their first meal together as beers in plastic cups and pretzels.

  Jill laughed, exclaiming that dressing up for sushi and a silly movie easily took a back seat to a lively game. By the seventh inning stretch, the two were feeling pretty good as they cheered and booed each spectacular hit and botched catch. The atmosphere inside Wrigley Field was vibrant, and the two rode the euphoric mood alongside those around them. By the time the game ended, neither was paying much attention to the score. It didn’t matter that the Cubs were crushed in the game, just that they had a good time.

  “I have to say, you’re not a boring date.” Jill chuckled, wrapping an arm around his as they joined the crowd streaming out of the ballpark.

  “I aim to please,” Roen said, and grinned. “I’m glad you’re having a good time.”

  He caught himself with his improvising. “Oops, sorry, Tao. I forgot about listening to your lines.”

  Actually, Roen, I have not given you one for the past hour. It has all been you.

  Roen suddenly felt something catch in his throat and a wave of emotion washed over him. He thought about the many hours that Tao, Sonya, and now Lin were putting into him and how grateful he was to all of them. There was no way he could have done any of this without their continuous support.

  “Hey Tao, thanks.”

  For the perfect date? I like her. She seems like a keeper. I do not think auburn is her natural hair color, but hey, no one is perfect.

  “No, I mean thanks for everything. Before I met you, I was an out-of-shape fat slob who hated my life. Now, I feel like I’m finally going somewhere with my life.”

  What is good for the goose is good for the gander. We are in this together. Remember, what is the capital of old Assyria?

  Roen chuckled.

  “What’s so funny, Roen?” Jill said, touching him on the shoulder.

  “Nothing,” he replied. “Just thinking about how fortunate I am.”

  “That’s sweet.” She melted a little, leaning on him, and holding his hand.

  Roen opened the door for her and she got into the car. The next stop he planned was a quaint little wine bar in the Bucktown neighborhood. They spent the rest of the night in a dark romantic booth, sharing a bottle of red wine. While the ballgame was a nice event to break the ice, the intimate atmosphere of the booth was the perfect opportunity for Roen to confirm a second date. The end of the night finished with a small kiss on the cheek.

  Watching in admiration as she walked into her high-rise, he grinned from ear to ear as he pulled out of her driveway onto the street. His cell phone rang as he sped onto the highway. Roen pulled it out of his pocket and held it to his ear.

  “Yeeelllo?” he chimed.

  “You sound chipper,” Antonio said on the line. “I guess the date went well.”

  “Yes sir, yes sir,” Roen said, still grinning. “It was good times. We have a second date already planned for next week.”

  “That’s awesome, buddy. Glad to know you closed the deal. So that means you’ll come out? I know clubbing was contingent on a good date. Now that you’ve had a good time, it’s time to celebrate! Besides, I need a wingman when I talk to the ladies.”

  Roen knew from past experience that clubbing rarely ended well. But he had promised Antonio he would go if things went well, and a promise was a promise. “All right, I’m in,” he answered. Roen turned his car around and sped off back toward the city.



  Through Zhu, I followed my orders better than any on the Council could hope for. They called me the Empire Builder. Under my direction, Zhu led a rebellion against the Yuan and pushed them back north to the steppes. It was to my shame that I turned Zhu from a peaceful man to one who would claim the Mandate of Heaven, and who became the dictatorial Hongwu, Emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

  I had sold him the dream that with this power, we could peacefully enforce the enlightenment we had always dreamed about. And there, I repeated the same mistake I made a century earlier. Enlightenment and peace can never be achieved by force.

  Sean tapped his temple with his fingers, his eyes moving between the assorted pieces laid out before him. He glanced up at his opponent and then at the clock. Four minutes on his side, six on the other; plenty of time. Then his frown broke into a sly grin as he moved one of the pieces and tapped the chess clock. It would be checkmate in six. Sean studied his grandson’s face, which fell into a grimace as Jacob realized that the trap he had so painstakingly set up had just been broken.

  Still, Sean’s chest swelled with pride at the cleverness of young Jacob’s strategy. It was elegant and subtle and would have perhaps worked on a lesser opponent, but not someone who had played the game since he was the Shah of Persia two thousand years ago. Still, he had great hopes for the boy. Jacob would make a fine vessel one day.

  “You overextended your bishop,” was all Sean said, as he leaned back to take a sip of his tea. He waited in anticipation for Jacob to make the only logical move, if he was clever enough to see it. Sean was disappointed when the boy moved another piece, trying to salvage the game. If he had the foresight, he would have conceded on the spot. Instead, he would waste time fighting a lost cause. Still, Sean resisted the temptation to correct Jacob’s mistake. Let him learn.

  Suddenly, his cell phone vibrated toward the edge of the table. Sean’s eyes flashed in anger. Meredith knew better than to bother him at this time of the day. Even those on the Council would be put on hold until his time with Jacob was done. He considered not picking it up and letting the fool thing fall off the table. However, with each successive buzz, his eyes wandered more and more to the errant phone. What if it was important? Obviously it must be if Meredith allowed it through. Well, curiosity killed the cat and Stonewall Jackson, and it was killing Sean right now. With a harrumph of resignation, he moved another piece, hit the chess clock again, and picked up the phone.

  He said, “This had better be good.”

  Meredith’s words came tumbling out as she apologized. “I’m sorry, Sean. I know this time is off limits, but Mr Kenton was very insistent and said it was absolutely critical that he get a hold of you no matter what and...”

  Sean bristled, but kept his voice deadpan. Meredith’s stark terror was punishment enough. “Patch him through,” he said.

  “Right away.”

  There was a click as Marc’s voice, oblivious to the pain he just put Meredith through, came on. “We got a hit, Father.”

  Sean perked up and leaned forward. “Where?”

  “We received a hit last night from a speeding ticket on a brown Fiat. The image was a close enough match to our target to trigger an alert on one Hamilton Lee. Lee’s information was a dead end, obviously washed. Tonight, that same Fiat was spotted by a camera at an intersection pulling into a parking lot of a local nightclub. We believe he might be there.”

  A nightclub? Limited exit
s. Multiple civilians. It violated the agreement they had with the Prophus, but Sean never put much stock in collateral damage anyway. If a public relations nightmare ensued, that was what the mayor was for. “When can you get your team there?” Sean asked.

  “A team of ten has been assembled, Father. Waiting for your go-ahead.”

  Sean’s mind raced as he formulated a plan. After a couple of deaths on the team, this was their first lead in months. The bills from Homeland were astronomical. They might not get a better chance. “Capture Tao alive.”

  “As you wish, Father.”

  Sean put down the phone and studied the board again. Strange, the boy only moved a pawn forward, an unexpected and useless move. Why had Jacob done that? The boy smirked as he leaned back, looking as if he just made a masterful play. Sean looked at the chess clock and realized he just ran out of time. The boy had made the move with the sole purpose of burning out Sean’s time. Conniving. Manipulative. Brilliant. “The day is yours,” said Sean beaming, and standing to shake Jacob’s hand.

  Jacob blushed, the faint words of praise a rarity from his grandfather’s lips. “Was that Genjix business, Grandfather?” he asked.

  Sean nodded. “We have a Prophus quarry that we’ve been tracking for quite some time now. We have a strong lead.”

  “Really? Was he anyone famous?”

  Sean shrugged. “Genghis and some Chinese emperor were his crowning achievement. Other than that, a string of inconsequentials and several mishaps. I believe he shot President McKinley. Otherwise, a minor player, but one I would love to talk to in person.”

  Jacob shook his head. “Those Prophus are such bad people. I can’t wait until I can help you root them out. Dad says they’re all made up and that you’re just a crazy old man.”

  Sean smiled. “Did he now? Remember, Jacob, your father is a fool, but even fools can be dangerous. Your mother is the one you should be listening to. Our blood runs deep with the Holy Ones. One day, you’ll have one of your own; perhaps even Chiyva if you’re so blessed.”


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