Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 2

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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 2 Page 7

by Mz. Lady P

  Markese kissed me on my jaw and went back to sit down with the rest of the crew. Killa paid me no attention whatsoever. He sure was good at masking the hurt.

  I’m glad I had that talk with Markese. I had to push my emotions to the side. There’s money to be made. Despite how I feel right now, my team needs me.

  When we arrived in Mexico, we were met by some of Chico’s associates. I thought that we would be staying in a hotel, but Chico wanted us to stay at The Maldonado Family estate. Chico greeted us at the door as soon as we pulled into the driveway. Chico was fine as hell. He looked just like Omari Hardwick from the show Being Mary Jane. My mouth was watering just from looking at him.

  “I’m glad you guys could make it. Please make yourselves at home. Rosie will show you to your rooms. Excuse my manners, but who is this vision of loveliness that stands before me?”

  “Hi I’m Nisa. Nice to finally meet you.” I extended my hand and he kissed the back of it.

  His lips are soft as hell. I kept my thoughts to myself.

  Chico licked his lips and had lust in eyes. “Trust me, the pleasure is all mine.”

  He mind fucked me in front of everybody and I enjoyed every minute of it. I made sure to look at Killa. He showed no emotion. A part of me hoped that he would be mad, but he didn’t give a fuck.

  The room that I was sleeping in was big as a damn apartment. I needed to relax and unwind so I decided to take a bath. I must have been real tired because I fell asleep in the tub. I woke up and the water was cold as hell. I gathered myself and dried off. I noticed a note on the bed from Chico.

  Please join me for dinner at 7pm on the lanai. The attire for the night is formal. I have taken the liberty and picked out a dress and shoes for you to wear.

  I looked around the room and noticed a white backless Yves Saint Laurent dress and a pair of black peep toe Christian Louboutins. Chico also had Harry Winston jewelry for me to wear. I’m not sure what he was up to, but I liked Mr. Maldonado. Once I was dressed, I walked down the stairs and all eyes were on me, especially Killa’s.

  “Damn Nisa, you rocking that dress, baby!” Boogie said.

  “Thank you.”

  The maid escorted us out onto the lanai and we were seated. Chico stood as we entered. He had the seating arrangements already planned out. Of course, he placed me next to him.

  Chico grabbed my hand into his as a sat down. “I’m glad you wore the things I picked out for you.”

  “You didn’t have to do all of this. I had my own clothes.”

  I looked around and I could tell the rest of the crew was not feeling Chico’s behavior. They had no clue he bought the shit I had on. Killa had murder in his eyes the whole time during dinner. I kind of got a kick out of seeing him mad. Little does Chico know, regardless of how fine he is, my heart and pussy belong to Killa.

  “I know you’re wondering why I called you here. I feel that you guys are ready to be connects instead of having one. I have never seen such hard working black men in my life. No offense. My clientele has sky rocketed since I started fucking with you. It’s time you meet the heads of the other families and the queen of heroine herself.

  “Who is the Queen?” I had to ask. Her title alone piqued my interest.

  “The Queen is Milyana Santiago. She is head of all the families across the fifty states. Any heroin coming out of Mexico comes straight from her heroin fields. Over the years, I have built a great business relationship with her. It’s not often she meets drug dealers from your neck of the woods, but I persuaded her to meet you.”

  “Damn Chico, that’s what’s up!” Rahmeek added with enthusiasm.

  “What do you think Nisa?” Markese asked.

  “That shit sounds great. That means we have been on our shit and it’s showing. So when do we get to meet this queen?

  “She was unable to make this visit. However, she is available next month. I need all of your calendars to be clear. I need you to come back with your game faces on. I have plans on making you richer than your wildest dreams. Now enjoy the rest of your stay in my beautiful home.”

  As the night wound down, we drank and the guys smoked Cuban cigars. Chico kept touching my leg under the table the entire time. He was a straight freak. I was glad when dinner was over. I was drunk and I wanted to go to bed.

  We’ve come a long way from selling dime blows in the Towers. I’m just concerned about meeting the other cartels. Thoughts of my husband invaded my mind. I wondered if he was thinking about me. I needed to talk to him. Hopefully he had calmed down a little. I got up and walked towards his room. I didn’t knock; I just walked in. He was asleep.

  I stood over the bed and gently shook him. “Killa, wake up. I need to talk to you.”

  He looked up, realized it was me, and knocked my hand away from him. “What the fuck you want Nisayah?”

  Damn, he is still mad he calling me by my government name.

  “We need to talk about us.”

  “I thought Chico’s dick would be in your mouth by now. Anyway, what’s up? You got two minutes.”

  His words hurt my feelings. I wasn’t about to argue because that wouldn’t help. Besides, I had to get some shit off of my chest.

  “Killa, I know you hate me for what I did, but I didn’t do it to hurt you intentionally. I was scared to bring a baby into the world. I have no clue how to take care of another life.”

  “Damn, Nisa, all the girls have kids. They would have taught you. Hell, I would have taught you how to take care of my seed.”

  Killa sat up on the side of the bed with his back towards me. I didn’t want to talk to his back. I wanted to look in his eyes while I poured my heart out. I walked in front of him and got on my knees.

  “That’s what I’m trying to get you to understand. Over the years, you taught me how to cut dope, sell it, make money, and shoot a gun, but you never taught me how to love. I don’t know how to love you or a baby. Don’t get me wrong, you’re all I want, but you married me and expected me to turn into a housewife overnight. All I know how to do is hustle and murk niggas. Please come back home.”

  “Why you didn’t tell me being married was too much I would have got the shit annulled!”

  “I don’t want to get it annulled. I just want us to fix this shit. Look in my eyes and tell me that you don’t love me. If you no longer love me, then I will agree to an annulment.”

  Tears were streaming down my face as I waited for Killa to give me a response. I was scared because I felt like he was going to say something I wasn’t ready to hear.

  “Nisa, I do love you, but I just can’t trust you. Killing my seed without my permission was the ultimate deception. We can try to work it out for the sake of how many years we have invested in this, but I’m not making any promises.”

  “Are you coming back home?”

  “Not right now. I’m not ready for that.”

  I attempted to kiss him but he moved his face. That shit hurt so fucking bad. I got off my knees and walked out of the room. Although he said he wanted to work things out, I’m not so sure he really wants to. In my heart, I know that it’s over between us. I wish he had kept it one hundred with me. Despite his actions, I’m still going to attempt work on my marriage. Nothing beats a failure but to try.

  Chapter 17 - Aja

  I can’t wait for Rahmeek to come home. His flight landed an hour ago so he should be here any minute. I have our whole night planned out. It’s been quite some time since we made love. I have candles lit all over the bathroom and his bath ready for him. I even cooked his favorite dish. Lil Rahmeek is with my mom as usual.

  Rahmeek was taking longer than I expected so I decided to open up a bottle of Rosé. An hour had passed and Rahmeek still hadn’t showed up. I had damn near drunk the whole bottle. I blew all of the candles out in the bathroom and let the bathwater out because it was cold. My phone started to vibrate and looking at the screen. It was Niyah.

  “Hey BFF,” I answered.

  “Aja, I think I’m goi
ng into labor. I keep pissing on myself. I need you to come and take me to the hospital because Hassan not answering his phone.”

  “Oh yes! I’m so happy! My God babies are on the way. I’m on my way right now. Keep calling Hassan until I get there.”

  It took me less than ten minutes to put my clothes on. I did seventy miles per hour getting to my girl. I pulled into the driveway. Niyah was on the porch.

  “Oh my God, Aja! This shit hurts so bad. I swear, Hassan will never fuck me again!”

  I helped her into the car and we were on our way. Her contractions were five minutes apart so I knew the babies would be here before the night was over. I finally got in touch with Hassan and the rest of the crew. As soon as we pulled up to the hospital, the attendants were outside waiting for us.

  Markese, Trish, Boogie, Stacy, Killa, and Nisa were also waiting for us. They had balloons and teddy bears for the babies. The attendants took Niyah right upstairs to labor and delivery. The rest of us sat in the family room waiting for the babies to arrive. Rahmeek finally showed up. I wanted to ask what took him so long, but decided against it. This is a beautiful moment for our family. I’m not going to fuck it up by being insecure, especially since we are back on good terms.

  “Hey Baby, I’m sorry I was late, I had to go by the Courts to pick up some money, Rahmeek said as he kissed me on the cheek.

  “How was your trip?”

  “It was interesting. I have a lot to tell you, but it can wait until we get home.”

  Everybody looked so happy except for Killa. I felt so bad for him. Nisa has really fucked Killa’s head up. I pray they get it together. I’ve known both of them since I was little girl. Their relationship has always been crazy so I’m not surprised about this at all.

  “Hey Aja, give this to Hassan and Niyah. This is for my niece and nephew. I need to take care of some shit at the Towers.”

  Killa handed me two thousand dollars and walked out of the hospital. I saw the pain in his eyes. He walked out and didn’t say a word to Nisa.

  After waiting another two hours, Hassan came out and told us the twins were here. We were allowed to go back to the nursery and look through the glass to see them. Niyah named them Hassan Malik Jones and Hadiyah Malikka Jones. They were so cute. They looked just like Niyah. A middle-aged woman pushed the babies closer to the window so that we could get a better look at them.

  “You see my babies, Big Bro. They beautiful just like their mother.”

  “Congratulations, Lil Bro. Welcome to fatherhood.”

  After seeing the babies, everyone went home except Rahmeek and me. We decided to spend some time with Niyah and Hassan before visiting hours were over. The same nurse came into the room and introduced herself to us.

  “Hello. I’m Ameenah and I am your babies’ nurse. I will take care of them the duration of your stay.”

  The nurse began to take Niyah’s temperature and check her blood pressure.

  “Excuse me, ma’am, what did you say your name was again?” Rahmeek asked.

  “I’m sorry, sir. It’s Ameenah Jones.”

  “Damn, you don’t even know who we are, do you?” Hassan asked.

  The nurse had a look of confusion on her face. “No. I’m sorry. I don’t.”

  “That’s real fucked up. How could you not know your own sons?” Rahmeek said. He got up and walked out Hassan followed behind them.

  “Oh my God. It’s been so long since I saw my boys.”

  Ameenah had to take a seat to gather herself.

  Niyah and I were speechless. I didn’t know what to say to this woman. I wanted to curse her out for hurting my husband, but that was still his mother. She was also my son’s grandmother. There had to be a reason why she left her kids so long ago. The pain in Rahmeek and Hassan’s eyes was evident. When they walked out of the room, they weren’t the gangsters they have become. They were the two little boys whose mother left them at a police station.

  “Ameenah, could you please leave? I really need to find out where my husband is. Please come back when it’s time to do your rounds. We really need to talk about all of this,” Niyah said. Ameenah left the room quietly.

  “This is so fucked up, Niyah. God is testing this family. Every day is some new bullshit in the air. Let me go find out where Rahmeek went. I’m sending Hassan right back up here. He still needs to be here with you and the babies.”

  After kissing Niyah goodbye, I walked out the hospital and found Hassan and Rahmeek in the car smoking a blunt.

  “Are y’all okay?”

  “What the fuck you think, Aja? I just saw my long lost mother and she had no clue who the fuck we were?”

  “I’m sorry. I was just checking on y’all. Let’s go home, baby. You need to get some rest.”

  “I’m good. You go ahead. I’ll be there shortly.”

  Rahmeek drove off and left me standing in the parking lot. I was beat so I went home. I was tired, but I was far from sleepy. I climbed in bed and read the fifth installment to the Rozalyn series. I remembered I had cooked all that damn food so I went to warm some up.

  As soon as I went downstairs, I saw Rahmeek sitting at the kitchen table. He had a fifth of Remy and was drinking it straight while tears flowed from his face. All I could do was hug him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and cried like a baby. Right now, I really want to fuck Ameenah up for hurting him like this. How much more can we take?

  Chapter 18 - Rahmeek

  I have so much hatred in my heart for my mother. On the other hand, I love her so much. She is still so beautiful. She is well over fifty years old but doesn’t look a day over thirty. Her hair is still long and silky. Her golden brown skin still looks the same as it did when I was younger. No wrinkles or crow’s feet in sight. She still wears her favorite perfume, Imari. I smelled it as she walked around Niyah’s hospital room. Over the years, I always wondered what I would say to her if I had the opportunity. I have been sitting outside the hospital all day praying that I see her. Hassan wants nothing to do with her.

  I need to know why she abandoned us. One day we were living a wonderful and happy life. The next, my Grandma Ruby was picking us up at the police station. I believe that’s why we turned to the street life. A piece of us was missing. My grandma tried her best with us and we gave her pure hell up until the day she died. How could she just leave us like that?

  I would shed tears for our mother late at night when I laid in bed. I always had to be strong in front of Hassan. He cried every day for about a year until one day he stopped crying and started raising hell.

  My mind was on all types of shit, but my main focus is getting this money. I have a lot going on in these streets. My crew and I are about to take this shit to another level. These niggas aren’t ready for us. We about to take over the whole city.

  I was about to pull off until I saw my mother exiting the hospital. I hopped out of the car and grabbed her by the arm.

  “Get in we need to talk.”

  She got inside the car without hesitation. “I already know what you want. Everything I did was for you and Hassan. It’s a long story and I would much rather tell both of you at the same time.”

  “In that case, we are having Sunday dinner at Hassan’s crib. We can talk about it then.”

  I gave her my phone number and she exited the car. I couldn’t wait to hear her reason for abandoning her children.

  For the first time in damn near a month, I was at home relaxing with my family. Brooklyn has come to stay with us until Karima gets out of jail. She was arrested for possession of a controlled substance with the intent to deliver.

  She was pulled over for speeding and they searched the car and found the drugs in her purse. The fucked up part about it was that she had my daughter in the car with her. She was already on probation for a previous drug charge. The judge gave her thirty-six months downstate.

  I really thought Karima had changed her ways, but I was wrong. I don’t feel sorry for her. Hopefully this will make her sit down and realize
she needs to be a better parent. I’m glad Aja understood that Brooklyn had to come and stay with us. Aja has finally accepted her and treats her as if she is her own. Lil Rah loves his little sister. He keeps kissing her and trying to pick her up.

  I was glad that both of the kids had finally gone to sleep. Aja has been so attentive to my needs lately despite all my bullshit. I felt so bad about the other night. She went through a lot to make the night special for me. Since the kids were sleeping, I decided to surprise her for a change. I ran her a bath and lit candles in the bathroom. I put some bubble bath and rose petals inside her water.

  “Come here, baby. I got a surprise for you.”

  “Oh really.”

  I carried Aja upstairs to the bathroom and I undressed her. I washed Aja’s body from head to toe.

  “Mmmm, baby that feels so good.”

  I dried her off and carried her to the bed. I rubbed lotion all over her body. As I rubbed her feet, I took each one of her toes into my mouth. I know she is surprised because I have never done that to her before. I parted her legs and I dived in while sucking on her throbbing clit. I swirled my tongue up and down, from side to side, and all around. I inserted two fingers into her pussy as she began whimper and moan.

  “Oh my God. I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you too.”

  I placed myself in between her legs. I inserted my dick into her dripping wet pussy. I pushed deep inside of her and I slowly stroked inside and out of her.

  “Ahhh, that shit feels so good. I love you so much, baby.”

  “I love you too, Aja.”

  After making love for another hour, we both lay there in each other’s arms. It felt so good to be back on good terms with my wife. I need my better half on my team while I’m out getting this money. I’m surprised Aja is still sticking it out with me.


  The following Sunday everyone met up at Hassan’s house for Sunday dinner. Momma Gail cooked a big feast. I was hoping my mother would have been here by now. I haven’t told Hassan that she is coming to his home. He is going to be so angry with me but he will get over it. This shit has to be done immediately. The doorbell rang As soon as we sat down. I excused myself and got up to open the door. I invited her in and showed her to the dining room.


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