Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 2

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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 2 Page 8

by Mz. Lady P

  “What the fuck is she doing here?” Hassan asked as he stood up from his seat causing the chair to fall backwards.

  “I invited her and watch your mouth.”

  “With all due respect, big bro, this is my shit. You should have asked me before inviting her to my crib.”

  The whole room was quiet. Everyone was just looking around.

  “I’m sorry I interrupted your dinner. I think it’s better if I leave.”

  Niyah spoke up. “Please don’t leave, Ameenah. I would love for you to stay and have dinner with us.”

  “This is some bullshit!” Hassan threw a glass up against the wall and went down to the basement.

  “Stop it, Hassan. You are scaring all the kids.” Niyah got up from the table and she took the kids to the playroom.

  Dinner was obviously fucked up so everybody wrapped up their plates and left. Aja stayed and talked with my mother. She looked so nice holding all of her grandchildren. She was smiling from ear to ear, but it was time for me and Hassan to find out where she has been, whether he wanted to or not. I grabbed her hand and escorted her to the basement. Hassan was sitting at the bar throwing back shots. Ameenah and I sat down next to him at the bar.

  “Let’s get this shit over with. I’m dying to know what made you leave us,” Hassan said as he threw back another shot.

  “I want both of you to know I had no choice but to leave. I would do it all over again if it meant no harm would ever come to you. I was living in Miami Florida since the day I dropped you guys off at the police station. Back in the day, it was hard for me to take care of both of you on my own so I took a job as a maid working for the Rodriquez Family. I was also the nanny for their daughter Carmen. It was only after I started I found out that the Rodriquez family was a drug cartel. I started an affair with Juan Rodriquez after working for them for about six months. It was more than just sex. I loved that man with all my heart and he loved me just the same.

  “His wife, Lupe, was a downright evil bitch. Any heroin coming in the city or going out was courtesy of her family. I overheard a lot and saw a lot while I worked in that house. After a year of having an affair with Juan, I became pregnant with my daughter, Anastasia. I thought that Lupe had no idea of our affair but she did. She knew everything. Lupe ordered me to be killed and my baby to be cut from my womb. Juan hid me but Lupe found out about that as well. Lupe came to the hideout and threatened to kill of both you and your grandmother if I didn’t give my daughter to her and Juan to raise as their own. I had no other choice but to agree because Juan assured me that she would be well taken care of. He also promised me that no harm would come to either of you or my mother. I couldn’t live with myself knowing I was the reason my kids and my mother were murdered. After giving Anastasia to Lupe, she went back on her word and ordered me to be killed anyway. I had no choice but to leave Chicago. I feared for my life so I left with no intention of coming back. I only came back because I received this letter from a lawyer here in Chicago.”

  My mother pushed the letter across the bar and we read it silently. It was a notification of unclaimed property and inheritance.

  I sat there trying to take all this in. Juan and Carmen are still a pain in my ass, even in death. I can’t let my mother know of our dealings with the Rodriguez Family.

  “So you’re telling me we have a sister and we don’t know where she is?” I asked as he held his hand over his mouth in disbelief.

  “Yes. You have to help me find her so that she can get what is rightfully owed to her, but first I want to know if you’ll go to the lawyer office with me.”

  “Of course we will go with you. You no longer work at that hospital. You’re moving in here tonight. I’m going to need you close and I’m concerned for your safety. Let me and Rahmeek know where you are at all times. I’m sorry for disrespecting you earlier. I’m really glad you’re back in our life,” Hassan said as he rose up from his seat and kissed her on the forehead and I did the same.

  I have a funny feeling about this. I need to have a sit down with Markese and let him know what my mother just told me. We are supposed to head back to Mexico next month to meet the other families. This is a bad time to find out about this. I’m just glad we know why she left. That puts my mind to ease. Now I can be more focused on getting this money.

  Chapter 19 - Markese

  “Mr. Jackson, I assure you that your wife will not spend a day in jail. The District Attorney does not have enough evidence to file charges against her,” my attorney, Larry Wagner, spoke to me over the phone.

  “I hope so because I pay you a lot of fucking money to keep both of us out of jail.” I hung up the phone.

  I’m glad this shit with Trish is over with for now. I have other shit going on in my life that I must tend to. I’m concerned with the news that Rahmeek gave me in regards to his mother and Juan Rodriguez. We are still going to Mexico to meet with the heads of the families. We have come too far to pass on this opportunity.

  It’s been a minute since I spent time with Aja. I barely see her since she got married. Aja is still my everything. Our relationship has been rocky since the altercation at my house. I decided to invite her out for dinner. I just want it to be her and me. We decided to go to Michael Jordan’s Steak house in downtown Chicago. I arrived at the restaurant before her and I took the liberty of ordering for her. Aja finally arrived and seeing her brought tears to my eyes. She is growing into such a beautiful young woman.

  “Sorry I’m late. I had to wait until Rahmeek came home.”

  “So you’re cool with him having a daughter now?”

  “Yeah. I love my husband. I was wrong for my behavior towards him and you. I know that you were only telling me what was right.”

  “I’m sorry as well. I should have been more considerate of your feelings. I just want to remain neutral in the situation. We have too much money on the line for me and Rahmeek to be beefing.”

  “I know, Markese. I miss your big head butt.” Aja mashed me in the head and we both began to laugh.

  About an hour and half later, we were finished with dinner. Before I headed home, I had to go to the Towers and pick up some money. I walked Aja to her car and we both went our separate ways. It was a Friday night so The Towers was popping. Nisa was busy counting the day’s earnings when I walked into the office.

  I sat down next to her and grabbed the blunt from the ashtray. “What are you still doing here?”

  “I didn’t want to leave without getting everything ready for the first shift. I’m finished now so I’m about to head home.”

  “I’m on my way back to the crib too. I’m just sliding through to get the money.”

  “Alright, I’ll holla at you tomorrow.”

  Nisa walked out the door. I couldn’t help but to look at her. She has gotten real thick over the years. I would never cross that line though. Nisa is like a sister to me. Killa better quit acting like a bitch and go home to his wife.

  I noticed Killa’s 2014 Bentley parked in the parking lot as I walked back to my car. I walked up to the car but I wished I didn’t. This nigga had this new chick he has been fucking with named Remi giving him some head. This nigga is slipping. Killa would have been one dead motherfucker had I been the enemy. Not to mention his wife could have seen his ass. If Nisa had saw this shit, somebody would have been on the way to the morgue, and it wasn’t going to be Nisa. I got his attention when I knocked on the window.

  “What up, Kese?” Killa had a wicked grin plastered on his face.

  “Nigga, your wife just left and you in the parking lot of our headquarters getting some head. She could have seen your ass.”

  “Fuck her!” Killa grabbed the bitch’s head and pushed it back down in his lap.

  I shook my head at him as I walked away. “Killa, you really fucking up right now.”

  Killa got out of the car. “Just a year ago you was in the Towers showing off a whole family you had under your bitch’s nose. I tried to holler at you, but you weren’t tryin
g to hear shit. So don’t even come at me like that.”

  “My nigga, don’t ever disrespect my fucking wife. I’m only giving you a pass this one time because you’re feeling some type of way about Nisa killing your seed. You see where my little fling got my a world of fucking trouble.”

  “I’m sorry for disrespecting Trish. I really didn’t mean it the way it came out.”

  “It’s cool, my nigga. You can’t be out here like this. All these bitches out here would run and tell Nisa some shit in a minute. I’m telling you, go home to your wife. I feel sorry for you if she finds out.”

  “I’m not thinking about Nisa. I will go home when the fuck I get ready. I’m about to leave though. I’ll hit you tomorrow after I do all my drop-offs. I really need to talk to you about this shit. “

  I dapped it up with Killa and drove home to my wife. I was thankful my marriage was doing much better.

  As I drove home, I noticed a black sedan following me. It probably was just the police fucking with me behind that Mont bullshit. I hopped on the expressway and I shook whoever it was. I pulled into our driveway. As I was unbuckling my seat belt, a hooded figure in all black appeared on the driver side and began firing into the car. Instantly I regretted not paying closer attention to who was following me.

  Each bullet entered my body. I never had a chance to get out of the car. I was stuck inside of my seatbelt. The insides of my body were on fire from the bullets. I started getting weaker and weaker. I was trying my best to unbuckle the seatbelt.

  Highlights of my life flashed before my eyes. All the good days accompanied with the bad. I could feel tears in my eyes as Aja, Trish, and my kids’ faces appeared before me with tears in their eyes. Damn I’m not ready to leave them. I have to fight this shit, but the shots seemed to be more than I could handle. My eyes closed as I drifted between heaven and hell.

  Chapter 20 - Trish

  “What the fuck was that loud ass noise?”

  I jumped out of my bed and went to check on the kids, but they were still sleeping. As I walked back to my bedroom I noticed the driveway light was on. Instantly my antenna went up and Markese popped into my mind. I ran down the stairs and flung the front door open.

  “Oh my God! Markese!”

  I ran over to him, collapsed on the ground beside the driver’s side, and cradled him in my arms. Blood was all over his chest and coming from his mouth.

  “Somebody help me please. Please somebody help me!”

  All of my uppity neighbors were on their lawns.

  “Don’t just stand their call a fucking ambulance!”

  I rubbed Markese’s face over and over again. “Please baby wake up. We need you.”

  Looking up I noticed Gabriella holding the baby in her arms and holding Juan’s hand. They were scared and crying. Finally, Rosita appeared from the guesthouse.

  “Oh my God! Senor Markese!” She fell to her knees and started praying in Spanish.

  “Please Rosita! Get my babies out of here. I don’t want them to see their father like this.”

  Rosita grabbed the kids and went into the house. I could hear the police and the ambulance coming in the distance. I sat on the ground and rocked him back and forth.

  “Please don’t leave me. I can’t live without you.”

  The ambulance arrived and the EMTs instantly began to work on him. I just couldn’t let him go. His body was still warm.

  “Please ma’am, you have to let him go. We have to get him to the hospital.”

  They lifted him onto a gurney and placed Markese into the ambulance. When they got inside, I noticed one of the paramedics pounding up and down on his chest. They pulled out of the driveway and I followed in my car. I drove so fast that I beat the ambulance to the hospital. On my way to the hospital, I managed to call Aja and Momma Gail. The security officers escorted me to the Trauma Unit. They had a family room where I could wait to find out Markese’s condition. Waiting in that room was pure fucking torture for any family. No one had made it the hospital yet. I sat in the room by myself with my head down in my hands. The rest of the family had made it to the hospital about thirty minutes later.

  “Let me go, Rahmeek! I want my brother. Please take me to my brother. He needs me right now!”

  Rahmeek entered the room with his massive arms wrapped around Aja.

  “Calm down Baby. They’re going to put you out the hospital if you don’t.”

  Aja slid down the wall onto the floor and sobbed uncontrollably.

  “What the fuck happened, sis?” Rahmeek asked as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled in close.

  “I heard some noise but I didn’t know that it was gunshots. Something told me to look outside and that’s when I found him in the driveway. I tried to help him, Rah, but I couldn’t. My babies saw him on the ground bleeding to death,” I cried on Rahmeek’s shoulder.

  “Don’t even trip. I’m about to get to the bottom of shit. Believe that.”

  Mike had to carry Gail inside the waiting room. “Why aren’t they telling me about my fucking son? I will slap that bitch getting smart with me about my baby!”

  The rest of the crew finally made it to the hospital. Killa, Hassan, Boogie, Rahmeek, and Mike were in deep conversation in the corner. I already knew they were about to go shoot some shit up. These niggas had their fucking guns on them in the hospital.

  I had been crying so much that I didn’t realize that Killa has actually brought a bitch up to the hospital. He is about to be fighting for his life as well. Nisa is one strong woman. I couldn’t believe she was able to sit and watch her husband with another woman. If my heart wasn’t so heavy right now, I would beat Killa’s ass. He is dead wrong for the shit he is pulling.

  Nisa had her poker face on. I love that about her. She never lets anyone see her sweat. I know she is worried about Markese. He is like the brother she doesn’t have. She loves Killa so I know that his behavior is hurting her. A heavyset doctor finally came in to talk to us. I didn’t like the look on her face.

  “Are you the family of Markese Jackson?”

  “Yes!” we all said in unison.

  “I’m Dr. Mohammad and I have been working on Markese. I’m going to be honest with you. It’s touch and go right now. If he makes it through the night, it will be a miracle. His heart stopped twice on the way to the hospital and we were able to revive him. He was shot twice in the chest, in his stomach, and twice in the back. We were able to remove the bullets; however, they did an extensive amount of damage to his body. He lost his spleen and a kidney. The bullets that hit him in the chest caused both of his lungs to collapse. We have inserted a chest tube to keep his lungs from doing this again. Right now, he is not breathing on his own. He has also slipped into a coma. Is he married or is his mother here?”

  “I’m his wife and this is his mother.”

  “I’m sorry that I have to ask you guys this. In the event that his heart stops, Do you want us to resuscitate him or would you like to sign a DNR order?”

  “Please do all you can to help my son.”

  “You do everything in your power to bring my husband back to me. Please make him well. He has three kids at home that need him.”

  Tears streamed down my face as I broke down in Gail’s arms. We all cried and held each other. I was taking this shit hard, but Aja was a complete mess.

  “Can we please see him now?” Aja pleaded.

  “I’m sorry, but not tonight. We are still running tests and trying to get him to stabilize. If anything changes during the night, we will give you all a call.”

  “I’m not leaving so could somebody please go to my house and get me some clothes. Also get the kids and take them to your house, Aja.”

  Everyone left, even Gail and Aja. All this was just too much on everybody. The only thing that kept running through my mind was who could have done this. We live out in the boondocks. No one knows where we stay except the crew. I know none of them would ever go against Markese. They have so much love for each oth

  As I sat in the waiting room trying to doze off, something clicked in my head. Markese had a state of the art security system installed all over our house, including the driveway. I guarantee whoever did it is on camera. I can’t wait until Rahmeek and the rest of the guys come back so I can tell them.

  I was unable to sleep so I paced back and forth. Once the sun came up, I went to the nurses’ station and they allowed me to go to his room. The nurse gave me some scrubs to put on. I was scared as I entered the room. My baby had tubes everywhere. He was swollen to the point where he was unrecognizable. I didn’t want to touch him. All the machines were beeping and it was driving me crazy.

  “Baby, I know you can hear me. Just squeeze my hand, Markese. Give me a sign that you’re still here with me.”

  I laid my head on his chest and cried for what seemed like an eternity. All of sudden the machines started going crazy and all the nurses and doctors rushed in.

  “Oh my God. What’s wrong with him?”

  “His heart is over working itself. He just has to calm down. Look, sweetie, you need to go home and get some rest. I’m working a double shift so I will be with him all day.”

  The nurse gave me her cell number and I walked out the room. It killed me to leave Markese, but I needed to check on the kids. They must be worried sick about their Daddy. Lord knows I am. I have never prayed so hard in all my life.

  I made a visit to the Hospital Chapel. It’s been a long time since I talked with God. After leaving the hospital, I decided against going home. I wasn’t going back to that house until Markese came home. I’m not claiming the fact that he might not make it. My kids were already at Aja’s house. I was glad they were asleep. I am in no mood to answer their questions about their daddy. Lil Markese is too young to know what he saw. Gabriella and Juan are fully aware of what happened.


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