Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 2

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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 2 Page 11

by Mz. Lady P

  Markese never ceases to amaze me. I did as he instructed. Once I arrived back at the hospital, Markese was sitting up and ready to get dressed. Rahmeek, Killa, Boogie, and Hassan were all sitting around. I handed Markese the shopping bags and sat down in a chair next to Killa.

  “Where are Aja and Momma Gail?”

  “They don’t even know I’m woke yet. I’m going to surprise them and check on the kids. I’m in these streets until I get Trish back home safely.”

  We all just sat around waiting for Markese to finish getting ready. My phone started to ring. It was my girl from the police department. She informed me that the car was registered to Lamar Dixon. She emailed me the address to where the car was registered. After getting off the phone, I entered the room.

  “I have good lead on the car that Trish was kidnapped in. It’s registered to a Lamont Dixon. Does that name mean anything to you?” Everyone shook their heads no.

  I received a notification on my phone that let me know that the email had come through. It was an address that was located in the Bronzeville area on the Southside of Chicago. Once I told the crew about the address, we were ready to go and stake out the scene. We rode in three separate cars. I rode with Killa. I kept my head turned looking out of the window. His phone started to ring and he answered. His cell phone was connected to his stereo system so I was able to hear the conversation. My jaws clenched as I heard that bitch’s annoying voice.

  “Hey boo, what you doing?

  “Taking care of business. What’s up?”

  I couldn’t believe this nigga was really talking to this bitch like I wasn’t sitting there.

  “I want to see you tonight, baby.”

  “After I get through handling this business, Imma slide on you.”

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I just started fucking his ass up.

  “Really motherfucker? You gon’ talk to that bitch in front of me.”

  Killa was trying his best to block the blows and steer the car to keep us from crashing. Finally, he just stopped the car in the middle of the Dan Ryan Expressway. This was the final straw for me. Killa forgot that I’m a crazy gun-toting bitch.

  “Get the fuck out my car, Nisa!” Killa pushed me off of him

  “I’m not going no mutherfucking where! I’m your wife and you’re going to start respecting me.”

  Killa grabbed my face and looked in my eyes before he spoke. “I no longer want to be your husband. I want out of this marriage!”

  The look in his eyes let me know that he was dead serious. I was defeated. I had no words left for this man. I grabbed my oversized Birken bag and got out of his car despite being in the middle of the fucking expressway. I managed to make it to the 35th St exit. I stood in front of U.S Cellular field and hailed a cab. I went straight to my new condo.

  Oh Shit! I forgot all about Trish. I placed a call to Markese and let him know about the incident and he understood.

  Chapter 26 - Markese

  As I sat outside this address, I wanted to run off up there and start killing anything in sight. However, I have to be smart about this shit and see what’s really going on. The exterior of the house looked like it was just built. I looked to see if there were any lights on, but it was pitch black. There were cars lined up and down the block so we couldn’t really distinguish if any of the vehicles belonged to whoever resided there. Boogie, Killa, and Hassan were all stationed in the back of the building in case someone came or went.

  “What you want to do, Kese?” Rahmeek asked as he handed me a blunt.

  I took a long drag from the blunt before speaking. “Right now, I’m just trying to see if we will see anybody coming or going. I just want her to get back home safely.”

  “Don’t worry Kese. She gon’ be alright. One thing about Trish she knows how to hold her own.”

  I sat there having flashbacks of our entire relationship; the good times and the bad the times. My kids popped in my head. I swear the tears were about to fall, but I held my composure.

  Rahmeek fired up another blunt. “I know your mind is all on Trish right now, but I have to tell you what happened in Mexico.”

  “Oh damn. I have been out for so long. I forgot all about that shit. How did the meeting go with The Queen?”

  “We are now “The Commission.” any drugs coming in to the city or going out is courtesy of us. No more street level shit. We are strictly pushing weight in the weeks to come. The Queen was so impressed with our work she has decided to give us the key to the city.”

  “That’s what the fuck I’m talking about!”

  I dapped up Rahmeek and we continued to smoke until daybreak. Finally, we abandoned our stake out for the night. We all agreed the next night that we were going in that motherfucker. I’m going in with guns blazing. I’m not spending another minute without Trish.

  When we made it to Rahmeek and Aja’s crib, I was exhausted. My gunshot wounds were not healed. My fucking chest had over two hundred fucking staples in it. Gunshot wounds to the chest aren’t a fucking joke. The entire house was still sleep. Rahmeek went to his bedroom. I just laid there on the sofa. I couldn’t even make it to the guest bedroom.

  “Markese! I’m so happy you’re here. I thought that you weren’t going to make it!”

  Aja had tears running down her face. I hurriedly wiped the tears from her eyes. Every time she cries, it makes me weak. I’m already a broken man without my better half. I didn’t need the waterworks breaking me down any further.

  “I see y’all didn’t have any faith in me, huh?”

  “Did y’all find Trish yet?”

  “Not yet, Aja, but we have a good lead. Don’t worry about that right now. By the way, where Momma and the kids?”

  “I just called her. She is on her way now with the kids.”

  “Call her back. I don’t want to see the kids until I have their mother with me.”

  Aja got up and called my mother back. I could hear my mother cursing me out through the phone. Gail always did have a way with words. I was glad Aja had cooked breakfast. I was hungry as hell.

  As soon as I finished eating, I went into the bedroom and tried to get some rest. I needed to be energized for tonight. Lying there in the bed my mind drifted back to the night I was shot. Up until now, I had never even thought about it. I tried my best to remember that night, but everything kept coming up a blank. I finally drifted off to sleep. When I woke up, it was six in the evening. I looked at my cell phone and noticed I had some missed calls from Nisa. I needed to talk to her and Killa as soon as possible. This shit with her and Killa has to stop. We into some deep shit. Fighting on the expressway is not a good look. They are seasoned veterans in these streets. They know better than to be out in the open like that.

  I had every intention of going back to the house I shared with Trish only to find out that Trish had already put in on the market to be sold. Aja told me that the house had been completely destroyed. I’m glad they didn’t fuck up my cars or get to my safe. I headed over to the property where my cars were being held. I looked over all them to make sure there were no scratches or dents. I chose to drive my Range Rover.

  I called Nisa and let her know that I was on my way to her house. She informed that she had moved to a new condo. As I pulled up to her building, I knew she was paying a grip for this shit. Her doorman ushered me up to her condo and the valet parked my truck for me. Her condo was on the tenth floor. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I twisted the knob and it was open. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I looked around for Nisa and found her in the kitchen.

  “Why you got the door unlocked? It’s too much shit going on right now for you to be slipping.”

  “I just unlocked for you. My security system alerted me that I had a visitor. It’s connected to my iPad so your face showed up on the screen. That’s how I knew it was you.”

  Nisa was sipping on Patron. “Look, I got your messages today. I think it’s best for you and Killa to part ways. It’s fucking up you
r focus in these streets.”

  Nisa handed me a glass of Patron. I knocked it back and poured another shot.

  “I totally agree. He wants out of this marriage. I have been the one holding on knowing in my heart it was over. I just wasn’t ready to let go. If I knew that having an abortion would cause him to hate my guts I never would have gone through with that shit.”

  “Killa will come around. He is just pissed off right now.”

  We continued to knock back shots and reminisce about how far we have all came. The Patron was starting to kick in. I had no business drinking, knowing I only drink Remy. I had to head out to meet up with the crew. I wanted to ask Nisa to tag along, but she was drunk as hell.

  I stood up from the table and started putting on my jacket. “Let me get out of here. It’s getting late.”

  Nisa stood up from the table to show me out. I took notice of her tight fitting yoga pants with a cut off shirt that exposed her washboard stomach.

  “Thank you so much for coming over and keeping me company. I feel a whole lot better now.”

  Nisa stood on her tippy toes in front of me and wrapped her arms around me. We both stood there hugging for a longer period than we should have. Once we let go of each other we looked into each other’s eyes. At that moment, I knew I needed to hurry up and get the fuck outta of there. Before I could walk away, Nisa grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips.

  At any moment, I could have stopped her, but I didn’t. I opened my mouth and she slipped her tongue in. We both continued to kiss each other passionately. Nisa slowly took off my jacket and led me to the couch. My dick was harder than a motherfucker.

  Before I sat down on the couch, I unbuckled my jeans and let them fall to my ankles. Nisa got completely naked in front of me. She leaned down towards me and pulled my shirt over my and began to kiss me all over my chest. She made a trail of soft kisses down the center of my chest where my staples were. Nisa stuck her hand inside the slit in my boxers. My large manhood surprised her. She slowly stroked up and down my shaft. I yanked her down and she straddled me. She sat on my dick without hesitation. I was surprised that she was able to take it all in .I had a firm grip on her ass as she rocked back and forth.

  “Damn you feel so good, Markese,” She purred.

  “You riding the shit out of my dick,” I said as she started bouncing up and down my dick. I slapped her on both of her ass cheeks “Nisa, I’m about to bust.”

  “Ohhh Markese, I’m coming!” she yelled.

  We both came at the same time. We remained on the couch in the same position trying to catch our breath. Nisa had her arms wrapped around my neck and mine were around her waist. She slowly rose up off of me, went to the washroom, and grabbed a wet towel. When she returned, she handed the towel to me. Nisa sat next to me on the sofa and started to get dressed. I did as well.

  “I’m sorry that just happened, Markese. I hope I didn’t ruin our friendship or our partnership.” Nisa looked down in shame as she spoke.

  I lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “Nothing would ever come between us. We both played a big part in this shit. Let’s act like this shit never happened. This stays between you and me. This was the first and last time we will ever fuck. Get some rest. I know you got first shift in the morning. I will call you tonight if we find out anything about Trish.”

  I kissed Nisa on the jaw and left her sitting on the couch, looking even worse than she did when I came. I hopped into my Range and hit the steering wheel over and over again. In my heart, I knew I had fucked up. What type of husband or friend am I? My wife is somewhere with a crazy fucking maniac and I’m out fucking one of our closest friends, not to mention my best friend’s wife. This has the potential for disaster.

  I know what happened would never be mentioned again. Despite us performing such a disloyal act, we both love Trish. We both feel like shit right now. I have put Trish through so much. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of my enemies is holding her captive behind my bullshit.

  I hit the crew up and told them that I was on my way. They were already in route back to the house in Bronzeville. I drove past the speed limit on the expressway trying to get to the location. I had already wasted enough time for the night. For some reason, I felt Trish was in that building.

  I arrived at the building before the others made it. I watched a nigga jog up to the entrance of the door with a hoodie on. Before putting the key inside the door, he removed the hood from his head. I couldn’t believe my fucking eyes. It was Mont.

  There was no doubt in my mind that Trish was in the building somewhere. I wanted to wait for the crew but I couldn’t risk him hurting Trish. I grabbed my nine millimeter and tucked it in my waistband. I hopped out of my car and walked up to the door. It was unlocked.

  With my gun down to my side, I walked down a long hallway that seemed to never end. I tried my best to move around quietly so I could hear voices. The first thing I saw was a flight of stairs that had a small glimmer of light at the top. As I walked up the stairs there were pictures aligning the walls. They were all of Trish. This nigga had been watching her for the longest. Mont was obsessed with my wife.

  Once I made it to the top of the stairs there were pictures of the rest of the crew with dart holes in them. From the look of this set up, there was only a matter of time before he got to the rest of the crew.

  At first, I wasn’t sure who shot me, but now I’m positive it was Mont. Stepping inside of the second floor apartment, I heard a loud slapping sound and the sound of Mont yelling. I inched closer in the direction that the noise was coming from. Once I made to the door, I couldn’t believe what the fuck I was seeing. Lights out nigga.

  Chapter 27 - Trish

  I don’t know how long I have been in this house of horrors. There is absolutely no light in this room. I can’t even see my hand in front of my face. At least Mont had untied my arms and feet. He still hadn’t given me my clothes back. Every now and then, he comes across the screen talking about how we are going to be a family. I just ignore him when he talks to me. I won’t say one word and that is starting to piss him off. I don’t give a fuck what he does to me. I am not going down without a fight.

  As I sat up in the bed with my knees pulled up to my chest, I tried to figure out how I could get out of here. All I do is watch the Investigation Discovery channel. I should be able to think of something, but my mind was so cloudy that I couldn’t think of anything.

  I heard the door opened up and Mont came in. He turned the light on and came into the room with some food.

  “Here, I got you some Applebee’s takeout. Remember when we used to live together? You loved for me to bring you this home.”

  “Mont, I don’t know what the fuck you talking about. We have never lived together. Remember you were supposed to be our friend? Instead, you were against all of us. What the fuck did Markese ever do to you for you to turn against him like that?”

  I never even saw the slap coming. Mont slapped me so hard that I flew off of the bed. My face started to swell immediately.

  “Don’t ever mention that nigga’s name in my presence again. Fuck that nigga. As a matter of fact, I’m sick of playing these games with your ass.”

  Mont yanked me up off the floor by my hair. He pushed me down on the bed. I was lying on my stomach. He tied both of my wrists to the bedposts. I heard him stepping out of his jeans and I knew he was about to rape me.

  “Please Mont; I won’t say his name again.”

  I immediately began to squirm to stop the inevitable

  “Bitch, shut the fuck up. I have fucked you in every hole except that ass. It’s time I break that in.” Mont roughly yanked my ass up in the air and spread my ass cheeks apart.

  I screamed as Mont rammed his entire dick in my ass. The pain was so unbearable I felt like I was about to pass out. I felt wetness all over me. I didn’t know if I was bloody or shitty. From the way he was ramming his dick up my ass, it probably was a mixture of both.

quit moving,” was the last thing I heard before I heard a loud thud. Mont was no longer behind me. I managed to look over my shoulder and Mont was slumped over on the side of the bed. I thought I saw Markese, but the severity of the pain caused me to pass completely out.


  My eyes fluttered as I began to wake up. I looked around the room and noticed Markese sitting in a chair next to the bed. I realized that I was in the hospital. Is this a dream?

  The last time I saw him he was the one in the hospital bed fighting for his life.

  “Markese, baby, is that you?” I reached my hand out to him so that I could feel his touch.

  “Yeah, baby, it’s me. I got you, Trish. That nigga will never hurt you again.”

  Tears were streaming down Markese’s face as he placed his head on my chest. Tears of joy and pain welled up in my eyes as I tried to wrap my mind around the fact that my husband was alive and well. The reality that Mont had raped me again consumed me. I just prayed that Markese knew I didn’t go to him willingly.

  “How long have I been here? I just want to go home and get my kids.”

  “You’ve been here a little over week. You have some scarring back there, but I don’t see why you can’t leave. I’mma call Aja and have her bring you some clean clothes. Let me get the doctor so I can get you released.”

  Markese kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. I couldn’t believe it. God had brought me and my husband back together. I hoped and prayed God would continue to watch over our union. About an hour later, Markese came back and picked me up. I was still sore so he had to help me get dressed. Once I was fully dressed, we left the hospital.

  “Baby, our house is in the opposite direction. Where are we going?”

  “Just sit back and chill. There is something I want you to see. As soon as we’re done, I will take you straight home.”

  Markese grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. We continued to drive for about forty-five more minutes. We pulled into a parking lot of an abandoned warehouse. Markese got out and helped me out of the passenger side door. As I walked into the warehouse, I saw the entire crew standing around in a circle dressed in all black holding steel baseball bats. The sounds of chains rattling above me caused me to look up. Mont was dangled from the ceiling by his legs. I immediately turned my head away. Markese grabbed my face and made me look at what was left of him.


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