Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 2

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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 2 Page 12

by Mz. Lady P

  “Why did you bring me here? I don’t want to ever look at him.” I buried my head into Markese’s shoulder in an attempt to cover up my eyes. Markese grabbed the sides of my face and placed a sensual kiss on my lips.

  “I brought you here so that you can finish his bitch ass off. He violated you one too many times. It’s only right I let you torture his bitch ass! ”

  Mont started to make gurgling noises as he tried to speak, but his words were inaudible. This only enraged Markese. He grabbed a two by four off the floor and started beating Mont with it. Rahmeek, Nisa Killa, Boogie, and Hassan joined in and started beating him with steel bats.

  As the bats connected with his various body parts, I could hear the sounds of his bones cracking. Blood and brain matter was everywhere. He was still breathing but barely. I realized he wasn’t suffering enough. A sharp pain shot up my anus and flashbacks of him ripping me a new hole angered me. I looked around the warehouse and found a large push broom with a steel handle. I grabbed it and walked into the middle of the circle. I wanted my face to be the last face he would see. I tried to look him in the eyes, but they were hanging out of the sockets. Rahmeek and Markese caught on to what I was about to do. They held him in a position that would allow me to inflict the same pain he inflicted on me. I took that stick and rammed it up his ass. He made an attempt to scream but the nothing came out. After a couple of minutes, he took his last breath.

  “Cut that nigga down. I’m not finished yet,” Markese said.

  Rahmeek and Killa cut Mont down and Markese dragged him to the wood chipper. Nisa and I stood there as the guys pushed his body inside. That was the most horrific shit I had ever seen, but I was satisfied with his ending.

  The crew jumped into their cars and went their separate ways. Markese and I went straight to Aja’s house to get our kids. This was a happy moment for both us. I hadn’t seen the kids in two weeks and Markese hadn’t seen them in two whole months.

  “As soon as we entered the house, Gabriella and Juan ran straight to Markese. They knocked him on the floor and was hugging and kissing all over him.

  “Hey Daddy we missed you so much,” Gabriella said.

  “Daddy missed you too. I will never leave you guys again.”

  “I see y’all didn’t miss me, huh?”

  “Uh-huh Mommy, we did miss you, "Juan said as he came over and wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly.

  “Look who just woke from his nap,” Momma Gail said as she handed Lil Markese to his Daddy. I went over and planted kisses all over his face. After while, we went home to the condo I had purchased right before my kidnapping. Once again, we were all under one roof. My family was complete. What more can a woman ask for? God has answered all my prayers and more.

  Chapter 28 - Aja

  One month later

  I can’t believe today is our one year anniversary party. This past year has been full of ups and downs, but we made it. I’m glad to say that Killa and Nisa have decided to reconcile. I’m actually happy they are trying to work it out. This family would be incomplete without all of us being together.

  Since our husbands’ street status has climbed, we have to be more cautious than ever. Instead of having a big anniversary party at a club, we decided to have it at our house with just us and our children. It’s only the family in our eyes so we really don’t need any outsiders. I had professional decorators come decorate the entire house in all white linen. We all dressed in white as well. The backyard was also decorated and filled with all of our favorite flowers. I was in no mood to cook so all of the food was catered from MacArthur’s.

  All the girls wore flowers in our hair like Billie Holiday and the guys wore flowers on their shirt. Everyone sat around toasting to the good life. I loved the fact that Rahmeek and I had our mothers in our lives. They have become the best of friends and that is a beautiful thing. My mother is so in love with Mike. I’m still getting used to the fact that Markese and I are his children. Since coming into our life, he has been the best father in the world. He is everything I imagined a real father would be.

  As we were finishing dinner, the doorbell rang. I was surprised because weren’t expecting any company. I excused myself and went to answer it.

  “Hello? Can I help you, sir?”

  “Yes, I’m Chico. Is the man of the house home?”

  “Hi. I’m his wife, Aja. Come on in. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  I escorted him out to the backyard. Rahmeek, Killa, Hassan, and Boogie stood to their feet. I really didn’t understand why they did this, but the look on Rahmeek’s face let me know he was unhappy about his presence.

  “I’m sorry I showed up unexpected. However, it was urgent. I couldn’t wait,” Chico said as he walked towards the bar and poured him a shot of Patron.

  “Damn Chico! It’s our anniversary. Can’t this shit wait until tomorrow?” Rahmeek asked.

  “Milyana needs to see you as soon as possible and we both know The Queen never waits.”

  I was lost because I had no fucking idea what was going on. Who is the Queen?

  “Look, just let her know we will take a trip to Mexico in the morning,” Markese said.

  Chico poured himself another drink as he twirled a toothpick around in his mouth. “She only wants to see Rahmeek.”

  The wheels in my head were starting to turn. Why the hell does she only want to see my husband? If I find out there is some fishy shit going on, I swear, I will be done with Rahmeek. Especially since I’m pregnant with his child. I will not be stressed out like I was when I was pregnant with my son.

  “She has no other choice. I will not leave my wife on our anniversary. The business that we have to conduct can wait until tomorrow.”

  “I’ll relay the message.”

  Chico knocked back another shot and headed towards the door. As he was exiting the door, Stacy was coming back outside holding a tray of glasses. As soon as Chico walked past her, she dropped the entire tray. He never even turned around to see what caused the noise.

  “Baby, are you okay? Boogie said as he tried to shake Stacy out of a daze.

  “I can’t believe they found me. I thought this shit was over. Look, I got to go Boogie. I can’t stay here. If I stay here, we are all dead. I can’t have that shit on my conscience.” Stacy began to back out of the door with tears in her eyes.

  “Who found you? What the fuck you mean we all gon’ be dead?” Boogie was yelling and making Stacy cry even more.”

  “I love you Boogie, but I can’t tell you.”

  “Bullshit! Sit your ass down and enlighten all of us since your secret has the potential to harm this family. We welcomed you into our family with open arms because we trusted you. Now what the fuck is going on?” I yelled. I wasn’t playing with Stacy. I wanted to know every fucking thing.

  Stacy poured herself a shot and sat down at the table and we all did the same. I couldn’t wait to hear this. If it ain’t one thing, it’s another.

  Chapter 29 - Stacy

  “Stacy! You’re really pissing me off right now. What the fuck is going on!” Boogie yelled as he stood in front of me.

  “Okay, okay! Calm down. I have to start from the beginning in order for you guys to understand why I’m so scared for all of us. Just so you all know, I never meant to bring any harm to your doorstep.

  “For starters, my name is not Stacy. It’s Anastasia Rodriquez. My birth mother was the maid for the Rodriquez Drug Cartel. While she worked for them, she had an affair with Juan Rodriquez. His wife couldn’t deal with the fact that my mother was pregnant by her husband so she wanted me as her own. In order to keep us alive she handed me over to Juan and Lupe. They were supposed to raise me as their child. Instead, I was used as a drug mule for their drug operation. The older I got, the more I smuggled. Lupe made me swallow balloons of heroin. She also inserted them into my anus. While all of this was happening to me, her precious daughter Carmen is being treated like the fucking Queen of Sheba.”

�Wait a minute. Did you say Carmen?” Trish said with a look of surprise on her face.

  “Yeah. Carmen is the reason I know so much about my past. Carmen is my sister on my father Juan’s side.”

  “Boogie, I don’t know if you remember, but when we met I had just came back from a drug run from Mexico. That night we met up was the happiest day of my life. No one had ever loved me or paid attention to me the way you did. I made sure to keep in contact with you, especially after finding out how horrible your childhood was as well. I know you thought I just up and stopped fucking with you, but that wasn’t the case. On one of my trips from Mexico, I must have ingested too many balloons of heroin. I became violently ill on the plane and passed out on board. When the plane landed, I was rushed to the hospital. After waking up from a coma I was under arrest for drug trafficking. DEA agents were all around my room. I just knew I was about to spend the rest of my life in prison. Luckily for me, the government gave me an offer I simply couldn’t refuse. Give up the person who made me smuggle the drugs. I did that shit with no problem. I wanted to get away from that fucking family from hell. I was only nineteen when I testified against Lupe. Her ass didn’t get one day in jail. They simply deported her back to Mexico. That’s how Juan became head of the Chicago faction. All his drugs came from her family in Mexico.

  “I went on the run and never looked back. The only reason I came back here was for you. I was tired of that family being in control of my life. This was my last chance at being with the only man I ever loved and I wasn’t going to pass that up.”

  “So what made you drop the tray when you saw Chico leaving?” Rahmeek asked.

  “That’s not his name.”

  “Hold the fuck on. Stacy. What you mean that’s not his name?” Markese said.

  “His name is EL Verdugo. It means the executioner. That’s Lupe’s right hand man. If there is one thing I’m sure of, he didn’t even know who I was. If he did, he would have killed me right then and there.”

  I waited for someone to say something but everyone just sat there speechless. Rahmeek, Hassan, and Ameenah had tears streaming from their eyes. I ran over to them.

  “Oh my God. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you guys.”

  “I haven’t seen you since you were two weeks old, Anastasia. You are still as beautiful as the day I gave birth to you.” Ameenah moved strands of my hair from my face and kissed me on the cheek.

  “What is this? Some type of sick joke?” I looked at Hassan and Rahmeek and they both shook their head no.

  “It’s true. Stacy, you’re our sister. We just found our mother. We never knew we had a sister until she told us about two months ago. The only person who knew was Markese. We didn’t want to tell everybody until we found where you were,” Rahmeek said as he and Hassan pulled me into their embrace and hugged me tightly.

  As I looked around everybody was crying. I couldn’t believe all this time I was right where I belonged. For the rest of the night I got better acquainted with my mother and my brothers. Everybody seemed so happy for me, except the one person who was supposed to be--my husband.

  Chapter 30 - Rahmeek

  Knowing that Stacy is in fact our sister makes me complete. It bothers me to know that my mother and sister have endured so much pain at the hands of the Rodriquez family.

  After the festivities were over, I called a meeting at the warehouse. I usually would call a meeting at the house, but I don’t want to risk Aja hearing what’s going on. Since it what late everyone decided to spend the night at our house. We had more than enough room, plus Stacy and my mother wanted to spend more time together. I was more comfortable with leaving them alone since the house was full of family. I was sitting in the warehouse contemplating what my next move was. I prayed the crew didn’t think that I was crazy. The wheels were turning in my head and I had to let the crew know what was up.

  “Rah, let’s get this shit on the road. I’m sleepy,” Trish said.

  “You might as well wake up. It’s about to be a long night.”

  “Oh shit, this nigga up to no good,” Hassan said as he pulled a chair up to the table.

  “I have been thinking about what Stacy told us about Chico and something ain’t right. If Chico is not who he say he is then Milyana Santiago is not who she says she is. Those motherfuckers have been plotting on us since the jump.”

  “Wait a minute; you met Chico before we even got into business together.”

  “That’s just it. Out of all the niggas we were locked up with, He chose me to move weight for him on the inside. I didn’t know him, but he already knew who I was. If Chico is Lupe’s right hand man, He has some type of ties to Carmen. She had to tell him about me In order for him to even approach me or feel comfortable with giving us the weight he has been giving us.”

  “I’m not trying to be rude. Please tell me what do I have to do with all of this?” Trish asked with a confused look on her face.

  “Let me ask y’all something. Back when Markese and I were locked up for that Juan and Carmen shit. Did y’all make sure she was dead?”

  “What the fuck you trying to say, Rah?” Killa asked with a mad look on his face.

  “Exactly what the fuck I said. Are you sure she was dead? Did anyone follow you? All of our lives and freedom ride on that bitch being in that coffin.”

  “There is no way she made it out, Rahmeek. We buried her alive,” Trish added as she sat fidgeting in her chair.

  “How in the fuck are we going to find out if she’s in there or not?” Boogie asked, looking visibly frustrated.

  “There is only one way to find out. Ya’ll go dig up the grave and see,” Markese said as he walked towards a utility closet and started pulling out shovels.

  “Oh hell no! I’m not digging up any damn bodies. I’m too fucking pretty for all that shit,” Trish said with a serious look in her face.

  “I love you, baby, but there is no other choice. Y’all buried the bitch so you have to dig her up. Rahmeek and I will stand watch.”

  We all left the warehouse and jumped into our cars. The drive to the cemetery was long as hell. For a minute, I thought they didn’t remember where they buried her. We were constantly driving around in circles.

  Once we found the plot, we immediately got to work. Everyone grabbed a shovel and began to dig up Juan’s grave. It took them about two damn hours to finally make it to the concrete slab that covered the coffin. Markese and I ended up having to help get the coffin open.

  “That shit smells horrible. I think I’m going to be sick.” Trish said as she turned around and vomit sprayed from her mouth.”

  Looking into the coffin, my worst fears were confirmed. Carmen was not in the coffin, but Juan’s rotten corpse was. The cloth that was around her mouth and rope that was tied around her wrists was still inside. She had help getting out of the coffin. I had a pretty good idea who it was-- Chico.

  “Now what Rah?” Nisa asked, sitting on top of one of the other headstones.

  “We need to find out where the fuck Carmen is and fast. We need to get back to the crib and get the girls and the kids in a safe place. If that bitch is on the loose, ain’t no telling what the fuck she is up to. Get some rest tonight. First thing in the morning, we are going to Mexico and murk Milyana and Chico.”


  I needed to get home to Aja and my kids quick as possible. I also need to come clean about cheating on her with Milyana. I should have told the crew about my little discretion, but I couldn’t say shit in front of Nisa or Trish. I would never hear the end of it. It took us about thirty minutes to arrive at the house. As soon as we entered, I wished we had never left in the first place.

  Aja, Niyah, Stacy, Gail, and my mother were all tied up to chairs and their mouths were duct taped. All the kids were in the middle floor crying their eyes out.

  “Look at what the fucking cat drug in. It’s nice to see you again, Rahmeek. It’s even nicer to see the rest of you motherfuckers, especially since the last time I saw you
, you were burying me alive. Thank God Chico rescued me.” Milyana said, holding a hot pink Desert Eagle in her hand.

  “What the fuck are you talking about Milyana?”

  “Do me a favor and call me Carmen.”

  All of us were in complete and total shock. Milyana was actually Carmen. This whole time this bitch has been right up under our noses. I can’t believe I fucked this bitch.

  “Surprised huh? I know I look different. My plastic surgeon is wicked with a knife. I have a new face, but my pussy is still the same. I knew you had no idea from the way you made love to me in Mexico.” Carmen had an evil grin on her face as she moved closer to my face.

  “Bitch, you better kill me because I’m definitely murking your ass first chance I get,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Oh I’m sorry, did I spill the beans? I guess you never told anyone about our little deal.”

  “What motherfucking deal?" Killa asked.

  “In exchange for one night of passion with him, you all could keep the one million dollars I wanted for the heroin field. He went along with it. I must say the dick was even better than before.” Carmen said as she licked her lips seductively.

  I looked over at the crew and I saw disappointment in their eyes. I wish I had told them sooner. Now it looks like I was on some snake shit. I glanced over at Aja and I saw the pain and disgust in her eyes. Tears were streaming down her face. I had to look away before I started crying. I know she is not only hurt but embarrassed as well.


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