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Sapphire Angel

Page 3

by Khloe Wren

  When he released her mouth, he whispered against her lips, "You have no need to be embarrassed. I know you need to come. I just want to hear you say the words. I want to hear you say you need me to pleasure you, to love you. I will not penetrate you until I claim you, but I can give you so much pleasure before then."

  She still had trouble forming the words. Her body was on fire from his touch and his voice. The thought of having him deep inside her made her womb clench in anticipation. She groaned as her body continued to heat up. She looked up into his gaze and was instantly mesmerized by what she saw there. His need to hear her say the words was deep. She couldn’t refuse him.

  "I need you, Angelo, I need you to ease this ache I have."

  She watched as a wide grin spread over his face and his eyes began to sparkle with happiness. He moved so his body was over the top of hers with his weight supported by his arms, which were now on either side of her head. He lowered and kissed her mouth with such passion and heat she pressed her thighs together in an attempt to ease the increased ache. She drove her hands into his thick silky hair and gripped him to her as she returned his heated kiss.

  He pulled away from her slightly to trail kisses over her jaw line and down her neck. When he nipped at her collarbone, her whole body shuddered as it simmered closer to boiling point. Her hands gripped his head tight again as he sucked one peak into his mouth and began to torment it. He moved back and forth between her breasts, laving her flesh before teasing her now sensitive nipples.

  She felt him move his weight back onto his legs as he raised his hands from the bed. He pushed her breasts together and pulled both nipples into his mouth and delivered one hard suck. The pleasure-pain ran straight through her body like a freight train. It tipped her over the edge and she shivered as an orgasm took over.

  "You look so sexy when you come, piccola. I can’t wait to see you do it again."

  Darcy shook her head in an attempt to clear it. Did he say again? She’d rarely had an orgasm in the past—certainly never with a man just playing with her breasts—and when she did, it was a onetime event.

  "I’ve never—I can’t do it again."

  "You can, and you will. Again and again and again."

  Chapter Three

  Angelo chuckled at the shocked expression on his Eternal Bride’s face. A human would never have been able to stimulate her like he could. She’d probably rarely climaxed with her lovers in the past. She would always have multiple climaxes with him. He would accept nothing less than his bride being fully sated after their lovemaking.

  Before Darcy had time to think herself out of it, he lowered his head again and ran the flat of his tongue over each tip, circling each of her hard little buds. He then crawled down her body, nipping at her ribs on his way down. Pride swelled as she shuddered with each nip. He could smell her arousal and knew he would easily bring her to climax again—he couldn’t wait to taste her, to have her cream coat his tongue as she had an orgasm. He nipped her hipbone then kissed his way down the crease between her thigh and torso until he made his way to her sexy smooth mound.

  "I love you are bare, piccola. I can see you glistening with your arousal for me."

  He growled low in his throat as he watched her get wetter from his words. Unable to wait any longer and taste the woman lying before him, he licked her from slit to clit and back again. He heard her gasp and looked up her body to see her arch her back and fist the sheets in both her hands. She looked like a goddess laid out before him with her breasts thrust up and her back arched.

  He lowered his body onto the bed and moved his arms around her legs so he could reach up and tweak her nipples. At his first touch she arched further into his hands and a fresh gush of liquid left her core. Massaging her lush breasts, he lowered his mouth and began to torment her in earnest. Diving his tongue in and out of her slick opening before moving up to flick the tip over her clit. She soon began to thrash around on the bed so he released her breasts and gripped her hips in a firm grasp so she couldn’t escape what he was doing to her.

  He had never felt as content as he did the moment she screamed his name as she went into orgasm, filling his mouth with her sweet nectar. He kept at her, removing one hand from holding her hips so he could thrust two fingers into her still convulsing channel as he tongued her clit. He continued gently, slowly until her climax passed, then he stepped up his ministrations. He curved his fingers forward, rubbing up and down her walls until he found that special spot. She sucked in a breath as he found it. With a sly grin he rubbed at her G-spot and watched as she thrashed her head on the pillow.

  Without slowing his thrusting fingers, he covered her clit with his mouth again, flicking it once, twice before sucking it hard and fast into his mouth. She shuddered and he felt her channel constrict around his fingers. Oh, she was close. So very close. He sucked her clit in to his mouth again and gently bit down, careful to not break the skin. She flew into climax in seconds. He gently laved over her clit with his tongue as he watched her entire body come off the bed as it tensed in her climax. She looked so sexy with sweat-slicked skin flushed with her arousal. Her eyes closed and her mouth parted on a soundless scream. He slowed his fingers, leaving her now over sensitive G-spot then gently pumped them in and out of her body as she began to settle down from her high.

  He moved up over her body, kissing and laving her skin as he went. When he reached her neck, he removed his fingers from her body. He pulled away from her slightly as he raised his hand and licked each digit clean. She shuddered beneath him as she watched, gaze glued to his mouth, as he cleaned her sweet nectar from his skin. When he was done he leaned in and kissed her deeply, passionately. She returned his kiss, winding her hands into his hair and holding him close—like he would want to be anywhere else.

  He slowed the kiss until he was just sipping at her lips then he stopped the kiss all together and stroked her face. Touching, learning every inch with his fingertips. He watched as her eye lids fluttered shut and her breathing leveled out. He loved that he had pleasured her so well that she’d fallen asleep. He pulled the quilt back over the bed and them as he settled in; spooning up against the now deeply sleeping and very sated looking Darcy.

  ~ * ~

  Karl ran his hands through his hair and tugged at it, hoping the stimulation would somehow make his brain think of a solution. The Elders were going to kill him over this if he couldn’t fix it. When he’d sensed a vampire hanging around Chapel Street six years ago he’d spent weeks trying to work out whom he was guarding. Karl knew, it had to be the vampire’s Eternal Bride, but which of the many women was it? Eventually he’d found her, her unusual sapphire blue eyes giving her identity away. All Brides had unusual irises. Colored like gemstones, most were very different to normal human eye color.

  Karl was no match for a vampire, no human was. Even Elder Nobles couldn’t beat one in a fair fight. The only way to take down a vampire was through his bride. They needed to weaken him by removing his access to his Bride’s blood. Then they would use his Bride as bait to lure the vampire into a trap.

  He’d told the Elders about the woman, Darcy, and they had told him to woo her. Make her move in with him so he could watch her for them. He thought it would only be until she turned twenty-three. Which had been three years ago and still the Elders expected him to watch over her. He didn’t love Darcy. She wasn’t his type at all. He’d taken to spending time with women he did fancy, in and around Darcy’s work schedule. She was very predictable with her hours and he’d easily carried on more than a few affairs over the last couple of years.

  Damn it! Why had she come home early on Christmas Eve? It was so unlike her. He sighed heavily as the significance of the date hit him. It was the day of their five-year anniversary, and she’d probably wanted to surprise him with something. She’d surprised him all right. Shocked the hell out of Linda too, whom he’d neglected to tell, was the 'other woman'. She’d dressed and stormed out moments after Darcy. So, here he sat, three days late
r and he still couldn’t find any sign of Darcy. He’d checked all the bars down Chapel Street for the next couple of nights, and rung around all the hotels. One hotel thought she’d checked in on Christmas Eve, but she’d checked back out again later that night. He could only assume her vampire had found her and claimed her.

  He looked at his phone and shuddered. He was just a low level Noble. A nobody. He didn’t want to have the Elders come after him; that would be worse than if he went to them and admitted his crime. He slowly picked up the phone and dialed the call which could well be his last.

  "Karl, you have phoned to report in? You are a day late, my boy."

  Shudders ran through his body as the deep accented voice cut through his mind like a knife. The Elder Nobles had great power, even their voices over the phone held a considerable amount of it.

  "Apologies, Elder. I had—I had an issue I was hoping to solve before I reported in."

  "An issue? Explain yourself."

  "The bride has gone. I cannot find Darcy anywhere. I can only assume the vampire has taken her."

  "You should have told us as soon as she disappeared. How many days has she been gone?"

  As the Elder spoke his power surged through the phone, immobilizing Karl as pain racked his body and mind. He fought against the pain and after a minute or so it eased to a level he could talk.

  "Th-three days, Elder."

  There was silence on the other end. For a few moments, all Karl could hear was his own heart beating in his ears. He started praying for a quick death.

  "If you were not needed to retrieve the bride, you would be dead. You have but one chance to redeem yourself and earn back your life. You must locate her. You do not need to acquire her, just locate her. We shall do the rest. Of course, if you do manage to capture her, there will be a nice bonus for you. She took her phone with her I assume?"

  "Yes, she always has her phone. She's just not answering it."

  "Use the GPS tracking in the phone to locate her. Call me when you know exactly where she is. Failure in this will cost you your life."

  With a click the call ended. Karl dropped the phone onto the couch next to him and scrubbed his face. How the hell did he get a hold of GPS tracking information on her phone? His body was still aching from the Elder’s punishment so he decided to have a shower. Maybe the hot water would help get his mind working too.

  He stepped under the spray and began cleaning his body. As he washed his hair he remembered his buddy from high school, the one who’d gone into private investigation work. He’ll able to help him, at a price. But with his life on the line, the money would be well spent. With a rough plan now in place, he quickly finished his shower so he could begin tracking down Darcy and removing the noose from around his neck.

  ~ * ~

  Darcy ducked her head below the water and pushed off from the wall. Stretching her arms above her head she began swimming freestyle up to the other end of the pool. Swimming had always been in her blood. She’d loved the water since she was a baby. One of her foster mothers had received funding to take her to lessons at two and half years old and she’d never stopped. She focused on her muscles, feeling them contract and stretch for each stroke. She could feel the tension flow from her into the water then her mind relaxed and began to wander.

  She had been living in this penthouse apartment with Angelo for three days. He was being very patient with her. The no sex thing was beginning to wear on her nerves. Every night he would pleasure her until she’d come so many times she’d just about pass out from the bliss. He still hadn’t let her touch him. He’d told her if she touched him, he’d come, and if he came, he wouldn’t be able to resist claiming her.

  She knew, all she had to do was agree to the claiming and he’d bonk her into next week, just like she wanted him too. Just thinking about having him slide inside her had her missing a stroke. Quickly she lowered her feet to stand up as she’d begun to sink. She slicked her hair back from her face and wiped the water from her eyes.

  "You swim so perfectly, Darcy. I wonder what was going through your mind to make you falter..."

  Her eyes flew open as Angelo spoke.

  "How long have you been there?"

  "Long enough, piccola. I love to watch you swim. You look so graceful and elegant as your body glides through the water."

  She watched as he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his sexy muscled abs and pecs. He lowered his pants and with just his boxer briefs remaining he started down the pool steps. Her breathing hitched as she watched him prowl toward her. He looked like a predator stalking his prey.

  When he reached her, he pulled her into him so their bodies were pressed together. He lowered his lips to hers and devoured her mouth until she was breathless. He ran his fingers in circles over her wet back as he kissed his way over her jaw line and up to her ear.

  "Come to Italy with me, Darcy."

  "Why? What's in Italy?" Her brain was fogged with passion and she couldn’t think clearly.

  "My family is there, and my home. Our home. You said you wanted to learn about me, so come to Italy and meet my parents and family. I have no doubt they will fill you in on every embarrassing thing I’ve ever done."

  Darcy tried to hide her reaction to his casual comments about happy families. She’d been abandoned to the foster care system and had no idea who her real family was. She had no one who could tell Angelo stories about her.

  She obviously failed at hiding her sudden sadness as Angelo pulled back and cupped her face in his hands then looked into her eyes.

  "What’s wrong Darcy? If you really don’t want to go, we don’t have to."

  "It’s not that. I want to go. I do. It’s just I’ve never had a family. I was abandoned at a hospital as a baby with a note stating my first name and date of birth and nothing else. I was raised in foster homes but none of them really took me into their families. I don’t have anyone that can tell you stories about me."

  She closed her eyes as she felt tears leave them. She wanted to turn away and hide beneath the water where it was safe, but he wouldn’t let her. She felt the soft cool skin of Angelo’s thumbs pass over her cheeks, wiping away her tears. She tried to pull away again.

  "Please open your eyes, Darcy. Don’t hide from me. I want all of you, even your tears."

  His lovely words wrapped around her heart, but could she believe him? He’d done nothing to indicate she couldn’t trust him. She opened her eyes and looked into his. She could see her pain reflected in them, as if her pain really was his too.

  "You have family now, piccola. You’ll never again be alone. My family will all welcome you in so quickly, you’ll feel like you’ve been a part of us forever."

  He leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead before he lowered his arms and pulled her back in for a tight hug.

  She rested her ear against his chest, listened to his strong heartbeat, as she wrapped her arms around his waist. She allowed herself a moment or two to soak in Angelo’s love for her. She knew he loved her. He’d had five years to fall in love, but she’d had three days. She still needed time. Maybe once they were in Italy she would be able to settle down and accept that his claim on her was real.

  She nuzzled against his chest and chuckled as his nipple hardened beneath her cheek.

  "When do you want to fly out?"

  "I need to make some calls to see when we can get a flight. I have to make sure the plane is equipped with a vampire friendly room."

  "Oh, of course. There’s no way of flying that far without catching daylight somewhere is there?"

  "No, unfortunately. Thankfully most airlines have added special rooms for us."

  Chapter Four

  Karl watched the little dot flicker on his laptop screen, finally she was moving. His old buddy had come through and got him a link to Darcy’s GPS tracker but she hadn’t moved from the Docklands since he’d opened it up days ago. He’d checked out the area and she had to be in one of the fancy high rise apartm
ents. No way could he just go door knocking until he found her, so here he sat waiting for her to leave.

  He watched the little dot move away from the Docklands, it sped up and headed toward the freeway, obviously in a car. He watched the dot turn onto the Tullamarine Freeway to head toward the airport. Oh hell no! He was not going to lose them to a plane. He grabbed his keys, and with his laptop, he ran to his car and headed off after them.

  As he drove up the freeway he managed to get the GPS tracker program to work on his phone. He couldn’t go walking around Melbourne Airport with a laptop open and a tracker program running. The cops would pick him up before he made it through the security checkpoint. He then rung the Elders and informed them that Darcy was heading to the airport and he was on his way to capture her. The Elder told him how he wanted it to go down. His life was nearly his own once again.

  He pulled into the short-term parking and made his way toward the entrance for the Melbourne International Airport. Darcy’s little dot indicated she hadn’t moved past security yet. Karl hoped she was still at the luggage check in desk. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to get to her if she had passed into the customs area.

  Choosing the door on the far left he walked behind a couple of corporates to enter the terminal. Scanning the check in lines he spotted Darcy and her vampire totally engrossed in each other and not watching their surroundings. Grateful the area was crowded, he moved to stand out of their line of sight but still near enough to hear what they were saying. He needed information in the hopes he could think of something to do before they checked in.

  "We’ll board the plane first so we can be secured in the safe room before all the others board. At least, that is what normally happens."

  "I’ve never flown before. I'm a little nervous."


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