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Heartless (The Raiford Chronicles)

Page 8

by Janet Taylor-Perry

  "How does this connect to Robert?" Forks clinked on plates as they talked. Baker's voice ordered a refill of tea for both him and Chris.

  "It's possible Robert is the kid's sperm donor. Robert refused a paternity test. The next name will explain a lot. Prick your finger and write this in blood. Even if she didn't kill anybody, the bitch needs to just go away. Are you ready?" He snarled the name. "Mia Godchaux."

  "Mia?" Chris coughed as the shock made her choke on the swig of tea she had taken.

  "Yeah. Parker is her son. Are you beginning to get the idea? I met the boy yesterday, just after you left. I took the paternity test. Chris, the kid is mine. I'm sure of it."

  "Why would Mia be a suspect?" The detective flipped her notepad closed.

  "She apparently got into drugs. The court took Parker from her several times. She's never taken care of the child, even before he was born. I've read his birth records. Barely over five pounds and probable drug withdrawal at birth. I just know Mia smoked the whole damned time, if not something harder. Even now, Parker is small and very under nourished. While she was in and out of rehab and jobs, he was in and out of foster homes and juvenile detention. Maybe in her drugged-out brain, it was her way of being a mother."

  "Wow!" exclaimed Chris. "Does Larkin know about Parker?"

  "Of course she does." Ray gave a little laugh. "She insisted we find him last night and bring him home. He's with her right now. I'd put money on her having made him French toast this morning. She’s already gone shopping for new clothes for him. You know how she is with kids and lost causes like Raif, Dupree, and me. My kids stayed at your house last night because Larkin sprang a little surprise of her own. I hope you're still seated. We're pregnant."

  Chris snorted a laugh. "Well, happy Father's Day!"

  Ray leaned back a bit in his chair. Why does talking with Chris always help me clear my mind and think straighter? He lifted one shoulder to his ear. She's my BFF—that's why. Raif's my twin, but Chris always remains impartial. She tells me just what she thinks, no matter if it hurts my feelings. We're a lot alike. "Oh, you know I'm happy about the baby. I just worry about Larkin's having another C-section at her age. I'm not even mad if Parker's mine. I am totally pissed off that I never knew about him. Damn it, Chris!" Ray slammed his fist on his desk. "That boy has been through hell. Hard-knock life doesn't describe his life, but no more."

  "Take a deep breath, Ray. You'll develop a migraine."

  He laughed out loud. "I already have one. You know how to keep me in line. Listen, even if Robert turns out to be his father, he's coming to live with Larkin and me. He's precious. He tries hard to pull off a badass persona, but he is very sweet and so well-mannered to have been through what he has. I just want to hug him and keep him safe. I know he's mine, Chris. I'm ready to accept that. We'll know Monday for sure. You and Baker should be back by then. I want my family with me Monday evening when we find out. Be there at six. I think I'll wait on grandparents until after Monday, but I need you and Raif there."

  "We'll be there. Right now, I'm about to track down Mia."


  "Oh, one more question that you won't like."

  "What?" The wariness in his voice hung like a storm cloud.

  "Have you spoken to Lawrence about adding these two persons of interest?"

  "Shit. No. You do it. I did report it to you."

  "I've got your back."

  Ray hung up just as his personal phone rang. "Yeah," he answered.

  "It's Raif. Are you okay?"

  "I take it you've met my son."

  "Yes. So have his siblings."

  "Great." Ray rolled his eyes. "How are they?"

  "Handling it really well. They're all devouring French toast, and after breakfast, Parker's going to give them all a short ride on his motorcycle. Just up and down the driveway, so don't panic."

  "That sounds like fun." Ray laughed. "I knew Larkin would make her favorite comfort food. Tell her to save me some."

  "Yep. She's already being a mother hen, but this kid needs a mother—period."

  You are so right, my brother. "Do you think he's mine, Raif?"

  "Absolutely. Like Trista observed—'he's got the Raiford eyes.'"

  "I just got off the phone with Chris. She's tracking down Mom. I asked for y'all to be there Monday evening."

  "You know we will."

  "Good. I need the support."

  "Well, let's all go to a movie and out for pizza tonight."

  "That sounds good. I'll be home in a couple of hours."

  ♥♥♥ By the time Ray got home, the children had decided to see the latest installment in the Star Trek franchise. Ray could tell by the look on Parker's face that he was overwhelmed, especially when the exuberant, over-assertive Courtney grabbed his hand and commanded, "Come on."

  "Me, too?" asked Parker, bewildered. His eyes darted to Ray who smirked.

  "Of course you, too," answered Christopher. "If you're my

  brother, you're going. It's a family thing. We do this kind of

  stuff all the time. Sometimes Grandma Audrey and Grandpa

  Walter go with us. And when Meemaw and Papaw Reynolds

  come, we always do something special." The boy's hands

  waved constantly as he talked. "I really like spending some of

  my summer vacation in Biloxi with them. Just wait until

  Thanksgiving and Christmas. Dupree and Lindsay will be here,

  and some of Aunt Chris's family from New Jersey might fly in.

  It gets crazy with all the people."

  "Grandparents?" Parker asked, eyes wide with both fear

  and anticipation.

  "Yeah," Christopher said with a half frown and his left

  eyebrow dipped. "You might as well get used to it if you're

  gonna be part of this family, Parker."

  "Christopher is giving you good advice," Ray said as he put

  a hand on Parker's shoulder. "Come on. We'll take the van so

  we can all go together."

  ♥♥♥ After the movie, the family visited a pizza buffet, and the kids hit the arcade. An hour and a half later, they got back to the Reynolds house, and Raif took his family home. Then, Christopher gave Parker a complete tour of the house, talking all the while.

  "Momma and Daddy restored the house with Uncle Raif's help. Uncle Raif is an architect. Momma says it was falling apart when she bought it. There are twelve bedrooms, including the master bedroom." The tour guide opened and closed doors. "Uncle Raif and Aunt Chris have their own room here, and the one over the garage, which was the horse stable and now has like ten cars that Daddy tinkers on in it, is our game room. It was the hay loft. Since the house is on the historical register, Momma had to keep it as close to the original as possible. So, one-horsepower stalls became megahorsepower stalls, but one is still a Mustang." Christopher laughed at his own joke. "Daddy has a vintage 1967 Mustang Shelby GT. We have a pool table, a ping pong table, a foosball table, a card/board-game table, a separate chess table set with pewter playing pieces of Union and Confederate armies, video games, and a big TV in the game room. Momma forces us outside often." The boys descended a flight of stairs to the grounds after leaving through a set of French doors onto a balcony. "Both Courtney and I play soccer like Momma did, but neither of us is star quality. I play baseball like Daddy did, and I'm pretty good. I'm a shortstop. Court plays softball, which she likes better than soccer, and has a strong throwing arm. She pitches. There's a closet in the game room with all kinds of sports equipment, including Daddy's golf stuff. He and Uncle Raif play every Tuesday afternoon, barring severe weather. Momma has one room that's her writing studio. It's off limits. Do you play any sport?"

  "Not organized, but I run pretty fast." Had to run to stay alive sometimes. "I think I'd like to do Motocross."

  "Talk to Daddy about it."

  Christopher opened and closed doors that led onto the grounds in the back of the house to reveal rooms. "Momma has writ
ten twelve bestselling mystery novels, a poetry anthology, and a couple of technical books about teaching. One of them she entitled Rehydrating the Raisin, which she dedicated to Dupree because he didn't let his dream dry up like a raisin in the sun."

  They stepped into a covered passage leading from the main house to the garage. "This house is huge and real old. During the Civil War, it housed Union spies before they were hanged. Momma says they tried to hang this one guy named Baxter Pryor, but the noose broke. Then the gallows broke. The people thought he had magical powers and let him live."

  Parker asked honestly, "Do you and Courtney always talk this much?"

  "Yeah, I guess we do." Christopher laughed. "Courtney is worse than I am, especially when Dupree is here. He makes her ten times worse."

  "Who is Dupree?"

  "Dupree Parks."

  "The singer?" Parker's eyes stretched wide, his voice rose an octave.


  Parker barely whispered, "We're related to a black singer?"

  Christopher cackled. "Yeah, he's Uncle Raif's son-in-law. Lindsay, Aunt Chris's daughter that she had when she was real young, married him. I told you this was a crazy family."

  Parker nodded, mouth agape with shock.

  Christopher went on with the family story. "Daddy and Uncle Raif were adopted by two different families and were both named Raiford. Grandma Audrey is their biological mother. She went to prison for thirty-one years for killing six guys that raped her when she was only thirteen. One of them was Daddy and Uncle Raif's father. His name was Jesse Gaitlin. All of Uncle Raif's adoptive family is dead. Grandpa Walter married Grandma Audrey after she was paroled. He's actually the father of Uncle Raif's old girlfriend. Uncle Raif and Daddy didn't even know about each other until they were thirty when a crazy woman convinced Uncle Raif when he was sick to kidnap Momma so she could sacrifice her as a human sacrifice in order to summon a demon." He took a quick breath and went on. "Uncle Raif got better and helped Daddy stop the crazy woman who escaped when she was being taken to prison. Then, she tried to kill Uncle Raif and Momma and Daddy. Momma ended up shooting the lunatic, but not before she almost did kill Daddy and Uncle Raif."

  Parker thought Christopher might develop laryngitis from the long exposition. I might as well listen. I don't think I could get a word in with a ramrod.

  The boys made it to the game room above the garage by going up another set of stairs on the outside. Christopher pulled a key from behind a loose board and showed it to his new brother. "We can also get in through the garage, but Daddy gets a little bent out of shape if we mess up his toys." He unlocked the door and they entered. The younger boy plopped onto a sofa in the room and kept talking. "During that time, Momma started dating Robert LaFontaine because she thought Daddy didn't love her, but he did. And he ended up punching Robert out and proposing to Momma in front of hundreds of people." Christopher looked up at Parker who still stood. "Are you sure you wanna be part of this family?"

  I have a million things to digest. What all did you say? He squinted his eyes, trying to decipher exactly what he had been told. Parker nodded and started laughing. "I'll fit right in."

  ♥♥♥ The next morning brought doubts to Parker's mind about his fitting in as Larkin rousted everybody from bed at eight to a breakfast of scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese stirred in, fruit, cereal, and toast so they could get to church on time. Parker had only been to one church when he lived with Miss Maxi. Her church had been dark and had hard wooden pews. The worshippers had sung hymns but appeared to be afraid of being struck down if they moved.

  Walking into the light, airy space that served as the sanctuary did not intimidate him. This place had rows of padded crimson chairs, ivory walls, golden windows, and offwhite carpet. Here, there was a pipe organ that played music before the service, but there was also a band with guitars and drums that played during the worship time. The people were spirited and lively, even clapping and voicing an, "Amen," at times.

  Parker looked around in amazement at the end of the service. The family he had met the night before were there, as were Grandma Audrey and Grandpa Walter whom he met. Grandma Audrey had eyes just like his. She was very pretty at five-six with blonde hair with a little gray. She had it twisted into an elegant chignon. Grandpa Walter was several years older than she was, but he was stately looking with his saltand-pepper ring of hair from ear to ear, gray eyes, and broad shoulders. Even though he was a big man with a little spill-over gut, he carried himself erectly to stand six feet, two inches and he wore stylish clothing. Parker looked at Ray who was talking to the pastor a few feet away. God, I'd like to believe what Larkin said is true. If you can forgive these crazy, mixed up people, maybe you can forgive me, too. Come live in my spirit like you live in Larkin. I believe you really do live in her. She's just like an angel. And, God, please let Ray be my daddy.

  ♥♥♥ The next morning, Ray woke Parker about six-thirty. "Rise and shine. We have to get you enrolled in school today. Larkin's dropping off the other two although she's really green around the gills this morning."

  "How are you gonna do that?" asked Parker, rubbing the grit from his eyes. "You don't have my records."

  "I'm Chief of Police. I have a little pull, and we'll have your records in a few days. Now, move. There are Rice Krispies with fruit and juice and milk downstairs."

  Ray stopped in the bedroom doorway. "Oh, you might want to use that razor Larkin bought you."

  Parker rubbed his scraggly chin and nodded.

  ♥♥♥ Ray and Parker entered the high school before any other students arrived. Ray looked professional in navy dress slacks, a light-blue button-down oxford shirt, and a basically navy paisley tie. Parker wore a royal blue American Eagle sport shirt, new American Eagle jeans, and new Nike sneakers. Ray took Parker directly to the principal's office and knocked. "Come in," responded a pleasant female voice.

  A heavy-set, gray-haired woman looked up when the door opened. "Ray!" The short Weeble-like lady dressed in a brown skirt and blazer with a gold silk blouse and brown loafers came from behind her desk.

  Ray bent down to embrace the woman. "Dr. Fairchild, you look as lovely as ever." "Oh, hush," said Dr. Rona Fairchild as she popped Ray's arm. "You know I'm just a fat old lady who loves you. What do you want?"

  Ray motioned Parker forward. "Dr. Fairchild, I'd like you to meet my son, Parker."

  "Your what?" She arched one eyebrow.

  "It's a long story, but Parker is most likely my son. I need to get him enrolled today. You'll have to get his official records, but he's a senior, and he's to be enrolled as Parker Reynolds. Rona, I need your help here. We're gonna have to bend the rules a little, but I'll tell you the whole story as soon as we get Parker squared away."

  The principal looked at the perspective student and began a rapid-fire series of questions and answers. "Are you a senior?"

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "Are you a troublemaker?"

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "Should you be at St. Ignatius rather than Eau Boueuse High?"

  "What is St. Ignatius?"

  "Alternative school."


  "Are you Ray's kid?"

  "I hope so."

  "What do you think of Larkin?"

  "She's an angel."

  "Done deal, Ray. Let's get this schedule set." Dr. Fairchild asked Parker some more questions about what classes he still needed to graduate and typed some things into her computer. She handed Parker a schedule and said, "I'll find you a mentor student and order you a class ring. Welcome aboard." She extended her hand, and Parker shook it as he looked at Ray with deep admiration.

  As the three left Dr. Fairchild's office, they heard a soft female voice, "Mr. Ray?"

  Ray turned to see a pretty blonde-haired, green-eyed girl. Parker saw her, too. "Sheena!" said Ray as he gave the girl a hug. "You get prettier every day."

  "Thank you."

  "Well, well," said Dr. Fairchild. "Parker, we've just found your mentor. S
heena Johnson, I'd like you to meet our new senior, Parker Reynolds."

  Sheena looked at Ray questioningly. Ray nodded. Sheena stuck out her hand. "Hello, Parker. Let me see your schedule."

  Parker handed the girl the schedule. She looked at Dr. Fairchild. "Did you do this on purpose? We have every class together."

  "Providence, I assure you."

  Sheena shrugged. "Well, come on, Parker. I'll show you around. Nice to see you, Mr. Ray. Tell everybody hi for me. Oh, if you'd like, I'll give Parker a ride home today."

  "Ask him. Tomorrow he'll probably ride his motorcycle." Ray gave Parker a look that said, "Go for it."

  Parker stammered, "Um. Yeah. Thanks." He walked down the hall with Sheena Johnson.

  Rona Fairchild commented, "He has your eyes. Who's his mother?"


  "Wow! How's Larkin taking it?"

  "She's an angel. Oh, and she's pregnant."

  "You're kidding."

  "Nope. I found out about my eldest and my youngest on the same day. Give me a cup of your wonderful coffee, and I'll tell you the whole story."

  ♥♥♥ Sheena dropped Parker off around four-thirty. His first day at this school had been amazing. The kids did not treat him as if he had a disease. On the contrary, they accepted him. He was Raiford Reynolds's son. People respected Raiford Reynolds. In addition, Sheena Johnson was class president and the most beautiful girl Parker had ever seen. She had asked him if he wanted to get pizza next Friday night.

  Parker entered the house humming. "Well, somebody's happy," said Larkin.

  "I met the most beautiful girl in the world today."

  "Uh-oh. Who's this girl?"

  "Sheena Johnson."

  "Ah. She was our flower girl. Yes, she is pretty."

  "She asked me to go out for pizza next Friday. Is it all right?"

  "Sure. Have fun. How much money do you need?"

  "I don't know." You’re gonna give me money?

  "We'll talk about it later. Now is homework time. Courtney and Christopher are at the kitchen table."

  "I have some calculus." This is a normal family. Miss Maxi did this kind of thing. Even Fritz tried. He smiled. I think I like normal.

  Larkin’s voice jarred him back to the here -and-now. "Get busy. Ray will be home soon."


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