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Husband For Hire (A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance)

Page 38

by Caitlin Daire

  “If you heard me earlier, then you heard her too. She made herself clear—don’t touch her daughter.”

  I looked up at him. “So you’re really trying to tell me this is all about protecting me and my relationship with Mom? You’re just that selfless?”

  “I asked you to let me finish, Liv,” he said in a warning tone. “And no, that’s not the only reason. You know the other reason. Surely you do.”

  My face softened. “Your sister? Mom threatened to cut her money off?” I asked. I felt stupid for not having thought about it properly earlier.

  He nodded. “Yes. Believe me, I wanted to admit everything to Ellen; tell her to fucking shove her money, so I could be with you out in the open. But I can’t afford to lose the deal she’s offered me, Liv. I wasn’t exaggerating the amount it costs for Amelia’s treatment. It doesn’t matter what I do, how hard I work. It’s too much. Last year I pulled in well over a hundred grand with my work for the family companies, and it still wasn’t enough. It’s never enough.” He sighed and sat down. “Then your mom approached me, as you know. Offered me this deal. It sounded too good to be true. Just legally marry her, be seen with her sometimes. Three years, and then it’s over. And while we’re married, she’d pay everything my family needed. Amelia’s bills included. I just didn’t think…”

  “Didn’t think what?”

  “That I’d meet anyone. That I’d meet you. And that you’d just so happen to be her damn daughter.” He sighed heavily again. “I know I’m an asshole for worrying about the money over everything else. But fuck, Liv…my sister. She’s only twelve. I’m in my thirties. I’ve lived. She hasn’t; she’s still a kid. I want her to be able to do that, want her to be able to experience life. She deserves that much. And if it means lying through my teeth or giving up all the things I love…all the people I love…that’s how it’s gotta be.”

  I sat down too, letting him go on.

  “So I lied to Ellen. When I realized she was starting to suspect that I had feelings for you—which I do, Liv. Christ, of course I do—I was worried. Worried she’d void it all and send me packing without a dime. So I made up all that bullshit. Said it was all for the cameras. Like I said, it’s not true, but…” He hesitated for a moment. “I know I’m a piece of shit. You deserve better than a guy who does crap like this.”

  I frowned. “No. Dec…I understand now. I didn’t realize you were lying to Mom back there. But really, I get it. I would’ve done the exact same if I were in your shoes. Your sister is literally dying, and Mom is holding her treatment money over your head like that. It’s awful.”

  He shook his head. “No, I’m a prick. You have every right to be mad at what you heard.”

  I chewed my lower lip as I mulled it all over. Then I spoke, slowly and haltingly. “No. You aren’t some gold-digging asshole like I first accused you of being when I found out about the sham marriage to Mom. You’re actually an amazing person. You’re sacrificing everything you can for Amelia because she’s sick. I understand why you said what you said. I just needed to hear you explain it, that’s all. Needed to know what you said to Mom wasn’t true.”

  He looked at me, and for the first time since that filmed date in the restaurant, I saw the pain in his gorgeous baby blues. He always hid it so well, acted like everything was fine, but he was hurting so much; so afraid that he’d lose his sister.

  “I was only upset because I thought you actually meant it. That you had no feelings for me,” I continued in a small voice.

  “No, no. I’d never mean that. But I’m sorry anyway.”

  I was silent again for a moment. “So what were you planning on doing? Just ending this…whatever it is…before we even really started? Just so Mom wouldn’t ruin everything for you and Amelia? Or were you going to just keep lying to Mom and sneaking around with me?”

  He sighed. “I’ve been thinking about it non-stop since that conversation. I thought the first option would be the right thing to do. Let you down easy before it gets too far, so we don’t have to hide and sneak around. But at the same time…I know I can’t. I can’t stay away from you, Liv.”

  “I don’t want you to stay away from me,” I said softly. I suddenly leapt to my feet. “Let’s just go to Mom now. Come clean. Tell her we have feelings for each other.”


  Before he could reply, I cut him off. “The money she’s giving you doesn’t matter, Dec. I can give you the money for Amelia instead. I still have some left over from the little nest egg gift my grandparents gave me, and I get access to my inheritance from Dad as soon as I turn twenty-one. That’s just a year and four months away. So that’s enough. Tell Mom you want out of the fake marriage. Void the contracts. Take my money instead.”

  “Liv, I can’t do that.”

  “If this is a pride thing...”

  “It’s not. It’s just that it’s your money. Your future.”

  “Exactly. My money to do whatever I want with. And I want to help you.”

  Dec sighed. “Liv, I love you for offering. But I can’t ask you to take on my family’s debt when you and I haven’t really even…”

  “Even begun?” I murmured, looking down at the floor again.

  “Yeah. That.”

  “Fair enough.” I sighed and chewed on my bottom lip again, shoulders deflating. Suddenly something occurred to me, and I perked back up again. “Oh my god. I have an idea!”

  Dec raised his brows. “Yeah?”

  “I know how we can get the money you need for your family and also be together out in the open at the same time. All without needing my mom to approve.”

  He frowned. “How?”

  “Screw your arrangement with her. And screw her plan for you and me to simply be backups here on Wed At First Sight.”

  “I don’t follow.”

  “She wanted us here just to round out the numbers and get voted off early, right? But then she changed her mind after we gave her good ratings and got a lot of viewer fans. Now she wants us to stick around a few more weeks, just for those sweet, sweet ratings numbers. So I say we give her exactly what she wants. We stick around. Only we don’t get voted out. Ever. Instead, we can win this thing!”

  Dec’s eyebrows were practically on the ceiling now. “What?”

  “We win! People already love us as a couple. So screw Mom’s deal with you. You and me, together—we’ll tough it out to the end of this damn stupid show. We’ll get the million bucks in prize money. And then you can take every cent for your family.”

  Dec shook his head. “She can expose us if she realizes what we’re doing, which she will eventually, I guarantee; she’s smart. She can tell everyone we were just fake last-minute backups, not real contestants like the others. Imagine the backlash and uproar.”

  I smiled. “But she can’t expose us without exposing herself as being the one who sneaked us onto the show, right? It’s an open secret with the crew, because they don’t care, but the network and fans would crucify her.”

  A slow grin spread across Dec’s face. “Shit. You’re right. Didn’t even think of that.”

  I nodded vehemently. “So if we do this, she can’t actually do anything to stop us.”

  “Surely she could just kick us off the show, though?”

  “No. She made it clear to me just an hour ago—the only way a contestant can leave is if there’s an emergency, or if the viewers vote a couple out! Even fake contestants like us. It’s all in the network contract. The same contract she wouldn’t let me out of this morning.”

  “Shit,” Dec said, nodding slowly. “Jesus, you’re smart. I honestly wouldn’t have thought of this at all. But it works. It really does. If we can just win this thing together, then we’re golden. It’s just…” He hesitated, brows furrowing together. “We are popular with the viewers. But so are a lot of others. There’s no guarantee we’ll stay on the show. And if we don’t…”

  “You’ll lose everything, because my Mom will have realized what we were up to and
voided your deal with her,” I said softly. My shoulders sagged again. “I just realized that. Shit.”

  His frown suddenly faded, and I saw a faint glimmer of humor in his eyes. “Well, Livvy. This can only mean one thing.”


  He smiled. “We need to figure out a strategy, and we need to get to the finale of this show, no matter what it takes. And then we need to damn well win.”

  “No matter what it takes,” I said, holding a hand up. “I like that.”

  He took my hand and squeezed it hard. “No matter what it takes,” he repeated. “We’re in this together. Yeah?”

  I nodded, and I thought my face might crack open from smiling so much. “Yes,” I said. “Just us. Together.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I looked down at Liv’s beautiful face, watching the light shine in her pretty hazel eyes. She was incredible. Amazing. I couldn’t believe what she was willing to do just to help me and my sister, whom she’d never even met. She was wholly unlike her mother, who only did favors for people when she could get something out of it for herself. Ellen could be kind enough on occasions—kind enough to help my family, for example, who’d been screwed over by her ex-husband—but she demanded a lot in return.

  Liv wouldn’t do that. All she wanted was love and care. I’d seen that in her face when I walked in; seen the hurt pinching her features when she thought I didn’t want her. That wrenched at my heartstrings, made me want to take her in my arms the second I saw her.

  “You’re the most wonderful girl I’ve ever met,” I murmured, squeezing her hand even tighter.

  She blushed and looked down shyly for a second. Christ, she was adorable. The thought of ever being away from her was torture, and I fucking hated the position I was in right now. The position I was putting her in. But she didn’t care; she was willing to do anything it took to be with me.

  Suddenly I wasn’t in the mood for talking. Judging by the burning, lustful expression in her eyes as she looked back up at me, she felt the same. “Liv, I want you so fucking much. But if you’re still not ready, I—”

  “I am ready,” she said softly.

  I didn’t wait to make another excuse. I couldn’t. She made me so fucking horny, made me want to tear her clothes off and ravish her all the damn day. I leaned down to kiss her, and my hands quickly moved up her thighs to her waist where I gripped tightly and pressed myself closer so there was no space left between our bodies. Liv moaned softly into my mouth, and I grinned and drew back. “Tell me what you want, baby girl.”

  My hands worked their way up her arms, to her shoulders and neck. Fingertips spread over her collarbones, my thumbs rubbed the very edge of her neck as I stared into her eyes, awaiting her response.


  The blush in her cheeks deepened, and I smiled. Caressing her jawline with my thumb now, I leaned closer. “You can do it. Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  “Good girl,” I growled.

  My grip on her body grew tighter. ”You know I’ve wanted to fuck you ever since that night back in New York. I haven’t stopped thinking about that in weeks. Months.”

  Liv peeked up at me shyly through her eyelashes. “Why has it taken so long for this to happen then?” she asked breathlessly.

  “You know why. You deserve more than a quick fuck.” With that, I picked her up, making her wrap her legs around me as I walked her through the hut living room and into the bedroom. She squealed and clenched her thighs tightly around me, and even though she was still clothed, I knew she was already wet and beyond ready for me.

  I reached the bed, and Liv’s hands clutched my chest for support as I gently lay her down on the soft duvet. “You sure you’re ready for this?” I murmured, looking down at her gorgeous figure.

  “Yes,” she gasped, writhing on the bed as she waited for me to join her. “I want you to do whatever you want to me. Show me what it’s like.”

  “You want to give me control, huh?” She nodded, and I unbuckled my belt and jeans. “I’m going to make you come until you can’t take it anymore.”

  I climbed on top of her and placed my hands on either side of her head before lowering my mouth to hers again, parting her lips with my tongue. Our mouths melded together perfectly, tongues clashing and exploring, mapping each and every part of each other. Liv’s lips told me she was worth all the risk, worth all the effort. The first time I ever kissed her, I knew she was something special. But now? Now I knew she was going to ruin me for life. And not in a bad way.

  I stripped her of her top and skirt as I kissed her, nearly tearing the thin fabric. She wasn’t wearing a bra, the dirty girl. As she frantically kissed me back, she tried to strip me too, running her hands all over my back, reaching into my shirt. I growled and grabbed her by the wrists, holding her hands above her head. “You want to give me control? Then keep your arms up here until I say you can touch me again.”

  Liv moaned and did as I said, lying prone on the bed with her arms above her head, fingers entwined. I moved down her body until my head was in line with her chest, running a finger in circles around her left nipple. Liv groaned and bucked her hips up against me, practically riding my legs as she cried out for more.

  “Who’s in control, baby girl? Who’s in charge?” I growled.

  “You,” she gasped.

  I pinched her nipple. “That’s right.”

  Her back arched off the bed in response to the pinch, but her wrists stayed where they were above her head. She was such a good girl, doing what she was told. I leaned down to her other nipple, sucking it into my mouth. Liv let out a moan and began to writhe again, and I knew she was struggling to keep it together. She was a ticking time bomb, begging for release, but she wasn’t going to get it until I was damn well ready. My efforts here were single-minded—torture my little girl in all the right ways, make her beg and scream and plead for more and more.

  I moved farther down, scratching the stubble on my jaw along Liv’s soft skin as I went. I rested my chin right on her soft mound, licking the sensitive skin just above it, and she squirmed relentlessly beneath me, physically begging for me to move just a couple of inches lower.

  “Has anyone ever gone down on you, Olivia?” I asked, looking up at her. Something told me I already knew the answer.

  She bit her bottom lip. “Um. No. I mean, I’ve done other stuff to guys, but never…that.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “So you’ve done stuff to old boyfriends, but never had it done to you. How is that fair?”

  “Guys my age don’t really like to do that,” she mumbled. “They want head, but they won’t give it.”

  I smiled. “Well, Liv, a real man loves going down on women. You should know that.”

  I moved even farther down. My face was directly between her legs now, and with a finger, I parted her pink slit and gently slid my tongue out, touching it to her clit ever-so-lightly. Liv’s whole body shuddered at the small movement, scrunching her eyes shut. “Oh, god…”

  I flattened my tongue and pressed it harder against her clit, moving it up and down with just enough pressure to make Liv cry out. As I licked her, I breathed in her wonderful sweet and musky scent, loving every second of being between her legs.

  “Look at me,” I commanded her, raising my head for just a second. Liv’s eyes opened, and she did as I said, looking down and watching me pleasure her with my mouth, her own mouth slightly hanging open.

  With each swipe of my tongue, her breathing grew more erratic. Her legs were shaking, body vibrating, everything tipping closer and closer to the edge. I flicked my tongue over her clit faster and faster, and soon she was falling apart beneath me, screaming and gasping as she came. “Dec! Yes! Oh, god….”

  I kept licking her, my strokes becoming slower and lighter with each movement. She finally stopped squirming with bliss, sighing instead, and I moved off the bed and stood up, pulling my jeans all the way down now. I took my ti
me, slowly stroking my stiff cock in my boxer shorts until Liv’s mouth was practically watering. Then I pulled it out and ran my hand over it again, and she watched it, entranced. Her breath hitched all of a sudden, and I knew she was imagining it sliding deep inside her.

  She was ready. So fucking ready. And so ripe, so perfect for me.

  I reached down into my discarded pants to find a condom. The look on Liv’s face made me throb with the urge to bury myself in her right now, but I knew we had to be careful. She was a virgin, had never gone past third base, and she wasn’t on birth control pills or anything similar. I broke open the foil wrapper and sheathed myself, loving the innocent expression in Liv’s eyes as she waited for me.

  “Spread your legs, baby girl,” I said.

  She did as I said. Every inch of me buzzed with need as Liv’s chest rose and fell with heavy breaths of anticipation. “Be my first,” she whispered. “Fuck me.”

  I didn’t need to be told. I slid the tip of my cock between her slick folds, quickly finding her soaking entrance, and then I slowly but surely thrust myself inside, watching her eyes fly open as I pressed in deep and hard. “Oh! Dec!”

  I slowed down and stayed within her, letting her body adjust to me. She was wet, so wet, so it shouldn’t hurt for her too badly. Guys her own age were stupid when they took girls’ virginities—they’d thrust in dry, not even bothering to get the girl good and wet and ready. That was the main reason so many girls bled so much during their first times, not because of the hymen. It was incredible how many people didn’t know that. But I knew better. I knew how to break her in gently, carefully stretch her so she was primed and ready for more.

  Liv cried out, begging me with her eyes, so I finally pulled back and thrust in deeper and harder this time. She gasped as I began to fuck her, stretching her virgin pussy around my dick.

  “You feel so good on my cock,” I groaned in her ear. “So hot and wet and tight.”

  A few more thrusts and she was moaning, grinding herself up against my groin each time I moved back and forth. I picked up one of her legs and put it over my shoulder, giving us a different angle. When I slid my cock back inside her this time, her eyes widened, and I knew I’d hit the right spot on her front wall.


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