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The Dark Magical World of Alamptria

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by Richard A. Valicek

  Valicek’s Alamptria series looks at the character and mythology of Dracula through a new lens, each book taking readers deeper and deeper into the dark and powerful world of the undead in an innovative and new way. The first book, Alamptria: Red Moon Rising, is a complex tale, culminating in a climax that has never been seen before in literature.

  Vampires have taken on their own culture in literature. Like the propagation of the undead, their stories continue to inspire writers and filmmakers to revise their tales over and over again. There is something exciting and intriguing about the vampire that has tapped into the Zeitgeist of each age. Modern audiences are insatiable for these stories. The world of Alamptria will fuel a new reader, one who is ready to delve into the intricate world of these mysterious and dangerous creatures.

  Chapter 3

  Alamptria: Red Moon Rising- Excerpt 1

  The original book Alamptria: Red Moon Rising was set in a fifteenth-century kingdom. Although it is close to my heart, as it was my very first book, I drew away from it and decided on a twenty-third-century kingdom, making it a science fiction tale. Here are a few of the excerpts taken from Alamptria: Red Moon Rising, published in 2010 by AuthorHouse Publishing… enjoy!

  In this first scene—an opening sequence to the story—Andromin Seaton cautiously enters a tent situated among thousands of tents on the terrain of Shillians Plateau. As he makes his acquaintance with a beautiful female, he plots to eliminate the enemy. This attractive female should have played her part more carefully, for her outcome wouldn’t have been so permanent.


  “Don’t worry, Brutus,” she said consolingly. “The Elysians will pay.”

  “There is a great force that stands in our way.”

  “Yes, you talk of the Seaton brothers.”

  “They are a menace.”

  “You talk as if you know them well.” She gazed at him curiously.

  “My lady, I’ve had my share of battles on the field, and I have experienced much. The Seatons are a great threat to us. But if they were to be eliminated…” He trailed off, raising an eyebrow.

  “Yes, but can it be done?” she whispered, her face sharp with excitement.

  “They’re just three men. We are many. With the right tactics, we can disguise a band of our warriors.”

  “What do you have in mind?” she asked, her voice devilish. “Hold that thought, Brutus. I have a bottle of very old grog. Shall I open it?”

  “Indeed. It will make for a fine lubricant as we plan our attack.”

  She brought the bottle over to a pile of blankets. “Come, Brutus, sit with me.” He sat down beside her and she poured. She smiled at him and winked. He caressed her arm. “Brutus, now that we have gotten to know each other, you may call me Salina.” They drank, and she poured them another. “Now then, we were discussing the elimination of the Seatons.”

  “By sending a band of warriors disguised as Elysian peace keepers, men who know the ways of the Church of Christ, we can get close to the Seaton brothers and enlist them in the council’s peace initiatives. When the moment is right, and we have our men just where we want them—”

  Salina immediately cut in. “Brutus, this is an inspiring plan. We get political chaos, and the Seatons will be no more.” She smirked.

  “Indeed. A carefully created plot can be quite fatal,” said the knight.

  “Still, what if one were to walk in and witness the extermination of the Seatons?” she asked.

  “We’ll make no mistakes.”

  “No.” Salina’s face was dark. “We’ll have to give this more thought. I don’t mean to offend you, but we can’t afford any mistakes. The slightest mishap could lead to terrible repercussions for those carrying out this assassination.”

  “Salina, I assure you; this will work. The Seatons will fall into this trap. It will be like a dog caught in a snare.” He smirked. “Once the trap has you, it never lets go.”

  “Brutus, you’re the paragon of all that is sinister, and you’re turning me on.” Salina leaned in close to his face. “Tell me more.”

  “Yes, of course. But”—the knight backed up—“I really would like it if the two of us discussed it together with Agnon himself. Ah, by the way, where would Agnon be sleeping these days?” Salina gulped down her drink and smiled at the intoxicant’s warm glow.

  “I’ll take you to him in the morning. But now, how do you bring warmth to a cold body?” She dropped her clothing and stood naked in front of him. “Any ideas, Brutus?”

  “Yes, I know just the thing. I promise you, you’ll be dead tired by morning,” he said and reached for her. They were soon both naked on the blankets, making love like minks. During a pause, he took the bottle that lay between them and poured her another drink. In the next two hours, Salina took six more drinks. Meanwhile, the knight only sipped at his and tossed them aside when she was not looking.

  Salina struggled to stay awake. Her head bowed and swayed. “Tell me, dear Salina, in which tent can I find Agnon?” Her eyes were half closed, and she didn’t appear to hear him. He gently held her chin. “Salina, I need you to focus. Where can I find Agnon?”

  She peered into the knight’s face, trying to understand the question. Finally she said, “He… he is in the third tent. Third tent from the left.” With that, her head listed to the side, and the knight gently put her down.

  “There, now go to sleep. Sleep it off.” He gave her a long-lasting kiss on her lips and patted her face gently. “Not bad for a Bramonian woman,” he said, smiling with satisfaction. “You’ve been very helpful, Salina. It’s unfortunate you’re on the wrong side.” He quickly dressed in a stolen combat uniform and took one last look at her naked body before covering her up. “All in a good night’s work,” he said to himself.

  At a nearby table, the knight poured a toxin into a glass of grog. “I truly am sorry about this, Salina, but you leave me no choice.” He opened her mouth and poured the drink down her throat. She coughed and gagged but soon settled down into a permanent sleep. “I am sorry, but you would’ve done the same to me. Good-bye.”

  Chapter 4

  Alamptria: Red Moon Rising- Excerpt 2

  Confidus is lured into a bed from within Castle Plaphorius and is seduced by a beautiful female vampire. He feels her love, and he begins to trust her. In his ignorance, he is unaware of her intensions, and his sexual appetite is on the rise, but soon he discovers the truth behind why he was brought to Castle Plaphorius. Things are really about to heat up. And the vampire has her claws at Confidus’s throat.


  “Your skin feels so cold,” said Confidus.

  “There is no warmth in this body,” said Helana.

  “Then I will make it warm,” said Confidus.

  “Come lay down beside me.”

  Confidus undressed and lay down beside her, and they covered themselves. An hour passed by with them in a deep passionate romance. He could hear his heartbeat. But still he could not hear hers. And he wondered why her lips and body felt so cold. For as long as they were in bed she could not warm up his body. Without warning, Helana’s emotion changed. She became aggressive. Her hands possessed his body. She writhed about and gripped him with inhuman strength. He knew something was wrong; this wasn’t passion anymore.

  She looked at him with wild eyes and saw the crucifix around his neck. Her face contorted, and she began to speak of great sorrow and pain, as if Confidus were not there. “Alone is my heart. I feel the pain of being alone. He doesn’t give me the warmth I seek, the suffering, the pain of being abandoned. He will not confide in me! I seek immortality! He does not wish to take it. A wretched being is he.”

  “Helana, what nonsense are you talking!” replied Confidus, reaching for her.

  She pushed him away. Her eyes had gone red like rubies. Her face became a papery shade of white. She took her hands to his shoulders and began to drive her fingernails into his skin. Confidus grabbed her arms and overpowered her and sat above her, his crucifix dang
ling in front of her face. She looked at the cross and struck Confidus with her fist, knocking him down onto the pillow.

  “Get that thing away from me!” she cried out.

  On his back, he shouted, “What in God’s name is going on with you?”

  Helana felt instantly calmer. “Oh, I hurt you. I am so sorry, my dear, sweet Confidus.” She pointed at his neck, her finger trembling. “Please, please, for me, take that off.”

  Confidus began to get very suspicious. He lay for a moment and thought about her words. Then he reached for the crucifix and took it off his neck. With the crucifix visible again, Helana became uneasy. He felt his heart drop, for he knew then that his suspicions were correct. He held it in front of her. Her pale face wrinkled, and her mouth widened. Fangs sprung from within her mouth, and she made a horrifying growling sound. Quickly, Confidus took the crucifix and put it on her forehead. Helana began to scream as her forehead burned and smoked. Confidus threw her off the bed and quickly got into his clothes. She leapt to her feet, keeping her red eyes on him. She then transformed fully into a creature of ugliness and sprang at him. Confidus struck her with his sword, and she fell back but immediately got up again.

  “You cannot defeat me. We take what is ours. Blood I must have, and I will have it. Our race has lived for centuries by feeding on the blood of the living. My race will survive even without you. You cannot take away the gift of immortality. You will become one of us; it is inevitable. You, like the rest of your people, will walk among the undead. Confidus, come embrace the blood of Makoor.” She licked her lips. Her voice had changed terribly.

  “Who is Makoor?” asked Confidus.

  “Makoor is the master!”

  “And what are you?”

  “I am a vampire, Helana, queen of the undead. I answer to my dark prince, Clore.”

  “Clore?” Confidus was shocked. “You mean, Tyrus Clore is your master?”

  “No! I only answer to Tyrus Clore. We all answer to him.”

  “And whom does Tyrus Clore answer to?”

  “The great master Makoor, king of the vampires. Clore is the only one who sees the master.”

  “How many of you vampires are there?”

  “We have legions.”

  “Why do you show yourselves now? Why has mankind not seen you before?”

  “We are creatures of the night. We sleep by day.”

  “Where do you sleep?”

  “You ask too many questions! And Clore grows angry with me!”

  The creature walked closer to Confidus. He held his sword high, freed his dagger from his belt, and made the sign of the cross with the two blades. The creature came at him, and he pressed his makeshift cross against the creature’s body. Helana screamed in rage as her flesh smoked and burned. She pulled herself from the cross and ran out of the bedroom.

  “Good God, devils and sacrilege, what is this place!” exclaimed Confidus.

  He stormed from the room into the corridor and headed toward the dining hall. With every step the corridor seemed to be closing in on him and growing longer with no visible end. Vines sprang from the wall and floor and wrapped around his body. He struggled to free himself and was able to grab his sword. He thrust it against the vines and cut them off of him, forcing his way out. More vines twisted around his body, but he continued to fight. With a last violent swing of his claymore, he broke free and ran. A vine wrapped around his leg, and he fell, but he rolled over and sliced the vine in two. Two vines came at him again and, this time, got both his legs into a bind. Confidus fell to the ground, hitting his face. Dazed but conscious, he grabbed his claymore and dagger and made the sign of the cross. He pressed the cross against the vines, and they instantly began to smoke and burn. They withered and lost their strength, and Confidus was freed. But there were many vines, and the end of the corridor was a black hole. He turned and leaned his makeshift cross against the wall tangled with vines.

  “Devils and sacrilege!” he yelled.

  The wall began to smoke, and then it ignited. The fire spread quickly and engulfed the entire corridor. Confidus stumbled to his feet and ran toward the end of the corridor, hardly able to see anything through the smoke. He held his sword and dagger before him, which cleared a path. As he continued to run, the smoke dissipated at the end of the corridor. Before leaving the corridor, he looked back, and the corridor was exactly as it had been before, like nothing had happened.

  Chapter 5

  Alamptria: Red Moon Rising- Excerpt 3

  Melina Hampshire awakens to find herself in a dismal situation. Unaware of where she is, she is horrified to find herself lying in a coffin. What’s even more horrifying is the sheer ugliness and loneliness of the place, a dark place of solitude. As she walks about, she treks through the surroundings and discovers that she is in a large underground crypt. She walks further to come across a flowing stream of water. What happens next can only mean she has lost the life she once had to the new life of the undead.


  She awakened and blinked until her eyes focused. “Where am I?” she whispered. She squinted but could see little in this dark cave; no daylight found its way inside, and only torches lit the dark stone walls. She was looking through a glass panel, and she put her hands on it. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she realized with horror that she was entombed inside a casket. She panicked and pushed with her whole strength. The panel swung open easily, and she sat up, her face aglow in the torchlight. Trembling, she stepped from the casket, down the steps to the stone base, and gingerly began walking around to observe the horridness of the place.

  She was aghast to see Tyrus Clore sleeping in a casket next to hers, identical to the one she’d been in. She grew dizzy, and her breath caught in her throat. She put her hands to her mouth so as to not scream. At her feet slithered two snakes. She shuddered and carefully walked around them and away from Clore. No one else was about, so she freely wandered round the cavernous sanctuary among the dead trees that lay everywhere. A chill raced up her spine. She realized she was inside an enormous eerie underground land of the undead. A slight wind whispered in gentle voices that called to her. But each time she heard someone speak and turned round, no one was there. She continued walking, hoping to find a way out, or at least some clue as to what had brought her here.

  She came to a bridge over a flowing stream and gazed down into the water. It called to her, and she crossed the bridge until she was on the other side. At the cave entrance, high above her, was the night sky with bright, twinkling stars and a full moon. At once, a colony of bats flew past her into low-lying fog and frightened her into springing into the stream. When she looked up to make sure the bats were gone, she saw she was within a rocky dead zone. The rock walls were high, and there was no way to escape. Still crouched in the icy water, she heard the low growl of a wild dog. Looking up at a rock above her, she saw a white wolf peering down at her. She became more frightened and gasped for air, clutching her chest. The wolf leapt off the rock and padded toward her. Rather than attack, however, as she’d expected, it sweetly rubbed its body against her exposed legs as if it were a domesticated dog. Melina hesitated, then reached down and petted it. She caressed its soft fur and began to feel more at ease. The wolf panted happily, looking at her. She smiled at the creature and let her gaze drift to the large rock where she had first noticed the wolf. She saw she was not the only person in this dismal land of the dead.

  On the rocks stood three beautiful women in flowing gowns of white just as the one she wore. Melina was afraid to call to them, for they did not make a sound and just stared at her as they watched her. Yet while they were not friends, the women didn’t seem to be foes either, so Melina brushed the hair from her eyes and walked out of the stream, then turned back to the wolf. She tapped her leg, and again the wolf came to her and licked her palms. She was glad to have found such an affectionate friend in this desolate place. It was a small comfort, for she noticed a man emerge from the shadows, his eyes glowing red. He wore
black, and his face was partially obscured by a cowl. He came out of the darkness toward her. It was Tyrus Clore.

  He reached down and scratched the beast between the ears. “The wolf is without a doubt one of the most beautiful creatures of the night. A good evening to you, Melina.” The wolf scooted closer to her. “It likes you,” he said, laughing.

  Chapter 6

  Alamptria: Red Moon Rising- Excerpt 4

  Melina is offered friendship from the evil Tyrus Clore. He pampers her. He offers her food and drink and tries to comfort her. She is introduced to the most bazaar creature. But as evil as Clore is, he shows Melina he loves her. And Melina wonders to herself if a vampire really can love her. She misses her home back in Elysium, but Tyrus Clore ensures her that she will find comfort in her new life in Plaphorius.


  “Melina, come closer,” Tyrus said. Melina did not move. He picked up his goblet and took a sip. “Ah, still warm.” He smiled. They looked at each other from time to time and said little. “You must be hungry, my dear. Dinner shall be served momentarily.”

  Melina fidgeted with her fingers, in no mood for conversation. The joy she’d felt when she first came to Plaphorius was gone. A knock on the door startled her. The squeaky door opened and closed with a sudden clang. A Drogust approached.

  “Ah, Cringe,” said Clore, looking down on him. Saliva dripped down from the Drogust’s mouth. “You disgust me, Drogust!” he said, appalled by his appearance. “What brings you to my lair?”

  Melina shuddered.

  “Speak!” shouted Clore.

  Cringe swallowed uneasily. “My lord, it seems there is a problem with one of the Droges.”


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