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Page 20

by Darrell Bain

  Bailey sat up, reaching for his gun.

  "Bailey! Mom, it's just me. Wake up!"

  As quickly as she was certain they were functioning, Amber told them what had happened. Bailey slid out of bed and donned his trousers and shirt. He met one of their guardians on the way out of the bedroom.

  The woman, who had finally introduced herself as Betty Porter, met him at the entrance to the den.

  "What is it?” she asked, holding her weapon down by her side, eyes alert and searching for signs of danger.

  "It's Amber's friend, Jimmy. The one we told you about. Gunmen just killed his parents and tried to kidnap him."

  Betty Porter eyed him sharply. “How do you know?"

  "Never mind that now, we need to do something about Jimmy. I thought you people were going to protect him. What happened?"

  "They must not have gotten there soon enough. We don't have enough manpower to cover the country like a glove. Where is he now?"

  Bailey looked to Amber.

  "He's hiding in a little park near their home. The men who were chasing him finally gave up, but he's still scared. He thinks they're going after Jeannie now."

  Again the Omega operative peered sharply, this time at Amber, but ultimately decided that questions about the origin of her information could wait. “Okay, I'll get the crew that's on the way to collect him. If you can contact him, tell him to stay where he is until someone calls his name."

  "I will,” Amber said, already telling Jimmy mentally, but she headed back to her room as if she were gong to call him on her cell phone. Besides, she suddenly realized she needed to dress. All she had on was panties and a man's short sleeved shirt that she had slept in. Their luggage still hadn't arrived.

  "What about Jeannie?"

  Betty porter sighed. She was beginning to show signs of fatigue. “I don't know anything about her. Where does she live?"

  "I'll go ask Amber,” Pat said.

  While Pat was gone, Betty sat down in order to get off her feet for a moment. She had been up all night. Her hair was mussed and her face showed lines beneath the old makeup. She had also shed the jacket of her suit, leaving the holster with her gun replaced in it visible. She crossed her legs and stared at Bailey.

  "There's something funny about you people,” she said. “Once we get you all safely out of harm's way, I'd like to know as much as you can tell me."

  "You'll have to talk to your boss,” Bailey told her. He smiled at her, knowing how curious he would have been in her place. “It's possible you really don't want to know,” he said as Amber came back into the living room after pretending to have made a phone call. She had pulled on a pair of overlarge jeans that had been left for her but still wore the big shirt. Had she wanted to pry, she would have found out how really curious their protector was.

  Amber told Betty the address where Jeannie lived. She and Jimmy still hadn't been able to get through to her.

  * * * *

  Brazos was furious that the only other known mind readers besides Jeannie Burger had been allowed to escape. The perceptive kids would be helpful once he got them all working, but only about half of the available ones could be counted on. Other agencies and cartels were after them, too. Word had gotten out among the parents and many of them were holding out for more money or trying to renegotiate contracts. One of his undercover contacts reported that the military intelligence services were snooping around, too. The industrial cartels wouldn't be far behind, if they weren't already on it. He felt like he was lucky to have gotten as many of the perceptives as he had. In the meantime, with Jeannie Burger the only one of the mind readers he had access to, it was absolutely essential to secure her permanently, no matter the cost. As well as she had done her job so far, he intended to keep her close to him from now on. With her near his side and under control, no one could get to him. He thought she might also be used to find the whereabouts of the other two so he could try again to capture them.

  Casey was brought to his office and received orders to collect Jeannie and bring her and her parents to Brazos’ clandestine headquarters, an isolated mansion in the hills above the city that was secured by a high fence, alarms, guards and attack dogs.

  "Don't come back without them,” Brazos warned. “You've fucked up once already. I'm sending some company along with you. Fail this time, and their orders are to dispose of you.” He showed his teeth, but it wasn't a grin.

  "It's kind of hard to sneak up on a goddamned mind reader, Brazos. That's what happened with the others, but I'll get these people,” Casey said with more confidence than he really felt. If he did manage it, he intended to ask Brazos for a session with Jeannie. She was a little old, but still desirable enough for what he had in mind. The little bitch deserved everything he intended to do to her.

  * * * *

  Jeannie had gotten too high on drugs the night before. Neither Amber nor Jimmy, nor both in concert could wake her. She was still asleep when Casey came.

  Casey got out of the van he had driven and scanned the area for observers. When he found none, he motioned for the rest of his crew. When they got out and joined him, he relaxed, as much as he was able to with the third hit of methacoke that night in his system.

  This time the operation went as planned. Before the Burgers knew what was happening, they were handcuffed and being forced outside into the van with Casey guarding Jeannie and her parents while another of the crew drove.

  Jeannie was fully awake by this time, though barely dressed and her hair uncombed. She was furious with herself for being taken so unaware. “What in hell do you think you're doing, Casey? You can't force me to work like this."

  "Can't I?” Casey said, while an image formed in his mind of what he planned on doing to her. “You've got about three seconds to throw some clothes in a bag. Get moving.

  Jeannie blanched and reached out with her mind, searching for Amber and Jimmy. She could tell them where she was and they could send help. She hoped she hadn't already alienated them beyond redemption.

  Her parents were an upwardly mobile couple who spent little time with their daughter. Jeannie didn't feel really close to either, but nevertheless, she felt sorry for them when she was shoved into the back of a van and saw how scared they were. Her father had a rising bruise on the side of his face. Drops of blood were still escaping from a cut under his eye and trickling down his cheek. She could tell from their thoughts that they had no earthly idea what was going on, nor why they had all been kidnapped.

  Inside the back of the enclosed van, Jeannie couldn't tell where they were going even by prying into the mind of the driver. He wasn't thinking of their destination, but simply concentrating on driving and watching for adversaries. She knew she might find out by tapping Casey's mind, but hated to delve into the cesspool of his thoughts. Her parents were totally in the dark. When her father asked what they were going to do with them, Casey told him to shut up.

  Jeannie closed her eyes and tried to contact Jimmy and Amber. She felt a little better when she met their minds, but she knew she was in a great deal of trouble. She was startled when she realized Jimmy wasn't having a very good time either.


  Ray Hetrick walked into the living room where the Jones family was sitting with Betty Porter eating a scratch breakfast from such items as they found in the refrigerator. He was carrying a suitcase Bailey recognized as his own. Behind him was another man, carrying two more.

  Bailey and Pat stood up to greet them. Amber remained seated. Her eyes were closed. She was trying to maintain contact with both Jimmy and Jeannie while they were all separated, something she realized now that they needed more practice at if they all survived the burgeoning war over control of their talents.

  "Good news,” Ray said. “We have your luggage and car here and Tarker has people who'll pick Jimmy up in a little while. Your weapons are in your luggage."


  "Oh, sorry. He turned to the brown skinned man behind him. “This is Tarker B
lackmon. His people are the ones who were responsible for quieting down the locals back at the motel and providing this place to keep you safe until we can all decide on our next steps."

  Bailey and Pat shook hands. Amber blinked her eyes open and stood up.

  "This is our daughter Amber,” Pat said.

  Tarker strode forward, wanting to get a good look at the teenaged girl who was responsible for Project Omega's involvement.

  Amber smiled at him. “Thank you for helping us,” she said, taking his hand. “And for helping Jimmy, too. Your people just found him. He's already in their car."

  Amber's smile suddenly disappeared. Despite being used to concealing her talent, she realized that she had given it away before stopping to think. She had been so happy over Jimmy's rescue that it caused her to slip. “Uh oh,” she said.

  "It's all right, Amber,” Ray said. “I had to let it out to get them so involved, but Tarker is the only one so far who knows what you three can do besides me and that damned Casey, I guess.” Ray was also a bit forgetful, realizing too late that Betty Porter was in the room. The other two had been resting. However, when he glanced at her, he saw that she was so tired that his remark passed her by.

  "No there's another,” Amber said. “The man Casey's working for knows. Casey just kidnapped Jeannie and her parents. Besides that, Jimmy's parents are ... they're dead.” Her eyes became suffused with gathering tears. “He wasn't close to his dad, but he loved his mother. He's crying right now.” A tear escaped and ran down her cheek.

  Tarker suddenly became all business. “Excuse me a minute, I need to send some people and get Jimmy's absence from the scene taken care of and start the procedures for keeping him out of the hands of the Child Protective Services. He is underage, isn't he?"

  "Yes,” Pat said. “That poor boy. Can we take him in?"

  "I'll fix it somehow.” Tarker made a couple of calls while the others waited and spoke again, this time to Amber.” Alright now, tell me about this other girl, Jeannie. Do you know where they're taking her, Miss Jones?” He asked the question as if he already believed completely in her mind reading ability.

  "Just kind of vaguely, but I'll probably find out exactly when they get there,” Amber said. “And please call me Amber, Mister Blackmon. Also, my last name is Morrison, not Jones.” She winked at Bailey.

  Tarker blinked and nodded “Fine, but we'll wait to do anything about her. A car-jacking is too conspicuous. We've already shown our hand too much the last day or so."

  "Can you really fix it where Jimmy can come live with us, Mister Blackmon?” Amber asked. “That would be wonderful!"

  "It shouldn't be a problem, although I'll have to let my boss in on the secret to justify it. I can take action on my own, like I just did, but I'll have to tell him why as soon as the situation quiets down a bit."

  "Can you tell me just who you are and who you work for?” Bailey asked, a little uneasy “Are you with the government?” He trusted Amber and Ray, but still liked the comforting presence of the Glock riding in a holster at the small of his back.

  "No, and ordinarily, we do things without explaining why.” Tarker grinned lopsidedly. “Although in this case I doubt it would do any good not to explain since the young people can read my mind.” He ignored Betty Porter's presence, figuring she had probably deduced their talents by this time anyway, but he glanced at her and saw that she had fallen asleep on the end of the couch with her head on the armrest.

  "We don't do it unless it's really necessary,” Amber said. “At least Jimmy and I don't. Jeannie has sort of ... well, she's...” Amber didn't know quite how to explain how it worked and why Jeannie had been so resentful when Jimmy and she became a pair. No one but another mind reader could understand, not completely. She looked helplessly toward Bailey and Mom.

  "Jeannie has gone a little bad, according to Amber. She's resentful of Amber and Jimmy becoming lovers and excluding her,” Pat explained.

  Amber blushed but nodded.

  Tarker raised his brows minutely, wondering about her age and the way her parents seemed unconcerned about it. She was well-developed but still looked awfully young to be having sex.

  "The perceptive kids are all more mature than their peers, and the three who have mind to mind contact even more so. Think about it, and you'll see why,” Bailey explained after seeing Tarker's expression.

  "I already am,” Tarker said. “I'm thinking about a lot of things. In the meantime, is there any breakfast left? It's been a while since Ray and I have eaten."

  "I'll fix you something,” Pat offered. “Bailey, you and Amber go put our things up. I'll put on some more coffee, and we can all talk in a little while. Leave my gun out so I can check it."

  Amber took the time to change clothes. She had showered that morning but had had to put on the same clothes she had been wearing. Now, as she removed garments from the suitcase, she laid aside fresh underwear, jeans, and tee shirt, along with a denim jacket to carry her automatic. The side pocket supported it nicely, and after the last day or two, she didn't intend to be without it. All the time she was dressing, she kept in touch with Jimmy and intermittently with Jeannie. When she returned, Ray and Tarker were seated in the living room polishing off scrambled egg sandwiches. Bailey and Mom were back, and they had changed clothes, too.

  "Have you contacted Jeannie again?” Bailey asked as he came into the room.

  "She's still in back of the van with Casey. Bailey, he's a slimebug. I don't like to touch his mind. It's nasty. He's going to do bad things to Jeannie if we don't help her.” She shifted and looked imploringly at Tarker, knowing he was the one to go to.

  "I take it ‘slimebug’ means something pretty bad?"

  "Yes, sir. Like the men you see on televid sometimes, those that grab little girls and kill them."

  "Find out where she's located, and we'll try to rescue her. Are her parents still alive?"

  "Uh huh. I think Casey's boss wants them so he can control Jeannie."

  Ray shook his head, disgust evident in his features. “I sure wish I had known what kind of man he was when he was working for me. It would have saved us all this trouble."

  "Let's concentrate on the present,” Tarker said. “Amber, please let me know the minute you find out exactly where Jeannie is so we can plan on how to get her away from those people."

  "I will,” Amber said.

  "Now, without going into details, I work for a private agency. It's very secretive, and the less you know about it, the better. Suffice to say, we're the good guys. We only become involved in extreme and unusual situations where we think we can make a difference in world affairs or help improve chances for human dignity and safety on a large scale. Ray convinced me that we needed to get involved, though I must say that once he mentioned mind reading, it didn't take much convincing.” He smiled grimly. “I only wish we had known sooner, even about the perceptive kids, but that's in the past. Right now, if any of you have any suggestions, I want to hear them."

  Bailey fidgeted, trying to conceal what he had done when he went to empty his and Pat's luggage. He didn't even want Amber to know yet. To help conceal what he had done from Amber, he brought up another subject, the same one he and Pat had discussed and that he had been mulling over the last week. “I have an idea,” he said.

  "Let's hear it."

  "Go ahead and make what happened to the perceptive kids public. I've had some research done, and so has Ray. If we disperse that knowledge, along with the formula of the nerve agent and how to manufacture it, pretty soon there'll be thousands, probably millions of people who can do the same thing."

  Tarker had to pause a moment to take it in. Ramifications of such an action raced through his mind and he remembered. “I thought that agent only affected younger kids? It made them sick too, if I remember right. Wouldn't releasing the formula be dangerous?"

  "No,” Ray answered for Bailey. “I've had friends working on it, too. The dosage needs to be adjusted according to age and body mass. T
hat's why it originally only affected the younger ones. If what we've discovered in chimps carries over to humans, persons of just about any age could become perceptive."

  "That's the same conclusion my friend reached, which is why I say release it,” Bailey said. “Otherwise, there's just going to be more and more fighting over the perceptives we have now. Just think what would happen if everyone was as perceptive as those kids; it wouldn't make a difference."

  "Whew! It's a draconian solution you're proposing, my friend. It sounds good, but it still doesn't help the situation now. As Ray explained it to me, it took several months before the younger kids began showing signs they were different."

  "Actually, our research showed adults reacted very soon, given the correct dosage."

  "Still, it's only in chimps so far,” Tarker said. “How can you be certain?"

  "I'm not certain,” Bailey admitted.

  "I am,” Ray said.

  Everyone in the room turned in his direction.

  "A couple of our researchers were so intrigued, they tried it on themselves. They're already showing signs of increased perceptive abilities, and what's even better, there have been no side effects so far."


  Amber had been following the conversation while staying in close touch with Jeannie, afraid she might miss the moment of her arrival and have to probe the dark depths of Casey's mind to find her location, assuming he learned of it. Suddenly she jumped to her feet, a huge grin creasing her face.

  "Jimmy's here! Jimmy's here!” she shouted and ran for the door. She had been so involved with Jeannie that his arrival snuck up on her.


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