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Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy)

Page 20

by Vikki Vaught

  Fury swept through her, and it was all she could do to keep from screaming. Cecilia quickly left the dressmaker’s and hurried home. Once she arrived home, she ran upstairs to her room and slammed her bedroom door with so much force that it almost came off the hinges. Spying a trinket that Matthew had given her, she grabbed it up and through it at her mirror, which broke into hundreds of pieces. Cecilia screamed for her maid, and when the girl showed up, Cecilia yelled, “Clean this mess up, and then get out of my sight! I don’t want anyone to bother me today. I’m not home to anyone except my cousin Louis.”

  The maid quickly cleaned up the broken glass and left the room. She told the rest of the servants about how angry their mistress was so they could try to stay out of her way. That night, when Louis showed up, she let him have it.

  “You imbecile! That bitch is going to make it, and she’s going to have a baby. Why couldn’t she have at least lost the brat? I want the slut dead! You promised you would do this for me. You’re just going to have to try again, and this time you’d better not mess it up. There’s no way I want her giving Matthew an heir. If she gives him a son and then dies, he might not feel the need to marry again.”

  Trying to placate Cecilia, Louis walked over to her and put his arm around her. “Try to calm down Cecilia. This is just a minor setback. I promised you I would kill her, and I will.”

  “Well, you need to try something again right away,” Cecilia screamed, “I want her dead!”

  “I have to wait a little while, because they’re looking into how the girth ended up cut. So far, they aren’t sure whether it was cut accidentally or deliberately. Evidently, the stable boy who readied the horses that day was in a hurry. Since they can’t be sure whether it was accidental or deliberate, that will be good for us. It will make it easier for me to get her. I just need you to have a little more patience. Next time, I’ll make sure I’m successful.”

  Then pleading with him, Cecilia cried, “Louis, please, you have to get rid of her for me. You promised me that you would kill her.”

  “Just have a little patience. I’ll make sure that next time I’ll be successful.”

  Going off on another tangent, Cecelia started yelling again. “It’s not fair that he married that bitch! He was supposed to marry me. I waited patiently for three long years. She doesn’t even love him. I can tell when I see her with him that she doesn’t. I’m sure that men find her somewhat attractive, but I’m much more beautiful, and much more passionate.”

  “Of course you’re more beautiful,” Louis assured her. “He probably regrets marrying her already. I’m sure he misses you desperately. After she’s gone, I’m sure he’ll come back to you.”

  With malice freezing her violet eyes to ice, Cecelia exclaimed, “She’s probably as cold as a statue, and I hope she freezes Matthew’s cock off!” Then realizing how that would affect her, she added, “Well, I really don’t want that to happen, because I’m rather fond of that part of his anatomy…but I hope she makes him miserable. I’m sure she just married him for his title, and Matthew wanted her dowry, since she’s such an heiress. Oh, this is so unfair!”

  Trying to reassure her further, Louis replied. “I’m sure you’re right. He just married her for her dowry. Now I need to leave before anyone sees me here with you. Don’t give up hope. I’ll be successful the next time an opportunity presents itself. You just need to be patient, and all will work out.”

  After Louis left, Cecilia was so furious that she started throwing things around again, smashing several lovely figurines against the wall. Standing amid the broken shards of glass, she finally calmed back down. There had to be some way she could get rid of Helen and soon, but she knew that Louis was her best chance. Just as Louis said, she would need to be patient. Surely, they would have another opportunity soon, and then, when Helen was gone, Matthew would come back to her.

  Cecelia would comfort him over his loss, and this time she would make sure that he married her by making sure she got pregnant. Cecilia was so angry with herself. She could have been pregnant several times, but since she didn’t want any little brats running around, she’d always taken precautions to keep herself from getting with child. If she had known that having a child was so important to Matthew, she’d have made sure she had gotten pregnant. She could put up with a little brat to have Matthew! Well, at this point, she would have to wait on Louis, but he had better not mess it up again!

  Now that Helen was almost fully recovered, Matthew was enjoying spending time with Sanderford. He found him highly intelligent and much more down to earth than he would have expected. Henry wanted Matthew to come to London and participate in all the hearings involving the King’s petition for divorce.

  While Matthew and Henry were talking a few days after Helen had awakened, Henry brought up the subject of the hearings again. “The sooner this business with the King can be dealt with, the better for the country. It’s embarrassing to have so many intimate details revealed about the King and Queen. The nation needs this to be finished.”

  “I can’t agree with you more,” Matthew said. “Even in this out of the way place, there’s been talk.”

  “The masses are outraged over the King’s behavior,” Henry said, “and feel as if the Queen’s character is being decimated, when the King’s behavior is far more atrocious than the Queen’s. The defense has brought up the whole Fitzherbert incident, hoping that by alluding to the King’s infidelities that the prosecution would back done.”

  Matthew watched as Henry paced back and forth. Matthew knew this whole situation had Sanderford greatly troubled.

  Henry stopped pacing. “I heard from Weston, and he says that Brougham gave an impassioned speech on the third of October that was an extraordinary argument and oratory, better than anyone has heard in years.”

  “I read that in the papers myself. I’m interested in knowing more about all this. Please explain.”

  “Brougham has presented numerous witnesses, such as Colonel Alessandro Olivieri and Carlo Vassalli, disputing the witnesses for the prosecution. The witnesses stated that the Queen’s behavior was beyond reproach. There was no way she’d been intimate with Bartolomeo Pergami, who was the head servant of her household. The defense also brought in two witnesses that revealed that the prosecution’s witnesses had been paid forty francs and were given free room and board if they would testify. The debacle just keeps getting worse, and it needs to end now. Please come to London and take your seat in Parliament. We need every vote we can get to defeat this bill.”

  Since Matthew had already planned to take his seat in Parliament in the spring, he said, “I want to help, but my only concern is Helen. I’m afraid that a trip to London will overtax her, and I don’t want her to become ill again.”

  “I can understand your concern, however Helen has always been extremely healthy, and the doctor has assured you that she’s completely recovered. Helen would enjoy the entertainments in London. Many of the ton are in town due to the proceedings, so there are parties every night. Please say you’ll come to London.”

  “All right, we’ll come. I’m sure Helen will enjoy going, and it will be good for her to be around family. I know she’s missed all of you terribly. I have everything running smoothly here, now that I have such an excellent steward. We can leave on Monday. Will that work for you?”

  “The sooner the better for me. In fact, I was planning on leaving tomorrow. I’ll go tell Melody. She’ll be so pleased that you’re coming,” he said, and then rushed out of Matthew’s study to go tell Melody the news.

  Henry and Melody left the next morning. Matthew knew Helen was thrilled to be going to London. They decided to take the children, so that meant taking two carriages, but everything was ready on Monday. The children behaved amazingly well the entire trip.

  Henry had asked them to stay at Sanderford House. When they arrived, the housekeeper showed them to their rooms. Matthew was impressed with how well-appointed they were. Helen was surprised when Matthew told he
r about the townhouse he owned, but, of course, she was excited about the opportunity to redecorate it.

  Helen was truly amazing. Nothing seemed to disturb her. Of course, she might change her mind when she saw how much work was needed to renovate the place.

  Everyone met at seven o’clock in the drawing room. Matthew remembered how uncomfortable he’d been at the wedding, but now that he knew everyone better, he found everyone easy to be around. Shortly after everyone arrived, the butler Simpson announced dinner. The food was splendid, and the conversation flowed freely around the table.

  Matthew was surprised at how informal they were, but that suited him perfectly. He could tell that Helen was thrilled to be with her family again. After everyone finished eating, Melody led the ladies out of the dining room to leave the gentlemen to their port and cigars.

  While Henry and Matthew sat at the dining room table, Henry asked, “So, Collingswood, can you go to Parliament with me tomorrow? I want to introduce you to some of our peers who are working with me on this issue of the King’s divorce proceedings. You’ve already met Weston at the wedding, and you may know others from when you were in town last spring.”

  Matthew sipped his port and puffed on his cigar as he leaned back in his chair. Sanderford certainly had excellent taste in cigars and port. “I’m actually looking forward to taking my seat in Parliament. My father was very active and I plan to be as well, now that I have Collingswood Hall in order. What time do you usually get there?”

  Henry poured himself another glass of port. “I normally get there by two o’clock. Most mornings I go to Gentleman Jackson’s gym and go a few rounds with some of my friends. We usually go to White’s for lunch afterward. Would you like to go to the gym with me tomorrow?”

  Matthew leaned forward. “I did some boxing at Cambridge, and I enjoyed it, so I’d like that. What time do I need to be ready?”

  “I usually meet Weston at ten. My friend Hayden should be there. You can go a few rounds with him.” After they finished their port and cigars, Henry and Matthew left the dining room and joined the ladies in the drawing room. When they got there, Mary was playing the pianoforte, so they all spent a pleasant evening listening to music. Around ten o’clock they all retired to bed.

  Helen woke up the next morning to find that Matthew was already gone. He had been so tender last night when he made love to her. It was the first time they’d made love since her accident. She was beginning to believe that Matthew really was falling in love with her. Her feelings were definitely growing stronger for him. Sleeping in his arms every night was sublime, and she loved when he would stroke her belly and talk about the baby. It was so amazing to her that she hadn’t lost the child.

  Oh well, this wasn’t getting her day started. It was time to get up!

  Sally arrived and soon she was ready. When she entered the breakfast room, she realized that she was ravenous and filled her plate with bacon, sausage, eggs, and toast.

  As she was taking her seat, Kathryn came in, filled her plate, and sat down beside her. “Helen, I’m so happy about the baby. You’ll be a marvelous mother, and I know that was your main reason for getting married.”

  “Thank you, Kathryn. I do love children, and I’m mad about Matthew’s daughters. They’re adorable little girls.”

  “Your stepdaughters are enchanting, and they seem to be very bright. I peeked in on them this morning before I came down, and they seem to be getting along well with Mary Elizabeth and Angela. I’d like to do some sketches of them while you’re here so I can do their portrait, if that’s agreeable with you.”

  “I know Matthew would love a portrait of them, so yes, please feel free to do as many sketches as you need. If you could have it done by the end of January that would be wonderful. Matthew’s birthday is in February, and I would love to give it to him. We would need to keep it a secret.”

  “I’ll be happy to do that. I can’t wait to get started.”

  “I’m so pleased that Christina and Catherine are getting along with Mary Elizabeth and Angela. When I first met the girls, they didn’t want anything to do with me, and they were horribly behaved. Miss Wilson has been a godsend. I have hopes that they’ll soon accept me as their mother. We haven’t told them about the baby yet, but Matthew wants to tell them soon, before I start showing.”

  When Kathryn stood up to leave the room, she said, “Well, I need to get ready to go to the Art Institute. I hope all of you have an enjoyable morning at the orphanage. I’ll see you this afternoon at tea.”

  After Helen finished eating, she met Melody and Mary, and they left for the orphanage. When they got there, Susan had already arrived. When she saw Helen, she hurried over and gave her a hug. “Helen, it’s wonderful to see you again. When did you get in town? Mary didn’t say a thing about you coming for a visit. Are you all right? She told me about your accident.”

  “We arrived yesterday afternoon, and I’m feeling marvelous. I’m fully recovered from my accident, and guess what? I’m going to have a baby! Isn’t that wonderful?”

  As they waited for the children to come out, Susan remarked, “Oh Helen, I’m so happy for you! When is your baby due? As you may be able to tell, I’m due in late February. Oh, how long are you going to be in town? I’m giving a ball to raise money for the orphanage next week. Will you be able to attend?”

  “Susan, you haven’t changed at all. Let me see. I’m going to have my baby the end of April. I’ll be in town for a couple of months because Matthew is helping Henry with this divorce bill, and Mary already told me about your ball. I’m sure we would love to attend. I think that answers all your questions!”

  Susan giggled. “You know me. I always have dozens of questions. How are you getting along with Lord Collingswood? Have you fallen in love with him yet? I know you said you didn’t want to be in love, but Helen, you’re simply glowing.”

  Helen beamed. “I’ve grown to care for Matthew tremendously, and we have a very rewarding marriage…and…yes, I do love him, but I haven’t told him yet. I think he holds me in high regard, but we haven’t discussed love. Susan, I’m still scared that I’ll be hurt again. That’s why I haven’t told him that I love him.”

  “Well, I’m sure he’ll fall in love with you, if he hasn’t already. I know that snake hurt you, but don’t let him affect how you feel about Lord Collingswood. As much as I want to continue this conversation, I see the children have arrived. Please, come to tea so we can talk further.” Helen and Susan joined Mary and Melody, and after playing with the children and working on the details for the auction that would be held at the ball, Helen, Melody, and Mary left. They all agreed to meet back at the orphanage the next day.

  After luncheon, Melody and Helen went to Madame Devy’s, since Melody needed to pick up a new evening gown. Helen decided to order some clothes for the winter that would accommodate her delicate condition, and Madame Devy assured her she could design dresses that would conceal her condition. They had a very pleasant afternoon. It was such a pleasure seeing Melody again, and it was so nice to be back in London.

  Matthew had an enjoyable day with Sanderford, and he was looking forward to working with everyone in Parliament. He knew quite a few of the men who were working with Henry on the bill. Several of them were from his school days, and it was nice to see them again. Henry was so passionate about his work in Parliament that it made Matthew look forward to getting involved. After all, it was his responsibility to his people to be there to fight for their rights.

  Matthew enjoyed himself at Gentleman Jackson’s gym tremendously. It had been years since he had done any boxing, but it all came back to him as he sparred with Sanderford’s friend, Hayden. Going there again was something that he knew he would want to do. He had also enjoyed going to White’s for luncheon and the food had been delicious. His father had been a member, and he looked forward to spending time there with Sanderford and his friends.

  Matthew ran into Bradley at White’s. He walked over and shook his hand. “Hel
lo, old friend, how are you? It’s good to see you again. I was sorry to hear about your uncle passing away.”

  Bradley returned his handshake. “While I hated to see my uncle die, it was harder to see him in so much pain. He had been quite ill for a couple of months. What are you doing back in town? I didn’t think you were supposed to be here until spring.”

  “My brother-in-law talked me into coming to help support him in his fight against the Pains and Penalties Bill. Sanderford is heavily involved with this issue, and he’s convinced me that I need to go ahead and take my seat in Parliament. Have you decided to take your seat yet? If you’re interested, I’m sure Sanderford would appreciate your help with the bill.”

  “I’ve already taken my seat, and I’d enjoy helping with the bill,” Bradley said, as he adjusted the cuff of his jacket, then continued. “If you’re taking your seat, I imagine you’ll be making your maiden speech soon. I made mine last week.”

  “Sanderford is letting me use his secretary to help me with mine. I tell you, I’m not looking forward to it,” he said, taking a seat across from Bradley. “I’ve never been good at those kinds of things. Sanderford says his secretary, Stallings, is brilliant, and he’s going to need to be, if he’s going to help me.”

  “It’s hard on the nerves. I’m just glad I’ve got it behind me!” Bradley replied, with relief in his voice. “How are you enjoying your marriage? Did your wife come to town with you?”

  Matthew dropped his voice down and leaned across the table. “I’m glad I ran into you to today. I’ve wanted to talk about Helen with someone, and since we’ve been friends forever, I would appreciate your advice.”


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