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Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy)

Page 28

by Vikki Vaught

  Madame went to the table, picked up a whip, and walked over to the bed. Helen felt so much fear that she was afraid she would faint. “Bernard, untie her and flip her over, then retie her to the bed.”

  Bernard came toward her leering at her as he grabbed her arms and untied them. Helen fought to sit up, but Bernard was just too strong. He rubbed his body against her as he untied her feet. He flipped her over, and before Helen could react, he had her retied to the bed. Lying there sprawled across the covers, Helen waited for the first lash.

  The Madame swung the whip and Helen felt it tear into her tender flesh. The lashes cut into her buttocks. She tried to keep silent, but the pain was too much for her, and after the third lash, she cried out. Madame hit her over and over again until Helen lost count. Eventually, losing consciousness, she slipped into oblivion.

  When Helen woke up, her back felt as if it were on fire. An old woman was smearing a pungent salve all over her lower back, buttocks, and upper thighs. The smell was so horrid that it made Helen gag, and she had to fight the urge to throw up. Helen realized she was now naked and still strapped down to the bed. Bernard was in the room making more of his lewd comments and laughing gleefully at her predicament. Once the old woman was finished spreading the ointment on her, her wounds didn’t burn as badly.

  The old woman sympathetically looked at Helen and murmured, “Ye’ll ‘ave t’ lie on yer stomuck fer sev’ral days, and I’ll come back twice a day t’ put more o’ this salve on yer back. It’ll take th’ sting away. The lashes ain’t deep so ye shouldn’t ‘ave much scarin’, but th’ ointment ‘ill ‘elp. I’ll leave ye now.”

  Helen watched the old woman depart. Bernard stood up, walked over to the bed, and leaned down. As he reached around her, he grabbed her breast and gave it a hard pinch, then whispered in her ear, “Ye ‘aven’t ‘ad all o’ yer punishment yet. I get t’ ‘ave a go at ye, once Madame says ye’re ‘ealed. I’ll show ye ‘ow a real man swives, and I’ll plow ye so ‘ard and so deep ye’ll wish ye’d never been born and when I’m through…I’ll do ye again and again, till ye scream and plead fer me to stop.”

  Helen felt the tears course down her cheeks, and she was shaking all over. She didn’t want to give up hope, but things were definitely looking bad. At this point, death was preferable to what Bernard had in store for her.

  They untied her from the bed three times a day to allow her to take care of her personal needs. However, she had to use the chamber pot while Bernard watched, and he would give her an evil grin, reminding her of what was to come. She thought she’d already faced the worst type of humiliation when Madame had examined her, but having Bernard watch was definitely the worst thing she’d ever experienced in her life.

  Sanderford House

  Early May 1821

  It had now been a fortnight since Helen had been taken. They were no closer to finding her now than they’d been when he received the information about her being taken to a brothel in London. Sanderford was treating him with disdain. Melody couldn’t stand to look at him, and he couldn’t blame her. Kathryn cried every time she saw him. The only one who was speaking to him was Peter.

  Matthew didn’t know how he could have stood it without Peter. He was amazed at the level of maturity Peter was showing. Matthew thought about moving to his townhouse, but he was afraid that if he left, Sanderford wouldn’t tell him of any progress he’d made. Besides, he looked at all this as a form of punishment for what he’d done to Helen.

  The Bow Street Runner, Mr. Livingston, was going to Devonshire to speak with Cecilia and see if he could make her talk. Matthew wanted to go with him, but he didn’t want to leave London, in case they found Helen. As each day passed, he grew more despondent, because he feared that when they did find her, it would be too late. The damage would have already been done.

  Every evening he would dress in his evening clothes and go to all the brothels he could find, but there was no sign of Helen in any of them. Sanderford had paid bribes several times to men that might help them, hoping that someone would give him some information, but so far, nothing had turned up.

  Matthew felt tremendous guilt when he saw all the prostitutes, because he realized many of them had probably not chosen this way of life, but had been forced into it. Probably in similar situations as Helen was in. He felt ashamed that he’d availed himself of their services in the past, never even considering that the women might have been forced into that type of life.

  Another week went by, and Helen had now been gone for over three weeks, and they still didn’t have any new leads that would help them find her. The Bow Street Runner wasn’t back from Devonshire yet, and now they were checking out some of the lesser-known brothels on the East End in Seven Dials, and even in St. Giles. Matthew felt ill just thinking about Helen in one those places. The worst rogues and rakes frequented them, and they liked it rough, not to mention the possibility of disease. It was looking very doubtful that they’d find her unharmed, if they found her at all.

  They were going back to Madame Lucille’s Gallery tonight, because Sanderford had a strong feeling about that place. The door attendant had told Sanderford, after he gave him a bribe, that Madame had a new star in her Gallery, and that she was going to be presented in a few days. There was going to be an auction. Her new star would go to the highest bidder, and the bidding was supposed to be fierce. Matthew was trying to be optimistic, but he was having a difficult time believing there would be a positive outcome.

  When they went back to Madame Lucille’s that night, there was no new information about her new star. They decided they would have to wait until Madame presented her. Matthew wanted to believe that this new star was Helen, because then there was a possibility she hadn’t been violated yet. Of course, there was no way to be sure that it was Helen, but it was worth being there, just in case it was. Besides it was the only lead they had.

  Matthew had received word from Wells telling him that his sons were recovering from their ordeal and had even put on some weight. Every time he thought about his sons, his heart would seize up. He knew that Helen must be out of her mind with worry over them.

  Oh God, please keep her safe until I can find her.

  If Cecilia had been the one to do this, then he would make sure she paid for hurting his family.

  The brothel

  Two days before the auction

  The old woman told Helen her back and buttocks were healing nicely and that there would be no scaring. Helen had overheard Madame talking to Bernard, and it sounded as if she was to be placed up for auction in two days. From what they said, she was to be given to the highest bidder, and whoever that was would be able to use her any way they wanted. It made her ill just thinking about another man touching her. She had to find a way to escape before the auction.

  Bernard came back into the room and he was grinning. “Ye are goin’ t’ be in fer a real treat. In two days, ye’ll be given t’ th’ ‘ighest bidder, and they’ll get t’ plow ye all night long. After they’re through, I get a go at ye. Ye’ll ‘ave a long night, so ye might want t’ get plenty o’ sleep. Let me show ye what I ‘ave in store, fer ye.”

  Bernard came over to the bed and started rubbing his hands all over her naked back and buttocks, and then he reached around her and pinched her nipple hard, giving it a twist. As he touched her, he put his other hand inside his trousers and pulled out his cock. Helen’s eyes opened wide in absolute terror. The man’s shaft was enormous. She couldn’t imagine him taking her with it.

  Bernard rubbed his cock up near her face and tried to force her to take him into her mouth, but she kept turning her head away. The smell was overbearing, and she knew she was going to be sick. Grabbing hold of her head, he rammed his cock against her tightly clinched lips, just as the door opened, and Madame walked into the room.

  When Madame saw what he was trying to do, she yelled, “Bernard, what the hell do you think you’re doing? I told you that you weren’t to touch her until after the auction. If I catc
h you messing with her again, you’ll live to regret it. Cover up that great big cock you great, ugly brute!”

  Madame sent him out of the room and then untied Helen from the bed. She ordered here to roll over on her back and spread her legs. Helen didn’t want to do it, but she knew that if she didn’t do it willingly, then Madame would have Bernard do it.

  Madame leaned over, took her hand, pushed her fingers up inside Helen, and felt around. “Ah, such a pretty, tight little pussy, the men are going to love you. You should bring me in some much-needed cash. The auction is in two days, and you’re completely healed. You’d better make sure you enjoy your next two days, because after that, you’ll be very busy every night spreading these pretty pink thighs. I’ll leave you now to think about what is to come.”

  Just when she thought things couldn’t get any worse.

  It made her skin crawl when the Madame examined her.

  Oh Lord, what was she going to do?

  If she couldn’t figure out a way to get out of here by then, she knew she wouldn’t survive what they had planned for her. Her only hope was to try to talk to the old woman when she came to treat her. Helen decided she would try to get the old woman to take a message to her brother. The last few times she had come to treat her, they had allowed her to be alone with Helen.

  That evening, when the old woman came to put the ointment on her back, Bernard left her in the room. Helen took her chance. “Ma’am, please help me. My brother is the Duke of Sanderford, and he will pay you well if you’ll go to him and tell him that I’m here, and that I’ll be auctioned off to the highest bidder in two days. Please, I beg you to go to him!”

  The old woman looked over at the door, and then looked back at Helen. “I’m called Ole Maude, and I’ll go t’ ‘im, but I can’t go till th’ day after tomorrow. Ye promise ‘e’ll pay me good?”

  With tears of relief in her eyes, she said, “Oh, thank you, tell him that I want him to give you twenty pounds. Tell him that Helen sent you to him, and I promise he’ll give you the money.”

  “Cor! Twenty pounds, I ain’t never got that much coin afore. I promise I’ll go as soon as I can get there!” Old Maude said.

  Old Maude finished putting on the salve and then left the room. As she was leaving, she looked back at Helen and smiled as she nodded her head. When Bernard came back into the room, he brought her evening meal. For the first time since she had been brought here, she ate her entire dinner. She now had hope that soon this whole ordeal would be over. That night she slept through the entire night and woke up refreshed. Now that Old Maude was going to help her, she knew she would be saved. Helen hoped that Old Maude would get to Henry early tomorrow, so he could come for her right away.

  Sanderford House

  The day of the auction

  On the morning of the auction, while Sanderford and Matthew were planning what they would do if the woman at the auction was Helen, Simpson came into the room. “Excuse me, Your Grace, there’s an old woman asking to see you. She says she has information about Lady Helen. Do you want to see her?”

  Sanderford and Matthew looked at each other and stood up hastily as Sanderford said, “Where is this woman? Take me to her immediately.”

  Matthew and Sanderford followed Simpson to the back of the house where he had left the woman. When they saw the old woman, Matthew was skeptical that she could possibly have any information that they could use, but at this point, he was willing to reserve judgment.

  Sanderford stepped over to her. “I’m the Duke of Sanderford. What information do you have about my sister?”

  The old woman twisted her hands nervously. “Yer Grace, I’m Ole Maude, and yer sister, Helen, told me t’ cum t’ ye and that ye would give me twenty pounds, cuz I know where she is. She’s at Madame Lucille’s, and she’s goin t’ be auctioned off t’night, and she wants ye t’ cum and get ‘er.”

  Sanderford and Matthew looked at each other in astonishment. Sanderford asked, “How is my sister? Has she been hurt?”

  “Yer Grace, she’s been beaten an’ I been treatin’ ‘er back, but ‘er back is ‘ealing real good. I’ve been puttin’ salve ont’ it ever’ day. She needs ye t’ come get ‘er. Can I ‘ave th’ coins?” Old Maude asked.

  “My good woman, if Helen is indeed at Madame Lucille’s and we’re able to rescue her, I’ll not only give you twenty pounds, I’ll send you to my estate and give you your own cottage with a pension for the rest of your life!”

  “Blimey, I never spected nothin’ like this. I promise ye she’s there, and I thank ye kindly, Yer Grace.” The old woman tried to curtsey, but started to fall over. Matthew grabbed her arm to steady her.

  Sanderford handed the woman the twenty pounds and turned to Simpson. “Simpson, take Old Maude to the kitchen and see that she’s given something to eat.”

  “Certainly, Your Grace.” Turning to the old woman, Simpson said, “Please, follow me, ma’am.”

  Matthew breathed a sigh of relief as energy surged through his entire body. His knees were shaking so badly, he was afraid he would collapse. Helen was alive, and it sounded as if she hadn’t been violated yet. He turned to Sanderford. “Your Grace, please let me give you that twenty pounds. I want to go get Helen right now!”

  Sanderford looked over at Matthew and disdainfully replied, “Collingswood, we need to stick to our original plan, you hot head! We’ll go to the auction and outbid everyone there. We can’t just go there and demand that they turn Helen over to us. They’ll deny that she’s even there, and then they would keep us out tonight. I know you’re anxious to get her back, but we must stick to the plan. I’ll do the bidding for Helen, and by God, I’ll get her back!”

  Matthew was pacing back and forth as he tried to control his anger. “Why do you have to do the bidding? She’s my wife! Regardless of how you feel about me, I’m still her husband, and I will be for the rest of her life. Whether you believe this or not, I love my wife, and it’s my right to be the one to get her back!”

  Raising his eyebrow, Sanderford arrogantly replied, “Collingswood, you don’t have enough money to bid high enough, and since I’m a duke, fewer will bid against me. I’m not worried about how much it’s going to cost, but it will go better if I do the bidding. I know you love Helen, that isn’t in question. But does she love you, and will she still want to stay with you when she finds out that your former mistress was behind this entire ghastly ordeal?”

  Matthew knew Sanderford was right. Since he was a duke, fewer men would bid on Helen if they thought he wanted her. Matthew just hoped for Helen’s sake no one would recognize her. She would be ruined if the ton ever found out she had been in a brothel.

  Matthew wasn’t concerned about the ton for himself, but he knew Helen would be devastated if she were to be ostracized by society. He just felt so powerless over this whole situation. Helen had never told him she loved him. She would have every right to hate him since it was his fault she was placed in this horrendous situation. He just hoped the old woman was right, and Helen hadn’t been violated. He would love her no matter what had happened, but he knew it would make it much harder on Helen to recover from this ordeal if she’d been raped.

  Chapter 24

  The day of the auction

  Helen was extremely nervous. She wondered if Old Maude would go to Henry as she said she would. She hadn’t been able to talk to her at all yesterday, because Bernard stayed in the room each time she came to treat her back. Her back was virtually healed, and so Helen wasn’t surprised when Old Maude didn’t come that morning.

  That afternoon, the servants brought a tub of water so she could take a bath. It was the first bath she’d been given since her first day here. She wished she could bathe in solitude rather than in front of Bernard, but she wasn’t given any choice.

  Madame came into the room. “Get in the tub and scrub herself with this special sponge, and make sure you wash your hair. You’ll be making your debut tonight, and we want you to look your best. After all, some of
the most influential men in England will be here. This auction has been talked about in all the clubs, and the betting books are full of wagers wondering who will win the pleasure of being with my new star. Now, hurry up. When you’re through with your bath, I’ll be fixing your face.”

  The soap was heavily perfumed, and it almost made Helen ill, the scent was so strong. Once she was through with her bath, she was given a silk robe to put on and told to go sit at the dressing table. Madame put kohl around her eyes, rice powder on her face, and rouge on her cheeks along with red salve on her lips. Madame told her to take off her robe so she could rouge her nipples.

  Helen was mortified when Madame touched her breasts. Looking at Helen’s belly, Madame reached down and patted her stomach. “Ah, yes, you have very fine skin. Your belly is back to normal size, just slightly rounded, but firm, and you have very few stretch marks. Very good. You will definitely be enriching my coffers this night!”

  Helen shuddered, just thinking about what was going to happen tonight.

  Oh Lord, please let Henry and Matthew save me from this ordeal.

  When Helen saw her reflection, she thought she looked horrible and hoped Henry would be able to recognize her when he came to get her tonight. She refused to contemplate any other outcome.

  The dress she was given to wear had such a low décolleté that her areolas were showing. It was a deep, ruby red taffeta with flounces around the hem, which clashed horribly with her hair. It was poorly made. The dress was obviously designed to entice men, since it clung to all her curves, and the bodice was just lace with transparent silk lining it.


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