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Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy)

Page 33

by Vikki Vaught

  “Actually, my wife protected herself, and that’s how Mrs. Arlington was wounded. My wife used a garden claw to get away from her. Lady Collingswood is an amazing woman, and I’m very fortunate to have her in my life. It’s such a relief to have this finally over. Thank you for your help, but just to be on the safe side, I’ll be sending four of my guards with you tomorrow. I’m not taking any chances that she’ll find a way to escape. If you need anything else from me, just let me know. Well, I’ll leave you now and go home to my wife.”

  Matthew arrived home well after midnight and went to find Helen. He found her asleep on the sofa in the sitting room. She looked so lovely with her glorious hair cascading around her shoulders, shimmering in the candlelight. Matthew knew he’d made the best decision of his life when he asked her to be his wife. Thank God, she agreed to marry him.

  The Duke of Somerset actually did him a favor when he decided to marry someone else. If he hadn’t hurt Helen like he had, then she wouldn’t have decided to enter into a marriage of convenience with him. Not only was Helen beautiful, she was smart and a wonderful mother. He never expected to find love in his marriage, but he was so grateful he had.

  As he stood there watching Helen, she slowly opened her eyes and smiled up at him. “How did everything go? Did you get Cecilia to the magistrate? What’s going to happen to her?”

  Matthew knelt down in front of her. “Sweetheart, it’s finally over. You don’t ever have to worry about her again. Since it’s obvious that Cecilia is insane, the magistrate felt that the best place for her is Bedlam in London. He’s sending her there tomorrow. My guards are going to accompany her to make sure she doesn’t escape. I’m so fortunate you’re willing to forgive me for my part in all this. As I told you before, I was an idiot, and I promise I’m much wiser from this experience. I’ll never give you any reason to doubt my love for you ever again. I’ll love you forever.”

  Helen tenderly touched his face. “Matthew, when I married you, I never expected, nor wanted, to fall in love with you, but I’m so glad I did. I know you love me, and we’ve been so blessed to find each other. We have four healthy children and our whole lives ahead of us. I shall love you, my darling, all the rest of my days here on earth and for all eternity.”

  Matthew pulled her to her feet and hugged her close as he thanked God for bringing her into his life. Neither one of them had gone into this marriage planning on falling in love, but love sneaked in for both of them. Their love was born out of friendship and respect, and he knew he would cherish her forever.

  Picking Helen up, Matthew carried her to his bed and gently laid her down, then climbed in beside her. Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her. As he gently and tenderly made love to her, they let their passion sweep them away to that wonderful place where only lovers…can soar. They both realized that love…would always bind them together…forever…and beyond.

  The End

  - Excerpts from other works by Vikki Vaught -

  Keep reading for excerpts from Lost Pleasures Found and Turned Around By Love, the first and third books in the Montgomery Family Trilogy, by Vikki Vaught.

  Lost Pleasures Found - Chapter 1

  Late July 1814

  Glancing around the ballroom, Melody watched all the couples dancing and realized she was growing quite bored from all the balls, soirees, and garden parties she’d been attending. Thank goodness, the season was finally drawing to a close. She was grateful to her aunt for inviting her to visit, and she had met many lovely people, but she missed her parents desperately. Melody was more than ready to return to her home in Lincolnshire.

  Melody felt as if she would expire from the stifling heat. When she brushed her hand across her forehead, she felt a faint sheen of perspiration on it, and she was also damp between her breasts. Between the scent of hundreds of beeswax candles in the crystal chandeliers, and the heavily perfumed guests, it was overpowering, and she had to escape.

  While surreptitiously glancing around the ballroom for her aunt, Melody spied her across the room having a conversation with Lady Walton, so she slipped out of the ballroom and stepped outside. Breathing a sigh of relief, she felt the cool summer breeze blowing across the terrace. Her eyes landed on a myriad of gorgeous flowers in full bloom, and the scent of roses and hydrangea bushes filled the air.

  Looking up at the star-studded sky, she stared at the cloudless night as the stars shimmered, and marveled at the glory of the bright full moon. Ah, at last, she felt her body begin to cool. Taking her fan, she lightly waved it in front of her face. It was a relief that she would be able to avoid dancing with some of the suitors Aunt Miriam had been parading in front of her all evening long. Melody knew Aunt Miriam meant well, but it was disappointing that, so far, none of the gentlemen her aunt had introduced her to had caught her eye.

  A noise from behind startled her, and she turned around to see the most beautiful man she had ever seen. She didn’t usually think of men as beautiful, but this man definitely was. He was quite tall, at least six feet, with very broad shoulders. Unlike most of the gentlemen she’d met so far, he didn’t need to pad his dress coat. Allowing her eyes to roam further, she noticed he had a trim waistline and slim hips. While he reached up and adjusted his intricately tied cravat, which had a diamond stickpin in the folds, she caught her breath at the sheer masculine beauty of this man.

  Melody lowered her flushed cheeks in embarrassment, realizing she’d been staring at this tall, muscular man in front of her, and she didn’t want him to think that she was too forward. While walking toward her, he straightened the cuff of his deep blue superfine dress coat, and then he stopped in front of her and gazed directly into her eyes.

  “I know I shouldn’t be talking to you, but I have to ask…who are you? Why have I never seen you before?” Melody watched, mesmerized as he reached up and ran his fingers through his thick red-gold hair, which just brushed the collar of his dress coat. Then drawing closer, he murmured, “You look so lovely standing here against this glorious moonlit night. Your beauty…leaves me breathless.” His bright blue embroidered waistcoat glimmered in the moonlight, causing his piercing blue eyes to sparkle as brilliantly as the moon did. “I’m Henry Montgomery, by the way, and may I ask your name?”

  Melody hesitantly met his gaze. “I’m Melody Centerfield-Smyth, but we haven’t been formally introduced, and as you’ve already stated, I shouldn’t be talking to you. I need to return to the ballroom now, before my aunt realizes I’m missing. Excuse me, sir.” Melody stepped around him and walked toward the French doors that led back to the ballroom.

  He called after her, “Wait, who’s your aunt? How can I find you again?” However, before he’d even finished asking his questions, she hurried through the French doors and disappeared.

  Entering the ballroom, Henry caught a glimpse of Melody. Standing in the doorway, he followed her with his eyes. He’d never imagined anyone could be so lovely. As Melody hurried around the perimeter of the dance floor, she tucked a lock of her beautiful honey blonde hair back into the curls that cascaded down to her shoulders.

  While watching her, Henry realized her figure was just slightly plump, but in all the right places, just the type of woman who’d always attracted him. She had such an air of innocence about her that it made him want to protect her with his life. It surprised Henry that he was having such strong feelings for someone he’d just met. This was someone he definitely wanted to get to know better, so he decided to find someone who could formally introduce them.

  Having lost sight of Melody in the crowd, Henry scanned the room looking for her. He found her standing with Lady Walton and walked over so she could handle the introduction for him.

  Flashing her a brilliant smile, which showed his straight white teeth, he said, “Lady Walton, it’s so good to see you tonight. Thank you for inviting me this evening. I hope I find you in good health?” Henry boldly looked over at Melody, then glancing back at Lady Walton, he asked, “Could you please introduce me to your lo
vely companion?”

  Simpering with pleasure, Lady Walton met his gaze. “I’m pleased you could attend this evening, my lord, and I’m in very good health. Thank you for asking. I’d be happy to introduce you. Lord Henry, this is Miss Centerfield-Smyth from Lincolnshire, and she’s visiting her aunt, Lady Helton, for the season.” Then smiling at Melody, she added, “Miss Centerfield-Smyth, this is Lord Henry Montgomery. He’s one of the Duke of Sanderford’s sons.”

  Melody curtsied, and while gazing up at him, she said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, my lord.”

  “I’m pleased to make your acquaintance. Would you have a dance available for me on your dance card?” The thought of holding her in his arms, as they danced, tantalized him. He certainly hoped she would say yes.

  “It just so happens that this dance is available, and it would be my pleasure, my lord.”

  Henry took Melody’s small white hand in his, and immediately felt a connection to her, stronger than he’d ever felt before. Leading her out onto the dance floor, the orchestra started playing the early strains of a waltz. Putting his arm around her waist as she placed her hand on his shoulder, they began to move to the music. Floating across the floor, they gazed into each other’s eyes, and everyone else on the dance floor disappeared because he had eyes only for her.

  Realizing that he was staring at Melody, Henry cleared his throat. “You’re as lovely in candlelight as you were in the moonlight.” While holding her in his arms, he looked down at her beautiful heart-shaped face and felt his loins tighten with desire. Disconcerted, because he could usually control his impulses better, he continued saying, “I’m glad you were free for this dance, and may I say, you dance divinely.”

  “Thank you, my lord,” Melody replied, shyly glancing away as she looked at all the other dancers, moving gracefully around the room. “I’m enjoying our dance too.”

  Smoothly executing the turn as they danced, he continued to engage her in conversation. “Miss Centerfield-Smyth, I’ve recently returned from the war on the continent, and I’m on an extended leave from my regiment. It’s too bad that the season is almost over, because I’d certainly like to get to know you better. Would you be free tomorrow afternoon around four o’clock? I’d like to take you for a drive in my curricle.”

  Melody looked up, and met his gaze. “I’d be delighted to go, and four o’clock would work well for me. Do you know my aunt, Lady Helton? She lives on Upper Brook Street.”

  “I’ve not had the pleasure of meeting Lady Helton, but I know where she lives.” When the dance ended, Henry escorted her over to Lady Walton, who was standing with another woman of middle years.

  Melody glanced up at him and whispered, “Let me introduce you to my aunt so you can get her permission for our drive tomorrow.”

  Stopping in front of the woman standing next to Lady Walton, Melody said, “Hello, Aunt Miriam. I’d like to introduce you to Lord Montgomery. He’s asked me to go driving with him tomorrow.” Turning to Henry, she added, “My lord, this is my aunt, Lady Helton.”

  Lady Helton replied, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, my lord. I’ve met your parents on several occasions throughout the years. I’m sure my niece will be in good hands on your drive tomorrow.”

  Henry bowed low over Lady Helton’s hand. “I’m pleased to meet you. I promise I’ll take good care of your niece tomorrow on our drive, Lady Helton.”

  They stood there chatting for a few minutes, then Henry turned to Melody, and bowing, he raised her hand to his lips, and kissed her delicate fingers. “Thank you for the dance, Miss Centerfield-Smyth. I look forward to our drive tomorrow afternoon. If you will excuse me, I’m due to meet some friends of mine in the card room. I shall take my leave now.” Then with a smile, he turned and left the ballroom.

  While Melody stood by her aunt, barely listening to her conversation with Lady Walton, she thought about her dance with Lord Henry. Melody couldn’t get over how handsome he was. She felt an odd flutter in her stomach, something she’d never experienced before.

  Aunt Miriam excitedly turned to Melody. “I do believe you’ve caught Lord Henry’s eye. He appears to be very interested in you, my dear. It would be wonderful if you’ve truly captured his attention. This would be an excellent match for you.”

  With an exasperated expression on her face, Melody said, “It’s too soon to be speaking of a match, since we’ve only just met. The heat’s stifling in here. Do you think we could leave? I’m ready to go home, if that’s all right with you?”

  “Of course, darling, I’m ready to leave also. I’ll have my coach brought ‘round while you go get your wrap.” While Melody made her way through the crowd and left the ballroom, Miriam turned to Lady Walton and asked, “How did they meet? Do you know?”

  Lady Walton smiled as she nodded her head. “Lord Henry asked me to introduce them, and since I knew you’d approve, I did.”

  “This is a very interesting turn of events. Well, I’d better hurry. I need to get my dear girl home so she can dream of her new beau!” Miriam laughed. “Good night, Lady Walton. I’ll see you tomorrow for tea, as usual.”

  Melody was very quiet on their way back home. Gazing fondly over at Melody, Aunt Miriam asked, “You seem distracted. Is it because you’re excited over meeting Lord Henry? He’s such an attractive young man.”

  Melody sighed while shifting in her seat. “I wish you wouldn’t keep on about this. As I mentioned earlier, it’s too soon to be talking about a match. Goodness, we’ve only just met. I know you want me to meet someone and fall in love, but I believe it takes time to form an attachment.”

  “I just want you to be happy, and there does seem to be an instant attraction between the two of you. This would be wonderful, because even though Lord Henry is a second son, he’s still in line for the title,” she said, beaming over at Melody. “Just think! You could end up a duchess. Even if that doesn’t happen, it would still be a very good match for you, and in your first season. Oh, Melody, your parents would be so pleased.”

  Melody hated to see her aunt get so excited over this, but she knew it wouldn’t do any good to tell her to stop it. Aunt Miriam did this every time an attractive gentleman showed an interest in her. For the first time…Melody was interested. She hoped her aunt was right about Lord Henry, but she’d never tell her that, because then her aunt would really start dreaming of wedding bells.

  As they entered the house, Melody turned to her aunt. “I think I’ll retire for the night. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Aunt Miriam patted her on the arm. “Good night, my sweet girl. Pleasant dreams!”

  When Melody entered her room, her maid, Millie, was waiting, and soon she was in her night rail and ready for bed. While she lay there, she started thinking about the evening, and her mind went back to her meeting with Lord Henry. He was such an attractive man. When they were dancing, she’d felt shivers run up and down her arms as he held her. She wondered what it would be like to have someone like him love her.

  Could this be the one for her?

  She’d never felt as attracted to anyone as she was to Lord Henry. Well, it was too soon to be thinking about love. After all, she’d just met him tonight. Soon, Melody drifted off to sleep while dreaming of seeing Lord Henry the next afternoon.

  The next morning, she woke up feeling refreshed and slightly giddy over the thought of seeing Lord Henry again. She wondered if he’d thought of her, as she’d been thinking of him, but Melody was a very practical young lady, so she decided to quit thinking about him. This was probably just a passing fancy, and soon she’d forget all about him. She wasn’t going to woolgather all day like some silly young girl.

  After all, even though this was Melody’s first season, she was twenty years old. She had more important things to do today than lie around daydreaming. Besides, just because he was so interested last night didn’t mean that he would continue to be.

  Melody got up and went about her morning ablutions. She picked out her new day dress, a whi
te linen gown with a pink sash just below the bodice, and a matching pink flounce at the hem. Millie helped her dress, did her hair, and soon she was ready to start her day. She was due at St. Mark’s Orphanage that morning at ten o’clock, and she looked forward to playing with all the sweet little children.

  Spending time at the orphanage was quite enjoyable for Melody, and she felt it was a worthwhile cause. Melody also needed to go to the bookseller to see if that new Minerva Press novel had arrived yet. Being an avid reader, she enjoyed reading more than most activities. Once she started reading a good book, the story would so enthrall her that she found it hard to put down.

  Melody went down to the breakfast room and selected her usual toast and cherry preserves, with a nice cup of hot chocolate. She looked longingly at all the wonderful pastries, but she knew she needed to forgo them, since she was trying to slim down a bit. She felt she was a bit too plump and wanted to look like the other slender girls she’d met since coming to London. So, as much as she would have enjoyed the pastries, she passed them up.

  She wondered if Lord Henry liked the typical tall, slender, pale blondes that were so in fashion. If so, he couldn’t be serious about her. After all, she was none of those things; she was very petite and too round to be in fashion.

  Oh, she needed to quit thinking about him.

  This was just wasting valuable time.

  But my goodness, he’d been so handsome!

  Of course, being handsome wasn’t everything. A person’s character was just as important, if not more so, because good looks would fade over time. Sitting down at the table, she began to eat her breakfast, determined to quit thinking about Lord Henry.


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