Manhattan detectives doubts about, 80
NAACP demands for investigation of circumstances surrounding, 128
NYPD investigation of circumstances surrounding, 145–46
recanting of, 57, 59
Rockefeller investigation of circumstances surrounding, 265–66
statement/confession of, 49–52, 56, 58, 59, 80, 82
and TV film about Whitmore, 371
and Whitmore’s claims of coercion, 58, 59, 70
extracting, 43–44
NAACP concerns about, 127
of Robles, 109–10, 112
Congress for Racial Equality (CORE), 72, 134, 145, 157–58, 173–74, 175, 213, 214, 243
Conservative Party, 160, 176
Corbin, Gerald, 129, 130
Cox, Donald, 288
Coxsackie prison (New York State), 65, 141
Coyle, Joseph, 10, 49
Crime Commission, New York State, 310
The Crisis magazine, 111
Crown Heights (Brooklyn): shooting of policemen in, 229–30
Cruse, Harold, 219
Cuba, 279, 295, 382
Curry, Thomas: shooting of, 321–22, 323, 331, 332, 333, 334–35, 337, 360–63, 386
Daily Worker newspaper, 74
Daley, Robert, 43, 361, 381
Dantzler, Blondell, 33, 188
Dantzler, Geraldine, 102, 188
Davis, Angela, 290
Davis, Ossie, 117
Davis, Sammy Jr., 15–16
de Jesus, Aida. See Whitmore, Aida Dean, Eric: murder of, 174–75
death penalty, 67, 132, 144–45, 377
Delafranco, Tony, 88–90, 257–58
Delaney, Marjorie “Marge,” 107, 108
Delaney, Nathan, 107, 108
Democratic Party, National Convention of (Chicago, 1968), 242
Department of Corrections, New York, 352
department stores bombing. See Panther Twenty-one case
Der, Bela K., 10–11
Detective Bureau, NYPD, 259
Detectives Endowment Association, 90
Dhoruba. See Bin Wahad, Dhoruba al-Mujahid (aka Richard Earl Moore) “Torch”
Di Prima, Joseph
awards for, 81
and Borrero trials, 99, 169
and Career Girls Murders trial, 150–52
and Edmonds case, 137, 138, 139, 150, 151
and investigations of circumstances surrounding Whitmore confession, 137, 265
and media, 54
perjury of, 151
retirement of, 152
and Rockefeller investigation, 265
and Whitmore interrogation and confession, 38–42, 45, 46, 48, 53, 137, 265
Dinkins, David, 393
Disciples (gang), 60, 63, 64
Dolly (Phillips friend), 88
Douglas, Emory, 227
Douglass, Frederick, 66, 219, 284, 359
Downes, Sean, 109–10
Dragons (Latino gang), 189
Droge, Edward, 344–45, 346, 347
Bin Wahad as dealer in, 204, 216
and Bin Wahad’s narcotics addiction program, 390
and Black Panthers, 301
and blacks, 27
and Career Girls Murder, 107, 108
in East Village, 350
in Harlem, 27–28, 91, 122–24, 339
Hayden as dealer in, 249, 250
and Jefferys, 164–65
Mafia as supplier of, 27
and Newton, 292, 296, 298
official attitudes about, 27
and Phillips, 91, 123, 124–25, 304
and police corruption, 123–24, 280, 308, 343, 344, 345, 350
and police as “meat eaters,” 364
prevalence in New York City of, 27–28, 393
and race, 27
Du Bois, W.E.B., 14, 133, 219, 234
Duberman, Martin, 320
Dunleavy, Andrew, 49
Durk, David, 24, 280, 281, 308
East Harlem. See Harlem
East New York, 173, 174–75, 189
East Village (Manhattan), 204–5, 206, 223–24, 273–74, 349–50
East Village Other newspaper, 204, 295
Easter Parade, New York City: “bombing” during, 278
Eastern Parkway (Brooklyn): ambush of policemen on the, 238, 239
Edmonds (Minnie) case
and Borrero case, 95, 130, 132, 136, 151, 171, 192
and Career Girls Murders, 135, 141
death penalty in, 132
decision not to retry Whitmore in, 171
decision to proceed with prosecution of, 81, 82
Hundley hearing in, 137–38
hung jury in, 141
jury in, 139–41, 145
and Koota, 171, 358
McKearney official statement about, 53
and media, 136
scenario in, 136
trial in, 135, 136–40, 150, 151
and Whitmore arraignment, 56
and Whitmore confession, 50, 53, 136–38, 140
Whitmore lawyers demands for dropping charges in, 110
Whitmore questioning about, 37–43, 45, 47
Whitmore Sr.’s collapse during, 137–38
Whitmore testimony in, 138–39
Egan, Eddie, 126
New York City, 119–21, 280
1972 presidential, 279–80
2008 presidential, 394
Ellis, Eddie, 117–18, 183–84, 185–86, 196, 213–14, 225
Elmira prison (New York State), 65, 117
Elsmere Tenants Association, 244
Epton, William, 72
Everett, Charles, 127–28
Evers, Medgar, 30
“expropriations,” 328
Fag Squad, NYPD, 89–90
Fanon, Frantz, 224
Farrakhan, Louis, 232–33, 367
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
and Bin Wahad, 270, 294, 313, 333, 385–88
Bin Wahad civil lawsuit against, 388
and BLA, 338, 380, 381, 382
Black Agitator database of, 216, 332
and Black Panthers, 216, 244–45, 270, 279, 286, 288, 292–94, 297, 300, 301, 331–32, 358
button report for Borrero case from, 104, 130, 131–32
and Chesimard case, 381, 382
and Church Committee hearings, 386
civil rights movements investigation by, 215–16
COINTELPRO of, 215–16, 244–45, 270, 292–94, 297, 300, 301, 321, 358, 386
and Forman-Panthers incident, 215
and Joseph (Pauline) as witness, 361
and Malcolm X’s assassination, 115
and Myers arrest, 380
and RAM, 197
SNCC infilitration by, 215
and threats against Powell, 124
Fields, Frank, 334, 335
The 51st State (PBS-TV), 355, 357, 371–72
Fillmore East (East Village), 223–24
Fink, Elizabeth, 386–87
First Amendment, 229
fixing cases, 309–10, 366
Flying Club, NYPD, 163–64
Folsom Prison, 205
Fonda, Jane, 291
Ford, Joudon, 238, 239, 242
Fordham Baldies gang, 60, 62, 64
Forman, James, 214–15
Forty-eighth Precinct (Bronx), 122, 330
Forty-fourth Precinct (Bronx), 268–69
Forty-second Precinct (Bronx), 60, 277–78
Foster, Gregory, 349–50, 351, 380
Fourteenth Amendment, 131
Fourteenth Precinct (Manhattan), 21
Franklin, Aretha, 180
“Free Huey” movement, 208–9, 214
Freedom Rides, 184, 214
French Connection drug bust, 123, 126
Fritello (officer), 343
Furey, John F., 229, 238
Gallashaw, Ernest, 174–75
gambling, 122–23, 124, 280, 307–8, 345
gangs, 60–62, 63, 73, 316. See also specific gang
Garry, Charles, 281, 288
Garvey, Marcus, 269–70, 286
Gaye, Marvin, 351
generation issues: race relations as, 197
Genet, Jean, 288
Genovese, Catherine “Kitty,” 118–20
Genovese, Vito, 27
George Jackson Squad (BLA), 350
Germaise, Irwin, 309–11
Ghana, 388, 390
Ghetto Informant Program, 243
Gilligan, Thomas, 71
Ginza (Manhattan disco), 88
Giuliani, Rudolph, 393, 394
Glass, Melvin, 80–81, 150
Gold, Eugene, 358, 372, 375–76, 377
Goldstein, Aaron F., 167, 168, 169
Gonzales, Charles, 364, 365, 368, 382
“good cop, bad cop,” 38
Goodwin, Mary, 139–40
Graham, Bill, 223
Grant housing project (Bronx), 179
“grass eaters,” 363–64
Graziano, Rocky, 257
Great Meadow Correctional Facility. See “Comstock”
Green Haven Correctional Facility, 142–44, 179, 203, 352–53, 354, 370–71, 373–74, 385–86
Green, Patricia “Kisha,” 335, 360, 363
Gregory, Dick, 127, 128
Griffith, D. W., 134
Gross, Harry, 124, 193, 279, 283
Grosso, Sonny, 125–26, 166
Guevara, Che, 270
gun, in Curry-Binetti shooting, 361–62
“gypsy guns,” 75
Hampton, Fred, 290
arrest of Black Panthers in, 273–74
BLA-police shootout in, 338
Black Panthers in, 186–87, 207–8, 234–38, 267–68, 269, 273–74, 286, 289, 290, 320
as center of black culture, 286
drugs in, 27–28, 122–24, 339
gambling in, 122–23
as geopolitical center of black nationalism, 291
King stabbing in, 3–4
and Knapp Commission, 307
Malcolm X speech in, 85
Mandella visit to, 388
and March on Washington, 5
numbers racket in, 20, 249, 339
and payback for Newton conviction, 247–48, 251
Phillips Jr. assignment in, 91–93, 122–23, 161, 201–2, 258–59
Phillips Sr. assignment in, 86
Phillips as undercover in, 339
Phillips views about, 346
police corruption in, 346
and police views about race, 3349
poverty in, 74
reactions to King assassination in, 220–23
riots in, 70–76, 128, 201–2, 220–23, 366–67
shooting of police in, 247–48, 251, 252–53, 301–2, 366–67
and split within Black Panthers, 289, 290
as symbol of Africa in America, 245
See also specific person
Harlem Labor Center, 158
Harlem Renaissance, 28
Harper’s magazine, 105, 210
Hassan, Ali Bey, 282
The Hate That Hate Produced (CBS-TV), 243
Hawley, William, 156, 157
Hayden, Joseph “Jazz,” 247–54
Heffernan, Ronnie, 72–73
Helfand, Julius, 193, 194, 263, 265
Henry Street Settlement House: NAACP meeting at, 133–34
Herman, Alexander, 82–83
Hill, Michael Dennis, 334, 335
Hilliard, David, 214, 285–87, 288, 290, 293, 294, 295, 313, 315, 317
Hinton, James, 381
Ho Chi Minh, 247
Hoffert, Emily
discovery of body of, 7–11
personal and professional background of, 25
See also Career Girl Murders
Hoffinger, Jack, 109, 147, 149
Hoffman, Abbie, 285
Hogan, Frank, 81, 105, 128, 135, 136, 141, 210, 277–78, 320, 321, 330, 336, 337, 360, 362, 369
Holder, Mark, 335
Hollander (Xaviera) operation, 304–6, 308–10, 341
“Home on the Range” (Jones), 224
homosexuals, 89–90
Hoover, J. Edgar, 215, 216, 244, 292–94, 331–32, 386
House Un-American Activities Committee, 342
Housing Authority, New York, 63, 236
Howard, Elbert “Big Man,” 294
Hundley hearing (Edmonds case), 137–38
Hutton, Bobby, 224, 286
ibogaine, 390
Independent Citizens Committee Against the Civilian Review Board, 159–60
Innis, Roy, 158
Intercommunal News Service, 226
Internal Affairs Division (IAD), NYPD, 164, 165
influence in law enforcement of, 19–20, 22–23, 57, 84
pejoratives for blacks of, 74
Irish Republican Army (IRA), 213, 288
Isola, Frank, 34–38, 40–41, 53, 81, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 105, 192, 265, 354
It’s Time: Cadre News (pamphlet), 269
Jackson, Andrew, 335, 338
Jackson, George, 290, 350
Jamaica Rifle and Pistol Club, 197
Jamal. See Joseph, Eddie “Jamal”
James, Esther, 123
Jefferys, Walter, 164–65
Jim Crow laws, 14, 133, 224, 284
Jingles (friend of Bin Wahad), 63–64
Joe’s Place (Harlem): Williams’ incident at, 156–59
John Birch Society, 160, 196, 242
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 29, 69, 182, 183
Johnson, Norman, 135
Johnson, Parker, 16–17, 171
Johnson, Thomas, 303
Johnson, William “B.J.,” 315–17
Jolly, Thomas, 289
Jones, LeRoi, 224, 227
Jones, Waverly, 322, 330–31, 335–36
Joseph, Eddie “Jamal”
arrests and indictment of, 330, 333, 336, 337
Bin Wahad’s relationship with, 297
and Black Panthers’ New Haven rally, 297, 299
and burning of Black Panther’s office, 315–18
and Napier murder, 335
Newton’s demonization of, 319
and Panther Twenty-one case, 319, 334
and Pauline’s anonymous call to police, 334
and shooting of policemen, 334–36
and splits among Black Panthers, 315–18
and Triple-O social club robbery, 327–30, 333, 336
as underground, 299, 314, 318, 332
Joseph, Pauline, 334–37, 338, 359, 360–61, 362, 387
Journal American, 59, 81
Jurgensen, Randy, 166, 366–67
in Bin Wahad’s Curry-Binetti shooting trial, 360, 362
Blue Ribbon, 139–40, 145
in Borrero case, 96, 98, 103–6, 129–32
for Career Girls Murders, 151
in Edmonds case, 139–41, 145
and Napier murder trial, 359
in Panther Twenty-one case, 320, 360, 368
in Phillips-whorehouse murder case, 369
Justice in the Back Room (Raab), 210, 325, 370
Justice Department, U.S., 215
Justy, John, 364–66
Kaplan, Edwin, 105–6, 112, 127, 167
Katzenbach, Nicholas, 111
Keenan, John F., 146, 148–51, 336, 365–66, 368, 369
Kefauver hearings, 342
Keller, Kenny, 19, 86, 87
Kelly, Jack, 163, 164
Kennebeck, Edwin, 320
Kennedy, John F., 29–30, 69
Kennedy, Stephen P., 61, 73
Kennedy’s Commandos. See Tactical Patrol Force
Ker, Bela K., 10
Kiernan, Edward J., 322–23, 344
King, Martin Luther Jr.
assassination of, 217
–18, 219–20, 222, 297
and Black Power movement, 218
and civil rights movement, 29, 69, 184, 214
FBI investigation of, 215, 216
and generational issues, 197
in Harlem, 300
hope as battle cry of, 144
influence on Bin Wahad of, 66
and Kennedy, 29
Malcolm X as alternative to, 113
Malcolm X’s speeches about, 182
and March on Washington, 4, 6–7, 10, 13, 69, 79, 187, 219
NAACP criticisms of, 134
and nonviolence tactic, 113, 186
and racism, 377
stabbing of, 3–4
as symbol of appeasement, 218
Whitmore drawings of, 219–20
King, William (aka Kwando Kinshasa), 272, 282
The Savage City Page 58