Kings County Hospital: Whitmore at, 94, 169, 209
Kinshasa, Kwando, 272, 282
Knapp Commission
appointment of, 281
Armstrong as chief counsel for, 306–7
and Armstrong-Phillips (Joseph) meeting, 307
black reactions to, 345–46, 350
bomb threat against, 340
and classes of bent cops, 363–64
final report of, 363–64
funding for, 307
headquarters of, 312
hearings of, 340–47, 348, 349, 350
legacy of, 364
and media, 345, 347
and Phillips, 308–13, 339–40, 341–44, 364, 365, 366, 368, 370, 382, 383
“political implications” of, 344
and race relations, 347–49
and Ratnoff, 306, 308–12
reactions to findings of, 348–49, 370
testimonies before, 340, 341–46, 364, 365, 366, 368, 370
trials as result of findings of, 351
Knapp, Whitman, 281, 340–41, 342, 383
knife, and Career Girls Murders, 56, 110
Kojak (TV show), 371
Koota, Aaron
and Borrero case, 104, 132, 170, 192, 193, 357–58, 372
and doubts about Whitmore confession, 81, 83, 136
and dropping of charges against Whitmore in Career Girls Murders, 141
and Edmonds case, 110, 141, 171, 358
investigation of circumstances surrounding Whitmore confession by, 136–37
and railroading of Whitmore, 135, 136
retirement of, 357–58
See also Brooklyn D.A.’s office
Koste, Peter J., 51–52, 82–83, 147, 148, 150, 151
Kriegel, Jay, 279–80
Krown’s Record Store, 275–76
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 14, 30, 76, 133, 284, 393
Kunstler, William, 239, 283, 386
Laurie, Rocco, 349–50, 351, 380
Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), 306
Law Enforcement Group (LEG), 239, 241, 242
Law Enforcement Task Force, 154, 155
Lawrence, Eddie, 220–21
Le Club (Manhattan), 88
Leary, Howard, 155, 241, 281
Lee, Jerry, 256
Lefcourt, Gerald, 240, 241, 288
Leftow, Jerome J.
and Borrero case, 94–95, 96–102, 104
court appointment as Whitmore lawyer of, 55–56
and decision to proceed with prosecution of Borrero and Edmonds cases, 82
and evidence against Whitmore, 78, 79–80
inexperience of, 55, 105
legal style of, 95
and Manhattan-Brooklyn prosecutors’ relations, 81–82
prison visits with Whitmore of, 68, 78
resigns from Whitmore case, 105
and suspects in Career Girls Murders, 82–83
and Whitmore arraignment, 55–57
and Whitmore recanting of confession, 57, 59
and Whitmore’s truth serum injections, 69
Lennon & Newell, 25
Lester, Julius, 205
Leuci, Robert Jr., 72–73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 86, 121–22, 308, 351
Leuci, Robert Sr., 74
Liberator magazine, 118, 204
license plate, Curry-Binetti shooting, 321–22, 332, 335
Lichtman, Sidney A.
and Borrero case, 96–104, 130, 131–32
and Edmonds case, 132, 136–37, 138, 139–40
Life magazine, 114
Lindsay, John V.
Bin Wahad’s reflections about, 389
and Brooklyn Criminal Court incident, 241
election of, 119–20
Knapp Commission appointed by, 281
1972 presidential bid of, 379–80, 394
Phillips views about, 121
police commissioner appointments by, 154–55, 281–82
and police corruption, 280, 281
police relations with, 121, 153–55, 282, 323, 324, 344
and race relations, 157, 158, 174, 202
and reactions to King assassination, 220, 222
reelection of, 280
reform initiatives of, 122, 153–55, 157, 159, 160, 173
and shooting of policemen, 323–24, 336
Little Joe (suspected murderer), 174
Logan, Waverly, 345, 346, 347
Long Island Expressway: Phillips airplane landing on, 163
Long Island University: Black Panther education at, 219
Louie the Gimp (dope peddler), 123
Louis Fats (gambler), 93
Louise (Whitmore “girlfriend”), 46
Lowndes County Freedom Organization, 184, 185
Lynch, John J., 7–10, 49
Mackell, Thomas J., 337
Madden, William “Wild Bill,” 86, 87
Madison Club, 55
Mafia, 27, 29, 301
Mage, Judith, 246–47
Malbin, David, 98–99, 100, 103, 129–32
Malcolm X, 116, 217, 226, 270
assassination of, 114, 115, 117–18, 173–74, 183, 232, 297
and black nationalism, 198
black reaction to murder of, 117–18
bodyguards for, 244, 271
and BOSS infiltration, 243, 244
CBS documentary portrayal of, 243
funeral of, 117
and Harlem as center of black culture, 286
influence on Bin Wahad of, 66–67, 115, 182–83, 204, 209
influence on Ellis of, 183, 184
legacy of, 186, 205
and Mau Mau Rebellion, 85
and Nation of Islam, 113–14, 115, 118
OAAU founding by, 113–14
and Panther Twenty-one case, 283
police brutality comments of, 182–83
and police-ghetto relations, 216
and rise of Black Liberation Army, 322
rise of, 74–75, 113
views about prison of, 114–15, 141
Wallace-CBS interview of, 113, 114
and “white power structure,” 198
white reaction to murder of, 118
and Whitmore case, 114
Whitmore drawings of, 129, 219
Mandela, Nelson, 388
Manhattan Criminal Court
Phillips trial in, 367–70
See also Panther Twenty-one case
Manhattan D.A.’s office
and Bin Wahad case, 387
fears of retribution within, 135, 136
and Panther Twenty-one case, 274, 320
See also specific person
Manhattan House of Detention (“Tombs”), 305, 359
Mann, Abby, 325–26, 353
Mao Tse-tung, 247, 278, 283
March on Washington (1963), 4–7, 11, 13, 25, 69, 79, 187, 215, 219
The Marcus-Nelson Murders (CBS-TV), 370–72
Marcy Housing Projects (Brooklyn), 303
Marighella, Carlos, 314, 328, 329
Martinis, Joseph A., 361, 362, 363
Marx, Karl, 116, 270
Mason, Irving “Butch,” 318, 327–29, 330, 333, 335, 336, 337, 359
Matthews, Connie, 296–97, 298–99
Mau Mau Rebellion, 84–85, 187, 278
McAleer, Michael J., 10
McCarthy, Joseph, 341
McCoy, Calvin, 220–23
McDonald, Brian, 86
McGuire, Barry, 246
McKearney, Lawrence J., 10, 12, 49, 52, 53–54, 79
McKeiver, Alex, 282
McKinley housing projects (Bronx), 63
McQuillan, Peter J., 387–88
Meagher, Pete, 23
“meat eaters,” 364
and BLA, 335, 336, 347–48, 350–51
and Black Panthers, 185, 209, 214, 229, 240–41, 255, 267, 313, 338
and Borrero case, 95, 102, 103, 104–5, 106, 132
and Career Girls Murders, 11–12, 53–54, 59, 79, 110, 111, 151–
and CCRB, 155
and civil rights protests, 120
and Cleaver visit to New York City, 246–47
crime reports in, 120–21
and Edmonds case, 136
and Genovese murder, 119
and image of New York City, 119
and Joe’s Place incident, 158
and Joseph’s (Pauline) information, 337
and Knapp Commission, 344, 345, 347
and Lindsay’s reform initiatives, 159
and Malcolm X speech, 85
and March on Washington, 5–6
and Napier murder, 337
and New York City riots, 77
and Nostrand Avenue–police incident, 229
and NYPD-black relations, 240–41, 267, 347–48, 350–51
and NYPD reaction to Phillips Knapp
Commission testimony, 344
and Panther Twenty-one case, 277–79, 281
and police brutality, 128
and police corruption, 347
and Powell (James) death, 71
and race riots, 200
and Reiben-Miller disagreements, 167
and Robles arrest for Career Girl Murders, 110
and shooting of policemen, 323, 333, 336, 350, 360, 362
and Whitmore case, 53–54, 59, 79, 135–36, 145, 167, 172, 191, 209, 376, 377
See also specific person or organization
Mena, Maria, 355
Meredith, James, 184
Mexico: Whitmore-Nate trip to, 261–63
Miller, Arthur H.
and Beldock, 209
burn out of, 209
experience of, 105–6
Farrakhan and Whitmore meeting with, 232–33
and film about Whitmore, 371
and job for Whitmore, 232
and NAACP fundraiser for Whitmore, 127
payment for, 371
prison visits with Whitmore of, 112
Reiben disagreements with, 167, 170, 192
and reopening of Borrero case, 375
takes on Whitmore case, 105–6
and vacating of Whitmore’s conviction, 376
and Whitmore appeals, 211, 352
and Whitmore confession, 193
and Whitmore defense fund, 167
and Whitmore hearings, 106, 263
and Whitmore involvement in black–Puerto Rican gang activities, 191
and Whitmore out on bail, 172
and Whitmore robbery conviction, 276, 277
as Whitmore supporter, 211
and Whitmore’s arrest for gang fight, 190
Miranda decision, 170–71
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 85
Mjuba (prisoner), 66, 67, 115
mock trials, Black Panthers, 303
Moore, Audrey Cyrus, 62–63, 141, 143, 179, 180
Moore, Collins, 62, 142–44, 179
Moore, Richard Earl. See Bin Wahad, Dhoruba al-Mujahid
Morris Houses (Bronx), 63
Morrisania housing projects (Bronx), 63, 179, 203
Moseley, Winston, 119
Mosque Number Seven (Harlem), 118, 232, 233, 366–67
Muhammad, Elijah, 113–14, 118, 232, 373
Muhammad Speaks newspaper, 67, 233
Murphy, Michael, 77
Murphy, Patrick V., 281–82, 323–24, 336, 344, 350, 351, 389
Murtaugh, John M., 283–84, 295, 299, 319, 321, 368, 369
and Mosque Number Seven, 366–67
in prison, 66, 67, 115, 129, 373
Whitmore’s views about, 232, 233
See also Nation of Islam
Myers, Twymon, 338, 380, 381
NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAACP Legal Defense Fund, 231, 276
Napier, Sam, 315, 316–19, 328, 333, 335, 337, 359–60
“narcotics eradication program” (BLA), 328
Nate (Whitmore’s friend), 261–63, 275–76
Nation of Islam, 74–75, 113, 114, 115, 118, 232–34, 243, 366–67
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Bin Wahad comments about, 319
and Brooklyn Criminal Court incident, 242
and Career Girls Murders, 127, 135
and CCRB, 160
and Evers murder, 30
founding of, 133
image of, 134
King criticisms by, 134
and Lindsay’s reform initiatives, 160
mission of, 133–34
New York Black Panthers compared with, 213
and police brutality, 128
pro bono legal activities of, 134
and Reiben-Miller disagreements, 167
tensions within, 133
and Whitmore case, 110–11, 112, 127, 128, 134–35, 145, 171, 172, 231
National Guard, 184, 199–200, 203, 220, 350
National Liberation Action (ALN), 314
National Review magazine, 85
National Urban League, 197
Negro: definition of, 245
Neuberger, Samuel, 192–93, 194, 195
New Haven, Connecticut: Black Panther rally in, 296–99
New Haven Railroad: “bombing” of, 278
New Jersey: Bin Wahad home in, 388
New Jersey Turnpike: Chesimard-police shootout on, 381
New Left, 246, 282
New York City
Black Panthers in, 66–74, 204, 213–14, 225, 227–29, 246, 266–74, 287, 290, 291, 292, 296–97, 299–300, 301, 302, 314, 320, 321–22
civil rights progress in, 69–70, 76, 393–94
Cleaver’s visit to, 246–47
crime rate in, 393–94
drugs in, 393
effects of Newark riots on, 201
elections in, 119–21
image of, 394
increase in crime in, 393
in 1980s and 1990s, 393–94
poverty in, 69–70, 74
prevalence of drugs in, 27–28
riots in, 70–77, 220–23
segregation in, 82
self-image of, 119
Whitmore lawsuit against, 391
See also specific person, topic or borough
New York Daily News, 12, 58, 59, 159, 163, 200, 255, 258, 278, 279, 280, 281, 318, 347
New York Herald Tribune, 30–31, 53, 58, 119, 120, 145, 151
New York magazine, 361
New York Police Department (NYPD)
Alex interviews of, 348
and Bin Wahad case, 386–87
Bin Wahad civil lawsuit against, 388
black liberation war with, 254, 314, 322–23, 332–33, 338–39, 347–48, 350–51, 360, 380–81, 388
and Black Panthers, 226, 238–43, 266–74, 279–81, 301, 320, 360
Buckley’s influence on, 85
and “community policing,” 302 culture of, 24
decentralization of, 302
Holy Name Communion Breakfast of, 120
and infractions of police protocol, 89
investigation of circumstances surrounding Whitmore confession by, 145–46
Irish domination of, 19–20, 22–23, 57, 84
and Lindsay administration, 153–55, 323, 324, 344
and Malcolm X’s assassination, 115
and media, 240–41, 242, 267, 344, 347–48, 350–51
morale in, 238–39, 242–43, 323–24, 344, 348
in 1980s and 1990s, 393–94
outsiders in, 24
Pacino film about, 345
Panther Twenty-one case as victory for, 279
and Phillips-whorehouse murder case, 366, 368
Prince of the City among, 87
public image of, 343
reaction to Phillips Knapp Commission testimony within, 343–44
reputation of, 43–44, 340, 345
rivalry within, 44–45, 81–82
and shooting of policemen, 229–30, 301–2, 321–25, 330–36, 337, 338, 349–50, 359–60, 36
6–67, 380, 381, 386
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