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The Bite Before Christmas

Page 20

by Laura Baumbach, Sedonia Guillone, Kit Tunstall

  “That all sounds good, but it wasn’t what I meant.” He hesitated, wondering if it was too soon to be talking about the thoughts on his mind. “I was thinking beyond the moment.”

  “Oh.” Ness shrugged. “Why worry about it now?”

  He turned his head to look at Hugh as the other man sat upright to brace himself on his elbow. “I owe someone an answer.” Chris frowned. “That is, if you were asking what I thought you were?”

  He brushed a strand of hair off Chris’s face. “Was I asking you to spend your life with me?” Hugh nodded. “I’d like nothing more, but you have to make the decision that’s right for you.” His fingers were soft as silk when he caressed Chris’s cheek. “I only want you to be happy.”

  Ness shifted in his arms, rolling away so she could sit upright. Her expression mirrored her uncertainty. “What’s he talking about, Chris?”

  It was difficult to meet her eyes, even knowing she shared his attraction. After making love with her, he still had no idea how she really felt about him, other than she desired him. “Until I came to work for Hugh, you were the only person I thought about. You were on my mind all the time, and I went over and over how I could get you to feel the same way. I loved you so much it was killing me not to have you.”

  She frowned. “You talk like that’s changed. Don’t you still love me?”

  He reached out, taking her hand. “Yeah, I do ... but I love Hugh, too.” Sighing, Hugh shook his head. “I don’t know how I’m ever going to choose.”

  Hugh’s arm around his shoulder was solid support. “You know how I feel, but it has to be about how you feel. Listen to your heart.”

  Chris shook his head again. “My heart’s telling me something I can’t have.”

  “What’s that?” asked Hugh.

  He looked up, first at Hugh, and then at Ness. “I want both of you.”

  A smile crossed Ness’s full lips. “Who says you can’t have what you want?” She leaned forward, getting onto her knees so she could scoot closer to him. Her arms settled over Hugh’s around his neck. “Why can’t you have us both?”

  He inhaled her scent, closing his eyes to focus on his thoughts. “It’s not that simple. I want both of you, but not just sexually. I want more than sex. I love you both.”

  Ness slid her fingers through the hair at his temple. He opened his eyes at the soft touch. “I love you too, Chris, and I think Hugh and I could have a special bond eventually. We both love you so much, and we’re attracted to each other. Who says it can’t work?”

  “Nobody would understand. We’d have to hide our relationship.”

  Ness shook her head. “Who cares what people think? All that matters is we’re all happy with the situation. I’m willing to try if you both are.”

  Eyes wide, Chris nodded. He couldn’t believe she was so accepting of the situation. Could he really be so lucky as to have both of the people he loved with him forever?

  Before he could get his hopes too high, Hugh spoke. “You have to know everything before you can commit to this idea, Ness.”

  Chris’s stomach felt like it dropped into his ankles. How could he have forgotten his lover was a vampire, an immortal, and that making a life with him meant quite a bit more than it did to other couples committing to each other? He’d had a chance to get used to the idea, and it didn’t frighten him to face becoming a vampire. It seemed unlikely that Ness would be so eager to make the decision she was suggesting once she knew everything.

  “Chris?” Hugh nudged verbally.

  He met the other man’s eyes, nodding. It was with a sense of impending doom that he took Hugh’s hand in one of his, and Ness’s in the other. The revelation had to come from Hugh, and he held his breath while waiting for him to begin.

  Ness looked confused and frightened, her gaze darting between the two of them. “What’s going on? You two are freaking me out.”

  Chris squeezed Hugh’s hand to offer silent support. However Ness reacted, he knew he couldn’t bear to part from the man beside him. If he couldn’t have both of them, he would stay with Hugh and still be happy.

  “You know Chris and I met because he came to work for me as my assistant, yes, Ness?” At her nod, he continued. “He performs myriad duties for me, including sustenance.”

  She frowned. “What? I don’t understand.”

  Hugh opened his mouth, and his fangs were clearly visible. “I am a vampire.”

  Chris’s heart sank at the way she recoiled. “Ness ‑‑”

  She pulled free of his hand. “He’s a necro, and you knew it, Chris? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Don’t use that word,” he said more sharply than he intended.

  Tears sparkled in her eye. “He could have hurt you, killed you, and I never would have known what happened to you. How could you be so reckless?”

  “I can see how far your ideals extend.” He shook his head, having trouble hiding his disgust. “Why are you a member of VCLU? You clearly don’t believe in equality for vampires.”

  Her eyes widened, and her gaze cut to Hugh. Ness groaned. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean ‑‑”

  “Save it,” snapped Chris. “You’ve already shown how you really feel. I think you should leave.” He turned to Hugh when the other man placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry I brought her into your life, endangered you.”

  Hugh put a finger to his lips. “Shush, love. You are overreacting.” He pressed more firmly when Chris tried to speak. “Her concern was for you. Did you not hear her? She is not rejecting me, Chris. She responded simply from the thoughts that came to her, regarding your safety, and how she would feel without you.”

  With a frown, Chris turned his head to look at Ness. She was huddled into a miserable ball, her head bent forward. “Tell me honestly how you feel now, Ness.”

  She lifted her head, confusion clear in her eyes. “I don’t know. I want to be with you, but I’m frightened.”

  “I will never hurt you,” said Hugh.

  Ness hesitantly reached out to touch the back of his hand, still clasped in Chris’s. “I know that. What I don’t know is what you both expect from me. Where do I fit into the picture now?”

  “Where you did before. You can be with us in whatever capacity you choose.” Hugh withdrew his hand from Chris’s, putting Ness’s hand in its place. “We both love Chris. That doesn’t mean we have to love each other. That might grow in time, if you choose to join with us.” He shrugged. “Or maybe you and Chris will be together without me.”

  “No,” said Chris. The answer came to his tongue without thought or hesitation. “I don’t want to be without you.”

  Hugh smiled at him. “Does that mean you want to be like me?”

  Before he could answer, Ness said, “A vampire? You’re going to make him a vampire?” Fear showed in her eyes again, and she squeezed his hand. “You don’t have to do this, Chris.”

  A spark of anger flared, but he pushed it down, knowing concern prompted her words. “I want to. I can’t imagine being without Hugh now that I’ve found him. I feel the same way about you, and I want you with me, but I would never force you to do something you don’t want to. You don’t have to become a vampire to be with us.”

  Her body sagged with relief. “I ... it’s not that I won’t someday ... maybe ... I, uh ...” She trailed off, biting her lower lip.

  Hugh reached out, pushing the hair out of her face. “When, or if, you are ready to become immortal, you will have that option.”

  She nodded. “Okay.” Her glance shifted to Chris. “When are you going to do this?”

  “Soon.” His nerves jangled at the thought, but he was resolute in his decision. “Whenever Hugh is ready, so am I.”

  “I leave the decision to you.”

  Ness surprised Chris with her next question. “Can I be there? I’ve heard a new transformation requires a lot of blood.”

  Hugh seemed as surprised as Chris. “It is true he will need to feed within hours of the change. Are
you offering your services?”

  The way her body trembled betrayed her nervousness, but she nodded. Her expression was set. “Yes. I want to be there for him, however he needs me.”

  Hugh turned to Chris. “Are you ready?”

  He blinked. “Now?”

  With a shrug, Hugh asked, “Why not?”

  Ness put her hand on his thigh. “Whatever you want, Chris.”

  After a hesitation, he nodded. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  Hugh leaned back to sit on his calves. “It hurts some, but will be easier if you are aroused. Do you feel up to this?”

  He nodded again, feeling confident in his decision.

  “Come sit in front of me, facing toward Ness.” Chris positioned himself in front of Hugh as requested. “Ness, come to Chris, facing toward him.” She complied, and they were soon sitting together, the three of them in a formation that somehow gave the feeling they were preparing for a ritual.

  Hugh leaned forward, embracing Chris. His mouth was close to his ear, and he whispered, “Touch her breasts, Chris. They are so beautiful.”

  Chris reached out to cup one of Ness’s breasts, and she arched her back to allow him to hold more of her. Her nipple was hard and firm under his thumb when he pressed against it.

  “Kiss her,” said Hugh, and he leaned forward to touch his mouth to hers. Ness parted her lips, and he swept his tongue inside, thrusting in a gentle motion that mimicked the one Hugh initiated when he grasped his penis. Ness moaned when he flicked his fingernails across the sensitive bud, and her passion increased his own. His cock grew even harder in Hugh’s hand, and he bucked his hips.

  “Lay her down, Chris,” said Hugh in his ear.

  Chris leaned forward, taking Ness with him. Hugh released his erection to grasp his hips, keeping them up. “Kiss her breasts, Chris, and then taste her pussy.”

  It was erotic to have Hugh direct his actions, and he did as the other man suggested, taking the breast he had neglected into his mouth. Ness moaned, arching her hips, when he sucked the nipple forcefully. With his other hand, he continued to roll her nipple in his fingers.

  He was vaguely aware of Hugh moving behind him, and when the other man put the head of his cock against his anus, Chris stretched backward to meet him. The shaft was slick, probably from the lube they had left in the sitting room last time, and he entered Chris slowly. It made every inch of his body tighten with pleasure, and he squeezed Ness’s breast without thought. Her whimper of pain made him let go, and to make amends, he slid his mouth down her breast, across her stomach, and toward her pussy. Hugh kept pace with his movements, matching his new position seamlessly.

  “Please.” She grasped his hair to push his head down the last half-inch, forcing his mouth against her slit. Chris slipped his tongue inside her, licking her clit. She tasted salty, but sweet, and her heat almost burned his tongue. He circled the appendage around her clit, making her cry out. His questing tongue explored her slit fully, sliding into her slick opening as Hugh thrust in and out of him. Unconsciously, he mimicked Hugh’s thrusts with his tongue, darting in and out of her. Her body shook, and she said his name around a sob of pleasure as he increased the tempo. Chris could feel her straining toward orgasm, and he shared her frustration. His body ached for release, but his cock received no stimulation.

  Hugh suddenly put his hand against Chris’s cheek, turning his mouth away from Ness’s pussy. “Drink.” When he pressed his wrist to Chris’s mouth, tangy liquid flowed onto his tongue. It was hot and salty, like the taste of Ness, but with an underlying coppery taste and scent that identified it as blood. Queasy at the thought of consuming blood, he forced the reality from his mind, instead turning himself over to instinct and swallowed on autopilot.

  Hugh pulled his wrist away, bringing his hand back to Chris’s cock and began pumping it again as he thrust inside him. Chris turned his head back to Ness, once again focusing on bringing her to orgasm. He licked and sucked her clit before darting his tongue deep into her opening. As Hugh thrust into him, while working his cock in his palm, Chris moaned against her pussy, which made her whimper.

  Everything seemed to happen at once. Hugh’s erection swelled inside him and began spasming. At the same time, Ness’s pussy convulsed, and she dug her fingers into his scalp while calling his name. Her frantic thrusts against his face told him she was coming as much as the rush of arousal she loosed onto his tongue.

  Hugh withdrew from him, bending over him to put his mouth against Chris’s neck. His teeth penetrated his skin, and the pleasure/pain made him jump. As his lover drank deeply from him, he continued to stroke his cock until Chris couldn’t stand another moment. His stiff erection tightened further, and his hips arched against Hugh’s hand. Finally, Chris let his own release wash over him, his shaft convulsing in Hugh’s hand as he came.

  The fangs leaving his skin left a little sting, but Chris barely noticed it. His head spun, and his vision was blurry. Blackness washed over him, and he slumped against Ness, his cheek pressed against her thigh. Hugh was saying something, but he couldn’t make out the words. A floating sensation filled him, carrying him farther away from the voices. He hovered on the brink of a void, preparing to throw himself into it.

  The sharp sound of Ness’s voice brought him back. Chris blinked, and his eyes focused on Hugh, bent close to him, their faces inches apart. “Hugh?” His voice was a rusty rasp.

  He seemed relieved. “I thought we had lost you for a moment. You need to drink now.”


  “Drink,” said Hugh with exaggerated pronunciation.

  A weak laugh escaped him. “I heard you. I don’t know what you want me to drink.”

  “Me,” said Ness. She smoothed his hair with her hand before turning his head so that his mouth was against her thigh. “Drink some of my blood, love.”

  Weakness made him feel sluggish and weighed down, but his senses were still sharper than they had ever been before. He could hear Ness’s blood thundering in her veins, making it easy for him to hone in on the one closest to his mouth. He traced it with his tongue, feeling her shiver in response. As he did so, his new fangs descended, cutting into his lower lip until he opened his mouth. Her skin was warm and sweet, and his teeth penetrated her flesh easily. He heard her groan, and it didn’t have the same note of pleasure as he’d heard before. Knowing he was hurting her made him stop.

  “Keep going,” she said, sounding as though she spoke through gritted teeth.

  “Don’t stop yet, Chris. You’re hurting her a little, but you need her blood. When you learn more, you’ll know how to give her pleasure instead of pain.”

  With their encouragement, he drank from Ness, swallowing her blood as quickly as he could. The taste had changed, no longer having the sharp, coppery taste that Hugh’s blood had. It was sweeter than ambrosia, richer than the best wine, and he understood how vampires could stand to consume it for an eternity. It took every ounce of self-control to pull away when Hugh told him to stop.

  The weakness had fled, and he rolled over, sitting up in one smooth motion.

  “How do you feel?” asked Ness as she discreetly pressed her hand to the wound he’d made in her thigh.

  “Amazing ... alive ...” He trailed off, unable to articulate just how the transformation had changed him.

  “Do you have regrets?” asked Hugh.

  Chris paused. “Just one.”

  His lover’s face crumpled. “What is it?”

  He smiled, taking Hugh’s hand. “I regret that I can never give you a gift as amazing as you’ve given me. Thanks to you, I have found the loves of my life, and that life will last forever. I can’t ever do something as wonderful for you.”

  Hugh laughed, drawing Chris into his embrace, while Ness curled against him. “Don’t be silly. You’ve given me your heart, Chris. What better gift is there than that?”

  Chris silently agreed as he laid his head on Hugh’s shoulder. He’d received so much to be thankful for this Christmas
. With his two lovers curled against him, he watched the twinkling lights on the tree, feeling a warm glow that had nothing to do with the decorations or impending holiday, and everything to do with Hugh and Ness. He couldn’t imagine being happier than he was at that moment, and to know that happiness would last forever was overwhelming. He found himself unable to speak, to verbalize all that he was feeling, but it was unnecessary. They already knew.

  ~ * ~

  Kit Tunstall

  Kit Tunstall lives in Idaho with her husband, son and two spoiled dogs who think they are human. She started reading at the age of three and hasn't stopped since. Love of the written word, and a smart marriage to a supportive man, led her to a full-time career in writing. Romances have always intrigued her, and erotic romance is a natural extension because it more completely explores the emotions between the hero and heroine. That, and it sure is fun to write.




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