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Barrie, J M - Thrums 03 - The Little Minister

Page 6

by The Little Minister

"I'll make a clean breast o't," Dunwoodie replied, seeing that in this matter truth was best. "The laddie was terrible against being made a gentleman, and when he saw the kind o' life he would hae to lead, clean hands, clean dickies, and no gutters on his breeks, his heart took mair scunner at genteelity than ever, and he ran hame. Ay, I was mad when I saw him at the fireside, but he says to me, 'How would you like to be a gentleman yoursel', father?' he says, and that so affected me 'at I'm to gie him his ain way."

  Another prisoner, Dave Langlands, was confronted with Dunwoodie.

  "John Dunwoodie's as innocent as I am mysel," Dave said, "and I'm most michty innocent. It wasna John but the Egyptian that gave the alarm. I tell you what, sheriff, if it'll make me innocenter-like I'll picture the Egyptian to you just as I saw her, and syne you'll be able to catch her easier."

  "You are an honest fellow," said the sheriff.

  "I only wish I had the whipping of him," growled Halliwell, who was of a generous nature.

  "For what business had she," continued Dave righteously, "to meddle in other folks' business? She's no a Thrums lassie, and so I say, 'Let the law take its course on her.'"

  "Will you listen to such a cur, Riach?" asked Halliwell.

  "Certainly. Speak out, Langlands."

  "Weel, then, I was in the windmill the nicht."

  "You were a watcher?"

  "I happened to be in the windmill wi' another man," Dave went on, avoiding the officer's question.

  "What was his name?" demanded Halliwell.

  "It was the Egyptian I was to tell you about," Dave said, looking to the sheriff.

  "Ah, yes, you only tell tales about women," said Halliwell.

  "Strange women," corrected Dave. "Weel, we was there, and it would maybe be twal o'clock, and we was speaking (but about lawful things) when we heard some ane running yont the road. I keeked through a hole in the door, and I saw it was an Egyptian lassie 'at I had never clapped een on afore. She saw the licht in the window, and she cried, 'Hie, you billies in the windmill, the sojers is coming!' I fell in a fricht, but the other man opened the door, and again she cries, 'The sojers is coming; quick, or you'll be ta'en.' At that the other man up wi' his bonnet and ran, but I didna make off so smart."

  "You had to pick yourself up first," suggested the officer.

  "Sal, it was the lassie picked me up; ay, and she picked up a horn at the same time."

  "'Blaw on that,' she cried, 'and alarm the town.' But, sheriff, I didna do't. Na, I had ower muckle respect for the law."

  "In other words," said Halliwell, "you also bolted, and left the gypsy to blow the horn herself."

  "I dinna deny but what I made my feet my friend, but it wasna her that blew the horn. I ken that, for I looked back and saw her trying to do't, but she couldna, she didna ken the way."

  "Then who did blow it?"

  "The first man she met, I suppose. We a' kent that the horn was to be the signal except Wearywarld. He's police, so we kept it frae him."

  "That is all you saw of the woman?"

  "Ay, for I ran straucht to my garret, and there your men took me. Can I gae hame now, sheriff?"

  "No. you cannot. Describe the woman's appearance."

  "She had a heap o' rowan berries stuck in her hair, and, I think, she had on a green wrapper and a red shawl. She had a most extraordinary face. I canna exact describe it, for she would be lauchin' one second and syne solemn the next. I tell you her face changed as quick as you could turn the pages o' a book. Ay, here comes Wearywarld to speak up for me."

  Wearyworld entered cheerfully.

  "This is the local policeman," a Tilliedrum officer said; "we have been searching for him everywhere, and only found him now."

  "Where have you been?" asked the sheriff, wrathfully.

  "Whaur maist honest men is at this hour," replied Wearyworld; "in my bed."

  "How dared yon ignore your duty at such a time?"

  "It's a long story," the policeman answered, pleasantly, in anticipation of a talk at last.

  "Answer me in a word."

  "In a word!" cried the policeman, quite crestfallen. "It canna be done. You'll need to cross-examine me, too. It's my lawful richt."

  "I'll take you to the Tilliedrum gaol for your share in this night's work if you do not speak to the purpose. Why did you not hasten to our assistance?"

  "As sure as death I never kent you was here. I was up the Roods on my rounds when I heard an awfu' din down in the square, and thinks I, there's rough characters about, and the place for honest folk is their bed. So to my bed I gaed, and I was in't when your men gripped me." "We must see into this before we leave. In the meantime you will act as a guide to my searchers. Stop! Do you know anything of this Egyptian?"

  "What Egyptian? Is't a lassie wi' rowans in her hair?"

  "The same. Have you seen her?"

  "That I have. There's nothing agin her, is there? Whatever it is, I'll uphaud she didna do't, for a simpler, franker-spoken crittur couldna be."

  "Never mind what I want her for. When did you see her?"

  "It would be about twal o'clock," began Wearyworld unctuously, "when I was in the Roods, ay, no lang afore I heard the disturbance in the square. I was standing in the middle o' the road, wondering how the door o' the windmill was swinging open, when she came up to me.

  "'A fine nicht for the time o' year,' I says to her, for nobody but the minister had spoken to me a' day.

  "'A very fine nicht,' says she, very frank, though she was breathing quick like as if she had been running, 'You'll be police?' says she.

  "'I am,' says I, 'and wha be you?'

  "'I'm just a puir gypsy lassie,' she says.

  "'And what's that in your hand?' says I.

  "'It's a horn I found in the wood,' says she, 'but it's rusty and winna blaw.'

  "I laughed at her ignorance, and says I, 'I warrant I could blaw it,'

  "'I dinna believe you,' says she.

  "'Gie me haud o't,' says I, and she gae it to me, and I blew some bonny blasts on't. Ay, you see she didna ken the way o't. 'Thank you kindly,' says she, and she ran awa without even minding to take the horn back again."

  "You incredible idiot!" cried the sheriff. "Then it was you who gave the alarm?"

  "What hae I done to madden you?" honest Wearyworld asked in perplexity.

  "Get out of my sight, sir!" roared the sheriff.

  But the captain laughed.

  "I like your doughty policeman, Riach," he said. "Hie, obliging friend, let us hear how this gypsy struck you. How was she dressed?"

  "She was snod, but no unca snod," replied Weary. world, stiffly.

  "I don't understand you."

  "I mean she was couthie, but no sair in order."

  "What on earth is that?"

  "Weel, a tasty stocky, but gey orra put on."

  "What language are you speaking, you enigma?"

  "I'm saying she was naturally a bonny bit kimmer rather than happit up to the nines."

  "Oh, go away," cried Halliwell; whereupon Weary-world descended the stair haughtily, declaring that the sheriff was an unreasonable man, and that he was a queer captain who did not understand the English language.

  "Can I gae hame now, sheriff?" asked Langlands, hopefully.

  "Take this fellow back to his cell," Riach directed shortly, "and whatever else you do, see that you capture this woman. Halliwell, I am going out to look for her myself. Confound it, what are you laughing at?"

  "At the way this vixen has slipped through your fingers."

  "Not quite that, sir, not quite that. She is in Thrums still, and I swear I'll have her before day breaks. See to it, Halliwell, that if she is brought here in my absence she does not slip through your fingers."

  "If she is brought here," said Halliwell, mocking him, "you must return and protect me. It would be cruelty to leave a poor soldier in the hands of a woman of Thrums."

  "She is not a Thrums woman. You have been told so a dozen times."

  "Then I am not afraid."<
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  In the round-room (which is oblong) there is a throne on which the bailie sits when he dispenses justice. It is swathed in red cloths that give it the appearance of a pulpit. Left to himself, Halliwell flung off his cloak and taking a chair near this dais rested his legs on the bare wooden table, one on each side of the lamp. He was still in this position when the door opened, and two policemen thrust the Egyptian into the room.



  "This is the woman, captain," one of the policemen said in triumph; "and, begging your pardon, will you keep a grip of her till the sheriff comes back?"

  Halliwell did not turn his head.

  "You can leave her here." he said carelessly, "Three of us are not needed to guard a woman."

  "But she's a slippery customer."

  "You can go," said Halliwell; and the policemen withdrew slowly, eyeing their prisoner doubtfully until the door closed. Then the officer wheeled round languidly, expecting to find the Egyptian gaunt and muscular.

  "Now then," he drawled, "why--By Jove!"

  The gallant soldier was as much taken aback as if he had turned to find a pistol at his ear. He took his feet off the table. Yet he only saw the gypsy's girlish figure in its red and green, for she had covered her face with her hands. She was looking at him intently between her fingers, but he did not know this. All he did want to know just then was what was behind the hands.

  Before he spoke again she had perhaps made up her mind about him, for she began to sob bitterly. At the same time she slipped a finger over her ring.

  "Why don't you look at me?" asked Halliwell, selfishly.

  "I daurna."

  "Am I so fearsome?"

  "You're a sojer, and you would shoot me like a craw."

  Halliwell laughed, and taking her wrists in his hands, uncovered her face.

  "Oh, by Jove!" he said again, but this time to himself.

  As for the Egyptian, she slid the ring into her pocket, and fell back before the officer's magnificence.

  "Oh," she cried, "is all sojers like you?"

  There was such admiration in her eyes that it would have been self-contempt to doubt her. Yet having smiled complacently, Halliwell became uneasy.

  "Who on earth are you?" he asked, finding it wise not to look her in the face. "Why do you not answer me more quickly?"

  "Dinna be angry at that, captain," the Egyptian implored. "I promised my mither aye to count twenty afore I spoke, because she thocht I was ower glib. Captain, how is't that you're so fleid to look at me?"

  Thus put on his mettle, Halliwell again faced her, with the result that his question changed to "Where did you get those eyes?" Then was he indignant with himself.

  "What I want to know," he explained severely, "is how you were able to acquaint the Thrums people with our movements? That you must tell me at once, for the sheriff blames my soldiers. Come now, no counting twenty!"

  He was pacing the room now, and she had her face to herself. It said several things, among them that the officer evidently did not like this charge against his men.

  "Does the shirra blame the sojers?" exclaimed this quick-witted Egyptian. "Weel, that cows, for he has nane to blame but himsel'."

  "What!" cried Halliwell, delighted. "It was the sheriff who told tales? Answer me. You are counting a hundred this time."

  Perhaps the gypsy had two reasons for withholding her answer. If so, one of them was that as the sheriff had told nothing, she had a story to make up. The other was that she wanted to strike a bargain with the officer.

  "If I tell you," she said eagerly, "will you set me free?"

  "I may ask the sheriff to do so."

  "But he mauna see me," the Egyptian said in distress. "There's reasons, captain."

  "Why, surely you have not been before him on other occasions," said Halliwell, surprised.

  "No in the way you mean," muttered the gypsy, and for the moment her eyes twinkled. But the light in them went out when she remembered that the sheriff was near, and she looked desperately at the window as if ready to fling herself from it. She had very good reasons for not wishing to be seen by Riach, though fear that he would put her in gaol was not one of them.

  Halliwell thought it was the one cause of her woe, and great was his desire to turn the tables on the sheriff.

  "Tell me the truth," he said, "and I promise to befriend you."

  "Weel, then," the gypsy said, hoping still to soften his heart, and making up her story as she told it, "yestreen I met the shirra, and he tolled me a' I hae telled the Thrums folk this nicht."

  "You can scarcely expect me to believe that. Where did you meet him?"

  "In Glen Quharity. He was riding on a horse."

  "Well, I allow he was there yesterday, and on horseback. He was on his way back to Tilliedrum from Lord Rintoul's place. But don't tell me that he took a gypsy girl into his confidence."

  "Ay, he did, without kenning. He was gieing his horse a drink when I met him, and he let me tell him his fortune. He said he would gaol me for an impostor if I didna tell him true, so I gaed about it cautiously, and after a minute or twa I telled him he was coming to Thrums the nicht to nab the rioters."

  "You are trifling with me," interposed the indignant soldier. "You promised to tell me not what you said to the sheriff, but how he disclosed our movements to you."

  "And that's just what I am telling you, only you hinna the rumelgumption to see it. How do you think fortunes is telled? First we get out o' the man, without his seeing what we're after, a' about himsel", and syne we repeat it to him. That's what I did wi' the shirra."

  "You drew the whole thing out of him without his knowing?"

  "'Deed I did, and he rode awa' saying I was a witch."

  The soldier heard with the delight of a schoolbo y.

  "Now if the sheriff does not liberate you at my request," he said, "I will never let him hear the end of this story. He was right; you are a witch. You deceived the sheriff; yes, undoubtedly you are a witch."

  He looked at her with fun in his face, but the fun disappeared, and a wondering admiration took its place.

  "By Jove!" he said, "I don't wonder you bewitched the sheriff. I must take care or you will bewitch the captain, too."

  At this notion he smiled, but he also ceased looking at her. Suddenly the Egyptian again began to cry.

  "You're angry wi' me," she sobbed. "I wish I had never set een on you."

  "Why do you wish that?" Halliwell asked.

  "Fine you ken," she answered, and again covered her face with her hands.

  He looked at her undecidedly.

  "I am not angry with you," he said, gently. "You are an extraordinary girl."

  Had he really made a conquest of this beautiful creature? Her words said so, but had he? The captain could not make up his mind. He gnawed his moustache in doubt.

  There was silence, save for the Egyptian's sobs. Halliwell's heart was touched, and he drew nearer her,

  "My poor girl--"

  He stopped. Was she crying? Was she not laughing at him rather? He became red.

  The gypsy peeped at him between her fingers, and saw that he was of two minds. She let her hands fall from her face, and undoubtedly there were tears on her cheeks.

  "If you're no angry wi' me," she said, sadly, "how will you no look at me?"

  "I am looking at you now."

  He was very close to her, and staring into her wonderful eyes. I am older than the Captain, and those eyes have dazzled me.

  "Captain dear."

  She put her hand in his. His chest rose. He knew she was seeking to beguile him, but he could not take his eyes off hers. He was in a worse plight than a woman listening to the first whisper of love.

  Now she was further from him, but the spell held. She reached the door, without taking her eyes from his face. For several seconds he had been as a man mesmerised.

  Just in time he came to. It was when she turned from him t
o find the handle of the door. She was turning it when his hand fell on hers so suddenly that she screamed. He twisted her round.

  "Sit down there," he said hoarsely, pointing to the chair upon which he had flung his cloak. She dared not disobey. Then he leant against the door, his back to her, for just then he wanted no one to see his face. The gypsy sat very still and a little frightened.

  Halliwell opened the door presently, and called to the soldier on duty below.

  "Davidson, see if you can find the sheriff. I want him. And Davidson--"

  The captain paused.

  "Yes," he muttered, and the old soldier marvelled at his words, "it is better. Davidson, lock this door on the outside."

  Davidson did as he was ordered, and again the Egyptian was left alone with Halliwell.

  "Afraid of a woman!" she said, contemptuously, though her heart sank when she heard the key turn in the lock.

  "I admit it," he answered, calmly.

  He walked up and down the room, and she sat silently Watching him.

  "That story of yours about the sheriff was not true," he said at last.

  "I suspect it wasna," answered the Egyptian coolly, "Hae you been thinking about it a' this time? Captains I could tell you what you're thinking now. You're wishing it had been true, so that the ane o' you couldna lauch at the other."

  "Silence!" said the captain, and not another word would he speak until he heard the sheriff coming up the stair. The Egyptian trembled at his step, and rose in desperation.

  "Why is the door locked?" cried the sheriff, shaking it.

  "All right," answered Halliwell; "the key is on your side."

  At that moment the Egyptian knocked the lamp off the table, and the room was at once in darkness. The officer sprang at her, and, catching her by the skirt, held on.

  "Why are you in darkness?" asked the sheriff, as he entered.

  "Shut the door," cried Halliwell. "Put your back to it."

  "Don't tell me the woman has escaped?"

  "I have her, I have her! She capsized the lamp, the little jade. Shut the door."

  Still keeping firm hold of her, as he thought, the captain relit the lamp with his other hand. It showed an extraordinary scene. The door was shut, and the sheriff was guarding it. Halliwell was clutching the cloth of the bailie's seat. There was no Egyptian.


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