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Sweet Savage Heart

Page 18

by Janelle Taylor

  Rana could not suppress her smile at his beseeching words and his look of concern for her safety. “I will do as you say. Be careful,” she added, then hurriedly glanced away to prevent him from reading her expression. She wanted and needed to understand this man who had become such a big part of her life. She wanted to learn what he expected, and desired, from her. And she wanted to test her feelings as well as his.

  “Your courage and honor are matchless. I am pleased with you.”

  Travis approached Nathan and related his plans. He whispered, “Keep an eye on her, Nate, and don’t say anything around her.”

  “You watch yourself, son.”

  “If there’s any trouble, ride fast and I’ll catch up with you.” He called Rana over to them and said, “Stay close and ready to leave.”

  Rana and Nathan watched Travis ride off into the trees. As instructed, they tended the horses and ate a light meal. When all was prepared, they sat down to await Travis’s return.

  “I wish you remembered English, Rana, so we could talk. Me and Travis will have to start teaching it to you before we get home. I don’t want anybody giving you trouble, and I’ll kill anyone who does. Lordy, we were lucky to find you. You don’t know how much I love you, girl. You’re going to be happy once I get you home. I won’t ever let anybody harm you again. Damn them Kiowas for stealing you!”

  Rana stared at him quizzically. Nathan assumed her curious look was because he was speaking English and she could not understand him. He touched her arm and smiled. “Don’t worry, child. Everything will be fine just as soon as Travis explains everything to you.”

  A lengthy time passed and both Nathan and Rana became worried about Travis. Rana stood and walked around to master her tension. She noticed that Nathan was eyeing her as if he expected her to run off at any second. Realizing she was making the older man nervous, she took a seat near him. Her ears were straining for any noise, any indication that Travis was returning. She suddenly wondered what she would do and how she would feel if Travis were slain. They had been joined for eight suns and had not shared a sleeping mat. Maybe he was not pleased with her. Maybe he thought she was still a foolish girl. Surely he had a good reason for refusing to share a sleeping mat.

  Nathan captured her hand in his and patted it with the other one. “He’ll be all right, Rana. He’s too smart to get into danger. I just wish he wasn’t so troubled about you. It ain’t good to be so distracted in enemy territory. I tried to warn him.”

  Rana had to grit her teeth to keep from asking, Warn him about what? And to ask why and how he was troubled over her. Maybe pretending not to understand them had been a mistake, because she could not ask questions. With Travis gone, she was missing the perfect time to obtain information from this older man who seemed to like her very much, who had eyes almost the same color as hers. She was glad Nathan was so gentle and nice, and she liked him. He vaguely reminded her of someone she could not remember, someone special who had warmed her heart. There was something about his face and voice that reached out to her. Perhaps Grandfather had put him in her dreams or visions long ago. If only she could recall them clearly, but she did not want to push herself, for too many of those dreams had been bad ones.

  Travis appeared as if from nowhere, astonishing both Nathan and Rana with his skillful stealth. He frowned at them and scolded lightly, “If I had been an enemy, you two would be in deep trouble.”

  Rana’s half-smile faded instantly, but she knew he was right. She suspected that Travis had intentionally sneaked up on them. She told him she would be ready to ride soon, then vanished into the trees.

  “She been behaving?” Travis questioned anxiously.

  “Not a peep out of her. We need to teach her some English, son, so I can talk to her. Any signs of danger out there?”

  “Nope. I covered our trail and made a false one in another direction. I don’t like it, Nate; things are too quiet. We’ve got us a storm brewing, and I don’t mean the weather.” Travis decided it was best not to tell Nathan that three of Lone Wolf’s braves had been trailing them until this morning, probably for Rana’s protection.

  “You said Crazy Horse and his Big Bellies have been lying low for awhile. It’s been months since he massacred Captain Fetterman over at Lodge Trail Ridge. And Red Cloud hasn’t moved his Bad Faces Band out of the Powder River area, has he?”

  “We don’t have to worry about Red Cloud; he’s set on keeping that Bozemen Trail closed. They’re riding between the Black Hills and Little Bighorn. But you can bet Sitting Bull and his Strong Heart Society aren’t sitting around doing nothing. What we have to worry about is Crazy Horse banding together those Lakotas and Cheyenne. Lone Wolf told me he’s been plotting against Fort Kearny and C. F. Smith all winter. He’s planning on striking at them soon. After what he did to Fetterman, the Army is ready and waiting to retaliate. It’ll be a bloodbath.”

  “Is Crazy Horse crazy like his name?” Nathan inquired.

  “That’s a mistake in translation, Nate. Our word is “crazy”; theirs is “enchanted”; and believe me, he’s got more magic and appeal than those soldiers can imagine. He doesn’t take scalps or count coup, and he rides in front of his band. He’s totally fearless, Nate. I doubt the Union Army has any leader as cunning and daring, and we’re heading near his target area. Let’s get moving,” he announced, not wanting to take time to eat or rest. “Rana! Inankni yo!” he called loudly, telling her to hurry.

  Rana appeared soon and mounted her beloved white stallion. As they rode off, she took a place at Nathan’s right side, putting the older man between her and Travis. Travis did not bother to shift her, for he knew he had singed her ego and pride again.

  It was past dusk when Travis called a halt to their day’s ride, which had left all three of them tired and tense. While Travis thoroughly scouted the area and tended the horses, Rana helped Nathan gather firewood and prepare their meal. When the food was ready, Nathan called Travis to join them. Discarding the Indian custom for the white one, Travis instructed Rana to eat with them, not after them, and she enjoyed being treated and viewed as an equal. Travis ate silently and quickly, then unrolled the sleeping mats. Nathan wished them good night, then took his place and was soon dozing.

  Rana sat staring into the fire as she brushed her hair. She was neither sad nor happy. When she took a blanket and headed for the river, Travis went after her and asked where she was going. “Wanuwan wacin,” she replied without losing a step.

  “It is too late to go swimming and the water is too cool. Lie down on your mat and go to sleep,” he ordered moodily. Travis knew he possessed the brute strength to control the stirring minx, but he had little desire to tangle with her. She provoked and enchanted him at every turn. In spite of his past female trouble and his current obligations to Nathan, he was being drawn closer to her with every passing hour.

  She halted and looked at him, protesting, “I am dusty and tired. I wish to bathe before sleeping. You hurry me in the morning.”

  “I just want to get us safely out of this area. Several tribes are painting up for war with the soldiers, and other tribes are going to join them. I do not want us caught in the middle.”

  “Why do you give Indians guns, then refuse to fight with them?”

  “This is not my war, Rana. I cannot take sides. I only helped your people even the odds by giving them a fighting chance for survival. I am half Indian and you have been raised by them. Soldiers would not be too friendly toward us, and neither would the Indians because we are white. You have been in that Oglala camp too long. You do not know what it is like to be trapped between warring sides, belonging to neither. I must get you out of those Indian garments and out of this Indian territory before someone guesses who you are. You do not want the soldiers using you to obtain Lone Wolf’s surrender, do you?”

  “No,” she hastily responded. “But why did you not warn my people?”

  “I did. That is why Lone Wolf traded you so readily.” Knowing he had spoken rashly, he
tried to cover himself. “He knew this war was heating up fast and he did not want you getting hurt by it. He loves you, Rana, but you are white. You could be a threat to them. He wants you to be safe and happy. He did what was best for everyone. Can you understand and accept that?”

  “If I did not accept it, I would not be here with you. Why must you be so cold and angry with me, Travis Kincade? It is hard to leave my people and make the changes you demand. It makes me sad and angry that you do not trust me or like me.” With this, she raced off toward the river, wondering how her words would affect him.

  She hurriedly yanked off her moccasins and dress and tossed them aside. As she loosened the ties on her breechclout, Travis walked over to her. He seized her chin and lifted her head, intending to debate her mistaken impressions. Tears sparkled on her thick lashes and her wide eyes were somber. Her long, wavy hair settled wildly about her shoulders and reflected the moonlight, giving her a sensual aura. As she clenched her teeth, her lips formed a natural and seductive pout. She allowed the breechclout to slip from her fingers and fall to the ground, making no attempt to shield her nude body from Travis’s gaze. This attractive, stimulating man was her husband, and she wanted him.

  The flesh beneath Travis’s light grasp was as soft and slick as an expensive satin ribbon. Her body was lithe and shapely. Where she was tanned, her skin was as golden as honey and as creamy as its texture. Where her tan stopped, her skin was as white as a fluffy cloud and as soft as freshly picked cotton. He knew he should not allow his gaze to roam her ravishing face and stunning figure, but he could not stop himself. Every inch of her seemed to call out for tender, loving caresses. She was so sleek and exquisite. Never had he viewed a more perfect woman. He yearned to let his hands explore her body, to allow his lips to follow that same trail. His respiration became ragged and his grip on her tightened slightly. His green gaze glowed with unrestrained desire. “Lordy, you’re beautiful,” he murmured. He was losing himself in those magnetic blue-gray eyes, and for a time he did not care. As with aged whiskey, she was utterly intoxicating. All of the times he had taken women in the past, it had been for physical release, to appease his sexual urges. It was not like that with Rana; his entire being craved her. The other women he had wanted only for a night of pleasure. But Rana he wanted completely, permanently!

  Rana boldly stepped closer to him and drew his head down to hers, fusing their lips as she mesmerized Travis with her gaze. A groan escaped his lips and his arms encircled her body to mold it tightly against his. He kissed her fiercely, ravenously. His fingers tangled in her silky hair as he pressed her head to his, allowing his eager mouth to explore hers leisurely. He could feel the stimulating warmth of her body through his shirt. His hands slid down her back and, grasping her buttocks, he drew her to him. The intimate contact staggered his senses and inflamed him dangerously. He groaned again, unable to hide his rapidly fleeing restraint and mounting desire. He had craved this provocative vixen since first sighting her, and he wanted her beyond control or reason.

  “Come, lie with me, my husband,” she whispered seductively, pulling the captivated Travis down to the discarded blanket with her. She fastened her lips to his and feasted greedily. Her arms went under his and around his firm, supple body to stroke his muscular back. As his lips seared over her face, down her neck, and to her breasts, she writhed and caressed his lower body with her own. His actions brought her sheer bliss. While he savored one brown peak and then the other, her fingers played in his sable hair. She loved these wild, wonderful feelings he evoked and yielded eagerly to them.

  All Travis could think about was possessing this enticing creature who was driving him wild with hunger for her. Never before had a woman stolen his wits and control, until Rana. He wanted to take her swiftly, and yet with maddening leisure, for she belonged to him by Indian law and by right of rescue and conquest. Desire for her had been driving him crazy for days, and he wanted to enjoy every second of this first joining of their bodies. His deft hand wandered down her supple frame, caressing and tantalizing each area as it traveled toward her unprotected womanhood, which radiated a heat in which he desperately wanted to warm himself. Lordy, he had never desired a woman so strongly or felt so possessive of one. His restraint was rapidly disappearing and he knew he could wait no longer to take her. He had to—

  “Travis! Travis, where are you, son?” Nathan called loudly, his voice coming from a distance.

  Travis went rigid as reality slammed hard into his gut. He leaned away from Rana, breathing heavily. “What the hell am I doing?” he murmured in disbelief. “I can’t make love to you. Why did I let you tempt me like this again? You’ve got powerful magic.”

  Knowing that Nathan would continue to call and seek them, Travis stood up and straightened his shirt. He tried to master his respiration and douse his fiery passion before calling out, “Be there in a minute, Nate. Everything’s fine. Rana wanted a bath, so I’m standing guard.” He pulled the naked girl to her feet and whispered in her ear, “Get bathed and get back to camp as quickly as you can.”

  The astonished Rana gaped at her husband when he left her to join his friend as if nothing had been going on between them. Anger, embarrassment, and frustration consumed her. She could not imagine why a husband would behave as hers did. He had acted as if there were something wrong with his desiring her and with their making love. There was nothing shameful about love or sex. He had responded to her, had been hungry to possess her, even willing to do so until his friend had awakened him from his dreamy world. Travis was not a coward, she knew, so what had frightened him and quelled his passion a second time?

  She eased into the chilly water to cool her own passions, but her temper remained heated. She raged aloud as she bathed roughly, “Why do you kill such good feelings and douse such wild flames of desire? Do you belong to another woman, or to her dead spirit? You are ‘angry without good reason,’” she charged, using his own words. “You blazed with anger when Black Hawk tried to take what was yours, yet you refuse it. You have hurt me and shamed me deeply.”

  When Rana finally returned to the campfire, Nathan was dozing again and Travis was lying on his back, his hat resting over his eyes. She snatched up her sleeping mat and spread it out on the other side of the fire, away from the two men. Sullenly, she lay down and tossed a thin blanket over her trembling frame. As she was settling herself, her gaze drifted across the fire to observe Travis propped on one elbow, watching her intently. She glared coldly at him, then turned away, vowing never to allow him to treat her that way again. It was surprising how swiftly sleep came to her, despite her fury and tension.

  As Travis watched her sleeping form, he realized that Rana was slowly chiseling away at his stony heart. Each day he was finding it harder to be tough and resistant. Taming her was like trying to master a wild mustang without breaking its spirit. It was like tampering with another’s destiny or trying to leash pure spirit and energy, like trying to control the very essence of life itself. He asked himself, how did one capture sunshine in his hand?

  He remembered how Elizabeth Lowry and Clarissa Caldwell had tried to ensnare him with their feminine wiles, and how Rana’s own mother had toyed with susceptible men, if he could believe the stories he had heard about Marissa Crandall Michaels. Women’s desires could prove treacherous to an unsuspecting man, as Pretty Rabbit’s had been.

  To make White Eagle jealous and to snare his attention, Pretty Rabbit had used Charge-A-Buffalo; she had driven him wild with desire and frustration. The warrior had loved her and had wanted her as his mate, but she had toyed with him to get at White Eagle. After she had cruelly rejected the warrior and had told him he was nothing compared to White Eagle, the warrior had been consumed by hatred and anguish. To revenge himself on White Eagle and to punish Pretty Rabbit, the warrior had lied about White Eagle’s involvement with his father’s evil deeds. Charge-A-Buffalo had wanted to make certain that if he could not have Pretty Rabbit, White Eagle would never have her and she would n
ever have White Eagle. When he had been captured, falsely accused, tortured, and scheduled for death, Pretty Rabbit had viewed his perilous predicament as the means to finally win him. But though she had died trying to help him escape, her evil scheming had kept Travis from feeling any remorse over her death.

  Yet, over the years since that tragic incident, he had thought a great deal about the Hunkpapas’ actions and in a way had come to understand and forgive them. His father had been a malicious enemy, and he had been a half-breed. He had left the Hunkpapas to travel with his father for two years in the white world, and perhaps they had thought he had been tainted by it. He had been at his father’s side when Jeremy had been captured following his vile treachery. A courageous, renowned warrior had made charges against him, one whose hatred and feelings of rivalry were unknown to their people. He had begun to realize that with such “evidence” against him, perhaps their behavior had been logical and natural. Maybe he would have done and felt the same if the charges had been against another half-breed or white man.

  Before going to sleep, Travis admitted to himself that he had learned one thing: hatred and bitterness could be a ravenously devouring disease. With Nathan’s help and love, he had conquered the worst of it; and no matter what the Indians had said or might believe about him, he could face the Great Spirit with a clear conscience and an innocent heart.

  Chapter Seven

  For two days, the small group continued their journey at the grueling pace that Travis had set for them after his frustrating encounter with Rana. When they stopped to camp that second night, Travis moodily went about his tasks while Rana disappeared to bathe. He made no attempt to question her or to stop her, and Rana did not ask permission to leave camp. During the past two days Rana had been riding next to Nathan and sleeping away from the two men. It had become clear to Nathan that the two were ignoring and avoiding each other, and this behavior intrigued and worried the observant rancher. Too, he was becoming flustered by his obligatory silence, for he knew the best way to solve a problem was to meet it head-on.


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