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The Promotion_A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 13

by Mika Lane

  One sucked in his breath. The other released a small mmmm.

  I lowered the lacy fabric more, leaning forward just enough to stick my behind in their direction, and pushed the rest of my panty below my ass cheeks. I squirmed to make sure they were getting a good, long look.

  I glanced back again and saw Von adjusting himself. The magic was working.

  Not that I ever had any doubts.

  When my panties reached the floor, I bent deeply to throw them aside. While folded forward, I stepped my feet a few inches apart to give them a perfect view of my most private parts.

  “Fuck, baby,” Cato groaned.

  Could they see how soaked I was? I hoped so.

  Emboldened by something I couldn’t identify, I reached between my legs and ran a finger between my pussy lips, dragging my moisture from one end of my slit to another. I slowly straightened back up, the blood having rushed to my head, and turned back around to face them.

  But not before I scooped my panties up off the floor and threw them to Von.

  He smiled and brought them to his face. His gaze locked with mine, and he took a deep inhale of the lacy fabric. He tossed it aside and extended his hand to me.

  I approached the sofa, taking Von’s hand and stroking Cato’s beautiful face.

  “Are you ready for us, darlin’?” Von asked.

  A tremor of anticipation swam through me. “Are you ready for me?”

  The guys looked at each other with big smiles. This was my show, and we all knew it.

  I knelt before Cato, clamoring for what I knew would be a very hard cock buried in a tangle of boxers and trousers. When I had freed his erection, I pulled it toward my mouth, savoring the drop of precum on his tip. I ran my lips all the way down to the root.

  Von got up from the sofa and positioned himself behind my bare ass, now that I was bent over in service to Cato.

  Von’s fingers smoothed over my sensitive core, using barely enough pressure to part my lips. One finger dipped between them, spreading my slickness from side to side. I shimmied with pleasure, sucking Cato harder.

  “Shit, baby,” Cato murmured, his head lolling back onto the sofa. He tangled his fingers in my hair and pushed me deeper onto his cock, his demanding touch leaving my head spinning. All I could think of was pleasing him, and I sucked him until he banged the back of my throat.

  And, there was Von, who so expertly tormented me with his decadent attentions. I pushed my hips back toward him to give more of myself, and he growled his appreciation. His thumbs opened me and next thing I knew, his tongue was buried deep inside me. If my mouth hadn’t been full of Cato’s cock, I would have screamed loudly enough for the neighbors and the people in the building next door to hear, too.

  Cato’s breath grew raspy, and his grip tightened in my hair.

  “Goddamn, baby. I’m so fucking hard for you.” He lifted his head from the sofa. “Yes…yeah…suck me…”

  He growled, which gave way to a heady moan, and I tasted the first explosion of his hot cum. I swallowed as it blasted through my mouth, allowing only a drop or two to escape my lips and run down my chin. I continued pistoning him as he threw his head back and forth and hollered a litany of profanities. I licked him clean as he came down.

  And while he did, my own orgasm at Von’s touch built to an earth-shattering crescendo. I shoved my hips back into his mouth, and he, in turn, lapped at me with a vigor that left me coming all over his gorgeous face.

  Cato pulled me up on the sofa, cradling me in his arms. How did I end up with these two men who treated me like a queen? A flash of discomfort washed over me as I remembered having been with Brade and Anson the night before.

  But there’d be time to worry about that later. I wanted to give these amazing men all the attention they deserved, and then some.

  “Looks like we wore the girl out,” Von said.

  I forced my eyes opened and gave each of them a look.

  “That’ll never happen,” I said in a dreamy voice.

  Cato smoothed some sweaty strands of hair off my face. “We’ll just see about that,” he added.

  Chapter 23


  Maizy’s heated passion blew my mind, not to mention what it did to my dick. Shit, I was ready to get down on one knee and make an honest woman of her.

  Except that I was one of four. Four guys, who I was pretty sure were all vying for her commitment.

  I didn’t have a problem with that, per se. I wasn’t a possessive or jealous guy. Lord knew I was busy as hell with my veterinary practice, so would probably be a shitty boyfriend, anyway. But I wouldn’t have minded giving it a shot.

  If she chose me.

  Which she might not.

  But hell, as long as she was happy, I’d be happy. And as long as Cher the rat was alive, I’d probably have the chance to see the lovely Maizy from time to time.

  I hustled to the kitchen to get us all water and returned to find Maizy slowly unfolding herself from Cato’s lap, disheveled as hell with her hair in knots, her previously starched apron wrinkled and askew.

  Just how I liked her.

  “Mmmm,” she said, stretching. “Let’s go to bed.”

  Cato and I looked at each other, then looked to Maizy.

  “Um. Both of us?” Cato asked.

  She nodded sleepily. “Yeah. C’mon.”

  I raised my eyebrows at Cato, who shrugged in return.

  If this was what our girl wanted, then what the hell. We could do this.

  She reached for our hands, leading us to her bedroom like a pro, her eyes sparkling with contentment. We crawled under her down comforter, with her in the middle, of course, and held her hands while she dozed off. The dogs never made a peep. I’d have to thank them later for their excellent cooperation.

  I waited for Maizy’s breathing to grow slow and steady, and then I mouthed the words I’d been thinking all evening, which led me to wonder.

  Did the other guys feel the same way about her?

  The next day at work passed as planned—busy as hell, which I was glad about because it kept me from thinking about Maizy. I had just two more cats to examine, and then I could wrap things up, get home to shower, and dash uptown to Braden Darby’s place where all five of us would be together for the first time. In spite of the strangeness of the situation, I was looking forward to it. Don’t ask me why. Something about Maizy made it easier to emerge from the old comfort zone.

  The orange tabby I was treating yawned in my face, and I yawned right back in his.

  Maizy would be delighted to know how I exhausted I was. Not that I wouldn’t repeat the last evening all over again—hell, I didn’t think I would ever say no to that woman. I couldn’t fathom how any man would. But it was a good thing I did most of my work standing up because if I’d sat down for five minutes, I would’ve passed out, sound asleep.

  It turned out that when Maizy was with two guys—and maybe more, time would tell—she was nearly insatiable. I mean, there was no doubt she was one of the most passionate women I’d ever been with, but when she put Cato and me together, well, she could barely function aside from getting down to business. How she’d managed to get through dinner and clean up, I’d never know.

  After a brief snooze of fifteen minutes on her part, she was awake once again. Cato and I spend almost the entire night taking turns eating her pussy, fucking her, and having her suck us off until I personally couldn’t take any more and went out to the sofa to get a couple hours’ sleep. I wasn’t too successful, however, as Cato kept her going until the sun came up, their noise probably keeping the entire building awake. Those two were going to have fun at work the next day, exhausted, but knowing each other’s most intimate touch. I had to smile when I thought about it. And with a strange lack of jealousy, too. Go figure.

  Myself, I would be enjoying smelly dogs all day. But that was okay. I liked smelly dogs.

  When I’d finally gotten home through rush hour traffic, my place was dead silent—the pups must
have been out with the dog walker. As much as I loved my four-legged friends, sometimes it was nice to come home to total silence. Of course, I was never actually alone thanks to the cats, but they didn’t have the tendency to get in my face the way the pooches did.

  Stepping out of the shower, I pulled on my boxers. Damn if my bed didn’t look like the most tempting thing in the world at that moment, but I powered through and finished getting dressed. I was expected at Braden’s and would never let Maizy down. I figured I’d be able to um, rise to the occasion if the opportunity presented itself. Which I hoped it would.

  My Uber pulled up to drop me in front of Braden’s place, a gorgeous brownstone that must have cost millions. I loved where I lived, absolutely, but there was something so regal about the city’s huge old townhouses, especially the ones that had not been carved up into rabbit-warren apartment buildings.

  I was pretty sure Braden Darby’s brownstone was intact and had not been at the mercy of greedy landlords.

  The front door swung open, and I was greeted by none other than the rock star himself, a slim guy with shoulder length dirty blond hair.

  “You must be Von. Call me Brade,” he said, offering his hand and leading me into a massive foyer. “What can I get you to drink?”

  “Thanks, man. What are you drinking?” I asked, following him into a massive kitchen already populated with one other guy who must have been Anson, and of course our girl Maizy.

  “Scotch. Would you like a scotch?” he asked.

  “That would be great.” I should probably have been asking for coffee, but what the hell. I could sleep when I was dead.

  I caught Maizy’s eye as I entered the room and she ran to me, throwing her arms around my neck and planting a big one on my lips.

  Man, I could get used to that.

  I held her at arm’s length so I could take her in. She was a stunner by any measure, but her warmth and sex appeal were something that had to be witnessed firsthand, revealing itself in the way she moved, smiled, and was just plain sweet.

  “You look gorgeous, baby,” I said.

  And she did, with her mass of hair twisted into a messy braid that hung over her right shoulder, a slim, pinstriped skirt, and a sleeveless blouse that showed off her toned arms. But it was the glasses that got me.

  On anyone else, they would have been just goofy and oversized. But on her, shit, they looked like a million bucks. She looked smart as hell. Which of course, she was. I couldn’t take my eyes off her until she snapped me out of my reverie.

  “Von, you haven’t met Anson yet,” she said, introducing me to a tall guy with red hair.

  “Right,” I said, coming back to my senses. “Sorry for being rude, Anson. I just couldn’t take my eyes off our girl here.”

  He shook my hand with a big smile. “I’m with you on that, my man.”

  I looked around the kitchen.

  “Hey, where’s Cato? He’s joining us, right?” I asked.

  “Yeah, but he’s running late,” Maizy said. “His boss threw something at him when he was ready to head out the door.”

  Anson shook his head. “Guess that’s why lawyers get paid the big bucks.”

  For all the sacrifices Cato seemed to make, I wasn’t sure any amount of big bucks would be worth it. But he’d figure it out. He was a smart guy.

  “Awesome place you have here, Brade,” I said, looking around. It made me want to re-think my own apartment. Not that I could afford a brownstone, but I loved the traditional touches like the picture rail and coffered ceiling. And the walls were covered in awesome modern and abstract art, which was the perfect contrast.

  Brade looked around. “Thanks, Von. Yeah, this is my sanctuary. Sometimes I never want to leave.”

  “Do fans ever bother you here?” I asked. Probably a douche thing to ask, but if Maizy was going to hang out here, I wanted to know she’d be safe.

  Brade nodded. “I’ve had the occasional fan show up at my door. But I’ve got pretty tight security. You probably didn’t notice the cameras when you came in. And there’s a security guy in the basement office at all times. Well, at least when I’m in town.”

  I shook my head. “I should have known you’d have it covered. Dumb question. Sorry, man.”

  “No, I’m glad you asked. You have a right to,” Brade said.

  Someone’s cell phone clattered on the marble counter, and Maizy reached for hers.

  “Oh, good news. Cato will be here shortly,” she said with a huge smile.

  Brade poured me another finger of scotch. “So, shall we head up to the game room? It’s my favorite place to hang.”

  “I can vouch for that,” Anson said. “It’s amazing and has great views.”

  We headed up the stairs and as soon as we settled in, the doorbell rang.

  Brade excused himself.

  Anson turned to Maizy. “So, how was your day? My evil sister-in-law give you any crap?”

  “Wait,” I said, looking between the two of them. “You work for Anson’s sister-in-law?”

  She gave an exaggerated sigh. “Yes. Unfortunately. But I have to say, I’d rather work for her than have her as a member of my family like Anson does. At least I can escape if I need to.”

  Anson gave a grim smile. “True. I’m stuck with her. Unless she and my brother split, that is. Which won’t happen. They’re perfect for each other. He lets her lead him around by the nose. They’re in it for the long haul.”

  “Sounds like fun at family gatherings,” I said.

  He rolled his eyes. “Dude, you don’t know the half of it.”

  Heavy footsteps on the stairs got closer.

  Maizy jumped off the sofa. “Hey!” she squealed, running to kiss Cato as he rounded the corner into the room.

  I had to say, her unselfconscious affection for all us guys added to the spell she cast over me. She was just so damn guileless.

  “Hey, Von,” Cato called to me from the doorway after he’d been greeted by Maizy and introduced to Anson. “Looks like we’re all here,” he said, taking in the scene.

  “I guess things get real interesting right about now,” I said.

  Chapter 24


  There I was, surrounded by four gorgeous, wonderful, smart men, who for some reason that escaped me, seemed to like me right back.

  The chances of my being with one of them by the end of the month, in time for my review and even possibly a promotion, were looking okay.

  All complications aside. And there were plenty of complications. Thinking about them broke my heart a little bit.

  Like choosing. I shuddered and pushed the thought away.

  And here we were at the moment of truth. They were all together at my request, enjoying their cocktails and manly small talk. It was funny, but while I was the hub that pulled all them together, in that moment I also felt like an observer, watching them get to know each other. And they were getting along great, at least on the surface.

  Maybe they were being polite for my sake, and they really hated each other?

  It would almost be easier if they were rivals. Let a fight break out. Let one of them act like a dickhead. Give me something to dislike. Some animosity would do me a great service.

  But there was nothing like that. It was so damn chill.

  And I hated myself for wanting anything other than that, just to simplify my life and get my damn promotion. I might have bitched endlessly about my boss Eva, but when it came down to it, was I any better?

  But I couldn’t dwell on that now. I liked each of these men a lot, and I planned to show them how much.

  Classic rock poured out of multiple speakers in the game room. Like the great host that he was, Brade made sure everyone’s drink was topped off, and then he plopped onto the sofa beside me, where I draped my legs over his lap. I knew he had household staff, but I’d never seen any of them when I’d been there.

  Apparently, money could buy help so good that you never even saw it.

  Anson stood. “I’d like to toast Brade, for offering his home for us to gather in.”

  Brade hung his head in modesty while the room filled with cheers and clinking glasses.

  He looked up. “My pleasure guys, Maizy. You know, it’s actually really nice to hang out with normal people.”

  “Normal?” I looked around the room, laughing. “We are what you call normal?”

  Cato furrowed his brow while wearing a huge grin. “I don’t know whether to be flattered or insulted.”

  “Yeah, man. I think the last thing I want is to be normal,” Anson added.

  “Shit. Okay. What I meant was that it was nice to spend time with people who were not musicians. It’s nice to talk about something else for a change,” he explained.

  I leaned forward on the sofa and cradled Brade’s face in my hands. “I’ll take normal.”

  Relieved he’d not insulted anyone, he scraped his messy blond hair back off his face and tucked it behind his ears. His gray eyes said something, but I’d not known him long enough yet to read it with perfect clarity.

  I could guess, though.

  I looked around the room at my guys, who were all watching me. Von gave me the tiniest nod of his head, and Anson raised his glass to me. That was all I needed. These guys got me hot and bothered and I was going to do something about it. I swung my legs off Brade’s lap and slowly stood up, positioning myself right in front of him. I reached back to slowly unzip my pencil skirt, letting it drop to the floor. I moved on to the buttons of my blouse, which quickly joined my skirt in a puddle at my feet. Someone cranked the music a bit louder, and I began to sway. I reached to unhook my bra.

  Soon, I was naked save for my nude lace panties and high heels. Brade pulled me close enough to run soft kisses over my tummy, leaving a trail of shivery goose bumps in his wake. I ran my hands through fistfuls of his hair as he reached around to fill his palms with my ass, still pressing his lips to my feverish skin. His hands were those of someone who could play multiple musical instruments—strong, powerful—and were eager to tease something primitive and hungry inside me the way he did to those who listened to his music. He waved behind my back to one of the other guys—which one, I couldn’t be sure—and suddenly there were new hands both on me and in my hair, unraveling my braid so waves fell down my back and around my shoulders. Someone inhaled the scent of a handful of it and groaned in appreciation.


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