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Into the Fire

Page 10

by Victoria Smith

  There was no way off his protected land without alerting Luke. He was quick to make a joke about his brother’s affinity with nature, but she was certain he had some of that himself. Maybe she’d be better off telling him the truth and giving him no options. At least someone else would know where she was in case things went wrong, though she wanted the element of surprise. If Dan found out she was coming, her plan would fail before she even had a chance to try.

  Luke came up behind her, his reflection in the window surprising her for a second before she relaxed against him. He rubbed her arms, and she realized how cold she was. Without letting her go, he reached to the chair to grab a blanket.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked against her ear, nearly erasing her resolve.

  “Couldn’t sleep.”

  “What’s on your mind?” His hands held the blanket tight around her, but she didn’t feel trapped. Maybe she should.

  “Nothing. Everything.” She didn’t want to lie. She wasn’t sure she could, but the less he knew the better.

  “You’re not going by yourself.” He squeezed her slightly.

  “What are you talking about?” She should have known better than to believe she could hide the details from him.

  He didn’t answer, only held her tighter.

  Olivia sighed. “I can get them out. I know I can.”

  “Not without me. I understand how you feel, but you’re not trading yourself. There’s no way I’m going to let that happen.” The rumble of his voice ran through her body and melted tiny parts she’d thought she kept buried from him.

  “I underestimated Dan once. It won’t happen again. I think I can do this alone. And you have duties for the resistance. Not to mention, helping me makes you a criminal.” Even with the tension running through her at what she had to do, Luke’s touch relaxed her. She moved her arms to give him access to her breasts.

  “Are you kidding? I’m already a criminal and a dead man. And this is part of the resistance.” Luke’s words were a hard contrast to the tender way he touched her under the blanket.

  Olivia exhaled. There wasn’t anything she could say to convince him. She’d have to find a way to go without him.

  “Don’t even think about it. I’m not joking. Promise me.” He kissed her neck, sending shards of desire through her already chaotic system. “Promise.”

  She did. Only it took her a few minutes. She wouldn’t break her vow, even if she wanted to. Too many promises had been broken in her life, and she wouldn’t allow herself to go against the integrity she prided herself on. Though she still didn’t see the sense in it. Now she was stuck.

  As he kissed her neck, she gave up the warring going on in her soul. She’d needed his help before she’d met him. Now she was stuck, along with constantly craving his touch.

  She turned to face him, dropping the blanket as he picked her up and carried her back to bed. As he put her down, she got up and pushed him onto the bed and straddled his hips, pinning his arms above his head as she kissed him. The need coursing through her had met its match in Luke. She already felt an affinity and closeness with him that she’d never felt with Sandy after over eight years. She didn’t care that she’d only known Luke for days. Deep down her soul knew him on a level that defied logic. For the first time in her life, she let herself completely go as she blocked out everything but the feel of his skin on hers. Things would seem different in the morning, she was sure. For now, there was no reason to think about anything except for his touch.

  She closed her eyes and let herself live in the moment.

  Fat tears trailed down her cheeks when she finally lay against him and tried to get her breathing under control. He swiped at them with his thumb, kissing her cheek where the moisture had been.

  “What’s that? Did I hurt you?” He wrapped his arms around her.

  She shook her head. “No. Just amazing.”

  “That was amazing,” he said as he pulled her closer. “You’re amazing.”

  She shook her head and buried her head into his chest.

  Luke shuddered against her, bringing an answering similar reaction from her. “I can’t believe you ever thought there was something wrong with you.”

  Olivia didn’t want to talk about that, but Luke was right. He’d managed to get through her final line of defenses and had proven how very wrong she’d been. Those tiny, hardened parts of her soul softened and let Luke in. Now she didn’t know if she’d lost something important, or gained something dangerous. And she wasn’t sure she cared.

  Olivia drifted, letting the safe place soothe her. She shut down her thoughts. She had a lot to ask Luke in the morning, like how he’d figured out her plan, but for now she let sleep take her and imagined life could always stay as good as it was at this moment.

  ~ ~ ~

  The smell of coffee brewing did nothing to settle Luke’s nerves. He glared at the coffee pot, tapping his cup with the ring he wore on his right pinkie. His mother’s wedding band. She’d pressed it into his hand the night before she died. He’d thought it was strange, but his mother’s premonitions had been spot on. He’d spent a lot of time being angry with her for allowing things to happen the way they did and for not stopping what happened in the years before she died. Hell, he was still angry with her for ignoring their dad’s affair. Mostly, he just missed her.

  Luke would be damned if he’d let Olivia’s family suffer a horrific fate such as his had suffered. He didn’t think he’d ever forget seeing what was left of his parent’s charcoaled bodies, or how it smelled. Matt had internalized it, still did, while the bitterness grew inside of him at each new atrocity he witnessed. Luke didn’t know how long it would be until Matt snapped. He kept a close watch on his brother, but wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop him if his fuse ever ignited.

  Maybe he wasn’t any better with the way he handled each new twist of the knife. He tried to hold onto his hate of all firestarters, but the sharp pain was absent. Luke wasn’t sure he was willing to let go of his rage completely quite yet. There was no way to know if she’d managed to snag him in the same type of trap his father had fallen for, or if what was between them was as genuine as it felt. That didn’t mean her family had to suffer, though.

  Finally, the coffee finished brewing, and he poured himself a cup. He wasn’t sure why he was so unsettled this morning. He’d slept with Olivia curled against him. He smiled with the memory of last night. Something had shifted inside her. He’d felt it as they’d stood in the living room and stared out into the night. Whatever changed, she’d given it to him when they made love, a gift like none he’d ever received before.

  The smile fled as he realized what that probably meant. He didn’t want to be tied to anyone except Matt. The burden of that emotional connection was enough. He couldn’t take on another. Only it was already too late. If Olivia was anyone else, he could have let her go without a second thought.

  How had that happened?

  “You suck.” Matt’s typical greeting filled his head. “How’s things?”

  “Fine. You still trapped?” Luke had no idea if the sirens continued. Matt was too far away to know for sure.

  “Yeah. They’re tough on finding the murderers. Dude, those people were dead for months before we found them. Something else is up. I can’t figure it out.”

  “I’ll see what I can learn. Do you want me to come and get you?” None of this made sense.

  “No. I’m fine. I think this one has a little more information to share.” There was something in what Matt didn’t say that interested Luke.

  “I swear you’re like a dog in heat.” His brother had better watch that charm. Soon it would be impossible for him to get information. Women already lied to try to get him into bed.

  “Nah. Not like that here. She’s got her hands full with a group of serum babies. Her brother and some others. I’m going to hang around and give her a hand. My Foster City contact has gone deep underground anyway. I’m not sure, but this is starting to feel really persona
l. Could someone have betrayed us?”

  “Anyone has the potential for betrayal. You know the kind of shit they do to force compliance. I’m even more convinced that Jenner has been running the show the whole time. There’s too much coincidence.”

  Matt scoffed. “That dickhead.”

  “If not, we have to get him out of the way before we can take out whoever took his place.” It would help if they knew who they were dealing with. When Jenner stepped down for his “treatment,” his replacement hadn’t been named or even seen by the public. Luke had been trying to get positive identity since Jenner became ill.

  “I know. Keep me posted.”

  The mental connection severed. Even though no one else could tap into their conversation, they kept information to a minimum. If either brother was caught, he’d have no details on the other. Sometimes what wasn’t said was more than enough. Like Matt’s informant’s situation. Luke wasn’t surprised he planned to stick around and lend a hand. The plight of the serum babies was important to them both. Their sister, Meggie, had been a victim of the shots that were supposed to wipe away any evidence of special abilities. She’d been one year old to their seventeen and sixteen. A surprise baby that had been welcomed into their home like a new bike at Christmas.

  By the time their parents realized the shots their mom was getting had nothing to do with anemia, it was too late. Meggie weighed three pounds at birth and was no bigger than a newborn at age one. She was developmentally delayed, thanks to the involuntary drugs pumped into their mother, hell, into all expecting women. The authorities said it was drug tampering. Since not all women required injected iron supplements, the lie seemed much bigger.

  What happened to kids like Meggie appalled him. Seen as less than human by the government, they were collected under the guise of attempting to reverse the effects. Only that wasn’t true. They’d been murdered. Some of the higher functioning were still taken for brutal testing when they were discovered; the rationale being they were less valuable than lab rats. Luke and Matt had taken their outrage out on the facility many times before finally burning it down.

  A warm hand on his back broke through his memories, Olivia’s scent filling him. He turned and tried to smile, though the concern on her face said he didn’t have to fake it.

  “Bad morning?” she asked, rubbing his back.

  “You could say that. Matt’s okay. He’s kind of stuck right now.” Luke filled her in on the situation.

  “There’s a way to get them out, but it’s risky. We’ll need a bigger vehicle though.”

  “His contact is housing serum kids. I’m not sure if anything risky is possible, but Matt has a big van he picked up a few years ago. We keep it running, just in case.” He wasn’t sure how she felt about the serum babies. Most people in the resistance felt the same as Luke, but he’d met his share of those in working for freedom who agreed elimination was the only way. He was sure Olivia didn’t fall into that category, but he’d learned to never assume.

  “It can be done. If we can take care of Dan first, we can move them in there. But we have to be quick. They’re all in terrible danger.” She leaned against his back. “And yes, I feel the same as you.”

  He relaxed, letting her strength fill him. “We have a lot of work to do then.”

  “I’m going to take a shower.” She kissed his cheek, swatted him on the butt, and disappeared up the stairs leaving him to wonder what the hell was wrong with him.

  He couldn’t resist joining her in the shower, knowing it was probably going to be the last time they made love for quite a while. Better to get her out of his system anyway. Luke got the feeling she wasn’t going to hang around forever. With her gifts and intelligence, she’d be moving on soon, regardless of what happened. He flushed the thought out of his head as he lathered her hair. Hopefully they would wash off the smell of sex and desperation from them both.

  ~ ~ ~

  Olivia fought to hide her warring emotions. Part of her was angry Luke butted into her plan and demanded she not leave him out. The other part was relieved he had. Then there was the idea at the back of her head that she was losing her independence and edge because she’d gone soft over a pair of big feet and a killer smile.

  The way Luke read her should bug her more. Olivia didn’t know what was going to happen. Sometimes she wished she had the gift of future sight, but then again, that mostly seemed like a curse. Aunt Jane only did it when absolutely necessary, and the result had often kept her in a funk for weeks. Olivia’s best friend, Mary could do it, until she had seen her own death and had become paralyzed with fear. The last time Olivia saw her, she’d been a case bundle of paranoid nerves and could no longer function in the real world.

  Olivia packed the few things she’d brought into the black duffel, wishing Aunt Jane was still alive. She’d been the one person Olivia could share anything with. She’d let Olivia rant and cry when Sandy had left, and then helped her pick up the pieces and create a new future for herself. She sighed. Luke hadn’t said anything since whispering her name while they made love in the shower. He wasn’t brooding, but he was close.

  “Matt’s situation isn’t good. The patrols have been back to check their location too many times,” Luke said.

  “Should we get them out first?” She hoped not. Every minute wasted would bring her family closer to death.

  “No. Matt’s got everything under control. Apparently, the woman he’s with is adept at making people think they’ve seen one thing when they’ve actually seen another. Jedi mind tricks.” He laughed, but the sound fell flat.

  “That’s a good skill. My dad can do that.”

  “We move fast, hit Jenner hard and get your folks out of there.” Luke dropped his duffel next to hers.

  “Wait. We have to wait.” She stared out the window, trying to figure out where the knowledge came from.

  “What do you mean? You just said . . .” Luke touched her arm and whatever she’d felt strengthened.

  “I know. It’s just . . .” She moved into his arms, relaxing against him and trying to organize her thoughts. “It’s Monday.”

  “Okay. Wait. What?” He rubbed her back.

  “Wednesday is Dan’s holy day. I’m not sure why. His family belonged to this obscure religion that interpreted the Bible much differently than traditional versions.”

  “What does that even mean?” Luke stepped back and looked at her like he thought she was nuts.

  “Dan’s always been quirky. Maybe it should have been an early clue, but he does nothing on Wednesday. He doesn’t eat, doesn’t get out of bed, and doesn’t talk on the phone. He meditates or something. We should use that to our advantage.”

  “What if he stopped?”

  “I don’t see that as a possibility. His parents were the same way. They were all very devout. It isn’t one of those religions where they try to recruit new members. He was very secretive about almost every aspect. Before he took office, he would spend a month every year in this cave on the coast with some high holy man. He’d come back too thin, bruised, and different. And with new tattoos.”

  “Okay, then.” She knew he was contacting his brother, so she breathed him in, so she could store his scent for when she was lonely for his touch.

  Luke’s body vibrated under her hands, a minimal movement like a muscle twitch. She waited, impatient to find out what was going on.

  Luke squeezed her and kissed the top of her head. “Matt says they’re circling them. Jillian’s people are scared, and it’s hard for them to settle. I’m not sure how we’re going to travel with the extras.” He studied her. “You’ve got something on your mind. What?”

  “Since you have two competent people on that end, I want to scope out the compound and at least find my parents. You get your brother and those people out and meet me there. By the time you get back, it’ll be Wednesday. We can free my family before anyone knows.” She locked eyes with him.

  “You’ve got a point.” Luke finally sighed. “I’ll dr
op you as close as possible. Just don’t do anything stupid.”

  “Like what, kill Jenner?” She smiled, eager to get moving now that they had a concrete goal.

  “Yeah, there’s that. He has to go to trial. He has to admit his sins in front of the people.” Luke reached his hand out for her.

  “I know, but no guarantees.” She rested against his chest before tilting her face up to kiss him one last time.

  Chapter 8

  Matt glanced over at Jillian with a smirk, as if he’d read her thoughts about his jeans. She wasn’t sure he hadn’t, then asked herself if it really mattered. It didn’t. There was a lot to like about Matt besides his physical beauty. She was letting his chivalry and compassion for her brother and the others cloud her better judgment. Or else that famous charm she’d heard about was one of his true abilities, and he was spinning her into his web.

  “Luke said Olivia’s going ahead to Jenner’s and try to find her family. Something about his holy day?”

  “Yeah. Not a lot of torture happens on Wednesday. He says it messes up the positive energy flow, or some shit like that.” Why was she suddenly angry? “Is she going to kill him?”

  “I don’t know. I guess if she gets the chance she will, but we all know he has to stand in front of his people.” He still didn’t ask, but she could tell he wanted to.

  “I’m not telling you yet. Okay? No offense. I just can’t.” She turned away and went to look out the scope they’d rigged to watch the authorities when they showed up. So far, the illusions held. She didn’t know how much longer it would last. Warm hands wrapped around her shoulders. Jillian held her body stiff before finally relaxing and accepting his comfort, leaning into him with a sigh.

  “None taken. We’ll get everyone to safety. I promise.” His arm wrapped around her stomach as she allowed the strong beat of his heart to lull her into a sense of security.


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