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Into the Fire

Page 23

by Victoria Smith

  “He is and was, but this has nothing to do with that. His illness was faked to gain sympathy and allow him to move forward on some of the things he knew people would hate. He got them started while he was supposedly ill, and he plans to clean up the mess and make people love him again. He was involved with the old government, probably more than we know.” Olivia watched Luke pace the back porch with the phone against his ear.

  “Huh,” Frank said. “And you’re saying this situation came about because he started doing testing like I’m doing?”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. You sound like Jenner when he was on the campaign trail. Be careful. The power corrupts. Jenner fully believes everything he’s saying. None of it is true for the people.” Olivia put her hand on his arm, feeling his confusion and worry.

  Franklin patted her hand. “Where’s the bathroom? I have to wash up.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Matt glanced over at Luke as he joined him on the porch. “What do you think about Franklin?”

  “He’s okay. I think. He seems sincere, but you know I don’t trust that sense anymore.” Luke stepped closer.

  “I think he’s a douchebag with an overblown sense of self-importance. He reminds me of Jenner in the early days.” Matt flicked the railing of the porch, watching Olivia walk with her cousin.

  “Maybe. I can’t go by Olivia’s sense either. She was fully supportive of Jenner until recently.” Luke pushed his chair out.

  “Family. That’s a tough one. Who was on the phone?” Matt asked.

  “Martineo. He lost twelve people, but the rest are stable.”

  “That’s better than we expected.”

  “He’s on his way back. We’ll meet up with him as soon as we can get out of here.”

  Matt nodded, fatigue hitting him hard.

  Hell, he hadn’t even had a chance to shower yet. He’d gotten out of bed and hiked to meet up with Olivia’s cousin without so much as brushing his teeth. He ran his tongue around his mouth and grimaced.

  “Is my bag in here? I need to de-stink.” He looked into the room where he’d practically died, spotting his bag at the end of the bed. “Thanks. I’m going to shower.”

  “Definitely take one. Then you should get some sleep.” Luke nodded. “Olivia’s going to want to make sure you’re okay, so don’t go to bed naked.”

  “Why, are you afraid she’ll succumb to my awesome manliness and not want you anymore?”

  “Very funny, jackass. Get some rest.” Luke lightly punched him in the shoulder.

  “I doubt I’ll actually sleep, but I’ll try.” Matt was glad for the excuse to get away from them all.

  There were too many conflicting emotions and needs in this house, and they all piled in on him. He wanted to be outside, away from secrets. He wondered if his extra tent was still in Luke’s car. Hell, he wondered where his truck was. He’d parked it in the woods a few miles from where they’d gone into the compound. Damn. He doubted Luke had even thought of it, since they’d both been injured.

  It didn’t matter now. He could always get another truck. Ignoring the thought of the hours he’d spent restoring and rebuilding his old Chevy, he stepped into the shower and tried to reconnect with Jillian. She was there and was safe, but a shroud of darkness kept him from seeing her completely. She was stressed, angry, and losing hope, but she was alive. After enduring Olivia’s probing, he grabbed a flannel shirt from his bag and shoved his feet into his boots.

  “Here.” Olivia handed him the heavy blanket that had been on the foot of the bed.

  “Thanks. I’ll be on the porch.” He turned to grab the pillow off the bed at the last minute.

  “I know,” she said.

  As soon as he shut the door, he took a deep breath. The night air and energies of nature soothed him, and he sank into a cushioned wicker chair that barely held him. He’d probably be on the ground come morning. He rested his head against the back of the chair and closed his eyes, letting the trees take away his stress.

  ~ ~ ~

  Olivia rested her head on Luke’s chest, taking comfort from the steady beat of his heart. She wanted so much for it to be just her and Luke at the cabin, so they could spend time figuring out what was between them.

  Somehow, she didn’t think that was going to happen any time soon. Luke inhaled deeply, his hand resting on her back. Her heart did that little spasm thing again, as his touch reignited her need. A noise from the main part of the house killed her plans for waking him. She listened, not sure if she wanted to go out there and hear Frank try to convince her how his training facilities were different from Jenner’s.

  In her mind, they were the same exploitation and exposition of abilities that was happening in this sector. Sure, he said the programs were voluntary, but Jenner had said the same thing when people with special abilities were asked to step forward and announce what they could do in case their government had to call upon them for aid. Olivia was certain Frank was headed down the same path, no matter how much she didn’t want to believe it. He said he wasn’t doing the same things as Dan, but he hadn’t elaborated. The only difference was that everyone now knew about the things a part of the population could do. Jenner had betrayed them all for his own gain.

  She had to admit, she was interested in expanding her own abilities, but if it meant having to give up most of her identity and privacy to be trained, there was no way. Frank didn’t seem to understand that. Maybe after he saw how bad things were here, he’d reconsider his upcoming legislation to test every individual for special skills.

  The unease remained, but it wasn’t only because of Frank. Since Matt was on the front porch, she didn’t worry too much about intruders. Then again, with as much as Matt had gone through, she wasn’t sure he could be trusted as a sentry. He might be healed, but he still needed rest.

  Luke stirred beside her. Olivia eased out of bed and put on jeans and a shirt. She glanced at Luke before unlocking her bedroom door and slipping out, leaving the door open a crack in case there was more to the noise than restless sleeping.

  Frank was stretched out on the couch, a notepad on his lap and his glasses still perched on his nose. He didn’t stir as she tiptoed through and went out the front door. Matt’s deep breathing filled the porch, his head nearly falling off the pillow he’d propped against the back of the chair. She stared up at the moon and the clear night sky. The stars were uncountable tonight. Olivia wrapped her arms around herself against the chill in the air and scanned the property. Nothing was out there.

  She sat on the step, closing her eyes and listening. Someone was coming, but not quite yet. The presence wasn’t ominous, and she was pretty sure it was Jillian.

  Luke came out of the house, sitting beside her on the step. “What’s wrong?” He wrapped an arm around her.

  “Frank’s training centers have me all weirded out.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “And things are so ugly out there. Scary ugly.”

  “We’ll do the best we can. We can’t give up now, and maybe Frank will realize what’s in store for him if he continues to push the testing.”

  “Maybe. I’m sick of him talking about it. I thought he came to help.”

  “I know.” He rubbed her back, infusing her with hope and strength.

  She lifted her head to scan the trees toward the top of the mountain. “She’s coming.”

  Luke tensed. “Where? Who?”

  “In the trees over there. No injuries I can discern, only fatigue and fear.” She studied the darkness. “Jillian and someone else.”

  Luke leaned back and whacked his brother’s knee. “Dude. Wake up. Your woman’s coming.”

  Matt sat up, rubbing his eyes and peering into the darkness. “Where?”

  “Up there. She’ll be here soon.” Olivia pointed.

  Matt said nothing. He got up, dropped the blanket, and bounded off the porch toward where she’d pointed. Olivia returned her head to Luke’s shoulder with a sigh, her brain full. She wanted the siege on the
ir people to end, but had no idea how or what difference she could make.

  ~ ~ ~

  “We’re almost there.” Jillian grabbed Theo’s elbow when she stumbled. “You’re doing great.”

  “I’m sorry.” Theo’s breath came in heavy gasps. “So tired. You have to go slow because of me.”

  “It’s okay, buddy. I’m tired, too. I don’t think I could move any faster if I tried. Are you sure you’re okay? You’re breathing awfully hard.” Was Theo sick? Maybe he’d gotten hurt when they’d ditched the car. He hadn’t said anything though, and they were already out when the truck crashed into the back of the car. The driver and passenger of the surveillance monstrosity had been killed when the road curved and the station wagon flipped into a ditch, which was a bonus. Jillian only hoped they hadn’t called in to report their location.

  Something big moved through the woods directly ahead. Jillian shoved Theo behind a tree and hoped the sound of his breathing wasn’t as audible as it was to her.


  Matt. She rushed out, launching herself at him. She wrapped her arms around him and held on, her breath catching in her throat as intense emotions crashed over her.

  “You came home.” He pulled back, wiping his thumb over her cheek.

  “I told you I would.” She didn’t bother to try to hide her joy at seeing him.

  He kissed her, his heat infusing her with the balance she’d been sorely lacking. She put everything she had into him until Theo coughed from behind her. It wasn’t an “I’m so embarrassed to have to witness this” kind of cough. Theo was struggling for breath in a major way.

  “What’s wrong?” Jillian spun around, catching Theo before he fell.

  Matt moved Theo to his side and Jillian grabbed his other arm. “I thought you took him across the border?”

  “I did. He followed me back. How far away from Olivia are we? She’s here, right?” She grabbed Theo’s hand, not liking how cold it felt.

  “Yes, it’s not far, and she’s here. Her cabin’s straight ahead.”

  “Come on, dude. You’re going to be fine.” Matt repositioned Theo against his side.

  With Matt’s long strides, they made the short trip in a few minutes. Theo’s lips were blue when Matt helped him to the couch. Olivia rushed in as soon as he stepped back, laying her hands on Theo’s chest and closing her eyes.

  Matt tugged her out of the way. “He’ll be fine. Olivia’s a master.”

  “He was okay. The more we walked, the shorter of breath he became.” Jillian told him how Theo had found her, breathing a sigh of relief when Theo relaxed under Olivia’s touch. He was breathing normally again.

  Matt grabbed her into his arms and held on tight. “I’ve been so worried. How did Theo do on the way here?”

  “He’s amazing. The trip was a little scary. I hate to say it, but I’m glad he followed me. Leaving him was a mistake.” She choked back tears.

  Matt kissed her forehead. “Obviously.”

  Jillian rested her head on his chest and nodded.

  “What happened?” he asked, pulling her closer.

  “You have no idea what we went through to get here. No idea.” She took a deep breath, not wanting to remember. “Things are growing more dangerous by the hour. At least that’s how it seems. They’re blaming Olivia, all of us, for every single thing that’s happened within the last few months. They’re offering a reward for our capture and return. A dead-or-alive reward. Of course, the money’s not so much if we’re dead.” She laughed, only it came out harsh.

  “Nice. Like money can actually buy anything anymore. When Olivia’s done with Theo, you can fill us all in at the same time.” He tightened his hold on her, and she relaxed for the first time since leaving him.

  “Who’s the flustered-looking dude?” Jillian asked.

  “Olivia’s cousin, Franklin. He’s the governor from Midcentral. He says he’s here to help.” He shook his head. “What happened out there? I mean, really? I kept getting these flashes of you and your pain and fear. I tried to tell myself it wasn’t real, but now that you’re here, I know it was. I didn’t think something like that was possible.”

  Hell, Jillian didn’t want to believe it either. She wasn’t sure it was a good idea for them to be so connected. The whole idea of him being able to sense her from long distances undid all the careful locks she’d placed around her heart.

  ~ ~ ~

  Olivia eased Theo’s breathing, watching his color return as his lungs opened to take in enough air to sustain him.

  His eyes fluttered open, and he stared at Olivia with wide-eyed shock. “What happened? Where’s Jillian?”

  “Jillian’s fine. She’s right over there. You were having trouble breathing.” Olivia took his hand.

  “Am I okay?” Theo took a deep breath, his hand on his chest.

  “Yeah. No worries. You were pretty scared though. Probably because of everything you’ve been through the past several days and how tired and hungry you are.” Olivia patted his arm and moved to get up. “I think you’ve been worrying about your sister. A lot.”

  Theo nodded, reaching up to touch her face. “I am glad to see you. So much glad, but I’m still sad for you.”

  Olivia met his eyes. Tears filled hers at the sincerity in his words and expression. “I’m sad for me, too.”

  “It’s okay to be sad. Your heart has happy in it, too.” Theo closed his eyes. “Thank you for saving me. I thought I would be dead, too.”

  “Well, you’re not, and you’re welcome.” Olivia released his hand.

  Theo’s face turned red. “I’m supposed to be strong for Sissy. Dad said so.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “Oh, Theo. You are very strong. Your dad would be very proud of you. You are one of the strongest, bravest men I know. Look at how you saved your sister.”

  He nodded, his expression going distant. Olivia watched his breathing to see if he was working himself into another panic attack. Finally, he took an even, deep breath, his eyes widening as he grabbed her arms.

  “They’re coming for you.”

  Chapter 17

  They had to leave. Jillian had known that from the minute she and her brother had gotten here. After Olivia had finally convinced Theo to eat something, Jillian sent him to take a shower and then to bed, thinking they had enough time to get a few hours rest. Neither of them would make it far if they didn’t. But first, she needed a shower herself.

  Matt appeared beside her on the porch, taking her empty plate. “Theo’s sacked already.”

  “Good. He’s exhausted. You’re wonderful.”

  “I know. Amazing, really.” Matt grinned, a nervous twitch to the corner of his mouth. “We might not have much time.”

  She touched his arm, wishing she had the guts to say what she wanted to. “I already know we have to leave.”

  The warmth of his skin spread through her body and she wondered why she ever thought it was a bad idea to let him into her life. She glanced at him, his smile taking her cells and smashing them into a puddle somewhere near her feet.

  “We need you to tell us what you saw and anything you learned.”

  “I know. Do I have time to shower first?” She figured Matt would let her sleep as long as possible. She just didn’t want to be telling her tale on the road without them being able to make some kind of plan first.

  “Absolutely.” Matt held his hand out for her. “I’ll show you where the shower is.”

  Jillian followed, her body tingling. Was it wrong of her to want him this much when there was so much urgency around them? Everyone was waiting to hear what she knew.

  Would having sex with Matt really take that long? She was so wound up, a strong breeze could send her over the edge. She wanted more than what they’d shared in the armory, but she’d take what she could get right now. She wanted a long night of nothing but the two of them and a comfortable bed. She wanted to fall asleep in his arms and wake up there again to make love to him another time. She wanted
more than a night.

  He stayed in the hallway, pointing at the closed door of what she assumed was the bathroom. She leaned in, kissing him gently. “Wash my hair?”

  Grinning, he followed her into the bathroom. Pushing his opened button-up shirt off his shoulders, she tugged the blue T-shirt out of his jeans and slowly ran her hands up his stomach to his chest.

  “Nice one. Is that why you ended up here?” She traced the heavy scar.

  “Yep. Jealous?” He drew in a deep breath as she ran her hands across his stomach.

  “Nope. I have to shower. I stink. Badly.” She took a step back.

  “No, you don’t.”

  “I do, and you’re not touching me until I’m clean. You have no idea how long it’s been since I’ve had a shower.”

  He made a sound like a low growl before kissing her. She untangled herself from his arms and leaned back to turn on the water. Steam filled the bathroom as their clothes were dropped. Jillian stepped into the stream, taking a minute to enjoy the feel of water on her skin. Matt stepped in behind her, pressing against her and moving them both into the spray. He urged her to tilt her head back as he worked his fingers through her hair and scalp. The scent of the shampoo reminded her of normalcy. She choked the emotion away and concentrated on only feeling.

  “I’m going to wash this twice. There’s oil or something in your hair.” Matt squeezed the shampoo bottle again.

  Jillian couldn’t speak. The sensation of his hands on her and the relaxing feel of the water had stolen her voice. She leaned into him, an occasional moan the only thing she was capable of. Matt conditioned her hair with a product smelling like roses and eliminating the melancholy. When slick hands rubbed her neck, she thought she might forget how to keep herself upright.

  Matt moved so she could lean against him. Her knees buckled at his erection against her back. She let out an impatient noise, but Matt only chuckled and continued with the slow way he soaped her skin. Once he’d washed her to the bottom of her feet from the back, he turned her so she faced him and began again. She didn’t think he was ever going to get to the good parts.


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