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London Calling

Page 37

by Sorcha Mowbray

  “Oh. I didn’t realize it had gotten so late,” Trixie said.

  “Me either,” Nathaniel agreed.

  Carrick got to his feet. “I need to check in with James. Perhaps we can resume this discussion tomorrow after breakfast?”

  “Agreed.” Nathaniel gathered the papers they had been writing on and returned his notebook to his pocket.

  “Oh, Carrick? Would it be possible to have a note sent to my housekeeper in London to let her know that I’m safe?”

  “Certainly. Just leave whatever letter you want sent on the tray in the entryway. Edward will take care of it.”

  “Thank you so much,” she said graciously.

  Nathaniel offered Trixie his arm. “I’ll walk you to your room.”

  She put her hand on his arm. “Good night, Carrick. Good night, Gerard.”

  The men bid her goodnight.

  Nathaniel escorted her to the room she had been given. It was nice to not feel obligated to say anything as they strolled. At her door he hesitated. His room was in the hallway adjacent to hers, but once the house went cold and dark, it may as well be in the next county. “Will you be all right tonight?”

  She took a deep breath. “Yes. Of course.” She glanced into the room. “I assume Carrick has some measure of protection for the house.”


  “Then we should be safe for the night.”

  “Yes, we should.” He kissed the back of her hand. “I just want to make sure you’re comfortable.”

  She lifted on her toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I will be fine. Thank you for caring.”

  Her lips had been a distraction all day. The temptation to taste them once again was too much. He lowered his head and kissed her softly, yet firmly. The feel of her soft curves when she sagged against him fueled his need for her. He slipped one hand around her waist and pulled her closer.

  The way she grasped the front of his shirt spurred him on. He deepened their kiss by tracing the edges of her lips with his tongue until she opened up for him. She gasped when he touched his tongue to hers but quickly overcame her shock and began her own innocent exploration. His control slowly trickled away. He wanted nothing more than to push her up against the wall and ravage her mouth as well as her body.

  He forced himself to end the kiss but her dazed expression fueled the fire burning within. He rested his forehead against hers and whispered, “I need to go.”

  “Why?” she whispered.

  Every muscle in his body went rigid and he lifted his head. “Because if I don’t I won’t be content with just kissing you.”

  She bit her lip. “What if I am not content with just kissing either?”

  He groaned. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

  “Actually I do.”

  He frowned.

  “Not in practice. But I know what happens between a man and woman. I’ve read plenty of books on the subject.”

  “Then you know the risks involved.”


  His mind went blank at the possibility of what she was offering. He glanced up and down the hallway and grimaced. “We cannot have this discussion here.”

  She pushed the door to her room open further. “Then come inside.”

  He ground his teeth. His body clamored for her but his mind insisted he shouldn’t. Not without some understanding between them. After all, wasn’t that how a gentleman behaved? “No.”

  “Nathaniel, I’m not some indecisive miss hoping to land a titled husband.” She pulled him inside her room and shut the door behind him. “You and I have known each other for years. We have danced around our feelings for each other more than once.”

  She emptied her pockets onto the desk – Nid, her father’s journal, as well as a few scraps of paper - then faced him. “I understand you have hesitations. You may even feel that you are taking advantage of me and this situation.” She loosened the buttons on her blouse as she spoke. “But I want you know that I am not doing this on a whim. Nor am I attempting to trap you into marriage.” She spread her hands out to the side. “You’re the only man I have ever wanted. If I only have one chance to experience something this special, then I want it to be with you.” She met his gaze. “Does that make sense?”

  “Yes.” He crossed the room and stood before her. “But I need you to understand something.” He held her gaze. “If we do this thing, our relationship will forever be changed.”

  “Change for the better or the worse?”

  He smirked. “Perhaps a little of both.”

  Her brow furrowed in question.

  He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. “I never stopped caring about you, Trixie. Even when I didn’t know where you were or why you’d left, I didn’t stop.”

  Her lips parted with her swiftly indrawn breath.

  “I strongly suspect that doing this will only make me want you more.”

  “Truly?” she whispered.

  “Have I ever lied to you?”

  She shook her head.

  “I don’t plan to start now.”

  He lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers. She sighed and slid her hands across his chest and up to his shoulders. Her body softened as she clung to him. Her delicate curves fit his hard lines in all the right places and heightened his need for her.

  After loosening the last few buttons on her blouse, he pushed it off her shoulders. The garment fell to the ground behind her, forgotten. With anything except maidenly shyness, she tugged his shirt loose from his breeches began her own exploration. Her tiny hands distracted him as much as they inflamed him.

  He backed her up until her legs hit the edge of the bed then he toppled her backwards onto the mattress. Her eyes widened and her breath caught when he came to rest between her legs. His erection pressed against her, making it abundantly clear just how much he desired her.

  She reached for his belt but he grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head.

  “What—” she wiggled and tried to pull her hands free.

  “I’m not finished with you yet,” he explained.

  “But I want to touch you.”

  “There will be time.”

  He skimmed the tips of his fingers down the side of her face, her neck, then onto her chest. With deliberate slowness, he pulled on the ribbon that held her chemise together. The thin fabric fell open but not enough to satisfy him. He tugged the opening aside until he revealed her breast.

  With all the reverence due a queen, he lowered his head and sampled the pink bud. She gasped as soon as his lips made contact. He drew circles around the pebbled nub with his tongue. Her back arched as if pleading for more.

  After fumbling with the buttons on her riding skirt he made the mistake of releasing her hands. As soon as she realized she was free she lunged for him. She pulled and tugged at his jacket trying to free him, even as she greedily devoured his lips. Her urgent demands heightened his need.

  With a muttered curse, he sat up, shrugged out of his jacket, and flung it aside. Then he worked enough of the buttons on his shirt free so he could pull it over his head. It soon followed his jacket. Her hands were on him before he could even draw breath. He resisted her tugs and pulls and finished loosening her skirt so he could slide it and her pantaloons down her legs, out of the way.

  “Scoot up and lay your head on the pillows,” he instructed. Once she complied he touched each of her ankles and slowly worked his way upward. When he reached her knees, he applied gentle pressure to urge her to open for him. Using only one finger, he touched her core. She was warm and wet for him. His cock throbbed with anticipation.

  Unable to resist the temptation lying before him, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to her opening. She shrieked in surprise and tried to scoot away but he held her firmly by the hips. Soon enough she gave herself over into his attentions. He alternated between licking and suckling at the tiny nub that drove her pleasure. She whimpered and squirmed yet he didn’t relent.
When he pressed one finger into her opening she stiffened and her breathing paused. With one more flick on that sensitive bud, she cried out her release.

  Her body shook as he lapped at her center. When she finally relaxed from the rush he leaned back gazed at her. She was exquisite. Her eyes were closed and her breaths came in short gasps for air. Tiny drops of moisture dotted the middle of her chest.

  “Trixie look at me,” he told her softly.

  Her eyes fluttered open. The tenderness and awe he found there made his heart swell. “I want you here with me, aware of what is happening, when I join with you.”

  She nodded.

  He guided his cock to her entrance then fraction by fraction, sank deeper inside of her. Her tight sheath was heaven. The urge to ride her hard and fast strained his control but he was determined to make it as painless for her as he could. When he reached her maidenhead he stopped.

  “This may hurt a little. I promise to make it quick then do everything I can to make it feel wonderful again.”

  She nodded again. “I trust you.”

  He captured her lips then with one quick thrust pushed through the barrier. She flinched and all of her muscles stiffened. He rained kisses across her face and down her neck as he palmed her breast.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. It only hurt a little.”

  “I’m sorry. It will be better again.”

  She nodded. “It’s an odd feeling having part of you is inside of me.”

  “Odd in a good or bad way?”

  “Other than that one part, good. I like being this close to you.”

  Pride swelled within him even as he struggled to ignore the throbbing in his groin. “Good because I really like being this close to you too.”

  He kissed her again to show her just how much. Then he licked his way down to her breast. When he drew the tip into his mouth she grasped his head and pulled him closer. Taking it as a sign that her discomfort had faded, he began to move inside of her. Ever so slowly he rocked back and forth. Her hands slid across his back and she moaned.

  He pulled her leg up and encouraged her to wrap it around his hips. Then he picked up their tempo. With the new angle, the walls of her channel gripped him even tighter. The need to come became insistent. He adjusted his position so he could reach between their bodies and touch her sensitive bud.

  It only took a few stroke of his finger to send her over the edge. Her legs began to shake then she stiffened beneath him. Her pleasure spilled over, urging him to let go. With a hoarse cry into her neck he also found his release.

  For a moment he could see nothing but stars behind his eyes. When he was finally able to put two thought together he rolled to the side to avoid crushing her but kept her within the circle of his arms.

  As they both struggle to catch their breath she murmured, “I believe that is even better than flying in my airship.”

  He chuckled and pulled her closer against him. “I do believe you are correct.”

  And for a moment all was right with the world.


  An explosion echoed in the night.

  Trixie opened her eyes and forced the haze of sleep aside. Nathaniel sat on the edge of the bed, buttoning his shirt.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure but I’m going to find out.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “No.” He put his hand on her hip to still her movements. “Stay here. It’s the middle of the night. The house will be cold and dark. Most likely the only ones who will be about will be Carrick and the guards.” He retrieved her bag and pulled out her pistol as well as Wings. “You will be safe here but keep these with you just in case.” He set them on the table next to the bed.

  He buttoned his pants but didn’t bother tucking his shirt. After pulling on his boots, he grabbed his jacket and kissed her quickly on the lips. “Lock the door after I leave and don’t open it for anyone except for me or Carrick. Understood?”

  She nodded. “Be careful.”

  He gave her a cheeky grin. “Always am.”

  After the door clicked shut, she scrambled out of the bed and secured the lock. A chair butted up against the door would make it more secure but it also made her feel foolishly alarmed.

  She donned the robe she found lying across the back of a chair. It was several sizes too big, but better than nothing. Whatever had woken them was likely nothing. They would be able to go back to sleep as soon as Nathaniel returned so it seemed pointless to dress.

  She curled up on the bed and pulled the blanket over her. Would he stay with her through the rest of the night?

  Her body grew warm. Her introduction to the pleasures of the flesh had been… most enjoyable. Nathaniel made it everything she had hoped for. He had been gentle and saw to her fulfillment. Everything she had read on the subject warned that the first time would be painful but he had taken care to minimize her discomfort.

  Perhaps she would have a chance to explore the things that would give him pleasure when he returned. She tried to recall the things she had read about what men liked. Before long her eyes began to droop. Someone knocking on her door woke her.

  “Trixie, it’s me.”

  “Nathaniel?” Trixie asked as she fumbled with the key in the lock.

  “Yes.” The weariness in his voice came through in the one syllable.

  She pulled the door open and stepped back so he could enter. “What happened?”

  His eyes drifted down the front of the robe as he passed. “You need to get dressed.”

  She closed the door and followed him further into the room. “Why?”

  He wiped a hand over his face and faced her. “There’s been another attack.”

  She moved closer. “Is anyone hurt?”

  “One of the stable boys.”

  “Not badly, I hope.”

  He handed her blouse and skirt to her. “Some burns and likely a broken arm. The bump on the back of his head is what concerns them. He was out cold for a while.”

  She found her chemise and pantaloons. “Is there something you need me to do for him? I have some knowledge of injuries.”

  “No. Nothing like that.” He waved for her to go ahead and dress. “There’s someone asking to speak with you.”

  She grasped the front of the robe and frowned at him. “Who would show up here, at this time of night, asking to speak to me?”

  “That’s just one of the many things we’d like to know,” he groused. “Please hurry. I can only look at you in that robe for so long before I decide that this man’s questions can wait until tomorrow.”

  She blinked uncomprehending at him.

  “You’re not wearing anything under that, are you?” he asked.

  She bit her lip. “No.”

  “And that is a bed right behind you, correct?”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Yes.”

  “In my book, the two naturally go together.”

  A fission of heat rippled through her body. “Yes, well…” She cleared her throat.

  “But Carrick and the others are expecting me to return with you in a reasonable timeframe so we had best be moving.”

  She tried to hurry and dress but having someone watching her made her fumble with the buttons. Nathaniel came to her aid. A maid was one thing, but having a gentleman around took some getting used to.

  To expedite things, she pulled her hair back into a neat braid and pined it out of the way. Then she slipped her boots on. “I’m ready,” she told him.

  “That was remarkably fast.” He got up from where he had perched at the edge of the bed and joined her. “I don’t think my mother or sister have ever dressed that quickly.”

  She shrugged. “It is the middle of the night. We’re not going to be presented to the Queen, so I don’t see much point in making a fuss over my appearance.”

  “There’s no need.” He kissed her lightly on the lips and lingered for just a moment. “You’re beautiful either w

  She beamed at his praise. “Thank you.”

  Before leading her out he made sure the hallway was clear. As they hurried through the passageways she asked, “So what was loud noise that woke everyone earlier?”

  He grimaced. “Nothing but bad news.”

  She frowned. “About what?”

  He stopped walking and faced her. “The Valkyrie.”

  “My ship?” Her voice cracked.

  “I’m afraid so. We think the men we found ignited something aboard the ship. I’m afraid very little of it will be salvageable.”

  The ship Peter had designed for her was gone. Her parents were gone. Peter was gone. If they didn’t find him, she would be all alone. She wobbled on her feet. He took her by the arm and steadied her.

  “But I don’t—” Her eyes narrowed. “It’s the same people who have been following us, isn’t it?”

  A muscle flexed in his jaw. “We think so. We captured one of them. Carrick is holding him below stairs.”

  “Is that who wants to speak to me?”

  “Yes,” Nathaniel growled.

  “I see.” She was tired of being a pawn in someone’s little game. It was about time that she found out who the puppet master was. She lifted her chin. “Take me to him.”

  “You don’t have to go down there.”

  “I do if I want to know who is behind these attacks. It’s likely related to Peter’s disappearance.” She held his gaze. “You think so as well, don’t you?”

  His lips were pressed into a line but he gave her a quick nod.

  “Then let’s see what this man has to say.” She gestured for Nathaniel to go ahead.

  He took her hand and led her to a set of stairs just inside the kitchens. She followed him down to a storage area. There were shelves of food and canned goods as well as bags of flour. Further along the way they passed a wine cellar. In the dim lighting she lost count of the number of doorways they passed. Finally they came to one that had been brightly lit by lamps and candles. In the center of the room a man she had never seen before sat tied to a chair.

  From the number of cuts on his face and the tattered condition of his clothes, the man had been in a recent scuffle. Carrick, Gerard, and a handful of Carrick’s men stood nearby glaring at the man.


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