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Then He Showed Up

Page 16

by Chris Campillo

  She talked to the kids twice a day. They were in love with California, and Grace seemed to still have her sanity. For once, Kate’s concerns about their safety weren’t all-consuming. Time with Jack had that effect. Who needed Xanax when you had Jack Graham as a lover?

  The phone interrupted her thoughts, and her stomach jumped when the caller ID showed it was Jack.

  “Hey!” She didn’t care if she sounded giddy.

  “So Sleeping Beauty finally wakes.” His voice was warm, and she could picture a smile on his face.

  “Yes,” she said, pretending insult. “I hardly ever sleep late, but I’m on vacation. Believe it or not, a lot of people take advantage of it.”

  “Yeah, well, not me. Too much to do. Why waste my free time? Hey, did you get your coffee?” Kate thought he sounded like a little boy who had just given his mom a bouquet of dandelions.

  “Yes, thank you very much. That was a nice treat. Very thoughtful.” Kate wondered if he could sense the huge smile she was wearing.

  “I have to admit, I had ulterior motives. I have plans, and I need you up and at ’em. So drink up. I’m in the car. I should be there in about fifteen.”

  Kate straightened up quickly, almost spilling her coffee. “I don’t care if I chug the whole pot, I’m not going to be ready in fifteen minutes. I’ve got to take a shower, and I don’t have many clothes over here. I need to go home and get some more. What are we going to do?”

  “It’s a surprise. Just hurry and get in the shower. Have you eaten anything?


  “Good. I’m bringing breakfast.”

  “Oh, you are soooo good.”

  “Hmm. I figured that out last night when you kept screaming, ‘Oh, God!’”

  “Jack!” He had to know her face was three shades of red, and she couldn’t help but cover her eyes with one hand.

  “I wish I was there to see you blushing.”

  “Just leave me alone. I’m getting in the shower. See you in a bit.”

  “See ya, doll.”

  Kate hung up and hummed all the way into the bathroom.

  “Mmmm. These are so good.” Kate took another bite of the Krispy Kreme confection that had to have been created under the direction of God. “When they’re warm like this.” She moaned and grabbed a napkin. “You know, you’re going to make me as fat as a hog.”

  “Trust me, lady. You’re burning up the calories. And I have to say, I love your workout program.” His warm voice became even richer.

  Kate just giggled. Damn. The woman was raising two kids solo, widowed much too early, managing a successful career, yet there was something about her that was pure innocence. She deftly handled her responsibilities, but he wanted to take the burdens off her shoulders. Give her more of the joy she radiated when she was happy.

  In the last days, even when he was away from her, reflections of Kate had crept into his mind more times than he cared to admit. He’d promised himself years before that he’d never let a woman have so much power over his thoughts and feelings. His mother and father had taught him that. But when it came to Kate, it was hard to set a limit.

  “Come here.” Jack grabbed the waistband of her shorts so that she was directly in front of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her body into his. “I love watching you eat. You take such pleasure in it. It’s almost as good as watching you come.”

  “Jack!” Kate looked away, blushing.

  “What?” He lowered his head to savor her exposed neck.

  She continued to look away and tried to stop his smooth moves.

  He took the hint and looked at her skeptically. “You don’t like the word ‘come.’”

  She shook her head. “No. I mean, yes. I’m just not used to talking about it over donuts . . . But I like the process, the feeling.” She looked into his eyes. “I really like that.”

  He hugged her tightly. “God, you’re so refreshing, you know that?” He pulled her back and kissed her gently on the lips. “A sex machine, but shy as a virgin when it comes to talking about it.”

  “Talk is cheap.” Kate wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him even tighter, deepening the kiss, but Jack grabbed her hands and placed them at her side.

  “Hold that thought until later. We gotta hit it.”

  She stared at him with a look of surprise and frustration. “You’re going to ply me with sweet, fatty donuts, talk about orgasms, and then just walk away? Unfair.”

  He gave her a sweet peck on the lips and smiled. “Trust me, baby. I’ll give you your orgasms, but we have to leave now.” He looked at his watch. “Damn. We’re running late. Grab your purse. We’ll stop by your house on the way out.”

  Chapter 19

  Ten minutes before curtain, they arrived at the Meyerson Symphony Center. What should’ve been a four-hour trip to Dallas had turned into a nightmare on I-35 due to construction and an accident. Thank God, Jack had hired a driver. They had ended up changing in the car, much to Kate’s chagrin. She’d insisted their driver, Ethan, flip the rearview mirror and had even made Jack close his eyes, despite his argument that he’d seen and enjoyed it all. According to Kate, she wanted to surprise him with the finished product.

  Now that they could finally leave the car, he could appreciate her in all her glory. She wore a black, halter dress covered in layers of a silky material, drawing his eyes to her soft shoulders. Strappy, black heels showed off her killer legs. He’d be asking her to wear those again.

  “You look gorgeous.”

  She smiled. “Thank you. It wasn’t easy in a back seat, but where there’s a will. And in case I didn’t mention it before, you look devastatingly handsome.”

  He adjusted his suit jacket and silk tie in an exaggerated manner. “Just trying to be worthy of the lady.”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere. Come on.” She grabbed his hand, looking thrilled.

  For the last thirty minutes, it’d been obvious their destination was Dallas, but Jack was pleased there was some surprise left.

  They were so rushed getting to their seats that Kate apparently hadn’t looked at her program. When they were seated, he watched a smile emerge on her face as she studied the cover for the Dallas Opera production.

  Jack had attended some of the most acclaimed opera houses in the world, but the art had never grabbed his attention the way it seemed to capture Kate’s. Tonight’s performance was a collection of the all-time greats of opera. The mezzo-soprano had a voice that was beyond anything Jack would ever fully appreciate, but it was nothing compared to Kate’s beauty. She appeared bewitched by the music, her face transforming as the tone of the music changed, her eyes never moving from the stage.

  When the mezzo-soprano finished and the audience erupted in applause, Kate leaned over to Jack. “This is so wonderful. When did you plan this?”


  Kate’s eyes popped wide. “How did you get such great seats?”

  Jack patted her hand. “Don’t you worry about it.” He turned back to the stage as the mezzo-soprano exited. “Just don’t drink anything tonight. I had to sell your liver and my kidney.”

  She jabbed him with her elbow and smiled at him with those brilliant, blue eyes—joy personified. Then came the giggle that was always the sucker punch.

  When the pianist played the first, gentle notes of “Caruso,” Kate sat up and immediately turned to Jack, looking into his eyes with excitement and grabbing his hand. She had the spirit of a child meeting Santa for the first time.

  When the tenor passionately claimed the words of the chorus, Kate shuddered; Jack saw the goose bumps on her arms. She turned to him, her eyes filling with tears, and mouthed, “Thank you.” Kate’s eyes moved back to the stage, but Jack’s sight was frozen on her captivated face. As the intensity of the song grew, a tear broke free. Kate didn’t attempt to wipe it away.

  That falling tear caught Jack off guard. It was a full body slam to his chest. His breath caught. He tried to swallow, loo
sen his tie, but nothing brought relief. For a millisecond, Jack wondered if he was having a heart attack, but his brain wouldn’t let him take such an easy out. He should be so lucky to have this sensation eliminated with triple bypass. No, this was so much more complicated. It was a high and a hit. Euphoria and panic. Despite all the reasons to suppress this inner battle, he was falling for Kate. He couldn’t stop it. She was too intoxicating.

  He wanted to take her in his arms, to bury his face in her fragrant hair, to whisper her name over and over. To say words he’d never before considered. Instead, respecting those who shared the box, he settled for lifting her hand and bringing it to his lips. It took every bit of his will power to break the kiss and lower their hands.

  Jack’s feelings were so powerful they seemed to send a telepathic message to Kate. Tears still fresh on her face, she turned to him with a slight smile. Despite the casual set of her mouth, he would swear her eyes were sending him back the same message.

  He wanted nothing more than to give this woman the greatest desires of her heart. But as suddenly as he’d been overwhelmed with euphoria, reality came crashing down. The fact was he had less than a week with her. He tucked her arm close to his side as if to defy the truth. Kate squeezed his hand tighter, and he wondered if she was holding on for the same reason.

  Chapter 20

  After the opera, they savored a sumptuous dinner at a Michelin-starred restaurant in one of Dallas’s iconic hotels. Kate was freaking Cinderella, having all her wishes granted. She left the restaurant with the prince himself holding her hand. A very handsome prince who seemed to take great delight in making her happy.

  Jack had respected her wishes to keep their affair under wraps. It was no problem for them to hide out at their love nest or on the boat. Tonight was a treat, though. Not just the extravagant evening, but also the chance to hold hands in public. To walk arm in arm. What would it be like to share this every day? Not the dream date, but a life with the man who made her feel young again. Alive.

  But this wasn’t a fairy tale. Reality held an expiration date on this affair. Besides, Ian had taught her—very well—that even in the long run, happily-ever-after didn’t exist. Enough! Enjoy this moment.

  “This definitely beats house arrest,” she said, looking around the luxurious hotel lobby. Jack winked. “At least back in the pen we have conjugal visits, right?”

  “The way we’ve been going at it, we should probably call them conjugal move-ins.”

  Stopping, he took both her hands. “I like sassy on you, Ms. Livingston. It suits you.”

  She liked it, too. “It’s easy with you.” They locked eyes, Jack studying her. Did he know how easy everything was around him? He kissed her lightly, but Kate felt something pass between them. Her heart hummed. God, he made her feel special. She wanted to get home and show him with her body. Too bad they didn’t have a limo. She turned toward the lobby doors, but Jack stopped her.

  “Not so fast.” He guided her across the hall from the restaurant, but Kate stopped and faced him.

  “I’m worried about Ethan driving home. He’s got to be exhausted, and that’s not—”

  Jack cradled her face in his hands. “Ethan will be fine. I’ve got it covered.” He gave her a light peck.

  Kate’s brows furrowed. “Jack, if we’re lucky, that’s a four-hour drive on an empty interstate. Hell, even if we all sit up front and sing the soundtrack to The Rocky Horror Picture Show, he’s still going to be punch-drunk.”

  “It’s all been taken care of.” He brushed his thumb across the worry line between her brows, the one that was way too deep for her age. “I wouldn’t do anything that’d risk the safety of Madeline and Charlie’s mom.”

  Her throat tightened. He knew. He knew what she worried about but didn’t give her a hard time. He didn’t call her a worrywart.

  “Just trust me. I’ll take care of you.” He leaned back, as if to assess her response. “Do you trust me?”

  Tears burned her eyes. She wasn’t sad or angry or scared, just overwhelmed. She did trust Jack in this matter. She knew she could let go, shut off her brain, and he would take care of everything. The luxury of taking off her yoke and passing it on to someone else, someone she could count on, was a gift she hadn’t thought possible.

  “I trust you,” she said, catching a tear before it fell. She took a cleansing breath. “All right. So now what?”

  “Come with me.”

  Jack ushered her into a small, dark bar. Though not totally enclosed, the columns and palms surrounding the exposed side of the small lounge gave it the feel of a private room. It was paneled in dark cherry with a matching bar, so small that only four stools could fit along its side. The rest of the room consisted of intimate spaces created with elegantly upholstered couches, chairs tucked into quiet corners. The low lights of the lounge highlighted flickering candles on each table. There was a three-piece combo playing in the front, with a miniscule dance floor before them. Despite the fantastic jazz, no one was dancing.

  In fact, the bar was almost empty. There was a young bartender, apparently left with nothing to do but polish stemware. A group of five men was gathered around one of the tables closest to the bar, most likely selected to ensure quick service. Based on the discarded jackets and loosened ties, Kate was sure they were in town on business. She’d sat in on such late-night sessions many times herself.

  The bartender smiled and set down his towel, readying himself to serve them. The businessmen looked up in unison, checking out the “foreigners,” then most returned to the conversation. A few continued to look at Kate, smiling, while blatantly surveying her body. She heard Jack say, “Don’t you wish,” under his breath, and then he pulled her closer and escorted her to one of the tables farthest from the men.

  By the time Jack had seated Kate, the bartender was at their table and took their orders for cognac. They enjoyed their drinks while listening to the combo. The smooth liquor, sexy jazz, and soft candlelight were a perfect, sensual ending to an extraordinary evening. When the sax player announced the last song, Kate sighed, sorry the magic would end. Jack left the table before the song began and spoke to the musician. She was close enough to see Jack discretely pass along some bills. From what she’d learned of Jack this week, along with the surprised look on the guy’s face, she guessed they weren’t twenties.

  As Jack returned to the table, the musician announced, “We’ve been asked to play a little longer for Kate. Is that all right with you?” he asked, smiling at her.

  She nodded to the gentleman, slightly embarrassed. Turning up to face the instigator, she tried to give Jack an admonishing look, but she couldn’t hide her thrill that he’d extended the dream.

  When the combo began the easy notes of Cole Porter’s “Night and Day,” Jack did not take his seat but turned hers to face him. He leaned over her, his hands braced on the arms of her chair, and looked into Kate’s eyes. “I had to have a dance with my girl.”

  Kate’s warm, mellow mood was split with a lightning bolt; obliterated with two simple words: “my girl.” It was an innocuous phrase, she reasoned, but it detonated an explosion in her chest that was part joy and part panic. They were adults. They were lovers. So why did the corny cliché trigger such a strange quiver through her heart? A sense of longing and fear at the same time.

  When Jack leaned up and extended his hand, she remained seated. Kate avoided direct eye contact, afraid he would recognize the reaction his words had created. “I don’t know how to dance to this kind of music. It’ll be too embarrassing. Let’s just sit and listen.”

  Ignoring her request, Jack pulled Kate from her chair as he laughed out loud. “You’re telling me you are embarrassed to dance? I love it!” Against her whispered protests, Jack pulled her onto the dance floor. He wrapped her hand in his, lifting it while he placed his other hand on the small of her back. As he began to move them to the tempo, he said, “Need I remind you of the trouble started last week because of your dancing?”

  Kate rolled her eyes and tried again to break free without making a scene. She could see the businessmen at the table looking at them. “Jack, that was different. I really don’t know how to dance like this.”

  Jack gracefully turned her in a circle and then looked down into her eyes. “You just hold on to me, and I’ll take care of the rest.” He pulled her closer and whispered into her ear, “I’ve wanted to get my hands on you since Ethan dropped us here.”

  She looked up with a playful smile. “I like the way that sounds.”

  “Oh, clean up your mind and let me show you my moves,” he teased. Kate laughed. “Okay, enough. We’re dancing.” He tightened his hold and led her around the floor, but it was awkward.

  “I’m the one who’s supposed to lead, remember? Relax and quit trying to be in control.”

  Kate looked up at him. “It’s not in my nature.”

  Jack seemed to understand the depth of her words. He pulled her even closer, whispering into her ear, “Let me take the reins tonight.”

  Once again, his simple words slammed into her. Tears started to burn at the back of her eyes. She took a deep breath, stopping their escape, and forced a smile to lighten the moment. “That sounds really good.”

  With time, she did relax, and Jack led her around the floor in an experienced manner. They continued dancing into the next song. “You’re a very good dancer, Jack.”

  “Coming from you, I take that as a great compliment.” Jack led her through another turn. “Why do you say you can’t dance to this music? You’re a natural, at least when you let me lead.”

  “I think it’s your ability to lead that makes the difference.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Kate looked down. Using her free hand, she needlessly smoothed his lapel. If Jack noticed her hesitation, he didn’t seem to care. After a few moments, she explained, “Ian wasn’t much of a dancer.”


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