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Then He Showed Up

Page 18

by Chris Campillo

  “Oil. Now turn over on your stomach,” Jack ordered.

  She leaned up on her elbows. “I’m not into anal sex. Listen to me, Jack, if that’s your fantasy, I’m saying no. You hear me? No.”

  He shook his head and laughed. “Kate, I want to give you a massage. That first day on the boat, when I gave you the back rub, I wanted to touch every inch of your body. Can I do that?”

  “Oooh.” Call her embarrassed. “A massage sounds wonderful.” She rolled onto her stomach. “You know, I’m digging this fantasy.” Kate sighed, sinking back into her tranquil place.

  “That’s the idea.” Jack massaged her back, moving out to include the rest of her body. Throughout it all, Kate moaned in the delicious feel of it.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he told her, as he loved her with his hands. He then rolled her onto her back and began massaging her front. He used gentle motions, bringing her pleasure, but always avoided her breasts and mound.

  The neglect left Kate’s body aching with want. “Make love to me, Jack.”

  “Not yet.” His lips replaced his hands, the soft caresses the perfect sequel to his strong hands.

  “Feels so good,” she murmured.

  He moaned, moving to her breasts, then nipples, teasing her with what her body craved. The pleasure was unreal. Her body had never been this sensitive to touch. Everything was different with Jack. Maybe. Kate shuddered with the thought.

  “What is it?” Jack pushed up to look at her.

  Oh God, her heart raced—part fear, part excitement. “I want you to kiss me . . . everywhere.”

  “Everywhere?” He studied her face, understanding in his eyes.


  Cupping her cheek with his hand, he spoke in a soothing tone. “It’ll be different with us. I promise.”

  What if it wasn’t? Would he find her lacking, too? “Jack, you know I can’t—”

  “Nothing’s wrong with you, baby. God, you’re perfect.”

  Despite the high from their elevator adventure, she was conflicted. She knew her body better than anyone did, yet she wanted to believe Jack.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” She did, with more than her body.

  Jack ran his hands up her arms, until he reached her shoulders. Her body was stiff, he knew from fear. He would have to go slow. She took a deep breath. He could see the apprehension in her eyes. She took another deep breath and then slowly let it out. Knowing she would trust him while feeling so vulnerable felt greater than he’d imagined. He’d do everything in his power to honor her gift.

  He rose up to give her a tender kiss. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight, kissing him with an urgency that he knew was anxiety. He continued to kiss her, with passion or tenderness, whatever she gave him, whatever she needed. With time, she relaxed her grip and broke the kiss. She gazed into his eyes, then nodded.

  He took his time, moving down her body, loving her with his mouth. He stopped to kiss and suckle her breasts, causing her to moan and stir. He continued on, then pulled her to the edge of the bed, kneeling before her. He stroked her thighs, each time moving closer to her soft curls. Her breaths quickened, and he could smell her arousal.

  He kissed her thighs, slowly moving to her center. Her breaths were raspy. Tenderly, he ran his tongue along her inner folds. God, she was heaven.

  Kate gasped, her body jerked. She placed her hands against his shoulders, but she didn’t push him away. Rubbing his face between her thighs, he groaned. “You taste so sweet.”

  He lifted his face and searched her eyes. “You okay?” Her face was tense, but she nodded. He brought his tongue back to her, fighting his desire to take her as he wanted. He had to take it slow, letting her get used to him. In time, he felt her beginning to respond, and he traced her sensitive spot.

  Kate cried out but didn’t stop him. He continued to stroke and kiss her body, and Kate began to move against him. She sighed and lowered her hands to his back, pulling him closer. Jack moved his hands up to her breasts and caressed her nipples with his palms. He looked up to see Kate’s face; her eyes closed. That’s it, baby. Let go.

  He began to increase the pressure and movement of his tongue while he rolled her hard nipples between his fingers.

  “Jack.” She moved her head from side to side, her breaths choppy. “Jack!” She grabbed the hair on his head, pulling him into her deeper and deeper. He continued to stroke and lick her body until she lifted her head off the bed and let out a loud sob. Her legs were quivering around his head as she tumbled down each slope of the orgasm. He continued to love her until the spasms stopped, and her body finally stilled.

  Eventually, he crawled onto the bed beside her. He propped up on his elbow so he could look down at Kate’s glowing face. He gently kissed her lips and brushed back the curls from her damp forehead.

  Kate didn’t open her eyes, but she was smiling from ear to ear. “Jack,” she sighed, “That was . . . that was . . . oh my God!” She opened her eyes and brought her hand to his face. She looked intensely into his eyes. “I never thought . . . Good Lord! I saw that tunnel.”

  He laughed and leaned down to kiss her breast.

  “Thank you just doesn’t seem to cut it.”

  With an ego as big as the bed, he looked up to find her beaming. He’d never seen a woman more beautiful. He gingerly stroked her cheek. “I could spend the rest of my life making you this happy.”

  Immediately, the glow in Kate’s eyes switched to distress. His words shocked himself. Did he really just say that? He was crossing the line. They had an unspoken agreement on what they were allowed to feel. Both knew this affair would end after this week. It made no sense to invest any deeper feelings. But each day with Kate, he was more tempted to cross that boundary. He sure hadn’t planned on it, didn’t want it, but it was happening.

  Ending the moment, Kate pushed him onto his back and leaned over him. With a gleam in her eye, she said, “I like your fantasies.”

  Jack grabbed her into his arms. “Thank you.” He kissed her temple. “My fantasy was to give you a massage. But just now . . . baby, that blew away all fantasies for life.”

  Kate was silenced. Tears formed in her eyes. She offered a wobbly smile, then rested her head over his heart. He wondered if she could feel the turmoil raging within it.

  Chapter 21

  Kate was fast asleep within twenty minutes of leaving Dallas. Jack chuckled when he heard her soft snore. She had every right to be exhausted. They’d stayed one more night, and he’d kept them out on the town as long as possible. The discretion she demanded, and he respected, only made their forays into public that much sweeter. He’d also needed the distance that last night’s noisy bistro and comedy club had provided.

  The night she’d shared her body with so much trust had knocked him flat. The next morning, he’d woken to find her gazing down at him. Kate, with her mass of crazy curls, smeared eyeliner, and that goofy smile, was luminous. Elation filled his chest. What he’d wanted to say, had almost said, had scared the hell out of him.

  It was seven now, and they were out of the city, having missed the Friday morning rush hour. He’d planned it this way. He’d told Kate he had calls and arrangements to make before heading to India on Sunday, that they needed to get back to Austin ASAP. It was true, he did need to take care of some last-minute details, but most had been handled before he’d left for Austin. This early departure had nothing to do with him being a dedicated executive; it was about him being a chickenshit.

  He wanted to be with Kate, wanted to spend every last minute with her before departing Austin, but their time together had to be in a safe environment. He couldn’t handle spending another lazy morning in bed, listening to her breathing, feeling her warm body draped over his. Imagining waking up with this extraordinary woman every day.

  He’d set the alarm for five this morning and immediately jumped out of bed. Here, in the back of the car, he could watch her sleep, propped against the window on
her side of the bench.

  Damn. It didn’t make any difference. She could’ve been sitting up front with Ethan, but he’d still feel her, still want her. His need had nothing to do with sex. Dallas had changed the game. Having Kate trust him, letting go of control and her fears—God, no gift had ever been more precious. Thoughts of being with her as she continued to explore life filled his mind. He wanted to share it all with her. But he couldn’t. He needed to stop those feelings. That didn’t mean he would give her up, not yet. He just had to get back on track. Back to the world of good times and easy good-byes.

  The one person he had to face before leaving Austin reminded him why he needed a clean break from the city.


  Jack froze on the doorstep, staring at his dad. John Graham had aged. Thicker around the middle, hair almost white. He seemed shorter as well. That all being said, Jack couldn’t keep from answering. “You look good, Dad.”

  It wasn’t a line of bull. In fact, Jack begrudged letting it slip. It didn’t seem right that this man who had been a wall of oppression for years now seemed lighter, with more energy. How did that happen?

  “Dad, this is my friend, Kate. Kate, this is my father, John Graham.”

  Kate extended her hand and they greeted one another. They both looked uncomfortable. Jack knew he was an ass for bringing Kate into this, but he needed her close. Needed her goodness to offset the dread of this visit.

  “Come in.” His dad motioned them in, looking awkward. His father had downsized after his sisters moved out. The small house surprised him. Clean, as expected. His dad had always insisted on clean, but this was a hell of a lot more colorful. There was a turquoise blanket on the couch. And southwestern pillows. After his mother’s death, when they’d moved, there was nothing on their couch unless they brought in the pillows from their bed, and God forbid if they left them there.

  If he hadn’t been sending the obligatory Christmas and birthday gifts every year, he would’ve asked if this was a friend’s house. It seemed comfortable. Inviting. And why that pissed off Jack he wasn’t sure.

  “You have a lovely home,” Kate said, breaking the silence. Thank God for her keeping the façade that this was a fun reunion.

  His dad smiled, looking pleased. “Thank you. Have a seat. I’ve made coffee. There’s lemonade, too.” His dad gestured toward the kitchen.


  John must have noticed the curious look on his face. “It’s homemade. Really good.”

  He and Kate went with lemonade, and Jack appreciated the break. He scanned the room, looking for some bearing, some clue that he was with his dad and not an alien. And then he found it. A link to the past, but not a token he would’ve expected from the man he remembered.

  He moved over to the fireplace and studied the picture of his family. Of what had once been his family. He remembered that trip. To Gatlinburg, Tennessee. They’d rented a cabin over the water. Ashley had fallen in more than once, but his mom insisted that they keep on hiking, moving back and forth across the creek, balancing on rocks. His mom had been manic no doubt, but at the time, Jack had assumed she was just excited to be on vacation.

  In the photo, the whole clan was on a ledge, the Smokey Mountains in the background. His sisters were happy. Libby sat on his mom’s lap, covering her face. He sighed as he remembered how she’d been consumed with peek-a-boo that year. His mom was smiling, that overwhelming look of energy in her eyes. His dad was the anchor on the end, looking stoic like he always did. But for the first time, Jack noticed the strain in his father’s eyes.

  “Oh, Jack. You were so little.” Kate sighed, looking over his shoulder. “Your mom was beautiful. You have her eyes.” She grabbed his hand, and he held tight. Thank God she was here.

  “Jack was eight on that trip,” his dad said, handing them drinks.

  “When did you start displaying family photos?” Jack heard the anger in his tone and felt Kate squeezing his hand, but dammit, he wasn’t sorry. After his mom’s death, all reminders of her had been washed from sight, as if the pain could be hidden if they didn’t acknowledge her. Right.

  “About a year ago.” John rubbed the back of his neck. “Son, I was hoping we’d have a chance . . . I need to talk with you . . . about—”

  Kate interrupted, “Do you mind if I check out your backyard? I love to see what other people do to keep something living in this heat.”

  Right as his dad started to reply, the front door opened, and a young girl came storming in. “I didn’t get to climb the rock wall.”

  She ran right to his father. Jack watched in shock as John Graham squatted down to catch the girl in a hug. “I’m sorry, hon. I know how excited you were. What happened?” he asked, gently rubbing her back. The breath was knocked out of Jack. He’d never seen his father offer such tender comfort.

  A woman walked through the door with a large, wrapped present. “Julianna threw up, so they cancelled the party.” She walked up to Jack, hand extended. “Hi, I’m Lindsey. You must be Jack.”

  Lindsey turned to John, looking very uncomfortable. “I’m sorry we’re back so early. I would’ve called, but my phone died and I couldn’t find the charger in my car.”

  His dad didn’t look surprised, just uneasy. “You put it in my car Sunday, when we went to Zilker Park.”

  She nodded, looking between Jack and John, a nervous smile on her face, then introduced herself to Kate. Realization smacked him in the face. He’s dating? Then he turned back to the couch and the pillows. Fuck, he’s living with them.

  The little girl walked up to Jack. “You’re going to be my brother.”

  Chapter 22

  What the fuck. Jack was pissed, and it took every ounce of his character not to blow up. Betrayal tore at his chest. His dad started to speak, but Jack couldn’t stand the idea of looking at the man. He cut him off and leaned down to the girl. “So you’re going to be my sister, huh? What’s your name?”

  “I’m Rachel. I’m ten.”

  Kate walked to his side. He needed her, something solid and true. “Wow, Rachel, my daughter is twelve, and you’re almost as tall as she is.”

  The girl blew her off and turned to Jack. “You’re too old to be my brother.”

  “I agree.” Jack sneered at his dad. “Too old, indeed.” He straightened up, ready to storm out but mature enough to not make a scene in front of the kid. She didn’t deserve this. Hell, she sure didn’t deserve a dad like John Graham. At least not the dad who’d raised him. He didn’t know this man comforting a child.

  Lindsey was smart enough to get the girl out of the war zone. “Honey, go up and change your clothes and wash your hands.”

  “But—” Rachel started.

  “Go on. We don’t know what made Julianna sick, and you sure don’t want to get it or spread it around.”

  Rachel looked back at Jack. “Are you staying? I want to show you something.”

  He bit back his desire to say, “I’m long gone.” His dad nodded at him, actually looking concerned about the girl. “I’ll be here.” But not for long.

  “Good.” Rachel ran up the stairs.

  Without an innocent party in the room, Jack had no need to hold back. “What the hell are you doing?” He looked over to Lindsey. She couldn’t be that much older than himself. “You’re marrying this man?”

  Kate wrapped her hand around his arm, probably trying to hold him back, but she didn’t say a word.

  His dad held out his hand to Lindsey, and she walked over to him. They shared a smile of warmth, something he couldn’t remember seeing from his father. “Yes. We’re getting married next month.”

  Jack shook his head in bewilderment. The iceman was going to bring another family into his world? Another child to fuck up. What in the hell would force a woman to join with this man, especially when an innocent child was involved? “How long have you known him?”

  “We met last year,” she answered, looking pleased.

  “April tenth,” John added, k
issing her hand. Who was this man?

  “How long have you been living together? Do the girls know?”

  “Jack, have a seat. I’ll answer all your questions.”

  Lindsey pulled away. “I’ll get you some more lemonade.”

  “Let me help,” Kate said, running off with her.

  His dad waved to the couch, and Jack took a seat, relieved to unlock his numb legs. He watched his father settle into an easy boy, finding comfort in the fact that his father hadn’t changed so much that he didn’t have a recliner, his always throne.

  “Did you tell the girls?” His sisters were two breaths away from feeling like his daughters; they’d been so innocent when their mother died. How would they take it? Especially Caroline.

  “Libby knows.”

  Not surprising. His baby sister had such a loyalty to their dad. Probably because he had completely obliterated all memories of their mom after her death. Libby had been too young to recognize the missing part of their family. The girl was always trying to build a bridge between their dad and his other kids. And now he’d have yet another child.

  “Isn’t she a little young for you? And you’re taking on a child at your age?”

  “Lindsey is younger than me, but she’s lived more life than anyone should at her age. We met at a support group. Her husband took his own life.”

  Shame almost wiped Jack’s anger away. Almost. The idea that his father had finally sought some kind of support or whatever the hell therapy a group offered, pissed him off. Why hadn’t he tried when they were kids? When they needed him most.

  “I may be gray, but I don’t use a walker. I feel better than I have in years.”

  Jack stood up. “That’s great, Dad. Glad you finally found a family you can share some happiness with.” Turning his back on the man’s pale face, he called out, “Kate, we’re going.”


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